Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Экспериментальную вакцину Merck против Эболы "продали" в Давосе - economy
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Кельнская полиция провела рейды в квартале Кальк в рамках расследования ...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Home-made BIONIC ARM: Talented engineer revives paralyzed limb using scr...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Merkel at risk: Germans rebel against chancellor’s party over ‘refugee l...
INC News, 20/01/2016 -
Not in my backyard: Dutch protesting against new asylum centre in Heesch
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
A Davos i vantaggi e i rischi della quarta rivoluzione industriale - eco...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Carlos Ghosn: "non condivido l'idea che i robot distruggeranno posti di ...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Attentato a Kabul vicino all'ambasciata russa (che non era l'obiettivo)
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Gran Bretagna, disoccupazione al 5,1%. Delude la crescita dei salari - e...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Shell, crollo degli utili alla vigilia dell'acquisizione di BG - economy
INC News, 208/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Rutte a Strasburgo:"La priorità della presidenza olandese è ridurre il n...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Il vaccino sperimentale contro l'Ebola ha già trovato un compratore - ec...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
San Sebastián e Wroclaw danno il via all'anno da Capitali europee della ...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Petrolio ancora in calo, mercati europei in profondo rosso - economy
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
USA: il ritorno di Sarah Palin, l'interventista a tutto campo per Donald...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Fourth Industrial Revolution tsunami warning in Davos - economy
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Dutch PM Rutte warns EU 'running out of time' on refugee crisis
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
European Capitals of Culture San Sebastian and Wroclaw celebrate the acc...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
European Capitals of Culture San Sebastian and Wroclaw celebrate the acc...
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Euronews
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Spooknota's eindelijk strafbaar
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
CRUDE OIL - Dow falls to new low as oil plunges to $27 a barrel
US markets dropped even more early Wednesday after oil plunged to its 2003 low of $27 a barrel. Massive sell-offs continued through all the stocks led by the energy sector. Dow industrials plunged nearly 400 points (2.6 percent) Wednesday morning, piling on even more woe to the worst beginning of a year in stock market history. Similarly, the S&P 500 lost 51 points (2.7 percent) and Nasdaq Composite lost 3 percent before a minor rebound.
The sell-offs were triggered by record-low oil prices dropping by a further 4 percent, breaking below $27 per barrel, its lowest price since September 2003. Crude oil has become so cheap because Iran is expected to flood the world with even more oil amid a supply glut.
The Dow is now down over 10 percent since 2016 began. The S&P 500 has also lost more than 10 percent of its value over the same period, and Nasdaq Composite lost 13 percent.
Fear over plummeting oil prices, which have fallen 70 percent since 2014, has been compounded by worries over market turmoil in China, the world’s second-largest economy.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Macedonia closes border with Greece to migrants
Macedonia has closed its border with Greece to migrants, AFP reports, citing police.
"The border is closed," a senior Macedonian police official told AFP.
The move has left around 600 refugees stranded in Greece.
A police spokesman in northern Greece told the agency that the border has been closed since Tuesday evening.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
BBC journalist Rana Rahimpour stopped from flying to US - BBC News
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Analysis on gunmen attack on a northwest Pakistan university
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source
Gates Foundation accused of exploiting its leverage in Africa
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Pakistan Shooting | Gunman Open Fire in Deadly Campus Attack
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©ABC News
Kazakhstan on the verge of dissolving Parliament
Kazakhstan expects dissolution of the Majilis, the lower chamber of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, almost a year before the end of their term, Tengrinews reports.
On January 13, representative of all three factions of the Kazakh parliament filed a petition for dissolution, saying that Kazakhstan was entering a new phase of history and beginning a new spin of modernization and reforms. The petition was presented by the leader of the Communist People’s Party of Kazakhstan MP Vladislav Kosarev.
"Only unity and concerted actions will help us withstand the new economic shocks. To synchronize implementation of reforms at all levels, it is necessary to combine the elections to the Parliament with the elections to the local Maslihats (local representative body). In the times of crisis, this will prevent delays in the election cycle and significantly reduce budget expenditures for organizing and conducting the elections,” his appeal to the President said.
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INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©TengriNews
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Kazakh Banks Face Double Bind on Deposit Rule as Tenge Falls
Kazakhstan’s Kaspi Bank, which counts Goldman Sachs Group Inc. among its shareholders, may be too popular with savers for its own good.
With 600 billion Tenge ($1.6 billion) of deposits from individuals and 108 billion Tenge of equity as of Dec. 1, according to central bank data, the Almaty-based lender may already be pushing the limits of a new rule that foresees a capital hit for banks whose deposits exceed 5.5 times equity. Some other banks, such as Centercredit Bank, are approaching that level.
And the banks’ situation grows more precarious every time the Tenge falls, driving up the value -- reported in Tenge -- of deposits denominated in dollars, euros and other major currencies. In Kazakhstan, 78 percent of deposits are held in foreign currencies, according to central bank data for November. That means banks could wind up exceeding the level, even if they accept no new deposits.
