Friday, December 20, 2013

London road traffic accident-last news

It is not enough what happened yesterday at the Apollo's Theatre, now a big crash of bus in London generated 32  passengers injured . We hope that a serious investigation is performed to verify the real reasons of this incredible crash.

Atyrau, 20/12/2013-INC News

Povera Italia

Un tempo chiamavano l'Italia "spaghetti e manduline", poi, dopo l'operazione Mani Pulite di DiPietro fu menzionata come "Italia fustelle e bustarelle". Infine arrivo' Berlusconi, e venne chiamata "il Paese del Bunga-Bunga". Ma ora? Dopo vicende come questa (e sono migliaia mai denunciate) come chiameremo l'Italia? "Session-droga e Rock 'ND roll"?

Atyrau, 20/12/2013 - INC News

Putin promised and he has done what declared

news at the moment

no comment: best of 2013

Heart-stopping high-wire video: French daredevils walk on cable car wire...

Putin to pardon jailed oil tycoon Khodorkovsky

New Putin's conference

The escalation of Vladimir  Putin continues. Now he promises the pardon to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and in the same way, as mentioned in ANSA Agency, during an important conference with Media, he needs to establish new roles in defense of traditional moral value of new Russia.In the same conference he has expressed regret for the Pussy Riot not for the fact that they are in prison, but for the fact that they tried to humiliate the dignity of women.

Atyrau,20/12/2013-INC News

Killer Wanted

Qualcuno spieghi come sia possibile che un serial killer debba usufruire di una licenza premio....! Se un individuo ha commesso un reato contro la persona in continuita' con il fine di togliere la vita alle persone da esso lese, deve esserci una ragione, che deve essere vakutata da un punto di vista psichiatrico , e questo iter di esame deve avvenire in un carcere. Non credo minimamente alla serieta' della persona incriminata di essere un signore e di dare sicurezza del proprio ravvedersi da cio; che ha fatto, o per lo meno non in questo periodo, forse molto piu' avanti con pena conclusa. Se ora egli dovesse di nuovo uccidere, come si sentirebbe il Giudice?

Atyrau, 20/12/2013-INC News

Another Public place crashed

Just as there is safety in football stadiums, there should be security in cinemas, theaters, public places. For years we are witnessing a real massacre of people who die in places where safety rules, invented in England just so narrow and strict, are completely disregarded and never observed. In this case should be investigated up to the limit of the possible the reasons that generated of this collapse and apply the obligation of all the safety standards that actually exist. If we took beyond the imagination to protect the life after the massacre of Piper Alpha, now is the time to decide for theaters and public spaces. Otherwise someone has to explain for what reason Safety and Security Rules have been written.

Atyrau, 20/12/2013-INC News