A fiery object was seen streaking across the sky over sky early on June 29, leaving hundreds of witnesses to guess if it was a meteorite or a piece of space junk.
The fireball was spotted by the residents of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama at about 1:30am local time, local media
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that his country will extend and expand the trial visa-free regime announced last year and due to end this July. Now, citizens from 20 countries will not need visas for short trips to Kazakhstan, he announced at a Kazakh-Italian business forum in Milan on June 27. About 20 agreements for a total amount of $500 million were also signed at the forum.
The Kazakh delegation headed by Nazarbayev visited Milan to take part in a ceremony dedicated to the National Day of Kazakhstan at EXPO Milano 2015 as well as to visit the business forum. The President also held bilateral talks with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi.
Delivering a speech at the business forum, Nazarbayev said, “Investors are given the opportunity to attract foreign labour without any quotas and permits. Besides, we have established a visa-free regime for investors from 10 countries, including Italy. From July 15, we will prolong the visa-free regime for investors, and extended it for another 10 countries: Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Monaco, Singapore, Australia, Norway, Sweden and Finland. I think not many countries in the world can offer such beneficial conditions for investors."
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with an integrated single market of 180 million people makes Kazakhstan attractive for investments, Nazarbayev pointed out. The trade bloc of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia introduces a free movement of goods, capital, services and workforce. Kazakhstan can be considered as a gate to the EAEU, he explained.
В Медеуском суде Алматы завершился судебный процесс по делу о драке у клуба "Чукотка", в результате которой погиб один из участников инцидента - Сырым Мураткалиев. Единственным обвиняемым по уголовному делу проходил Александр Кузнецов. Его приговорили к полутора годам лишения свободы. Свой срок подсудимый будет отбывать в колонии-поселении.
В Каире совершено покушение на генерального прокурора Египта Хишама Бараката, сообщает РИА Новости. Неизвестные подорвали заминированный автомобиль на пути движения кортежа чиновника. В результате взрыва Хишам Баракат с ранением был доставлен в больницу, также пострадали и его телохранители. На видео видно, что от взрывной волны разбиты стекла соседних зданий, выгорели несколько автомобилей. Кто совершил подрыв пока неизвестно.
Террористам не удастся одержать победу, мы сплотимся, чтобы защитить наши ценности, - об этом заявили в понедельник министры внутренних дел Туниса, Великобритании, Франции и Германии. Они возложили венки к месту теракта в городе Сус, в результате которого в минувшую пятницу погибли 38 человек. Ответственность за расстрел безоружных отдающих на пляже отеля "Империал Мархаба" взяла на себя группировка "Исламское государство". Среди жертв также граждане Германии, Бельгии, Португалии и Ирландии.
Грузинский центр отдыха и развлечений - этот город в летние месяцы собирает гостей со всего региона! Знакомьтесь: Батуми. Столица Аджарии, автономной республики в составе Грузии, идеальное место для тех, кто рифмует отпуск с развлечениями. Кажется, праздник в батумских клубах и ресторанах не кончается никогда. А в двух шагах, совсем рядом, прекрасные пляжи и теплое море.
Население Греции готовится к историческому референдуму, запасая бензин и товары, особенно импортные. Греческие компании уверяют, что до голосования дефицита не будет, а вот что произойдет в следующие несколько недель - неизвестно. Дефолт и выход их еврозоны могут создать невиданный финансовый хаос в стране.
Совершающий кругосветное путешествие самолет на солнечных батареях вылетел из Японии и взял курс на Гавайи. Швейцарский Solar Impulse 2 оторвался от земли в аэропорту города Нагоя под приветственные крики членов своей наземной группы поддержки. Вылет самолета неоднократно откладывался из-за плохой погоды. Над Тихим океаном до Гавайских островов лететь около пяти дней.
Улицы тунисского курортного города Сус опустели с пятницы, когда здесь был совершен теракт, стоивший жизни 39 туристам: бельгийцам, англичанам, немцам...Иностранцы срочно уезжают из Туниса. Магазины, сувенирные лавки закрываются в отсутствие покупателей. Иностранные туристы обеспечивают пятую часть ВВП страны, и практически 100% дохода мелких лавочников. "Этот теракт очень плохо сказался на всех нас, - говорит один из них. - Особенно на тех, кто работает в туристическом секторе.
Новая серия программ "Открытки из Казахстана" начинается в столице Казахстана с осмотра башни Байтерек, ставшей символом города. Сооружение из стекла и бетона напоминает дерево: металлический "ствол", стоящий на сваях, удерживает огромный шар из стёкол-хамелеонов, меняющих цвет на солнце.