Regulators in oil-rich central Asian country, where lenders have restructured about $20 billion of debt since the financial crisis, are trying to prevent some banks from becoming too big to fail. Their task is complicated by the plight of the Tenge, which has fallen nearly 50 percent against the dollar since the central bank shifted to a floating exchange rate in August 2015, as tumbling crude prices and devaluations by neighboring Russia and China boosted the cost of defending the currency.
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©BloomberBusiness
IRAQ - Isis rade al suolo il più antico monastero cristiano in Iraq
L’Isis ha raso al suolo il più antico monastero cristiano in Iraq. Si tratta del monastero di Dair Mar Elia , a Mosul, costruito 1.400 anni fa. Il monastero fu fondato intorno al 595 dC da Mar Elia, un monaco assiro ed era il centro della comunità cristiana. Per secoli migliaia di pellegrini raggiungevano il monastero per la festa di Mar Elia Festa, l’ultimo mercoledì di novembre.
L’agenzia Associated Press, che ha dato in esclusiva la notizia, riferisce di avere potuto accertare la distruzione del monastero attraverso fotografie satellitari commissionate alla società DigitalGlobe.
Leggete l'articolo cliccando QUI
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©La Stampa
ITALIA - Clochard partorisce una bimba vicino San Pietro a Roma aiutata da una poliziotta.
Nella notte, una 37enne senza fissa dimora ha dato alla luce una bambina assistita da un'insolita equipe medica in divisa. Mamma e piccola stanno bene, ricoverate ora al Santo Spirito. Il pontefice apre le porte a entrambe nella casa delle suore di Madre Teresa a Primavalle. Le doglie, un'equipe medica improvvisata e in divisa e, infine, il pianto di un neonato in strada, a pochissimi metri da San Pietro. Nella notte, intorno alle due e trenta, una 37enne romena senza fissa dimora ha partorito la sua bimba Irene, al freddo, su un marciapiede in piazza Pio XII a Roma, davanti al colonnato del Bernini, grazie all'aiuto della poliziotta dell'ispettorato Vaticano, Maria Capone, distaccata a Roma dalla Calabria per il Giubileo. E' stata lei la prima a prendere in braccio la piccola , avvolta in un pile in dotazione agli agenti.
Leggete il toccante episodio scritto da ©Emilio Orlando, cliccando QUI
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Repubblica
BORSA - Affondano le Borse europee: Piazza Affari -3%
Crollano le Borse asiatiche, Milano affonda con le banche
Il listino giapponese perde il 3,7% e scende ai minimi da 15 mesi. Male Piazza Affari sui cui pesano i timori per il comparto bancario e le tensioni tra il governo e Bruxelles
Le rassicurazioni della Bce, che ieri avevano fatto tirare un sospiro di sollievo alle Borse europee e a Piazza Affari, non bastano a consolidare il rimbalzo dei mercati. Sulle banche italiane non c'è alcun faro specifico da parte di Bruxelles, hanno garantito le istituzioni comunitarie e nazionali, ma le tensioni tra Roma e la Commissione Ue rischiano di complicare il percorso che porterà alla nascita della bad bank e soprattutto il riconoscimento della flessibilità di bilancio chiesto dal premier Matteo Renzi.
Leggete attentamente l'articolo di ©Giuliano Balestreri cliccando QUI
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Repubblica
PAKISTAN - concluso assalto ad ateneo, almeno 30 morti
E' finito l'attacco da parte di un commando di militanti armati all'università Bacha Khan University di Charsadda (nel Pakistan nord-occidentale) che ha causato almeno 30 morti: lo ha annunciato l'esercito pachistano al termine delle operazioni di controllo dell'ateneo. Squadre di soccorritori stanno comunque ispezionando i vari edifici nel campus per verificare la presenza di eventuali altri cadaveri e definire il bilancio ufficiale delle vittime, che attualmente arriva fino a 30 secondo responsabili provinciali e media. I feriti sono almeno 50.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©ANSA AP
RUSSIA - Ruble sets new historic low against US dollar
The Russian ruble hit a historic low against the US dollar during Wednesday's trading on the Moscow exchange. The currency fell below 80.10 rubles to the dollar, the previous low of 16 December 2014, dubbed Black Tuesday. The euro also gained on the Russian currency, trading at over 88 rubles, but below Black Tuesday's 100 mark. On 16 December 2014, the ruble fell to 80.10 against the greenback and 100.74 against the euro.
Falling oil prices are continuing to put pressure on the Russian currency. In intra-day trading at ICE, Brent crude fell below $28 per barrel, but has rebounded slightly and was trading at $28.14 as of 11:30am GMT. US crude benchmark West Texas Intermediate was trading at $27.57 a barrel.
