Tuesday, August 19, 2014
How safe is eating meat?
is safe eating meat?
In this article edited by BBC Horizon, you can find a lot of correct information about the debate if eating meat be safe or not.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
In this article edited by BBC Horizon, you can find a lot of correct information about the debate if eating meat be safe or not.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Women 'duped by fake profiles'
Four people have gone on trial accused of conning a number of women out of tens of thousands of pounds through an internet dating agency,
The alleged victims were duped into handing over money after they responded online to men they thought might be a match, the court heard.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
De compras por América Latina
Moda y Economia
Medellín, la segunda ciudad de Colombia y el epicentro de la moda del país sudamericano, se inundó a finales de julio de amantes de las pasarelas con ganas de ver a jóvenes talentos colombianos y a marcas como Custo Barcelona, pero también de compradores y vendedores de moda. El sector textil minorista fue uno de los protagonistas de Colombiamoda, una de las principales ferias de moda de América Latina. La exposición, que ha cumplido 25 años de la mano del Instituto para la Exportación y la Moda, Inexmoda, es el mejor ejemplo de lo atractivo que hoy resulta el sector en toda la región.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Medellín, la segunda ciudad de Colombia y el epicentro de la moda del país sudamericano, se inundó a finales de julio de amantes de las pasarelas con ganas de ver a jóvenes talentos colombianos y a marcas como Custo Barcelona, pero también de compradores y vendedores de moda. El sector textil minorista fue uno de los protagonistas de Colombiamoda, una de las principales ferias de moda de América Latina. La exposición, que ha cumplido 25 años de la mano del Instituto para la Exportación y la Moda, Inexmoda, es el mejor ejemplo de lo atractivo que hoy resulta el sector en toda la región.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
La OMS es optimista con la situación del ébola en Nigeria
El número de casos de ébola en Nigeria es el único que se mantiene estable en los distintos recuentos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS): son 12 confirmados desde la llegada de la enfermedad a Lagos el 20 de julio (hay otros tres sospechosos), y todos ellos contactos directos del liberiano-estadounidense que llevó al virus al país, y que falleció cinco días después. El tiempo transcurrido sin que se hayan confirmado nuevos casos excede ya los 21 días del periodo máximo de incubación del virus, y eso permite, por primera vez, una interpretación optimista. En total, los casos siguen aumentando: en total, la OMS ha registrado hasta el 16 de agosto 2.237 sospechosos de ébola, de los que han fallecido 1.229.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
El número de casos de ébola en Nigeria es el único que se mantiene estable en los distintos recuentos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS): son 12 confirmados desde la llegada de la enfermedad a Lagos el 20 de julio (hay otros tres sospechosos), y todos ellos contactos directos del liberiano-estadounidense que llevó al virus al país, y que falleció cinco días después. El tiempo transcurrido sin que se hayan confirmado nuevos casos excede ya los 21 días del periodo máximo de incubación del virus, y eso permite, por primera vez, una interpretación optimista. En total, los casos siguen aumentando: en total, la OMS ha registrado hasta el 16 de agosto 2.237 sospechosos de ébola, de los que han fallecido 1.229.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
This is something very interesting, for new generation especially in Asia area, following Western schools
Kyrgyzstan's 'Sex School' Breaks Through Taboos
It starts out like any gymnastics class: A teacher guides a roomful of women through stretching and breathing exercises. The yoga, ballet and tai chi moves train pelvic muscles, the stomach and legs. You only realize you are in a "sex class" when the egg-shaped stones appear. They are used for vaginal weightlifting, a Chinese technique for strengthening muscles and increasing sensitivity in the genital area. The goal is something rarely discussed in Kyrgyzstan: better sex.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Struggling With Sanctions, Russia Faces Oil Price Crash
Oil prize crash in Russia
The price of Urals crude oil, Russia's key export and the lynchpin of its government finances, fell below $100 this week for the first time in more than a year, after plummeting $15 in under a month.
Russia relies on hydrocarbon exports for 50 percent of its budget. Already squeezed by Western sanctions over Ukraine and balanced on the edge of recession, a sudden collapse in oil revenue looks like bad news for the economy.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News (via MT)
Million-Man Army of Programers Won't Free Russia From Western Software
PC Software free from Western?
Foreign software has become the latest target of Russian officials' clamorous calls for self-sufficiency, with plans to swiftly replace all foreign imports and triple the number of Russian programmers heralding a crusade that analysts consider misguided and hopelessly optimistic.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Foreign software has become the latest target of Russian officials' clamorous calls for self-sufficiency, with plans to swiftly replace all foreign imports and triple the number of Russian programmers heralding a crusade that analysts consider misguided and hopelessly optimistic.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Melbourne is the top city of the world!
