Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Недовольный пластикой носа и ушей пациент застрелил врача

Россия требует от Болгарии объяснить закрытие воздушного пространства

Смертельный аттракцион: туристы рухнули со стометровой высоты

Сына бизнесмена подозревают в жестоком убийстве школьницы

Центр визуализации сердца: диагноз поставит уникальный томограф

Два пятилетних детсадовца сделали подкоп, чтобы добраться до автосалона

Дерзкое ограбление ювелирного бандой мотоциклистов

После драки в аэропорту у Ирины Дубцовой диагностировали сотрясение мозга

Выбросившая детей из окна в Алматы женщина пришла в сознание

Алматинцам предлагали бесплатно слетать к морю

Великобритания признала вину за инцидент с траулером Karen

На суд над убийцами младенца принудительно доставили главного свидетеля

Столичные дольщики уже 10 лет не могут въехать в свои квартиры

Алматинка, которая выбросила из окна своих детей, пришла в сознание

Lufthansa бастует в 13-й за полтора года раз

В ЕС ужесточается запрет на клонирование животных

Ближний Восток накрыла песчаная буря

Католикам развестись будет проще

Китай: слабый юань помог обвалу импорта - economy

Банки покидают "ринг" Лондонской биржи металлов - economy

Сколько же беженцев примет ЕС и куда денет?

Все ли рады беженцам в Германии? - BBC Russian

TOR RUS 08,09,15

Da Strasburgo arriva il no alla clonazione animale per fini alimentari

Migranti, Merkel auspica una migliore redistribuzione in Europa

IFA, paradiso dei videogiochi - hi-tech

Afghanistan: 300 giovani avvelenate sui banchi di scuola

La Danimarca scrive sui giornali libanesi: "Norme più severe per chi chi...

Turchia. Oltre 120 sedi del partito filo-curdo Hdp prese d'assalto in tu...

Trattori paralizzano Bruxelles. L'UE promette mezzo miliardo

Un siriano filma traversata organizzata dagli scafisti tra Turchia e Lesbo

Ungheria, rispediti a confine con Serbia circa 300 migranti

Assolta dallo scandalo del gruppo Murdoch, torna al lavoro Rebekah Brooks

Tagikistan, 14 arresti dopo i sanguinosi scontri dei giorni scorsi

UN says one million migrants should reach Europe by 2016

Afghanistan: hundreds of schoolgirls affected by toxic gas

Exclusive footage: Farmers' angry protest caught on camera Brussels

Actor Jimmy Morales into Guatemalan presidential run-off

EU announces agricultural aid after farmers descend on Brussels

Syrian journalist films perilous crossing from Turkey to Greece

Around 300 migrants give up their desperate struggle to walk to the Hung...

Briefje lag naast vondeling

Hundreds of refugees storm past Hungarian police

Pope reforms annulment process for divorced Catholics

Aurora Borealis like you've never seen before

Mississippi Crews Pull Boy, Dog From Well

One woman's strength is helping refugees in Macedonia


Bulgaria denies airspace use for Russian supply flights to Syria

Bulgaria has denied use of its airspace for Russian aid flights to Syria due to doubts about the nature of the cargo Moscow sends to the war-torn country, Reuters reported. It comes on the heels of a similar Washington request to Greece.
No further details at the moment.


Preliminary 5.5 magnitude quake strikes off Mexican coast


  1. 2015-09-08 08:03:58 (UTC)
  2. 2015-09-08 10:03:58 (UTC+02:00) in your timezone
  3. Times in other timezones

Nearby Cities

  1. 135km (84mi) SSW of Pijijiapan, Mexico
  2. 136km (85mi) SW of Mapastepec, Mexico
  3. 159km (99mi) S of Tonala, Mexico
  4. 161km (100mi) WSW of Huixtla, Mexico
  5. 362km (225mi) W of Guatemala City, Guatemala


INCENews, Schiedam, 08/09/2015 

Migrant Crisis: Police Clash with Refugees in Hungary | ABC News

SPAIN - Scores of cars, trucks washed away as torrential floods hit southern Spain

Heavy torrential rains and massive flooding have turned the streets of a Spanish town into fast-flowing rivers that literary washed away cars and even large trucks, a YouTube video shows. The small town of Adra, in the Almeria province of southern Spain, has been the worst affected by the rains. Its streets have been turned into fast-flowing currents of water that swept away cars and trucks. Spain’s southern coast has been battling severe flooding caused by heavy rains for several days. At least one fatality was reported, with a 61-year-old man killed when his car was washed away in the town of Polopos, in the province of Granada. Several provinces, including Valencia, Alicante, Granada and Almeria, were issued with weather alerts by Spain's Civil Protection Service. Almeria alone has received 56 emergency calls in recent days.
ndr: Two weeks ago we were here, and effectly the weather was not very good. Especially in Alicante was often small raining one day yes and two days not. But not expected like this!

Have a look of the article with a lot of images and clips HERE
INC News, 08/09/2015 - via RT


At least 10 policemen dead & several wounded in bombing of minibus in eastern Turkey

Earlier Tuesday, reports emerged that more than 50 Turkish warplanes have launched a large operation against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq. Anatolia news agency said that "35 to 40 terrorists" were killed in airstrikes,"according to preliminary findings."