Monday, August 25, 2014

Take attention to 23rd September, for new banknote of 10 euros

Una nuova banconota da 10 euro sara'  messa in circolazione nei Paesi della Eurozone, dopo la messa in circolazione della nuova banconota da 5 euro fatta nel mese di Maggio di quest'anno.

A new banknote of 10 Euros will be put into circulation in the countries of the Eurozone, after the entry into service of the new € 5 banknote made ​​in the month of May this year.

Un nuevo billete de 10 euros, que será puesto en circulación en los países de la zona euro, después de la entrada en servicio del nuevo billete de 5 €, en el mes de mayo de este año.

Новая банкнота 10 евро будет сдан в обращение в по странам Еврозоны, после ввода в эксплуатацию нового € 5 банкнотыдостигнутом в мае месяце этого года.


Alle 15.27 veniva diramato in web che una sparatoria era avvenuta nella base militare Fort Lee in Virginia, ma un comunicato della stessa base ha annunciato poco fa che il problema era sotto controllo. Quindi per ora non si e' in grado di stabilire se il messaggio informatico ricevuto dalle agenzie fosse reale o meno.

At 15:27 was issued in the web that a shooting had occurred at the military base Fort Lee in Virginia, but a statement of the same base announced a while ago that the problem was under control. So for now you are not able to determine whether the message information received from the agents were real or not.

Mikaeel Kular's Mother Jailed For His Killing

Kular's mother jailed
Rosdeep Adekoya has been jailed for 11 years for killing her three-year-old son Mikaeel Kular in Edinburgh in January. She "lost her temper" when he was repeatedly sick following a trip to Nandos in the city on January 12, and smacked and struck him on the body and head.
Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News

Breaking News-Breaking News

Scoppiata una rivolta nelle carceri in Brasile, dove sono stati uccisi 4 prigionieri di cui due per decapitazione. 

A revolt broke out in Brazilian prisons, where four prisoners were killed including two by beheading.

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News (via Emergency24)

Russian tourist dies at Moscow airport waiting for help

Died in Sheremetyevo Airport
For 24-year-old resident of Chelyabinsk, Artem Chechikov, the honeymoon with his wife Elena in Barcelona ended tragically. On the way home, while in a plane, the young man suffered a heart attack. However, despite life-saving efforts that one of the passengers provided to Artem, doctors could not save the man's life after the plane landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo. Eyewitnesses said that it took paramedics more than hour to arrive. When they finally came, their medical equipment was out of order. 

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News

Диагноз «эхинококкоз» поставили 175 жителям ЮКО - Nuovi casi di malattia idatidea in Kz

С начала года в Южном Казахстане врачи диагностировали эхинококкоз  у 175 человек, 27 из них — дети. Эхинококкоз — опасное заболевание, которое может привести к инвалидности. В запущенных случаях заканчивается летальным исходом. Основным переносчиком являются собаки. Если раньше этот диагноз ставили преимущественно жителям сельской местности, то сегодня немало случаев и среди городского населения.

The diagnosis of "echinococcosis" put 175 residents SKR 

Since the beginning of the year in the Southern Kazakhstan diagnosed with hydatid disease in 175 people, 27 of them - children. Hydatid disease - a dangerous disease that can lead to disability. In advanced cases are fatal. Dogs are the main carrier. If before this diagnosis is put mainly rural residents, but today a lot of cases and among the urban population.

El diagnóstico de "equinococosis" puso 175 residentes SKR 

Desde el comienzo del año en el sur de Kazajstán diagnosticado con hidatidosis en 175 personas, 27 de ellos - los niños. Hidatídica enfermedad - una enfermedad peligrosa que puede llevar a la discapacidad. En los casos avanzados son fatales. Los perros son el principal portador. Si antes de este diagnóstico se pone principalmente residentes rurales, pero hoy en día una gran cantidad de casos y entre la población urbana.

La diagnosi di "echinococcosi" sta generando 175 residenti SKR 

Dall'inizio dell'anno, nel Kazakistan meridionale, diagnosticata la malattia idatidea in 175 persone, 27 delle quali bambini -. Idatidosi e'una malattia pericolosa che può portare alla disabilità. In casi avanzati sono fatali. I cani sono il principale vettore. Se prima questa diagnosi era comune nei residenti prevalentemente rurali, oggi un sacco di casi si riscontrano tra la popolazione urbana.

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News

Highly resistant gonorrhoea strain found in Australia

A “sex superbug” has put doctors in Australia and New Zealand on high alert amid mounting evidence that antibiotics are no longer working.

The most highly resistant strain of gonorrhoea ever detected in Australia was recently found in a tourist from central Europe who contracted the STI in Sydney.

