Tuesday, October 6, 2015


8 people arrested in Sydney terror raids 

Eight people have allegedly been arrested in a police operation currently underway in Sydney’s western suburbs, local media reports. The raid is believed to be terror-related.
Five arrests have been carried out at homes in Merrylands, Guildford, Wentworthville and Marsfield, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
All those arrested are between 16 and 24 years old.

INC News, 06/10/2015 - via RT

Resta in libertà l'ex direttore dell'Fmi Rato, indagato per corruzione

Collisione nel Mare del Nord, affonda un cargo

My Car Does What? Confusion Over New Technology

Vatican: Gay People are 'Our Sons and Daughters'

New period alert will text women from inside their vagina

A new period product seeking support on Kickstarter will link up with women’s smartphones to tell them when they need to change, and even when their period is due.The Looncup – which is similar to the already popular Mooncup – is placed inside the vagina to collect menstrual blood, but, unlike the Mooncup, users will not need to check when to change.
Using Bluetooth, the product will alert users when their cup is 50 percent and 70 percent full. As well as notifying users of their cup capacity, the Looncup can alert women to potential problems such as sleep loss or stress by analyzing the color of the blood.The cup comes with an app which also lets women know when their period is due.“Looncup can do so much more than a tampon, pad, or even a regular menstrual cup,” the product’s website claims.“It’s the world’s first smart menstruation cup, and you’ll love the way it tells you how full it is, and when it’s time to refresh.

INC News, Almaty, 07/10/2015 - via RT

FLORIDA - Cop fired after repeatedly Tasering unarmed man

A police officer from a Tampa suburb has been fired after footage from a body cam emerged showing him using a Taser on a shoplifting suspect who had his hands up.
The officer, 36-year-old Tim Claussen, went to the house of Lester Brown, on September 9 to investigate a theft that had occurred at a local retailer earlier that day. The white officer asked Brown, who is black, to leave his house, but Brown didn’t comply.
“Come outside now,” Claussen said, “or you’re about to get tased. This is the last time.”

INC News, Almaty - 06/10/2015 - via RT

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NETHERLANDS - Dutch scientists build world's biggest tsunami machine

Dutch scientists have created the world’s biggest human-made wave generator. The Delta Flume can send waves 5 meters high, crashing down a 300-meter long, 9.5-meter deep channel. The monster machine wasn't designed to help surfers catch bigger waves, but to enhance safety against floods in the Netherlands, where half of the country’s population lives below sea level on reclaimed land.
It took Dutch engineers three years to build the Delta Flume. Waves this big haven’t been generated anywhere else in the world, researchers said.
This is how it works: Four powerful pistons behind a seven-meter high metal shield push 9 million liters of freshwater down the channel at a speed of 1,000 liters a second. The challenge is to simulate the power of the oceans. It's possible not only to generate high waves, but to simulate variations in the water level of the kind caused by storm surges and tides. According to researchers, it's important for studies of dike revetments.

INC News, Schiedam, 06/10/2015 - via RT

Two Shanghai Spires: Roofers stand on needle point hundreds of meters above ground

A couple of Russian-speaking daredevil roofers who have climbed the highest structures around the world have done it again - this time they’ve scaled the tip of 80-meter high steel spires erected on a skyscraper in Shanghai. Rattling their own steel nerves in the first place, they also shot the effort on camera, boasting of their reckless stunt. One can feel the adrenaline rush standing on the point of a steel spire hundreds of meters above the Earth, when the only thing you can hold on to is thin air.

INC News, Schiedam, 06/10/2015 - via RT