Friday, February 5, 2016
Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (05.02.2016) 05 февраля 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Vesti
Мошенники продают опасные браслеты, притворяясь Минздравом и певицей Алсу
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Алексей Букалов: встреча папы и патриарха, безусловно, историческая, они...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Членство Великобритании в ЕС: Кэмерон обсуждает проект соглашения
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
"Дизельный скандал" помешал Volkswagen выпустить годовой отчет - economy
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
ArcelorMittal выпускает акции и продает активы, чтобы сократить долги - ...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Прогнозы LinkedIn на этот год не устроили инвесторов - corporate
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
6.7 magnitude earthquake shakes southern Taiwan
Parigi, va all'asta una Ferrari storica. Potrebbe superare i 32 milioni ...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Il premier Cameron in Polonia e Danimarca cerca sostegno in vista della ...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brasile in crisi economica alle prese con il virus Zika, a sei mesi dall...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Vendite di Toyota: accelerano gli Usa, rallenta la Cina - economy
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Assange, Londra e Stoccolma dicono no all'Onu: "Nessuna liberazione"
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Scandalo emissioni, VW rinvia conti 2015 e assemblea degli azionisti - e...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
A Cuba il 12 febbraio incontro storico tra Papa Francesco il patriarca K...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Luce e apprendimento, un legame imprescindibile - learning world
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Usa, deludono le nuove buste paga. Ma la disoccupazione cala al 4,9% - e...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
LinkedIn, le previsioni deludono i mercati. In rosso il social network -...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
ArcelorMittal in rosso a causa del tonfo del costo delle materie prime -...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Julian Assange warns of 'consequences if detention continues'
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Japanese volcano erupts on nuclear power station island
A Japanese volcanic eruption has fired ash nearly 2km into the sky and sent molten lava flowing down its slopes.
The Sakurajima volcano lies 50 km from the Sendai nuclear plant, but the authorities said there was no risk.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
East meets West: Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis to talk in Cuba
INC News - 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Bright ideas: Exploring the importance of light on learning - learning w...
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
In a video the collapse of the crane in NY Manhattan
It is incredible what was happening!! Only a serious
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©RT News
Facebook blocks messaging encryption service Crypter
Following publicity from major tech news outlets, Crypter, the encryption service designed to encrypt chat messages, has been blocked by social media giant Facebook. After Crypter, an app developed by Sussex University student Max Mitchell, was touted by the likes of BGR and TechCrunch earlier this week, Facebook "clocked on" to the encryption service, effectively blocking the tool from use , according to Crypter .
"We will be working extremely hard on another way around, so still download the extension as an update will be pushed out automatically," Crypter's website says. "We at Crypter are really sorry about this."
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Wegwerkers weer vogelvrij
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
The fast news of De Telegraaf - Juichen om einde boetefuik A2
Het nieuws dat er een einde komt aan de onduidelijkheid op de A2, tussen Amsterdam en Utrecht, is voor veel automobilisten reden om te juichen. Overdag zijn er stukken waar je maar 100 kilometer per uur mag rijden. Veel mensen zien dat niet en hebben dan al gauw een boete aan hun broek.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
6 febbraio, il mondo contro le mutilazioni dei genitali femminili
Circoncisione femminile, escissione del clitoride, infibulazione e altri interventi di mutilazione dei genitali.
Per 30 paesi, quasi tutti africani, sono tradizionali riti di passaggio, simboli dicastità e rispettabilità femminile. Per il resto del mondo una barbarie che continua a perpetrarsi da secoli.
Contro questa drammatica e a volte anche tragica tradizione il 6 febbraio si celebrerà la Giornata Mondiale contro l’infibulazione e le mutilazioni genitali femminili, nella speranza di sensibilizzare maggiormente l’opinione pubblica.
Vi invitiamo a leggere attentamente l'articolo di La Stampa cliccando QUI
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©La Stampa
UN: Millions More Girls at Risk of Female Genital Mutilation
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©CBN News
Assange: Sweden, UK Cannot Appeal UN Panel
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©AP
Virginia Murder Suspect Allegedly 'Excited' About Murder Plot
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Abc News
Armed men open fire at boxing event in Dublin hotel, reports of 2 injured
Shots have been fired at a boxing event at a Dublin hotel, according to local media. Authorities say they are responding to a “serious incident.”
Three men burst into the foyer of the hotel dressed in "police-style" uniforms. Witnesses said the men began firing what appeared to be AK47s.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Florida Governor Expands State of Emergency in Zika Virus Outbreak
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source
Officials Look at ISIS and Al-Shebab as Suspects in Plane Explosion
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Abc News
Sembrava tutto sotto controllo - Colonia: violentata ragazza di 22 anni a Carnevale.
