Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Russian Officials Call for Women to Work Fewer Hours

Two high-ranking Russian officials have called for women to work shorter days than men on Fridays to allow them more time to put their domestic affairs in order, a news report said Tuesday.  "It goes without saying that for women, a tough working schedule is difficult. A flexible schedule would therefore be absolutely appropriate," Vladimir Ryazansky, who heads the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, told Russian News Service.  
Ryazansky added in the report that his committee was ready to recommend cutting the working day for women on Fridays — an idea that was supported by Vladimir Slepak, who heads the advisory Committee on Social Policy, Labor Relations and Life Quality of Citizens of the Public Chamber, a state organization that oversees Russia's legislative bodies. 

INC News, 26/05/2015 - via RT

Danish radio DJ kills baby bunny on air during animal rights' debate

Major flooding hits Mexico and Texas, thousands stranded

India continues to swelter as temperatures approach 50 degrees Celsius

Vienna airport security workers probed for people trafficking

Austria, scoperto traffico di immigrati clandestini. Fermati 30 agenti d...


The suspected gunman in Walmart shooting identified as active airman

US airman is suspected to be the gunman in Tuesday morning shooting at Wal-Mart in North Dakota. The man entered the store, killed one employee and injured the other, before killing himself.
The suspected gunman, Marcell Willis, 21, is an active airman at he Grand Forks Air Force Base.


Two civilians, including a child, have reportedly been killed in eastern Ukraine after a shell fired by the Ukrainian military hit a residential area.
The shell hit five people in the town of Gorlovka, killing a man and a 12-year old girl, senior rebel commander Eduard Basurin told Russia’s Rossiya24 channel.
However, according to the Emergencies Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, the victims were a man and an 11-year-old boy.
Both sources stated that a woman was wounded in the shelling and two children, who didn’t suffer any serious injuries, were retrieved from the rubble of the house.
According to recent estimates by the UN human rights office, over 6,000 people have been killed and over 15,000 wounded in eastern Ukraine during a year of fighting. However, the real numbers could be much higher. At least one civilian was killed in Donetsk a week ago, after an army shell hit an apartment building amid intense fire on rebel positions.

'Trust building ads won't work' - Ken Hinds on UK police image

Migrant remains exhumed in Malaysian jungle camp

Street lights powered by solar and wind energy to light up Barcelona

Ten killed in Yemen fuel tanker explosion

Repubblica Centrafricana, da Bruxelles altri 72 milioni di aiuti

Time Warner Cable, dopo Comcast sarà Charter a tentare il colpo - corporate

Austria, quattordicenne condannato per terrorismo a due anni di reclusione

B.B.King: inchiesta per omicidio, dopo la denuncia delle figlie

Ryanair, i profitti decollano grazie al miglioramento del servizio - cor...

Il rischio default di Atene fa impennare i rendimenti greci - economy

Messico, in 6 secondi il tornado fa 13 morti e distrugge Ciudad Acuña

Brasile, finita rivolta carcere, 9 i morti

Eurovision. Mans Zelmerlow accolto da eroe in Svezia

Beijing boosts South China Sea naval defence

Kazakhstan dreams to host Winter Olympics

Is Putin a father? Is he planning new Ukraine aggression?

Ben Gurion's Negev Vision: Women Making It Reality?

Kids Summoning Demon in New Social Media Craze

'Take Precautions': India Heat Wave Kills Hundreds

DOJ Settles with Cleveland in Excessive Force Case

Air Canada carry-on crackdown

Karate Kids: "Before they can play, children must learn to fight" - BBC ...

Panorama: Britain's Secret Terror Deals - BBC News

Charter Buying Time Warner Cable for $55.3B

Burundi government condemns diplomatic pressure on President

Anti-austerity parties make gains in Spanish elections

Water Spout Hurls Bounce House and Injures Three Children

Очевидцы запечатлели уникальные кадры извержения вулкана на Галапагосски...

На Галапагосских островах впервые за 33 года начал извергаться вулкан Вольф. Угрозы людям нет, так как на пути лавы нет ни одного населенного пункта, однако местные экологи обеспокоены тем, что стихия может нанести вред флоре и фауне острова Исабела. Ожидается, что вулкан будет активен еще несколько дней.

Порошенко сказал — Порошенко не сделал: президент Украины обманул ожидан...

Кадыров возглавил чеченское отделение «Ночных волков»

Издалека долго: британка планирует пройти по Волге на каяке

Техас стал зоной стихийного бедствия

Губернатор Техаса объявил 24 округа штата зоной стихийного бедствия. В результате сильнейшего наводнения 3 человека погибли, 12 числятся пропавшими без вести. Затоплены более тысячи домов и десятки шоссейных дорог. Кроме того, в центральной и северо-восточной части Техаса бушуют торнадо, и ожидается выпадение града.