The 2014 currency crisis led to a multibillion-dollar bank run in Russia. According to Herman Graf, chairman and CEO of Russia’s Sberbank, depositors panicked, which destabilized the financial situation in the bank and the whole country.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
RUSSIA - Most Russians ready to cancel foreign trips over security fears, poll shows
More than half of all Russians think that trips abroad should be canceled over current security fears, with only around 10 percent thinking the opposite, according to the latest research by polling agency the Levada Center. The share of those who think that visits to foreign nations should be canceled or postponed was 45 percent, with 25 percent more believing that the Russians should have stopped trips abroad a long time ago. Seven percent of respondents said they saw no critical changes in the security situation abroad and therefore it was wrong to change their plans.
A further three percent answered that the threat was not all that big, and it was wrong not to take advantage of the falling prices for foreign trips. However, 11 percent of respondents said that due to the recent sharp fall of the Russian ruble they see foreign vacations as too expensive, and do not even consider the security factor.
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INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
DANMARK - Health scare in Denmark as refugees bring back diphtheria after 20yr absence
Danish authorities have warned hospitals over possible outbreak of infectious diseases as several cases of diphtheria, tuberculosis and malaria carried by the refugees have already been registered. “The infection can be very dangerous if one isn’t vaccinated against it. The dangerous type is very rare and we last saw it in Denmark in 1998,” Kurt Fuursted, spokesperson for the Danish State Serum Institute (SSI) told Metroxpress referring to the potential return of diphtheria. This disease was last diagnosed in Denmark about 20 years ago.
“There is no doubt that infectious diseases are coming in with the refugees that we aren’t used to. There have been discussions on whether all refugees who come to Denmark should be screened," he added. At present Denmark doesn’t follow the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to vaccinate incoming migrants, unlike some other European countries.
Read article HERE
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
RUSSIA - Gazprom bills Ukraine's Naftogaz $2.5bn for gas not bought
Gazprom has sent a $2.5 billion bill to Ukraine’s state gas company Naftogaz for failing to buy the contracted amount of gas in the third quarter of 2015. Russia's gas monopoly says that according to the 'take-or-pay' terms of the contract, Kiev has to buy a minimum quantity of gas annually or face a penalty. Ukraine was obligated to buy 10,485 billion cubic meters in the third quarter of 2015, according to Gazprom.
Naftogaz claims the way the 'take-or-pay' obligations are formulated in the contract with Gazprom are non-market oriented, illegal and invalid. “The validity of the claims of Gazprom based on the 'take-or -pay' principle will be determined in court,” said a company statement released on Tuesday.
Naftogaz is determined to challenge the application of the clause in the court of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. Ukraine has been trying to decrease its reliance on Russian gas and its purchases dropped significantly last October.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
ENGLAND - London schoolgirls who fled to Syria have lost contact with families
The parents of the three east London schoolgirls who fled to Syria to join the Islamic State last year have lost contact with the runaways, a lawyer for the girls’ families has said.
The teenagers, Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase, entered Syria through Turkey after taking a flight from London’s Gatwick Airport last February. The three girls had apparently become radicalized and took off to follow an unnamed 15-year-old friend who left the UK in December 2014. All four teens are believed to have married western jihadi fighters, with two of the girls already widowed.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Heavy blast reported in Kabul near Russian Embassy
A heavy explosion has been heard near the Russian embassy in Kabul, police said, according to Reuters.
What appeared to be a suicide bombing took place on the Darul Amman road.
Firefighters arrived at the scene, trying to put out the fire engulfing one of the nearby buildings, reportedly next to the Russian embassy. Eyewitnesses told TOLOnews the explosion was indeed caused by a suicide bomb. Many are feared injured, although casualties are unknown at this time.
A freelance journalist in Afghanistan has tweeted that the attack was in fact targeting the Russian Ambassador’s convoy, and that it was a truck bomb. This has not been confirmed officially at this time.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews via Reuters
Non si ferma il terrorismo: Pakistan, assalto armato in università Almeno 20 morti e 50 feriti
Un commando di uomini armati è entrato mercoledì in un’università nella provincia di Khyber Pakthunkwa, del nord ovest del Pakistan, dopo aver ferito quattro uomini della sicurezza. Secondo alcune fonti il bilancio di almeno 20 morti, tra cui anche 3 degli assalitori e 50 feriti. Ma fonti ufficiali parlano di 6 vittime. Alcuni degli studenti che sono riusciti a fuggire hanno assicurato che «i morti sono molto numerosi». La situazione dunque è ancora poco chiara. Si tratta di un nuovo attacco agli studenti dopo il sanguinoso massacro del dicembre 2014 alla scuola militare di Peshawar.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Corriere
ITALIA - Inizio anno infausto per cinema e spettacolo: E' morto Ettore Scola
È morto Ettore Scola, grande cantore del cinema italiano .
Con Ettore Scola, nato a Trevico, provincia di Avellino il 10 maggio 1931, se ne va un personaggio della grande famiglia del cinema italiano. Famiglia di fatto per la storia, le intenzioni, l’appartenenza sociale, lo sguardo ironico su un Paese che dopo la guerra si modernizzò molto proprio col cinema: del resto La famiglia come momento di passaggio della Storia sulle storie è anche il titolo di un suo commovente film su una casa, un ceppo borghese e lungo corridoio in penombra.
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©Corriere
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