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News

Tokyo Gives Housewives Hard Choice - Women, Long Told to Stay Home, Are Divided Over Proposed Work Incentives

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News (via The Wall Street Journal)

French PM Manuel Valls resigns amid economy row

French PM Manuel Valls has submitted the government's resignation to President Francois Hollande and has been asked to form a new cabinet. The government was badly shaken on Sunday by criticism over its handling of the economy by economy minister Arnaud Montebourg.
Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News (via BBC)


Russia Sending Another Aid Convoy to Ukraine

Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov said Monday Russia had told Ukraine it intends to send another humanitarian aid convoy. The announcement comes days after hundreds of Russian aid trucks returned home from eastern Ukraine. 
Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News

Povera MIlano - Poor Milan

Povera Milano

Un coraggioso articolo e' comparso sul "Corriere della Sera" edito da Elisabetta Andreis, che noi supportiamo per la correttezza delle sue affermazioni. Di recente uno di noi e' stato a Milano e ha potuto toccare con mano la scortesia infinita del personale dell aeroporto Malpensa, senza considerare i pochi negozi nei quali eravamo entrati perbanali acquisti. Riteniamo anche noi, come molti colleghi e comuni cittadini, che la citta' debba rimodernarsi ed adeguarsi al prossimo incontro mondiale con l'Expo, durante il quale le critiche, se negative, saranno distruttive per il suo futuro di citta' industriale e storica.

A brave article appeared on the "Corriere della Sera" published by Elisabetta Andreis, which we support for the correctness of his statements. Recently, one of us was in Milan and was able to touch the infinite rudeness of the staff of the airport of Milan Malpensa, without considering the few shops where we had entered and exited beaten for trivial purchases (high prices and rude).
We also believe us as ordinary citizens, and many colleagues, that the city should welcome facelift and adapt to the next meeting with the World Expo, during which the criticisms, if negative, will be destructive to the future of the industrial city and its history.

Un artículo valiente apareció en el "Corriere della Sera", publicado por Elisabetta Andreis, que apoyamos por la exactitud de sus declaraciones. Recientemente, uno de nosotros estaba en Milán y fue capaz de tocar la rudeza infinita del personal del aeropuerto de Milán Malpensa, sin tener en cuenta las pocas tiendas donde habíamos entrado y salido derrotado por compras triviales (precios altos y mala educación).
También creemos nosotros, como ciudadanos de a pie, y muchos de colegas, que la ciudad debería acoger lavado de cara y adaptarse a la próxima reunión con la Expo Mundial, durante la cual las críticas, si es negativo, será destructiva para el futuro de la ciudad industrial y su historia.

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News

Giovani e convertiti, chi sono i 50 italiani dell’Isis

Vi invitiamo a leggere questo interessante articolo scritto dalla collega Virginia Picolillo, del Corriere della Sera. Viene esplicitamente confermato che molti giovani italiani sono stati convertiti all'Islam e immolati alla Jihad (la guerra santa).
Lo pubblichiamo con il richiamo di riflettere sulla situazione internazionale che si sta venendo a creare e che precipitera' di sicuro con la cattura (sperata da tutti) del boia del giornalista ucciso recentemente.

  Te invitamos a leer este interesante artículo escrito por la colega Virginia Picolillo, de el Corriere della Sera. Se confirma explícitamente que muchos jóvenes italianos se convirtieron al Islam y se sacrificaron para la Yihad (guerra santa).
Publicamos con la llamada a reflexionar sobre la situación internacional que se está creando y que caerá con seguridad con la captura (esperado por todos) del verdugo del periodista asesinado recientemente.

We invite you to read this interesting article written by our colleague Virginia Picolillo, from "Corriere della Sera". It is explicitly confirmed that many young Italians have been converted to Islam and sacrificed to Jihad (holy war).
We publish it with the call to reflect on the international situation that is being created and that will fall for sure with the capture (hoped for by all) of the Executioner of the murdered journalist recently.

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014-INC News
Jihad italiana

Ancora morti tra coloro che vogliono entrare in Italia

Al largo di Lampedusa un nuovo arrivo di immigranti clandestini e' arrivato nella notte rovesciandosi. I 370 membri a bordo sono stati recuperati dalla Guardia Costiera prontamente intervenuta, ma si cercano altri dispersi nell'area.

Off the coast of Lampedusa new arrival of illegal immigrants arrived in the night spilling. The 370 members on board were recovered by the Coast Guard promptly intervened, but looking for others scattered in the area.

Frente a la costa de Lampedusa nueva llegada de inmigrantes ilegales llegaron en el derramamiento noche. Los 370 miembros de a bordo fueron recuperados por la Guardia Costera de inmediato intervinieron, pero en busca de otros dispersos en la zona.

Недалеко от берега Лампедуза новое прибытие нелегальных иммигрантов приехали в ночной. В 370 членов на борту были обнаружены береговой охраны незамедлительно вмешались, но, глядя на других, разбросанных в области.

Rotterdam. 25/08/2014-INC News

Buone notizie dalle Borse

Borsa: Parigi apre in crescita (+1,10%),  Francoforte apre a +1,38%, Milano apre in rialzo, Ftse +1%....Che sia la volta buona che qualche cosa cambi, durante la settimana?

Problema forse e' l'Euro che si cambia a 1.33 rispetto 1.34 della settimana scorsa.

Vedremo le novita' durante la giornata.

Rotterdam, 25/08/2014 - INC News


F-E Region:Central Peru
Time:2014-08-24 23:21:36.2 UTC
Epicenter:73.44°W  14.44°S
Depth:10 km
Status:A - automatic
Event Map
Disclaimer: Unless revised by a geophysicist, automatically determined earthquake locations may be erroneous!

This is a product of the GEOFON Extended Virtual Network (GEVN) and credit belongs to all involved institutions.

Google's boss on taking down extremist YouTube videos - BBC News

Strong California Quake Causes Injuries, Damage