Eravamo tutti non proprio convinti che il Carevale di Colonia potesse passare inosservato, ed infatti ANSA comunica proprio questo: un nuovo caso di violenza da parte di un profugo, questa volta afgano.
Ecco l'articolo :
Una ragazza di 22 anni è stata vittima di uno stupro, nel corso del Carnevale di Colonia. Lo riporta Bild on line, rivelando che subito dopo la denuncia è stato fermato dalla polizia un profugo afgano di 17 anni. La ragazza sarebbe stata intercettata alle 3 del mattino per strada dal giovane che le ha mostrato materiale pornografico sul cellulare, secondo quanto riferisce una portavoce delle forze dell'ordine al tabloid. Il ragazzo si poi è avventato su di lei, picchiandola fino a farle perdere i sensi. Appena rinvenuta, la vittima ha capito essere stata anche violentata.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©ANSA AP
A historic meeting of pope and Russian Orthodox head seen nearer
A historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church will take place on February 12 in Cuba, azh . kz reports citing RBK. The unprecedented meeting would be a significant step towards healing the 1,000-year-old rift between the Western and Eastern branches of Christianity, which split in the Great Schism of 1054.
"Now such a meeting is getting closer every day, but it must be well prepared," Metropolitan Hilarion, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church's foreign relations department, said in an interview with Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper.
He said the meeting between the head of the 1.2 billion members Roman Catholic Church and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church - which counts some 165 million of the world's 250 million Orthodox Christians - would take place in Cuba, a "neutral" country, not in Moscow or the Vatican. Francis told reporters on the plane returning from a trip to Turkey last year that he had sent word to Kirill that he was willing to meet the Russian patriarch "wherever you want, you call me and I'll come", Reuters reported earlier.
The Russian Orthodox Church has accused Catholics of using their new freedoms of religion following the break-up of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s to try to convert people from the Orthodox, a charge the Vatican has denied. One of the biggest bones of contention is the fate of many church properties that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin confiscated from Eastern Rite Catholics, who worship in an Orthodox rite but owe their allegiance to Rome.
Stalin gave the property to the Russian Orthodox Church, but after the fall of communism, Eastern Rite Catholics took back many church properties, mostly in western Ukraine.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©Ak Zhaik
Denmark officially confirms US plane was in Copenhagen in June 2013 to fly Snowden to America
Denmark has publicly acknowledged for the first time that in June 2013 a US plane was waiting in a Copenhagen airport to extradite NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to the US. At the time he was stranded in a Moscow airport.
The allegations of Denmark’s complicity in the plan resurfaced last week after the news that website Denfri had published documents disclosed under a freedom of information request pointing to such a connection.
Danish officials initially denied the report, but on Friday Justice Minister Søren Pind confirmed it to parliament.
“The purpose of the plane’s presence at Copenhagen Airport was apparently to have the ability to transport Edward Snowden to the USA in case he was delivered from Russia or another country,” the minister said in a written statement.
After the Denfri revelations, Snowden suggested that Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen had rejected calls from left wing MPs to provide him political asylum because of the PM’s involvement with the US rendition plan.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, is to meet his Roman Catholic counterpart, Pope Francis, during a historic visit to Latin America. The groundbreaking meeting is to happen in mid-February in Cuba.
The meeting between heads the two major Christian churches would be an unprecedented move to mend a millennium-long rift between the Western and Eastern branches of the religion, which started with the Great Schism of 1054.
Persecution of Christians in the modern world is the main issue for the two leaders to discuss, the Russian Orthodox Church said. Christians are among the minorities suffering at the hands of groups adhering to radical Islamist ideology in places like Iraq, Syria and Somalia.
In addition to Cuba, Patriarch Kirill’s Latin American tour from February 11-22 includes Paraguay, Chile and Brazil.
Papa Francesco, a Cuba storico incontro con il patriarca di Mosca
L'annuncio della Santa Sede: Francesco e Kirill si vedranno il 12 febbraio e firmeranno una dichiarazione congiunta
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: web
Japan's Sakurajima volcano erupts some 50km from nuclear plant
Japan’s Sakurajima volcano, about 50km from the Sendai nuclear station, has erupted. Japan’s Meteorological Agency has issued an orange warning not to approach the volcano.
Residents in the area were evacuated in August last year after an alert for the volcano was raised to its second highest level. When Sakurajima erupted in 1914, it was Japan’s most powerful of the 20th century. The lava flows filled the strait separating the island from the mainland, turning the area into a peninsula.
INC News, 05/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews
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