Monday, August 3, 2015

Половина россиян согласны на цензуру в Интернете

Между Великобританией и Францией разгораются споры из-за мигрантов

На взятке попался второй руководитель Костаная

Полицейский намеренно убил 30-летнего талдыкорганца - утверждают родные

Депутат Романовская может лишиться мандата за крепкое словцо

Назарбаев: «Надо вводить всеобщую экономию средств»

Борьба с изменением климата: Обама перешел от слов к делу

На Реюньоне найден руль с "Боинга 777", но с какого - неясно

NETHERLANDS - Netherlands cranes collapse in Alphen aan den Rijn (English version of what published by De Telegraaf here posted hrs ago)

Two cranes employed to restore a bridge in the central Dutch town of Alphen aan den Rijn have collapsed on to buildings with rescuers searching for victims. An amateur video showed the cranes, on a pontoon on the River Rhine, trying to hoist a section of the Juliana Bridge and toppling over under the weight.
It is still not known how many people, if any, are trapped in the rubble, the town's vice-mayor said. Images on Dutch media showed a row of crushed buildings. Witness Dick van Smirren, who filmed the incident, told the NOS national broadcaster: "You see the cloud of dust arise - that is a terrible image and you think: 'Who is under there?' You can't believe what you see." De Volkskrant newspaper said a Dutch team normally used for earthquakes and other disasters had been sent to the scene.

INC News, 03/08/2015 

RUSSIA - Half of Russians favor online censorship

Almost half of Russians believe that online information should be censored, 58% support complete Internet shut down in the country in case of a national threat of a possibility of mass protests, and 73% believe that negative information about civil servants should not be posted online, says a report prepared by the Russian Center for Public Opinion Studies (VTsIOM) and the Center for Global Communication Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
The survey shows that 42% of Russian citizens use the Internet on a regular basis. Another 20% said that went online from time to time, up to several times a week, and 38% of Russians said they hadn't used the Internet for six months and more. Slightly over half of Russians say the Internet has a positive impact on their lives, and one-third of the respondents believe the Internet's influence is negative.
Read article HERE
INC News, 03/08/2015 - via TASS

KAZAKHSTAN - Man found hanged from lamp post in Atyrau, suicide suspected

Suicide is suspected after the body of a young man was found hanged from a lamppost at the river bank in Zhil gorodok district of the city early Monday on August 3, said Gulnazira Mukhtarova, head of Internal Affairs Department press service of Atyrau Oblast.
According to the preliminary version of police officers no foul play was suspected, she said. The young man was 33-y.o. native of Zhambyl Oblast, who lived and worked at a small company in Atyrau. Expert assessment has been commissioned.

INC News,03/08/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

Healthy 75yo UK woman dies in Swiss euthanasia clinic to avoid ‘becoming a burden’

A healthy former nurse has killed herself in a Swiss euthanasia clinic because she feared developing a terminal illness and being unable to take her own life. Gill Pharaoh, 75, who did not want to become a “hobbling old lady,” was not suffering from any serious illnesses before she died on July 12 at an assisted dying clinic called Life Circle in Basel.
The mother-of-two had to flee Britain to end her life because laws in the UK do not allow assisted dying.

Read article HERE
INC News, 03/08/2015 - via RT

RAW: Masked men attack Ukraine's former ruling party HQs in Kharkov

La rivoluzione verde di Obama

Obama's new policy on clmate change faces opposition

Officer killed during traffic stop

Полиция Бразилии стреляет на поражение

В Одессе националисты напали на участников митинга в память о жертвах тр...

Cina, frena il manifatturiero. Nuovi interventi della banca centrale in ...

E' ufficiale: il pezzo d'ala trovato alla Réunion è di un Boeing 777

1700 clandestini in una sola notte tentano di passare da Calais alla Gra...

Rio police 'trigger happy' says Amnesty as Olympics loom

Van De Telegraaf - Auto’s storten in rivier

Van De Telegraaf - Alert op terugkeer zeevonk

Van De Telegraaf - ‘Zeevonk is niet gevaarlijk’


Two cranes fall onto houses in western Netherlands, 20 feared injured

At least 20 people are feared injured after two cranes collapsed on a housing in the western Netherlands, Dutch media reported.The incident took place in Alphen aan den Rijn, a town in the western Netherlands with a population of about 100 people.

