Friday, July 10, 2015

Учительнице за секс с учениками дали больше, чем Брейвику

Учительнице за секс с учениками дали больше, чем Брейвику В США еще одну учительницу осудили за секс с учениками. И теперь ближайшие 30 лет она проведет в тюрьме. По версии обвинения, 36-летний педагог совратила троих юношей. А пока шел процесс, между заседаниями, продолжала встречаться с ними.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Russia 24

Должников развернут в аэропорту

США: хакеры похитили данные миллионов граждан

Власти США подтвердили, что в результате взлома хакерами компьютерных систем разных ведомств, вероятнее всего, похищены данные более 21 миллиона американских граждан. 

Об этом говорится в заявлении, опубликованном на официальном сайте Кадрового управления правительства США.  Новые оценки существенно отличаются от тех, которые были озвучены чиновниками ранее. Так, в начале июня представители властей утверждали, 
что в общей сложности кибер-преступники получили доступ к персональным сведениям.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

КУӘГЕР 10.07.15

RAW: Philly police brutal treatment of a man as he screams for his grandma

Video released on Wednesday shows police officers repeatedly striking 22-year-old African-American man Tyree Carroll during an arrest in Germantown, Philadelphia on April 3.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via RT

‘NSA can’t keep its secrets forever’ – hacking expert to RT

According to a recent release by Wikileaks, the NSA has been spying on 125 German officials. Hacking expert Dirk Engling shares his thoughts.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via RT

Grecia, il nodo del debito: chi sono i principali creditori?

Al di là dell’austerità, il vero nodo nei negoziati tra la Grecia e i creditori internazionali rimane il debito. Ciò è tanto più comprensibile se si passa ai raggi x il titanico fardello in capo ad Atene: 320 miliardi di euro, quasi il 180% del suo Prodotto interno lordo. Chi sono i principali creditori? Circa il 60% del debito è detenuto dai Paesi dell’Eurozona. Tenendo conto dei prestiti bilaterali e delle quote di partecipazione nel Fondo salva-Stati (ma anche dei titoli rimasti in mano alle banche dopo la ristrutturazione) la classifica vede al Germania al primo posto con oltre 68 miliardi di euro, seguita dalla Francia (quasi 44 miliardi) e dall’Italia (circa 38 miliardi e mezzo di euro).
INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Ryanair, ok alla vendita di Aer Lingus a IAG. Probabile sì dell'antitrus...

Ryanair ha dato luce verde e l’acquisizione di Aer Lingus da parte di IAG è pronta per prendere il volo. L’offerta da un miliardo e 300 milioni di euro supera così anche l’ultimo ostacolo, dopo il via libera dell’altro grande azionista, il governo di Dublino. Ora manca solo l’autorizzazione al decollo della Commissione europea, anche se, per i bene informati, le concessioni promesse dai proprietari di British Airways e Iberia ai concorrenti, tra cui la cessione di alcuni slot londinesi, sarebbero giudicate sufficienti. Decisione economicamente ineccepibile da parte di Ryanair, dicono gli analisti: dalla vendita del suo 30% in Aer Lingus (già svalutato dai libri contabili) la compagnia aerea low-cost ricaverà fondi utili per l’erogazione di dividendi e il rinnovo della flotta.
INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Mercati cinesi, secondo giorno di rimbalzo. Ma i timori rimangono - economy

Seconda giornata di rimbalzo per le Borse cinesi dopo l’ondata di panico che, da metà giugno, le ha portate a bruciare quasi un terzo del loro valore. La salva di misure di supporto sfoderata dalle autorità (stop alle vendite dei grandi azionisti, agevolazioni del credito e sovvenzioni agli intermediari per l’acquisto di titoli) hanno sortito il loro effetto. Non abbastanza, però, per placare le preoccupazioni degli analisti, secondo cui il parziale scoppio di questa bolla potrebbe innescare reazioni a catena in un’economia reale già in fase di rallentamento. Di vero ritorno alla normalità dei listini, ad ogni modo, ancora non si può parlare: circa 1.300 aziende rimangono sospese dalle contrattazioni.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Ue indecisa sull'immigrazione, ma l'impatto sull'economia europea è posi...

