Thursday, September 29, 2016

Per il vostro sereno dormire - Sax In the Garden - Quincy Jones

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Gabriella Latora collection

The film for the night: The Nostalgist: A Sci-fi Short Based on a Story From the Author of Robopocalypse

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Wired

Il documentario della notte - The Secret Places On Earth

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Discovery Channel

Actualización: Noticiero Univision #EdicionDigital 9/29/16

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Univision

Alicia Machado supera a Kim Kardashian como la más buscada en redes soci...

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Univision

Понимают ли животные человеческий язык?

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Science

На грани банкротства оказался крупнейший завод по производству медицинск...

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©InfoB31

Новые смартфоны LG Х-серии будут олицетворять супергероев Marvel

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©InfoB31


INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©TyumenTime

Новые профессии без отрыва от производства

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©TyumenTime

Ишимцы проверили сердечные дела

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©TyumenTime

Загорелся мусор в подвале дома 23 по проезду Геологоразведчиков

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©TyumenTime

5 Unusual Materials Being Used to Create Fashion

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©HuffPost

Tube Chat Badges Have Opposite Effect On London Underground Commuters

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©HuffPost

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (29.09.2016) 29 сентября 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1


INC News, 29/09/2016 - source:©ANSA AP

Новый учебный самолет Як-152 совершил первый полет

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: © RTNews

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 29 september in één minuut

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©

Balmain | Spring Summer 2017 Full Fashion Show

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©FataleFashioniii

Incidente ferroviario in New Jersey: almeno una vittima confermata e un centinaio di feriti

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Belgio: protesta nazionale contro la riforma del lavoro

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Usa, il Congresso annulla il veto alla legge 11/9

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Parigi celebra i 100 anni di Etam, la donna non nasconde più la sua lingerie

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Spagna: partito socialista diviso, Sanchez rifiuta di dimettersi

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Spazio: vita in 'immersione' per prepararsi alla ISS

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

New Sexual Consent App Sparks Controversy

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: © abcNews

NJ Train Crash | Dozens Injured

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: © abcNews

Il terribile pestaggio nella metropolitana di Roma nell'indifferenza più totale

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©La7

'Curvy e pitonati', così cambia la lingua italiana

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©La7

Opec agrees output cut, VW unveils electric car

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©FT

Olimpiadi, 'no' definitivo dal consiglio comunale di Roma.

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©

Commerzbank taglia un quinto dei dipendenti. Quasi 10.000 licenziamenti ...

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Presidenziali Usa 2016: donne, dolori e politica

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Riaperta la tipografia dove vennero uccisi i terroristi di Charlie hebdo

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Il barile vola, i dubbi fioccano. Luci e ombre dell'accordo OPEC sul petrolio

Kashmir: attacco indiano oltre la Linea di controllo

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Australia: black out ad Adelaide, sotto accusa le rinnovabili

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Cina: frana travolge due villaggi, decine di dispersi

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Shimon Peres: salma esposta alla Knesset, leader mondiali in arrivo

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

The Arc: the world's richest turf race

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CNN

Video shows train moments after crash

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CNN

BlackBerry exits hardware game and some Samsung wash machines are exploding

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Cnet

Land Rover breaks world record for largest Lego structure

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Cnet

Commuter train crashes into station in Hoboken, N.J.

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CBS News

Teen Shoots Father, Heads to School and Shoots Teacher, Students

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CBN News

CBN NewsWatch: September 29, 2016

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CBN News

Turban, Eh! Event educates students about Sikh faith after 'disturbing' racist poster

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CBC News

Brexit: 'British people made bad decision on EU' Matteo Renzi

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©BBC News

Kremlin's Peskov on MH17 'contradictions'

We should believe in a very difficult resolution, for this terrible accident. We are in an age where all is possible to investigate and retrieve solution to the most difficult problems. But in this situation, we are afraid the the politic is more important than th technology. - M. Lermontov for INC News.

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©BBC News

AP Top Stories September 29 A

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©AP

Amanda Knox gets the Netflix treatment

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©AP

Obama Comments on National Anthem Protests

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©AP/CNN

Internet ‘child suicide groups’ targeted as ombudsman & investigator join forces

Russia’s ombudsman for children’s rights and the head of the Investigative Committee have joined forces in an effort to fight crimes against children, in particular suicide-promotion groups on the internet that target minors.  According to a report released by the Investigative Committee’s website, the head of the agency, Aleksandr Bastrykin, noted during a meeting with children’s rights ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova that the dire situation with the suicide rate among children was being worsened by the effect of mass media and the internet.
The mass media are covering every suicide in detail and the internet contains entire sites and groups on social networks with detailed descriptions of various ways of taking own life. So-called suicide clubs are being created in social networks,” Bastrykin said. Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova agreed that in order to solve the problem, all state public and social structures needed to work in cooperation. 
Read full article, clicking HERE
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Da questa sera una novita' in INC News, prima e seconda pagina!

Abbiamo pensato che alla sera, dopo cena, prima di andare a dormire, potrebbe far piacere guardare un mini-film, un cortometraggio o ascoltare buona musica: giusto per rilassarsi e avviare il sonno in dolce maniera.
Allora, da questa sera, l' ultimo post sara' un corto metraggio sulla prima pagina, un mini-film o musica sulla seconda pagina.

Argomenti? Di tutto un po' e per la musica il meglio che troviamo per voi in YouTube per essere ascoltato nella sera, da soli o in compagnia. 

Dateci un parere, poi, ok? Per migliorare il nostro lavoro e il servizio da darvi!

INC News, 29/09/2016  Lo Staff di INC News bv


INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©ANSA AP

White Helmets found another baby girl alive in Aleppo dostroyed

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: abcNews via Twitter

Rosetta is on the way to finish its trip in the space, tomorrow

INC News, 29/08/2016 - source: © Reuter via twitter

Amazon's new, improved Fire HD 8 tablet is a bona fide bargain at $90

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Cnet

¿Tienes dos minutos para aprender Historia?

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©ElPais

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Team Up in NH

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©abcNews

USA: Clinton promette college gratuiti, Trump vuole NATO forte

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Accordo Opec sul taglio di produzione: il prezzo del petrolio aumenta del 6%

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Volo MH17, Mosca rigetta accuse e parla di motivazioni politiche dell'inchiesta

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews

Настоящее Время – Азия. 29 сентября

INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©AzattyqTV


INC News, 29/09/2016 - source:©ANSA AP

Утренняя сессия KASE: 335,09 тенге за доллар

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©24KZ

"Сегодня". 29 сентября 2016 года

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©NTV

Конгресс США впервые преодолел вето Обамы

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©euronews

США призвали назвать конкретных виновных в катастрофе малайзийского "бои...

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©euronews

Страны ОПЕК договорились ограничить добычу нефти, но пока неформально

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©euronews

Brazil: Political fallout impacts rural communities

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©ALJAZEERA

US Congress overrides Obama's veto on 9/11 bill

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©ALJAZEERA

Desperate Journeys: Syrian refugees begin new life in US

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©ALJAZEERA

US election 2016: Clinton chases young voters

INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©ALJAZEERA