Monday, November 23, 2015

Апатты жағдайда қонған Boeing 737 ұшағына қатысты зерттеу жүргізілмек

Казахстанские водители общественного транспорта по-прежнему лихачат

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (23.11.2015) 23 ноября 2015 «1 канал»

Самолеты авианосца "Шарль де Голль" нанесли первые удары по боевикам ИГ ...

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Аэропорт Уральска не отправляет и не принимает самолеты, пассажиры негодуют

Гололед парализовал Костанай, но горожане нашли выход

Кризис ударит по модернизации казахстанских НПЗ

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Венеция прощается с Валерией Солезин, жертвой теракта в Париже

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Парижские теракты ударили со сектору услуг Франции - economy

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Explosive belt without detonator found outside Paris

A suspicious object resembling a suicide belt has been found in Montrouge, a commune in the southern Parisian suburbs. Police sources have confirmed to AP that the device is missing its detonator.
The belt, similar to those used in the terrorist attacks in Paris, was found in the rubbish in Hauts-de-Seine, Montrouge, according to local police forces as cited by radio channel France Info.

Un oggetto sospetto che assomiglia ad una cintura adottata per suicidio, è stato trovato a Montrouge, un comune nella periferia parigina meridionali. Fonti della polizia hanno confermato ad AP che il dispositivo non aveva presente il suo detonatore. 
La cintura, simili a quelle usate negli attacchi terroristici di Parigi, è stata trovata tra i rifiuti in Hauts-de-Seine, Montrouge, secondo le forze di polizia locali, come citato dal canale radio France Info.

INC News, 23/11/2015 - via RT/AP/WEB

A moment of relax, watching trailers.

A moment of relax in the news, watching new trailers...

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Paris attacks threaten Europe's borderless Schengen Area

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Bahrain sexually abuses detainees, still ‘capital of torture’ despite UK support

Bahrain has been torturing detainees using electric shocks and sexual abuse, Human Rights Watch has found. Despite the King of Bahrain pledging to end such practices, torture and beatings remain common, a new HRW report says.
Britain, a close ally of the gulf monarchy, has been arguing that Bahrain has reformed its security forces and is following the recommendations of its Independent Investigation Commission (BICI). The UK’s policy is “to support Bahrain in its return to a stable and reformist state with a good human rights record,” the Foreign Office said late last month.
However, HRW disputes this, saying that "Bahraini authorities have failed to effectively implement the BICI recommendations for combatting torture; that the new offices have failed to fulfill their mandate; and that Bahraini security forces continue to torture detainees using methods identical to those documented by BICI investigators in 2011, and by Human Rights Watch in 2010.”

We invite people to read this interesting article clicking HERE

INC News, 23/11/2015 - via RT

FLORIDA - Man opens fire inside Florida hospital, facility on lockdown

 Tampa, Florida hospital is on lockdown after a man opened fire inside the building, according to local news reports. The shooter appears to have died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The shooter committed suicide after shooting another person at the hospital, the Tampa Bay Times reported.
The victim suffered an unspecified gunshot wound and is being treated at the hospital. 
. says one person was shot and is being treated at the hospital, the shooter died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound
 INC News, 23/11/2015 - via web/RT