La decisone sul tanto atteso piano per i reinsediamenti e i ricollocamenti dei rifugiati slitta ora al 20 luglio. Dietro la difficoltà delle capitali a trovare un accordo, l’idea diffusa che l’immigrazione sottragga risorse destinate ai cittadini. Eppure secondo ricercatori e specialisti dei fenomeni migratori la realtà dei fatti è ben diversa. Come spiega Maria Vincenza Desiderio del Migration Policy Institute :“I migranti contribuiscono più a livello di tasse e di previdenza sociale di quanto ricevono
“La ragione della mancata corrispondenza tra quello che le persone credono e la realtà dei fatti potrebbe essere essere spiegata dal tipo di benefici che gli immigrati ottengono, che di solito riguardano soprattutto l’assistenza sociale, aiuti per gli alloggi..Benefici pagati dalle autorità locali e sono maggiormente visibili, soprattutto a livello di comunità rispetto ad altri tipi di aiuti, come i sussidi di disoccupazione o le pensioni. Categorie che hanno meno visibilità delle altre, ma dove gli immigrati sono di solito scarsamente presenti.Cosa che implica che ricevono meno dei cittadini dei Paesi di arrivo”.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Airbus: prototipo elettrico sorvola la Manica

È un prototipo di aereo elettrico ed è decollato dall’aeroporto di Lydd, nel sud dell’Inghilterra, per sorvolare la Manica e atterrare a Calais. Il biposto a emissioni zero pesa meno di una tonnellata, e può raggiungere la velocità di 200 km l’ora. Le batterie polimeriche al litio gli garantiscono, per ora, un’autonomia di 60 minuti circa. Dovrebbe entrare in commercio entro la fine del 2017 e i primi mesi del 2018. Nel 2019 Airbus potrebbe produrre una versione a 4 posti.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Usa: cyber-attacco ai sistemi informatici, rubate 21,5 milioni di identità

Gli Stati Uniti accusano la Cina di aver compiuto il peggiore cyber-attacco della storia che ha portato al furto dei dati personali di 21,5 milioni di persone. Gli hacker hanno messo le mani sulle cartelle di tutti i dipendenti pubblici statunitensi – e aspiranti tali – compresi i loro familiari. Il furto dei dati dalla rete dell’ufficio della gestione del personale del governo (Office of Personnel Management) sarebbe avvenuto fra il maggio 2014 e l’aprile di quest’anno.  La denuncia delle autorità di Washignton segue gli attacchi contro i computer della United Airlines, della borsa di New York e del sito web del Wall Street Journal. Il presidente Obama ha ammesso, nel recente passato, che ci sono “vulnerabilità significative” nei sistemi informatici americani.
INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Ad Atene file ai bancomat e tensione, boom delle richieste di passaporti

Giovani e anziani in coda agli sportelli in Grecia quando sono 12 i giorni con le banche chiuse. Il limite giornaliero di 60 euro per i prelievi in contanti, 120 a settimana per i pensionati che non hanno la carta di credito, sta ingrossando le file ai bancomat e la tensione.
Atene vive sospesa tra rassegnazione, rabbia e paura. Chi ha poco, pensa agli acquisti di prima necessità.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Omar Sharif has died aged 83

Actor Omar Sharif, best known for his title role as Doctor Zhivago in the Oscar-winning film, has died, Egyptian state television said. He was 83. In May, Sharif’s agent confirmed the actor, who played a wide range of dashing and dignified characters while building a reputation as an expert bridge player, had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
Sharif was one of the few Arab actors to make it big in Hollywood. He won international fame and an Oscar-nomination for best supporting actor for his role in the 1962 film “Lawrence of Arabia” with Peter O’Toole. Born as Michel Shalhoub on April 10, 1932, to a wealthy family in Alexandria, Egypt, Sharif grew interested in acting while studying mathematics and physics at university in Cairo. Raised as a Roman Catholic, Sharif converted to Islam and married Hamama in 1955, taking on his new name. They had a son, Tarek, who played Yuri in “Doctor Zhivago” at age 8, but the couple divorced in 1974. Despite Sharif’s image as a sex symbol and eligible bachelor, he did not remarry, saying he never fell in love with another woman.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Police arrest man after shooting spree near Ansbach, Germany

German police have arrested a man following the drive-by shooting of an 82-year-old woman and a 72-year-old cyclist. Police say after shooting the two victims, a farmer and a motorist were fired at but unhurt. The suspect then went into a petrol station waving his firearm. One worker reportedly grabbed his gun and two others subdued the man until police arrived. The two victims were gunned down around Ansbach near Nuremberg in Bavaria when a man opened fire from a silver convertible Mercedes.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Toxic waste: An international business which benefits the Eco-Mafia - re...