Запрещенная «вуаль»: в Голландии выход в свет в парандже грозит штрафом

Подозреваемый в резне в Люберцах не мог поделить с соседями жилплощадь

Ryanair: успех программы "Всегда становись лучше" - corporate

Таиланд направляет военный корабль на помощь беженцам из Мьянмы и Бангладеш

В Перу шахтеры протестуют против увольнений

Иракская армия начинает операцию по освобождени провинции Анбар от ИГ

Китай: около 40 человек погибли при пожаре в доме престарелых

Наводнение в Техасе: погибшие и пропавшие без вести

Рахат Шимашева - Алматы қ. Білім басқармасының басшысы - 2 бөлім

Новости на русском языке 26.05.15.


Più affidabili, ma soprattutto più ricattabili e più facili da piegare alla volontà dei caporali: per questo chi controlla il mercato del lavoro agricolo preferisce le connazionali. Nella sola Puglia, secondo i dati della Cgil, circa 40mila braccianti sono gravemente sfruttate con paghe che non superano i 30 euro per 10 ore trascorse a raccogliere fragole o uva. "Non vogliono più stranieri perché loro si ribellano e noi no"
Vi invitiamo alla lettura dell'articolo di Raffaella Cosentino e Valeria Teodonio QUI
INC News, 26/05/2015 - via Repubblica

ITALIA - Prostitute 'obbligate' ad aprire la partita Iva. Ma il mestiere di escort per legge non esiste

Succede a Rimini: durante i controlli fiscali l'Agenzia delle Entrate ha costretto delle lucciole a "regolarizzare" gli incassi. Prendendo a modello tre sentenze della Cassazione. Che sia un lavoro da tassare dunque è un principio passato per la giurisprudenza. Ma non per il Parlamento. Che ha al vaglio dieci disegni di legge

Vi invitiamo a leggere l'articolo di Federico Formica de L'Espresso, QUI

INC News, 26/05/2015 - via Espresso

Galapagos: la spettacolare eruzione del vulcano Wolf

Le suggestive immagini dell'eruzione del vulcano Wolf, nell'arcipelago delle Galapagos. Il vulcano era inattivo da oltre trent'anni: l'eruzione, per ora, non ha causato danni. Le autorità locali hanno decretato lo stato di preallerta, in vista di possibili evacuazioni

ITALIA - Milano, il tribunale blocca 'Uber pop' in tutta Italia: "E' concorrenza sleale"

Il Tribunale di Milano ha disposto il blocco di 'Uber-pop' (uno dei servizi messi a disposizione dalla app Uber) su tutto il territorio nazionale con inibizione dalla prestazione del servizio. E' stato dunque accolto il ricorso presentato dalle associazioni di categoria dei tassisti per "concorrenza sleale" e "violazione della disciplina amministrativa che regola il settore taxi". "Questa azione - ha commentato il rappresentante taxi dell'Unione artigiani, Pietro Gagliardi - è un atto dovuto nei confronti della nostra categoria e dell'utenza. Da oltre un anno riceviamo rassicurazioni dalle istituzioni di ogni livello sul fatto che Uber pop sia illegale e nonostante ciò nessun reale intervento è seguito".

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 26/05/2015- via Repubblica

ITALIA - Operai morti su A16: pullmino a oltre 70 metri da cuspide

ITALIA - Melania: caso torna in aula, per riduzione pena Parolisi

ITALIA - Bari, pioggia di soldi dalla finestra

ITALIA - Sindaco ligure costretto a chiedere l'elemosina

AUSTRALIA - Australian woman abandons kids to live with ISIS

It’s not only young people with nothing to lose, who abandon home to join the Islamic State: an Australian woman has abandoned her children to travel to Syria and live under ISIS. She has become one of more than 100 Australians to do so. Jasmina Milovanov, 26, is believed by friends to have been brainwashed by a female-jihadi website.
A Muslim convert from Western Sydney, Milovanov left two children behind with a babysitter – five and seven years old – and never came back. She had reportedly told her she left to pick up a new car. This was last month, according to The Daily Telegraph.
Read article HERE
INC News, 26/05/2015 -via RT

New Research May Help Prevent Alzheimer's

Brides for Sale: Sham Marriages Rise in Europe

Raw: Air France Jet Searched at JFK Amid Threat

Earthrise - Japan's Future Farms

25 Kenyan police killed in Al-Shabab attck

Texas governor declares state of disaster after severe storms

Mexico tornado kills 13 in border city of Acuna

Dangerous Rip Currents Surge Across FL, AL Coast

Hundreds of Protestors Take to the Streets After Cleveland Police Office...