Space crab? Mars object in NASA pics totally thrills red planet fans

“Spider”, “Alien”, “John Carter”, “awesome Martian space crab” – these are a few suggestions by social media users who apparently thoroughly studied a recent NASA image of Mars which captured a strange object on the surface of the red planet.
The raw image taken by NASA Curiosity somewhere in July was hugely discussed in the Facebook group ‘Journey to the Surface of the Mars’.“Now this one is AWESOME!!!” wrote the group whose slogan is “They will not tell the truth about MARS.” They even enlarged the NASA image and so that the world could have a better look of ‘the creature’.
This article, very interesting and editing by RT, we suggest to everyone to read and express own criteria on what could be possible or impossible.

INC News, 03/08/2015 - via RT

"Крымские татары против русских - это старый миф"

Американский посол на Донбассе занимается пиаром

Штаты поменяли "Исламское государство" на Асада?

Президента Израиля, призвавшего к миру и состраданию, обвиняют в поддерж...

18-month-old Palestinian baby arson killing sparks public anger, Israeli...

Sandstorm hits Jordanian capital

Flights are disrupted in Amman as the Jordanian capital is hit by a sandstorm, strong winds and soaring temperatures. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

INC News, 03/08/2015 - via Reuter

Varata ad Amburgo la più grande nave cargo al mondo

Lotta contro le fiamme in California

Messico, migliaia di giornalisti in strada dopo l'uccisione di Ruben Esp...

Costa Rica, migliaia di fedeli in ginocchio davanti alla Vergine Nera

MH370: Investigators to meet in Paris to coordinate work

Newly-opened Athens stock market plunges after five-week shutdown

LGBT activists arrested in Russia amid paratrooper celebrations

Gay Pride stabbing: Teenager during march dies - BBC News

Syrian refugees in Jordan suffer from cuts to food support

Future UK underground to serve 200 million passengers annually

Devastating Wildfires Destroy Homes in Northern California | ABC News

Massive strike hits Aussie airports as Abbott plans pay cuts for customs, immigration staff

Passengers at all international airports across Australia are in for major disruptions and delays in the busy Monday morning peak period as customs and immigration staff strike against the Abbott government’s plans to cut A$8,000 from workers’ pay.
Airports have urged travelers heading overseas on Monday to "come in as early as they can."  The strike will hit international airports in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Cairns, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin. At the Melbourne airport, the strike kicked off at  7 a.m. and will continue until 11 a.m., with further action set to continue from 9 p.m. on Monday until 1 a.m. on Tuesday.

INC News, 03/08/2017 - via RT

Telescope captures spectacular Lagoon Nebula, a vast cauldron of interstellar gas & dust

Check out the new amazing photos of the Lagoon Nebula, located 4,000 light years from Earth. It’s a vast, churning area of hot interstellar gas and dust, with new stars forming all over the region.

INC News, 03/08/2015 - via RT

No more passwords or PIN in Dutch Banks

Dutch bank ING is offering its clients a new online banking service: customers can now make payments using their voice without entering PIN codes. Users only need to say a short phrase to access their accounts – the program will compare the voice with a file stored in the app. 
“Thanks in part to the inclusion of biometric applications, we are able to make banking faster, smoother and easier for our customers and improve access,” said Jeroen Losekoot, Internet & mobile marketing manager at ING, as cited by the Daily Mail.

Read article HERE

INC News, 03/08/2015 - via RT

Нигерия: из плена "Боко Харам" освобождены 178 детей и женщин

Миротворец ООН погиб в Центральноафриканской республике

В Калифорнии эвакуируют людей из зоны сильных лесных пожаров

Керри в Египте: Каир и Вашингтон налаживают стратегический диалог

В Шанхае мужчина потерял голень, застряв на эскалаторе

В Шанхае мужчине ампутировали ногу, после того как он застрял на маленьком эскалаторе. Это уже третий серьезный несчастный случай на эскалаторе в Китае за неделю. 35-летний Жанг работает уборщиком в торговом центре «Девятое облако», в одном из шанхайских парков, сообщают местные СМИ. На записи камеры видеонаблюдения видно, как в субботу вечером, мужчина со шваброй убирается на эскалаторе, в один момент одна металлическая платформа проваливается, и мужчина застревает по голень в механической части эскалатора. В конечном счете, мужчина был спасен пожарниками и был доставлен в больницу, где пришлось ампутировать его нижнюю часть голени. Местными СМИ отмечается, что на данный момент идет расследование по данному факту. Источник:

ФОТО: Пожар в Калифорнии

Photo/AFP/ Josh Edelson/Пожарная машина едет прочь от пламени во время лесных пожаров в Калифорнии, неподалеку от озера Клир.

Израиль: скончалась 16-летняя девушка, раненая во время гей-парада

На «Фукусиме» возобновили демонтаж «саркофага»

Мексика: многотысячные акции протеста против убийства фотожурналиста