In the region of Vesuvius, one of the most fertile areas of Italy, the Italian police are investigating a serious case of illegal waste trafficking run by organised crime. Causal DI Principe, is a small village believed to be under the control of the Neapolitan mafia, the Camorra. Behind the house of a mafia family, the environmental police uncovered a dump filled with toxic industrial sludge, including medical waste, asbestos and building materials. The groundwater in the area is also polluted. Police are continuing their search as information from the same source has led them to believe that boxes of lead from Germany could also be buried here. This could be an indication of an international trafficking ring.
The underground dumps prove that the trafficking of industrial waste by the Camorra in this region has been going on since the 1980s. This area, stretching between Naples and Caserta and including around fifty villages, is known as the “Land of Fires”. Residents are continually complaining about fires in the countryside. These are started by criminals to get rid of both urban and industrial waste. Only last year there were reports or more than 2500 fires.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Two dead in Germany drive-by shooting

In Germany at least two people have been killed in a drive-by shooting in northern Bavaria. A suspect is said to have opened fire from a Mercedes car close to Ansbach, near Nuremberg. Police say a man has been arrested. Reporting “several incidents”, they said that first an elderly woman was shot dead – before a cyclist was also shot and killed not far away. Reports said a farmer and a motorist were also “threatened with firearms” but were unharmed. The motive for the shootings is not known.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Bailout crisis: 'We Greeks are confused':

On the frontline of Greece's debt disaster, pensioners and other ordinary citizens continued to queue on Friday at closed banks where cash withdrawals remain strictly rationed. The government ordered the banks to close their doors on Monday, June 29, after the collapse of negotiations on an international aid deal.
Such scenes should end if Athens obtains a new aid package. But the far-reaching reform proposals required by creditors mean hardship looks set to continue for the Greek people.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Climate change and migration : A hot issue for Europe - utalk

s Europe worried about the problem of migration due to climate change? And is the status of a climate refugee recognised by international law?”
“Climate migration is a phenomenon which has always been a concern for man, says Eleonora Guadagno, a climate change and migration expert. “But today, because of the increase in the damage caused by climate change , this question becomes more urgent than ever. And this has caused a unique case for the United Nations, which doesn’t offer any protection of these migrants under international law.  It is difficult to isolate the ‘climate’ factor in the migration phenomenon and it is always difficult to recognize the political responsibility of the states after an environmental catastrophe.
Europe is a culminating point for these climate migrations. Especially when it concerns future migrants coming from Africa and the Middle East, because of droughts and floods. But also because Europe has had to suffer population movements itself, for example after hurricane Xynthia. Furthermore, it shouldn’t be forgotten that Europe will have climate migration problems in its own right, for example the increase in sea level in Venice and the Netherlands. And also because of the melting of the glaciers in the mountainous regions and the increase in cyclones in the Atlantic coastal regions.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

'Aviation history' made as electric plane flies across English Channel

A French pilot claims to have made aviation history after flying an electric plane across the English Channel on Friday morning. The Airbus E-fan plane, a light two-seater twin-engine aircraft, landed at Calais in northern France after taking off from Lydd airfield in southeastern England. 
The pilot, Didier Esteyne, took less than 40 minutes to make the 74-kilometre journey.  
Aviation experts hope that electric-powered planes using batteries would help to cut carbon emissions significantly.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Huge hack of US government databases hits 21.5 million people

Hackers have stolen personal information from millions more people than previously estimated in a massive attack on US government databases. 
The Office of Personnel Management which handles human resources says data has been stolen from 21.5 million people who have undergone background checks. This includes their Social Security numbers. 
That is in addition to data on over 4 million current and former federal workers stolen in what is being called a "separate but related" incident. 