Melbourne, fantastic city
For the 2014 edition of The Economist Intelligence Unit’s liveability survey, 140 cities were evaluated across five broad categories: stability; healthcare; culture and environment; education; and infrastructure.
And again, the Aussie city of Melbourne topped the list, scoring a perfect 100 in categories like healthcare and education.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
EU promises aid to help farmers hit by Russia sanctions
EU and the Russian banning
Europe has moved fast to ensure Russia’s targeting of Europe’s farmers with sanctions does not produce any explosive political fallout.
The European Commission has decided it will compensate all producers affected by Moscow’s ban on western food imports to the tune of 125 million euros, until at least the end of November.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Scontro aerei Tornado ad Ascoli
Prime testimonianze video da YouTube dell'incidente aereo tra due tornado dell'Aeronautica Militare che si sono scontrati nei cieli delle Marche, sopra Ascoli Piceno. A bordo c'erano quattro militari, che al momento risulterano dispersi. Le squadre di ricercatori sono sul posto. I due jet stavano svolgendo attività addestrativa e si sarebbero toccati in volo. Sul luogo dell'incidente sono stati ritrovato un motore e altri pezzi. Un paracadute di colore arancione è stato localizzato a Casamurana, una località vicina al luogo in cui sono precipitati i due aerei.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA)
Prime testimonianze video da YouTube dell'incidente aereo tra due tornado dell'Aeronautica Militare che si sono scontrati nei cieli delle Marche, sopra Ascoli Piceno. A bordo c'erano quattro militari, che al momento risulterano dispersi. Le squadre di ricercatori sono sul posto. I due jet stavano svolgendo attività addestrativa e si sarebbero toccati in volo. Sul luogo dell'incidente sono stati ritrovato un motore e altri pezzi. Un paracadute di colore arancione è stato localizzato a Casamurana, una località vicina al luogo in cui sono precipitati i due aerei.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA)
Horror Video Of Snipers Picking Off 'Fishermen'
Horror film
Fiji police are analyzing a video which appears to show fishermen being shot dead at sea by unknown gunmen. The 10-minute video - which was uploaded to YouTube by an unknown source - shows the men clinging to the remains of an upturned boat as shots are fired from what appears to be a commercial vessel.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Iceland raises Bardarbunga volcano alert to orange
The risk of an eruption at Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano has increased, with signs of "ongoing magma movement", Iceland's meteorological office says.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
The risk of an eruption at Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano has increased, with signs of "ongoing magma movement", Iceland's meteorological office says.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Pope's relatives die in road accident
Pope's relatives
The wife and two children of Pope Francis's nephew have been killed in a car crash in Argentina, officials say.His nephew, Emanuel Bergoglio, was badly hurt in the accident in the Cordoba area, north-east of the capital, Buenos Aires.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Obama tropieza de nuevo con la raza
Obama and Missouri
Cuando Barack Obama ganó las elecciones presidenciales de 2008, el columnista Thomas Friedman proclamó en un artículo que finalmente la guerra civil americana había terminado. Casi 150 años después de la derrota del Sur esclavista ante la Unión liderada por Abraham Lincoln, un hombre de origen africano llegaba a la Casa Blanca. Obama, hijo de un negro de Kenia y una blanca de Kansas, triunfó presentándose como el candidato posracial, el que debía cerrar heridas profundas. Si un afroamericano era presidente, todo parecía posible.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Cuando Barack Obama ganó las elecciones presidenciales de 2008, el columnista Thomas Friedman proclamó en un artículo que finalmente la guerra civil americana había terminado. Casi 150 años después de la derrota del Sur esclavista ante la Unión liderada por Abraham Lincoln, un hombre de origen africano llegaba a la Casa Blanca. Obama, hijo de un negro de Kenia y una blanca de Kansas, triunfó presentándose como el candidato posracial, el que debía cerrar heridas profundas. Si un afroamericano era presidente, todo parecía posible.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
For hotel guests, WiFi is a top priority
WiFi in hotels
Whether planning a vacation or a business trip, travelers are likely to see WiFi as a decisive factor when selecting their hotel, according to a number of recent studies.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Whether planning a vacation or a business trip, travelers are likely to see WiFi as a decisive factor when selecting their hotel, according to a number of recent studies.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Islamabad: Khan plans protest march into government zone
Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad want to march into the city’s “red zone.”The heavily protected area is home to key government ministries and Western embassies and out of bounds to demonstrates.
The protesters accuse Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of coming to power in an election they consider tainted by massive fraud despite its validation by international observers.
