Monday, April 18, 2016
Челябинск. За цирк без жестокости, за цирк без животных! Клип об акции 2...
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©KTKnews
Участники акции «За цирк без животных» поведали о жутких подробностях др...
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©KTKnews
Сильнее, ближе, теснее: ЕС планирует дальнейшую интеграцию в ответ на кр...
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brexit : британский минфин оценил возможные потери - economy
INC News, 18/4/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Джонни Депп извинился перед Австралией за собачек жены
Американский актер Джонни Депп и его супруга австралийка Эмбер Херд записали видеообращение с извинением к властям Австралии. Летом прошлого года Херд незаконно ввезла на территорию страны своих йоркширских терьеров, за что подверглась суду, приговорившему ее "к обязательному примерному поведению" в течение месяца.
В итоге голливудская знаменитость и его жена выложили видеоролик на сайте министерства сельского хозяйства Австралии, в котором просят прощения за необдуманный поступок и призывают
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Italian coastguards make big rescue at sea, but many feared dead in sinking
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Incredible, new "Flyboard Air" hoverboard takes to the skies
Forget surfboarding, forget snowboarding; airboarding is the new big thing.
On the plus side, you can do it anywhere. But unfortunately there's only one example of the kit you need in the world and it takes more than 100 hours of practice to fly.
The Flyboard Air was developed by Zapata Racing based on previous water-powered models.
The rider carries a backpack of fuel and a remote control to manage the four jet engines that keep him aloft.
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source
Oltre 400 migranti dispersi nel Mediterraneo. Mattarella: "ennesima trag...
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Quale futuro per la zona-euro? La politica monetaria è a un bivio - real...
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brexit, Osborne avverte:"Gran Bretagna rischia la recessione" - economy
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Australia: moglie Depp chiede scusa per vicenda cani ed evita carcere
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Le hostess Air France possono rifiutarsi di volare in Iran per non indos...
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
GB: collisione tra aereo e drone, nessun danno ma pericolo in aumento
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Il potere del plasma: dalla medicina all'industria - futuris
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brasile: è guerra politica, Rousseff verso la destituzione dopo sì Camera
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Raw: Floodwaters Surge Across Houston Roadways
More than a foot of rain fell Monday in parts of Houston, submerging scores of subdivisions and several major interstate highways.
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©AP
Italy in bid to identify drowned refugees after 2015 capsize
IN news, 18/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Steun voor naveltruitjesdirecteur
Pupils in navel sweaters and short skirts are no longer welcome at a school in Delft. The director finds the clothes inappropriate and has all the parents sent a letter.
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
Dilma Rousseff loses impeachment vote - BBC News
La Camera bassa del Brasile ha deliberato di avviare una procedura di impeachment contro il presidente Dilma Rousseff su accuse di manipolazione conti pubblici. La mozione passerà ora alla Camera alta, il Senato, che si prevede sospenda la signora Rousseff nel prossimo mese, mentre si svolge un processo formale.
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Raw: Brazilians Anxiously Watch Impeachment Vote
Sostenitori e oppositori del presidente Dilma Rousseff si sono riuniti in Brasile, Domenica, per seguire come i legislatori hanno votato sulla misura per mettere sotto accusa Dilma Rousseff. I manifestanti in rosso erano contro l'impeachment e quelli in giallo quelli che supportavano esso.
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©AP
Oklahoma oil crisis led to 13,000 job losses in two years
I principali paesi produttori di petrolio del mondo non sono riusciti a raggiungere un accordo per congelare la produzione in una riunione in Qatar.
Diciotto nazioni hanno partecipato al vertice, con l'OPEC membro nazione Iran opting out e insistendo che aumenterà la propria produzione.
I prezzi bassi del petrolio hanno colpito duramente negli Stati Uniti, il più grande produttore di petrolio al mondo.
INC News, 18/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
5.8 magnitude aftershock rocks Kumamoto, Japan
A 5.8 magnitude earthquake has hit Kumamoto prefecture, Japan, according to the country's Meteorological Agency. It comes just days after two deadly earthquakes hit the region, killing 42 and injuring more than 1,000 others.
A tsunami warning has not been issued, Japanese broadcaster NHK reported.
It comes just days after two deadly earthquakes rocked the area, forcing the evacuation of 90,000 people.
The quakes triggered massive landslides, which cut off roads and destroyed bridges, local media reported.
INC News, 18/014/2016 - source - ©RTnews
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