Thursday, June 11, 2015

ISIS Recruit: Russian girl back with family after detained in Turkey

Ещё один высокопоставленный футбольный чиновник ушёл в отставку

Южная Корея: 14 новых случаев заражения вирусом MERS за сутки

Собакам тоже жарко... В Дубае им предлагают кондиционер, бассейн и общение

South Korea reports 10th death from MERS

China's crackdown on corruption: ex-security chief handed life sentence

South Korea reports 10th death from MERS

Spain: PP Party loses control of capital to leftist Ahora Madrid coalition

Svezia, 900 volontari per le ricerce di una diciassettenne scomparsa da ...

Corea del Sud, salgono a dieci le vittime dell'epidemia di Mers

Scandalo Fifa, si dimette anche De Gregorio. Colpa di una barzelletta-gaffe

Un'"Indignada" nuovo sindaco di Madrid

Dubai, apre il parco coperto per cani più grande del mondo

SOUTH AFRICA - First penile transplant recipient 'to become father'

The South African recipient of the world's first penile transplant is to become a father, a surgeon who performed the operation has told the BBC. His girlfriend has reported that she is about four months' pregnant, and this showed that the "transplant worked", said Andre van der Merwe.
The 21-year-old recipient, whose identify is being protected, lost his penis in a botched circumcision. The operation took place in December. Surgeons at Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Hospital performed a nine-hour operation to attach a donated penis. Dr Van der Merwe said he was "very pleased" when he heard that the man's girlfriend was pregnant, and had not asked for a paternity test as there was no reason not to believe the couple.
Read the article HERE
INC News, 11/06/2015 - via BBC

Splash of sexual violence against children is noted in Kazakhstan

Splash of sexual violence against children and teenagers is noted in Kazakhstan. For the last five years the quantity of such crimes increased twice, the Attorney-General of Kazakhstan Askhat Daulbayev said at the meeting of the Coordination council on law enforcement, under the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan.
As A. Daulbayev noted the relevance of the discussed subject is dictated by the frequent facts of sexual violence, especially concerning minors. 

"First of all the double increase in the registered criminal offenses about sexual inviolability over the last 5 years causes concern. If in 2010, 1,885 crimes were registered, in 2014 the quantity made 3,623 The objective statistics causes serious concern. Following the results of five months of the current year the quantity of such offenses made 1,881 crimes," Daulbayev said.

INC News, 11/06/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

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Погоня со стрельбой: участникам ОПГ вынесут приговор

Визит Путина в Италию: американские СМИ критикуют, европейские - ищут п...

Баку встречает участников Европейских игр

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Пациенты клиник США могут оказаться в смертельной опасности из-за хакеров

От первого лица: совместные военно-морские учения России и Египта

В Средиземном море проходят совместные военно-морские учения России и Египта «Мост Дружбы — 2015». В рамках отработки досмотра подозрительных кораблей, досмотровая команда с ГРКР «Москва» высадилась на египетский фрегат «Шарм-аль-Шейх». В свою очередь, египетские моряки «досмотрели» ракетный корабль на воздушной подушке «Самум».

На Землю вернулся корабль «Союз» с тремя членами экипажа МКС

Полицейские в США применяют силу против граждан, «вооруженных» видеокаме...

Задержанная в Турции россиянка Варвара Караулова депортирована в Москву

83-летний пенсионер, которого подозревали в развращении ребенка, скончался

Задержан отец «мистера Икс-6»

Казахстан готов вступить в ВТО - economy

Швеция. Добровольцы помогают в поисках пропавшей девушки

Ушел из жизни Кристофер Ли

Япония. Проливные дожди привели к эвакуации населения

Teacher Stabbed At Bradford School

Crime Cam: Filming police legality explained

Welcome Home: Astronauts from Intl Space Station land back on Earth

Dramatic Coast Guard rescue captured on video

Petrolio, l'Aie alza le stime per la domanda 2015 - economy

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La caccia agli evasi si estende nel Vermont

Kazakhstan prossimo a entrare nell'Omc - economy

British actor Sir Christopher Lee dies

MERS outbreak has Hong Kong cautious

Police Say Lego Thefts on the Rise

Missing Pregnant Mom Found, but What Happened to Baby?

Investigation into Hillandale Farms, One of US's Largest Egg Producers



Immagini della diretta in web

На месторождении Кашаган новая авария | Новости | КТК

США: охота на сбежавших из тюрьмы преступников перекинулась на Вермонт

Интернациональный экипаж МКС возвращается на Землю

Южная Корея: число заразившихся коронавирусом достигло 122 человек

Громкие отставки в Польше после публикации прослушек

Japan rains trigger evacuation warning

US jailbreak: record-breaking manhunt crosses into Vermont

Astronauts return home after record-breaking ISS mission

14 new cases of MERS confirmed in South Korea

International monitors deplore rising ceasefire violations in eastern Uk...

Pope moves on sex abuse bishops

Cuba and Colombia on EU-CELAC agenda

Polish ministers forced to resign over secret recordings scandal

MERS Virus Outbreak: Everything You Need to Know

Samantha Cristoforetti torna a casa: la navetta Soyuz corre verso la Terra

Mers: aumentano i contagi in Corea del Sud, trema anche Hong Kong

Nulla di fatto a vertice Bruxelles su debito Grecia. Oggi Tsipras vede J...

Polonia, scandalo intercettazioni. Si dimettono il presidente del parlam...

RUSSIA - Police engage in high-speed chase and shootout against Moscow ‘robber gang’

Police were forced to chase a gang of suspected cash transport robbers through the streets of central Moscow and engage them in a shootout after an attempt to catch them red-handed was met with armed resistance.
“The arrest of the gang, formed on an ethnic basis and suspected carrying out a series of attacks, was undertaken by Moscow police and special forces. The group resisted actively, forcing the police to use personal firearms. No policemen or bystanders sustained injuries as a result of the operation,” said the police department in an official statement.
Police sources told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper that a team, which planned to arrest the group on their way to a robbery, was trailing a Mercedes SUV, holding men from the former Soviet republics of Moldova, Georgia and Tajikistan until it stopped at a traffic light at a busy intersection next to one of Moscow’s largest train stations.

Read article HERE
INC News 11/0-6/2015 - via RT


Times Square high-rise in smoke, building evacuated

New York firefighters are battling a blaze on the 33rd floor of a high-rise in Times Square.
A fire broke out around 5 PM local time at 1515 Broadway, also known as One Astor Plaza, the headquarters of Viacom and home of MTV studios. It was reportedly electrical in nature.