Rotterdam,19/08/2014-INC News
Google pronta a nuovo servizio, la musica Youtube in abbonamento
YouTube a pagamento
Google sarebbe pronta a lanciare un servizio di musica in abbonamento che pescherebbe al vasto patrimonio di YouTube. Stando alle indiscrezioni del sito Android Police, la nuova offerta che entra in competizione con Beats di Apple e il popolare Spotify, si chiamerebbe YouTube Music Key e per meno di 10 dollari al mese consentirebbe l'ascolto e la visione di video senza spot ma anche di brani al di là della discografia ufficiale di un artista, come riprese di concerti, remix e cover.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Google sarebbe pronta a lanciare un servizio di musica in abbonamento che pescherebbe al vasto patrimonio di YouTube. Stando alle indiscrezioni del sito Android Police, la nuova offerta che entra in competizione con Beats di Apple e il popolare Spotify, si chiamerebbe YouTube Music Key e per meno di 10 dollari al mese consentirebbe l'ascolto e la visione di video senza spot ma anche di brani al di là della discografia ufficiale di un artista, come riprese di concerti, remix e cover.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Trombe d'aria in Liguria
Maltempo in Italia
Due trombe d'aria hanno colpito il Ponente genovese in mattinata. La prima si e' abbattuta su Arenzano causando danni e scoperchiando tetti, ma senza provocare feriti. La seconda ha colpito la località di Multedo, provocando detriti che hanno costretto alla chiusura del tratto di ferrovia fra Voltri e Sestri levante. Allagamenti si sono verificati fra Voltri e Pegli. La Capitaneria di porto di Genova ha lanciato un appello alla cautela ad avvicinarsi alle zone costiere soprattutto nell'area colpita dall'ondata di forte maltempo di questa mattina.
Rotterda, 19/08/2104-INC News (via Ansa)
Due trombe d'aria hanno colpito il Ponente genovese in mattinata. La prima si e' abbattuta su Arenzano causando danni e scoperchiando tetti, ma senza provocare feriti. La seconda ha colpito la località di Multedo, provocando detriti che hanno costretto alla chiusura del tratto di ferrovia fra Voltri e Sestri levante. Allagamenti si sono verificati fra Voltri e Pegli. La Capitaneria di porto di Genova ha lanciato un appello alla cautela ad avvicinarsi alle zone costiere soprattutto nell'area colpita dall'ondata di forte maltempo di questa mattina.
Rotterda, 19/08/2104-INC News (via Ansa)
Dutch to Lose $400 Million in Exports Over Russia Sanctions
Dutch economy with Russian ban
Sanctions Russia has imposed on agricultural products from the European Union will cut Dutch exports by "at least 300 million euros" ($400 million), based on 2013 figures, Statistics Netherlands said Tuesday. The total value of food exports to Russia, including fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products, was 500 million euros ($667 million) in 2013. Those exports generated 300 million euros ($400 million) for Dutch businesses, while 200 million euros ($267 million) went to service providers in neighboring countries, the bureau said.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
At Least 15 Ukraine Refugees Killed in Fatal Rocket Attack
Refugee killed
The attack occurred near the city of Lughansk, close to the border with Russia, in an area where there had been intense artillery exchanges between government forces and pro-Russian separatists.
The Kiev military blamed the attack on the rebels, but they have denied responsibility. At least one rebel leader suggested no attack had occurred.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Churkin: Ukraine Should Allow Access to MH17 Audio Files
Churkin and Ukraine
Russia's ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, has demanded Kiev give international investigators access to audio recordings from Flight MH17, continuing to blame Ukrainian officials for the Malaysia Airlines crash that killed hundreds in July.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News (via MT)
Russia's ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, has demanded Kiev give international investigators access to audio recordings from Flight MH17, continuing to blame Ukrainian officials for the Malaysia Airlines crash that killed hundreds in July.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News (via MT)
Протесты в США: кто готов изменить Америку?
Protests in USA
В США не утихают протесты в городе Фергюсоне, где полицейский застрелил подростка. Казалось бы, правовая система Америки, а именно та ее часть, которая касается действий полиции с подозреваемыми, достаточно дает пространства для правоохранителей.
Rotterdam, 19/08/2014-INC News
Исламисты пообещали утопить США в крови
Группировка «Исламское государство» опубликовало в интернете видеообращение
с угрозой в адрес Соединенных Штатов,
Они обещают «повсюду»
нападать на американцев, если США не прекратят авиаудары по позициям боевиков.
«Мы утопим всех вас в крови», — говорится в заявлении.
Ранее в понедельник президент США Барак Обама заявил об
эффективности американских авиаударов в Ираке, которые, по его словам, позволиливосстановить контроль над стратегически важной плотиной в
районе Мосула. «За последние 11 дней американские авиаудары остановили
продвижение ИГИЛ в направлении города Эрбиль, отбросили террористов», — сказал
Обама на брифинге в Вашингтоне.
Almaty,19/08/2014 - INCnews
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