Французский исламист Ясин Салхи, подозреваемый в нападении на завод и убийстве своего начальника, признался в совершённых преступлениях и рассказал следствию подробности. Убитый — глава транспортной компании, в которой Салхи работал водителем. Преступник рассказал, что убил начальника на парковке, отрезал ему голову и вывесил её на заборе в окружении флагов и надписей на арабском языке.
Potrebbe esserci una colpa medica grave dietro la morte di Pino Anfuso, 53 anni, cineoperatore della Rai calabrese, deceduto all'ospedale di Reggio Calabria il 28 maggio scorso a seguito di un'embolia polmonare. E' questa l'ipotesi della Procura di Reggio Calabria che ha iscritto sul registro degli indagati venti tra medici e infermieri di due diversi ospedali di Genova e Reggio. La vicenda risale ai primi di maggio quando Anfuso si era recato nel capoluogo ligure per partecipare al matrimonio della nipote. A Genova era stato ricoverato a seguito di una banale caduta che gli aveva procurato una piccola frattura alla caviglia. Ricoverato per un breve periodo il cineoperatore era stato dimesso e fatto rientrare a Reggio Calabria, sua città di residenza. I medici del San Martino, come sempre avviene in questi casi, gli avevano somministrato un farmaco anticoagulante, indispensabile a prevenire eventuali complicazioni come l'embolia o la trombosi. Medicinale che, tuttavia, gli era stato prescritto in una dose inferiore rispetto al necessario, in relazione al peso corporeo del paziente. LeggerearticoloQUI INC News, 29/06/2015 - via Repubblica
L'Fbi britannica (la National Crime Agency) ha messo in stato di massima allerta l'anti-terrorismo perchè teme un possibile attentato in Gran Bretagna. Ad innescare l'allarme la notizia dell'arrivo nel Paese di un carico di temibili mitragliette di fabbricazione 'cescoslovacca' Skorpion (la famigerata arma con cui le Brigate Rosse uccisero, tra gli altri, Aldo Moro) in grado di sparare fino a 1.000 colpi al minuto. Queste armi, piccole quanto letali, sono state vendute a bande criminali locali che, secondo l'anti-terrorismo, sono in contatto e si scambiano informazioni e armi con cellule jihadiste. E' quanto rivela il Times, che riferisco come Scotland Yard abbia rafforzato le misure di sicurezza in tutti i punti sensibili, a partire dal torneo di tennis di Wimbledon, che inizia oggi. Particolare attenzione anche alla ricorrenza del 10 anniversario dell'attentato del 7 luglio 2005, in cui 4 terroristi uccisero 55 persone e ne ferirono oltre 700, in un'azione coordinata a Londra. INC News, 29/06/2015 - via Repubblica
The court in Amsterdam ruled on Thursday that Facebook has to find out who posted the sex tape of a 21 year old woman from Werkendam on the site, NOS reports.
The sex tape featuring the woman and her ex-boyfriend appeared on the social network site in January. It was removed again on February 10th, but had been frequently downloaded and is still being shared. The ex-boyfriend, who made the film, denies putting it online. Which is why the woman filed a lawsuit against Facebook to find out who was responsible. According to her lawyer, this video has turned the woman’s life into a living hell.
Facebook informed the woman that they could not give her any information, because the data has been removed from their servers. According to the company, this type of data is only stored for 90 days.
The court ruled that the perpetrator acted illegally and that Facebook is the only source of information on who the perpetrator may be. The company must therefore fulfill its legal duty and provide any information they have to the victim within two weeks. If Facebook maintains that the data is gone, an independent third party will be called in to verify.
A 42-year-old Arubian man has died in a Dutch hospital following a violent arrest by The Hague police, local media reported, citing witnesses saying Mitch Henriquez was brutally beaten by law enforcement officers. An investigation has been launched.
The Prosecutor’s Officer (OM) said in a statement that Mitch Henriquez began to feel unwell on the way to the police station, following his arrest at the “Night in the Park” music festival in The Hague, nltimes.nl reported. Video footage shows the man was left without medical aid, lying lifeless and handcuffed on the grass while two agents were sitting on him. Henriquez seemed already unconscious when he was dragged into the police bus.
Witnesses said that Henriquez was making jokes with friends after the festival, shouting he had a weapon, when a group of officers approached him, afadenhaag.wordpress.com reported. Henriquez allegedly resisted his arrest. According to bystanders and his family, police used excessive force to arrest the man, afadenhaag.wordpress.com said.