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via Euronews

Addio a Omar Sharif, indimenticabile Dottor Zivago

Ha vissuto almeno tre vite (da star, da giocatore di bridge, da seduttore e artista della vita), ma la sua faccia sembrava ormai scolpita nel tempo, fissata in quell'eterno e ironico sorriso che lo ha reso celebre, in una carriera costellata da oltre cento film sotto il segno dell'irregolarità, tra passioni, debiti, curiosità e voglia di una vita che ha sempre sbranato con lucida voracità. Addio a Omar Sharif : un attacco di cuore lo ha stroncato a 83 anni, in un ospedale del Cairo, dopo l'ultima battaglia contro l'Alzheimer.

Seguite l'articolo QUI

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via ANSA

Bizarre verkeersruzie op snelweg

In Dashcam aandacht voor opmerkelijke en gevaarlijke verkeerssituaties in Nederland. Vandaag ziet u verkeersruzies die tot levensgevaarlijke situaties leiden. Heeft u ook iets gefilmd met de dashcam, mail dit dan naar

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Overbeladen caravan levensgevaarlijk

VEILIG OP WEG / #CARAVAN -  Gaat u deze zomer erop uit met de auto? In de rubriek 'Veilig op weg' krijgt u belangrijke tips om veilig de weg op te gaan. Aflevering 2: wat moet u doen wanneer uw caravan begint te scharen?

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via De Telegraaf

OPM director resigns after massive data breach

Katherine Archuleta, the director of the Office of Personnel Management, has stepped down after a massive data breach compromised sensitive personal information of approximately 22 million people.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via CNN

FDA: Pain Relievers Increase Risk of Stroke

The Food and Drug Association now warns that NSAID drugs raise your risk of heart attacks and strokes by as much as 50 percent.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via CBN News

Hackers Steal Personal Info on 21 Million People

Calls are escalating for the head of the federal Office of Personnel Management to step down after the largest cyber attack in U.S. history.

INC New, 10/07/2015 - via CBN News

Clerk Prefers Jail to Issuing Licenses to Gay Couples

County Clerk Casey Davis insists he cannot be forced to do something that violates his religious beliefs.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via CBN News

Daniel Massé, suspect in shootings in Marieville, Que., believed to be man found dead in car

The manhunt for a shooting suspect in Marieville, Que., appears to be over and residents are being allowed to return home. Quebec provincial police told reporters this afternoon they found the body of a man in a car about 45 minutes from where the shootings took place.
An autopsy will need to be conducted to confirm the man's identity, but the Sûreté du Québec believes it is the body of the 59-year-old suspect, Daniel Massé. The slain men have been identified as Marcel Hémond and Michel l'italien. The injured man was identified as Eric Choquette. Police Sgt. Audrey-Anne Bilodeau said Massé was a resident of the area.

INC News, 10/05/2015 - via CBC News

Airbus E-Fan 'electric plane' completes cross-Channel flight - BBC News

Greek debt crisis: A new plan? BBC News

Greece has submitted new reform proposals aimed at securing a third bailout from its international creditors. No more money will be handed to Greece unless their creditors are satisfied Athens has a plan for paying back its debts. The measures put forward by the Greek government include tax rises, pension reforms and spending cuts - which were rejected by the country's voters in a referendum last Sunday.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via BBC News

Former Saudi foreign minister Saud al-Faisal dies

Former Saudi foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal has died, two months after he retired following 40 years in the job.Prince Saud, who was appointed in 1975, was the world's longest serving foreign minister when he was replaced on April 29.

INC Neews, 10/07/2015 - via Al Jazeera

6 Mass. Teens Face Child Pornography Charges in Alleged Sexting Incident

The students allegedly circulated a photo of an underage female, one of them accused of blackmail.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via ABC News

US Women's Soccer Team Takes Over NYC

A ticker-tape parade will cap a week of celebrations for the world championship team.

INC News, 10/07/2015 - via ABC News

New Danger in the Ocean for Beachgoers

Terror Attacks Stopped


Earthquake measuring 7.0 strikes off Solomon Islands

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck off the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The quake was also relatively shallow at a depth of about 20 km (12 miles), the USGS said. There was no immediate indication of a tsunami warning being issued, according to the Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Waring Center.

Info via Reuters