Sunday, May 24, 2015
Japan: Anti-US military base protesters form human chain in Tokyo
Thousands of protesters formed a human chain outside the National Diet Building in
Tokyo, Sunday in protest against the relocation of the US military's Futenma base
ITALIA - Selfie hard tra studenti: è allarme Il 30% dei romani in foto provocanti
Il 30 per cento dei ragazzi romani ha posato per selfie provocanti, con atteggiamenti sessuali espliciti che spopolano sulla rete. Il 22 per cento , già in terza media, ha scommesso on line ed è a rischio di ludopatia . Sono questi alcuni dei dati emersi dal convegno «Selfie: l’immagine imprigionata e violata dei giovani adolescenti» promosso dal Ceis Don Picchi in collaborazione con il Comune di Roma per la prevenzione dell’illegalità minorile. «Questo è il mondo sommerso dei giovani adolescenti che si affidano alla rete con disinvoltura, dove qualsiasi imbarazzo o timidezza cede e si può osare di essere altro da se stesso» spiegano gli esperti.
INC News, 24/05/2015 - via Corriere
Palmira, 400 civili uccisi dall’Isis «Italia pronta a dare aiuto più forte»
Quattrocento vittime civili dell’Isis, i cadaveri allineati per le strade di Palmira, la città siriana patrimonio dell’Unesco che è stata conquistata quattro giorni fa dagli jihadisti. La notizia è stata diffusa dai media di Stato di Damasco. Anche se l’informazione non è verificabile da fonti indipendenti, sulla Rete circolano già le immagini dell’ultima strage targata Isis.
CANNES - Italia a bocca asciutta. La Palma va a Audriard per il suo "Deephan"
INC News, 24/05/2015 - via RT
‘Beautiful Mind’ Nobel math genius killed in taxi crash
Renowned Princeton mathematician and Nobel Prize laureate, John Forbes Nash Jr., whose life story was described in the Oscar-winning movie ‘A Beautiful Mind,’ was killed in a taxi crash together with his wife on the New Jersey Turnpike on Saturday. The driver of the taxi lost control of the vehicle as he tried to pass another car on the road and crashed into the guard rail, Gregory Williams, a state police sergeant, said. John and Alicia Nash were ejected from the car, Williams said, adding that "it doesn't appear that they were wearing seatbelts.” The driver of the taxi was extracted from the crashed vehicle and flown to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. One of the passengers of the second car involved in the incident, which also crashed into the guard rail, was treated for neck pain, the officer added. John Nash was 86 years old. His wife, Alicia, was 82. They were married for 60 years. The crash occurred as the couple was on their way home from the airport after making a trip to Norway.
INC News, 24/05/2015 - via RT
SYRIA - At least 400 killed by ISIL in Palmyra
Syrian state television has said at least 400 people, mostly women and children, have been killed by self-proclaimed Islamic State fighters in Palmyra.
The reports have not been independently confirmed.
However the information is consistent with accounts from activists who say the jihadists have been executing people since capturing the ancient city.
Comments on social media said hundreds of bodies – believed to be those of government supporters – were lying in the streets.
Meanwhile the Syrian military is also battling separate rebel forces from the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in the northern Idlib province.
State TV showed what it said were wounded soldiers freed after a siege at a hospital was broken.
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