Haagse agenten hebben gisteren (zaterdag 27 juni 2015) na het 'Night at the Park' festival in het Zuiderpark de 42 jarige Arubaan Mitch Henriquez doodgeslagen. In een verklaring stelt het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) dat Henriquez onderweg naar het politiebureau onwel werd, echter blijkt uit camerabeelden dat hij al buiten bewustzijn of in coma was voordat hij de politiebus in werd gesleurd zonder medische hulp te krijgen.
Getuigen zeggen dat Henriquez na het festival grapjes aan het maken was met vrienden, toen een groep agenten bovenop hen dook. Henriquez belandde in een coma, en overleed vandaag in het ziekenhuis. Volgens omstanders en zijn familie hebben agenten veel geweld gebruikt bij zijn arrestatie.
Volgens het 'officiële' bericht van het OM zou Henriquez geroepen hebben dat hij een wapen had, en zou hij zich hebben verzet tegen zijn aanhouding, waarop er geweld tegen hem werd gebruikt. Pas onderweg naar het politiebureau zou Henriquez onwel zijn geworden. Ooggetuigen en een zojuist verschenen filmpje vertellen echter een heel ander verhaal. Henriquez zou grapjes aan het maken zijn met vrienden, waarop hij werd gewaarschuwd door de politie en doorliep. Ook zijn zus Lila zegt dat hij misschien wat luidruchtig was maar het niet tegen de politie had maar tegen zijn vrienden.
Vlak daarna werden hij en zijn vrienden belaagd door de politie, waarbij er 4 agenten op zijn nek sprongen. Op filmpjes is duidelijk te zien dat Mitch Henriquez schijnbaar levenloos en geboeid in het gras ligt terwijl er agenten op hem zitten. Dit strookt duidelijk niet met het verhaal van het OM, die stellen dat Henriquez pas in het politiebusje onwel is geworden.
De doktoren op de intensive care hebben tegen de familie gezegd dat de dood van Henriquez duidelijk geen natuurlijke oorzaak had. Zijn zus Lila zegt in een interview: “zijn hoofd was helemaal opgezwollen, de meeste klappen heeft hij op zijn hoofd gehad. Hoe kan het dat iemand in de boeien geslagen wordt, in de de auto wordt gegooid en vervolgens bont en blauw en zonder te ademen aankomt?” vraagt de zus van Henriquez zich af.
Two managers from the low-cost Uber taxi app have been arrested in Paris and are being questioned over alleged “illicit activity.” The system allows drivers to charge passengers for rides, but escape paying the same taxes as traditional taxis.
Obama signs bill giving himself fast-track powers for trade deals
President Barack Obama signed a bill giving him "fast-track" powers to conduct and conclude trade legislation. The bill was approved by Congress last week after months of contentious debate and several difficult votes.
In addition to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), as the fast-track bill is officially called, the president signed the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) act, extending aid to US workers who might lose their jobs as a consequence of free-trade deals.
E’ morto Hisham Baraka, procuratore generale egiziano rimasto coinvolto questa mattina in un attenta al Cairo. L’attacco è stato rivendicato dalla cellula islamista Moqawma al Shabia, resistenza pubblica, considerata vicino ai Fratelli Musulmani. Proprio contro la fratellanza si era concentrato il lavoro di Baraka nell’ultimo anno, che lo scorso luglio aveva sequestrato i beni di decine di esponenti di spicco del movimento.
La torre Bayterek, costruita nel 1997, l’anno in cui la capitale fu spostata da Almaty a Astana.
“La visione della torre da lontano è stupefacente – dice Seamus Kearney, euronews- ma non perdetevi l’opportunità di prendere l’ascensore e salire in cima per gustarvi il panorama di Astana.” La torre rappresenta l’albero della vita che accoglie l’uccello Homa, figura mitologica che conduce la felicità. “La sfera dorata sulla cima della torre – spiega Saule Suyundukova – rappresenta un uovo, elemento che simboleggia l’inizio della vita.”
L’altezza della torre è di 97 metri, altro simbolo, cioè l’anno in cui la capitale fu trasferita. Anche quando scende la notte, la torre continua a trasmettere la propria magia.
Trois ministres européens se sont rendus en Tunisie pour rendre hommage aux victimes de l’attaque de Port El Kantaoui et afficher leur soutien et leur solidarité avec le peuple tunisien. Aux côtés du ministre tunisien de l’Intérieur Najem Gharsalli, les britannique Theresa May, français Bernard Cazeneuve et allemand Thomas de Maizière ont déposé des fleurs sur le site du drame ce matin avant de tenir une conférence de presse à l’hôtel Imperial Mahraba.
Lucharconjuntamente contra el terror en Túnez. