Friday, May 29, 2015

NASA Timelapse: Space station captures storm over Kazakhstan

Massive arrests after clashes go into the night in Chile

John Nash Fatal Crash Renews Back Seat Seatbelt Warnings

Londra, in 100 accorrono per sollevare l’autobus che aveva schiacciato un ciclista

Una vera folla di persone si è lanciata in strada a Londra per aiutare un ciclista rimasto schiacciato sotto a uno dei famosi autobus a due piani inglesi. L’incidente è avvenuto durante l’ora di punta, e i passanti si sono radunati intorno al bus, di circa 12 tonnellate, per cercare di sollevarlo. Anche i negozianti della strada si sono precipitati fuori per prestare aiuto, anche molti clienti di un ristorante sulla strada hanno lasciato il cibo nei piatti per accorrere a dare una mano. L’incidente è accaduto in Hoe Street, a Walthamstow. L’uomo che stava guidando un monociclo e è stato investito dall’autobus, è stato trasportato all’ospedale e le sue condizioni sono definite gravi.


Sepp Blatter re-elected as FIFA president after Prince Ali concedes

ITALIA - Auto killer a Roma, caccia a due diciassettenni.

Parenti difendono i giovani in fuga. Un uomo: "Sono il padre di uno di loro, guidavo io". Una donna: "Sono la madre, chiediamo perdono". Ma gli inquirenti pensano a tentativi di coprirli e minacciano denunce per favoreggiamento. Perquisizioni nei campi e nelle case. Al vaglio della Mobile il video di una telecamera puntata sul luogo dell'incidente. Trovate molotov vicino via di Boccea. Alle 19 veglia in Campidoglio.
Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 29/05/2015 - via Repubblica

ITALIA - Diana Bracco indagata per evasione fisco

AUSTRALIA - Primo trapianto di faccia in Australia

Мужчина, который сбросил на ребенка телевизор, отделался ограничением св...

В Петропавловске нашествие комаров | Новости | КТК

В Таразе осудили банду, которая хотела взорвать городской рынок | Новост...

Сильный франк "остудил" экономику Швейцарии - economy

Немцы бросились за покупками - economy

Воздушные подушки: отозвано уже более 53 млн. машин - economy

Жара в Индии: число жертв растет

Саудовская Аравия: террористический акт в шиитской мечети

Бельгия: 30 лет трагедии на стадионе "Эйзель"

Arabia Saudita: attentato suicida contro moschea sciita nell'est

Germania, rimbalzo delle vendite al dettaglio ad aprile - economy

FIFA: al voto la risoluzione palestinese sulla sospensione di Israele

Airbag Takata difettosi, le case automobilistiche aumentano i richiami -...

India's soaring temperatures leave 1,800 people dead

FIFA's other match: Palestinians push vote to suspend Israel from world ...

Saudi Arabia says four killed in foiled mosque attack

L'appetito del malaffare sulla tavola dell'Expo - reporter

Wreaths laid in memory of Heysel Stadium deaths in 1985

Expo exposed: corruption at Milan's global food event leaves a sour tast...

Raw: Japanese Volcano Prompts Evacuations


Bomb threat received at FIFA congress in Zurich

Authorities were alerted around 11 a.m. local time, police spokesman Marco Cortesi confirmed. FIFA also acknowledged receipt of the threat to news website
Local journalists reported that they were forced to leave their places at the venue.


Blast outside mosque in Saudi Arabia, fatalities reported

Three people were killed in eastern Saudi Arabia after a suicide bomber tried to enter a Shiite mosque, witnesses told Reuters. It is the second attack of its kind in a week.
A witness identified as Ahmed said a "quick explosion" happened near the al-Anoud Mosque. He did not know the cause of the blast.

Задержали убийцу полицейского

Двойной теракт в центре Багдада

Песков: внесение изменений в указ о гостайне не связано с ситуацией на У...

Женщины и джихад в Сирии и Ираке: билет в один конец

Малайзия: группировкам, переправлявшим незаконных мигрантов, помогали по...

Греческий гравер создал макет юбилейной монеты в два евро

Santiago del Cile: scontri fra studenti e polizia

Iraq: almeno una decina di vittime in doppio attentato a Baghdad

Il fenomeno delle giovani europee arruolate dall'Isil

Polonia: pioggia e vento danneggiano colture

Francia: scoperto presunto covo ETA

Grecia disegna moneta da due euro

Malesia, poliziotti arrestati per traffico di esseri umani

Fosse comuni in Iraq, trovati 470 corpi

Chile's students and police clash over education reform

Twin car bombs at top Baghdad hotels kill 10, wound 30

For Western female jihadis, Syria is one-way journey

Putin classifies Russian troop deaths during peacetime a state secret

Malaysia: Police officials arrested as over 100 'migrant graves' discovered

Weapons linked to Basque group ETA found in France

Greece designs new two-euro coin amid fears of Grexit

Strawberry fields damaged in central Poland

Iraq 'exhumes 470 bodies', thought to be victims of ISIL-led massacre

Tinder, social media blamed for spike in STDs

Texas Residents Evacuate, More Bad Weather Ahead

Making Aeroplan work

Stormy Weather in the South

Anthrax Scare: At Least 25 People Taking Antibiotics

Japan volcano eruption triggers highest alert, evacuation advisory

A sudden volcano eruption on the small southern Japanese island of Kuchinoerabu-jima has forced authorities to raise the alert to the highest level and advise evacuation of the immediate area. Although there were no reports of injuries or damage, the authorities have decided to evacuate some 150 residents of the small island, NHK national television reports.

INDIA - Radioactive leak detected at Delhi's IGI Airport

A radioactive leak has been detected at India’s capital IGI Airport, Press Trust of India reported. Radioactive material was spotted on-board a flight from Turkey. The contaminated aircraft of Turkish Airlines has been parked in the cargo terminal of Delhi's Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport. The area has been cordoned off.
The source of radioactivity turned out to be a container with medical equipment.India’s Union Minister of Home Affairs Rajnath Singh has confirmed that the leak has been plugged.
INC News, 29/05/2015 - via RT


6.9 earthquake strikes off Alaska’s southwest coast

Actually, not enough info received