Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 25 11 2015 «1 канал»

Контрабандист элитных часов объявлен в международный розыск

Штурман сбитого Су-24 хочет вернуть туркам должок

В Караганде задержали ди-джея - сбытчика "спайса"

Хлеб за "Спасибо" раздают нуждающимся в Алматы

Путин и Медведев осмотрели Президентский центр Бориса Ельцина в Екатерин...

Учителя физики, химии, биологии и информатики заговорят на английском

Жители Костаная вызывают скорую в три раза чаще, чем раньше

В Тунисе введено чрезвычайное положение и комендантский час

Thomas Cook стал рентабельным, несмотря на трудный год - economy

Специалисты ООН назвали 2015 год самым жарким за всю историю наблюдений

Ветеринары-"беспилотники" - science

120 тысяч полицейских обеспечат безопасность во время климатического сам...

В Брюсселе снова открылись школы

Теракт в Тунисе: 13 погибших и 20 раненых. Террорист взорвал себя внутри...

Папа римский едет в Африку без бронежилета

Как тренируется спецназ в Алматы (24.11.15)

В Алматы состоялся турнир по бильярду памяти поэта Ибрагима Исаева (24....

Pilota russo: "Non avevamo violato lo spazio aereo turco, né ricevuto av...

Mosca: "Dalla Turchia una provocazione premeditata"

La Tunisia vittima del fondamentalismo

Crisi migranti: diminuiscono gli sbarchi, resta l'emergenza

La Francia si prepara nell'emergenza a ricevere 195 Capi di Stato

Clima: costi enormi se fallisce la Conferenza

Prezzi bassi, Opec spaccato a metà sul taglio della produzione di greggi...

Allarme terrorismo a Bruxelles, le scuole riaprono dopo due giorni di ch...

Papa Francesco in Africa, priorità a giovani e dialogo religioso

WMO warns 2015 the hottest year on record

France mounts "unprecendented" security steps for global climate talks

Sergei Lavrov press conf. "We will never go to war with Turkey" - LIVE

Bus bomber kills presidential guards in Tunisian capital

Pope Francis heads to Africa with a message of religious tolerance

2015 pourrait être l'année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée (ONU)

Un kamikaze est à l'origine de l'attentat de Tunis qui a fait 13 morts m...

Le second pilote de l'avion russe abattu en Syrie est vivant et en lieu sûr

‘Nieuwe twintigje knispert lekker!’

Rekeningrijden: zo groot is de kans

Neergehaalde piloot spreekt

Russen eisen wraak op ‘moordenaars’

Hypermodern nieuw twintigje

Auto surft op modderstroom

Scholen Brussel bewaakt weer open

Een miljoen pakjes per dag

‘All-in zonder asociale Russen!’

FBI Issues Warning as Holiday Travelers Hit the Road

Justin Trudeau on tensions between Russia and Turkey

Brussels trying to get back to normal

Thanksgiving Travelers Satisfied with Security

Obama: No Credible Intel About Threat Against US

Obama calls for Russia and Turkey to ease tensions

Thousands of Brazilian women live in fear of violence

100 years of General Relativity

Nella giornata contro la violenza sulle donne: Perugia: uccide la moglie a colpi di fucile, poi si consegna

L'ennesimo delitto che oggi farà da ombra nera alla Giornata contro la violenza sulle donne. E' accaduto a Perugia, dove un uomo ha ucciso la moglie, le ha tolto la vita tra le pareti di casa sparandole con una doppietta, un fucile da caccia. Lei aveva 43 anni. A sparare - secondo le prime informazioni - sarebbe stato il marito, un agente immobiliare di 40 anni, che si è poi consegnato ai carabinieri
L'omicidio è accaduto nella zona del Bellocchio, dietro la stazione Fontivegge. Qualcuno ha sentito gli spari e ha dato l'allarme poco prima delle quattro del pomeriggio. Sul posto sono arrivati il 118 e i carabinieri che hanno blindato la zona.
INC News, 25/11/2015 - via repubblica

