Wednesday, January 20, 2016

RUSSIA - Most Russians ready to cancel foreign trips over security fears, poll shows

More than half of all Russians think that trips abroad should be canceled over current security fears, with only around 10 percent thinking the opposite, according to the latest research by polling agency the Levada Center. The share of those who think that visits to foreign nations should be canceled or postponed was 45 percent, with 25 percent more believing that the Russians should have stopped trips abroad a long time ago. Seven percent of respondents said they saw no critical changes in the security situation abroad and therefore it was wrong to change their plans.
A further three percent answered that the threat was not all that big, and it was wrong not to take advantage of the falling prices for foreign trips. However, 11 percent of respondents said that due to the recent sharp fall of the Russian ruble they see foreign vacations as too expensive, and do not even consider the security factor.
Read article HERE
INC News, 20/01/2016 - source: ©RTNews

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