Gazprom cessa forniture all'Ucraina

Dopo i moniti dei giorni scorsi, Gazprom ha interrotto le forniture di gas all'Ucraina finche' non arriveranno nuovi pre-pagamenti. Lo rende noto l'ad del colosso energetico russo Alexiei Miller, precisando che oggi è stato consegnato a Kiev tutto il metano già pagato e che non sono giunte nuove richieste.
"La rinuncia da parte di Kiev di acquistare il gas russo crea seri rischi per il transito affidabile del gas in Europa attraverso il territorio ucraino e anche per la fornitura di gas ai consumatori ucraini per il prossimo inverno'': è il monito dell'ad di Gazprom Alexiei Miller.
Leggete l´articolo molto esaustivo di ANSA QUI
INC News, 25-11-2015 / via ANSA


‘Turkish jets gave us no warning before shooting’ – rescued pilot of downed Russian Su-24

The navigator of the Russian Su-24 shot down by a Turkish fighter jet on Tuesday insists that his plane did not cross into Turkey’s airspace, and says he was given no visual or radio warning before being fired at.
It’s impossible that we violated their airspace even for a second,” Konstantin Murakhtin told Russia’s Rossiya 1 channel. “We were flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters in completely clear weather, and I had total control of our flight path throughout.”
INC News, 25-11-2015 / via RT

The manhunt for the Paris attacks suspects intensifies

Russia: Pilot has been rescued

Fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald WARNING: graphic content.

NATO fails to show unanimity on Turkey’s shooting of Russian bomber

NATO members failed to come out with a unified show of support to Turkey following an emergency meeting it called on Tuesday. There were also serious concerns about Turkish conduct and discord about the crash location, sources say.
Despite the formal solidarity expressed by the Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in a brief low-key statement after the emergency meeting of NATO’s North Atlantic Council (NAC) called upon Turkey’s request over downing of the Russian jet bomber, there were signs of disagreement between some NATO.

Read the article clicking HERE
INC News, 25-11-2015 / via RT

Activists urge FSB to launch nationwide anti-terrorist public movement

The Russian Public Chamber has proposed giving ordinary citizens a larger role in the anti-terrorist effort by creating a national movement that would help security services and prevent the spreading of extremist ideas in the community.
The initiative comes from the chairman of the Public Chamber’s commission for social and labor politics Vladimir Slepak. He addressed the director of the Federal Security Service and to the head of the National Anti-Terror Committee and offered help in strengthening public safety.
Read article complete, clicking HERE
INC News,25-11-2015 / via RT

Russian businesses boycott Turkey over jet incident

Russia’s largest tour operators are terminating their business with Turkey in response to the Kremlin's travel warning to the country in the aftermath of the downing of a Russian warplane.
Major operators Pegas Touristik, Natalie Tours, Biblio Globus and Tez Tour have announced they are ending package holidays to Turkey.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov canceled his visit to Istanbul over the jet incident and recommended Russians not visit Turkey in the near future.
Read article HERE

INC News, 25/11/2015 - via RT

Chicago Protesters March As Video of Shooting Emerges | ABC News


Russian missile cruiser off Latakia coast, ready to destroy dangerous air targets 

Russia has deployed a missile cruiser near Latakia and is ready to take down any aerial targets threatening its airbase near the Syrian city, with long-range surface-to-air missiles.
The move was announced on Tuesday after Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber conducting an anti-terrorist mission in Syria. Ankara claims it engaged the warplane over a violation of Turkey’s airspace, but Moscow denies any violation and accused Turkey of aiding terrorists in Syria.

INC News, 25/11/2015 - via RT


Powerful 6.9 quake jolts Peru-Brazil border

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake has struck eastern Peru, close to the border with Brazil, according to USGS.

INC News, 25/11/2015- via RT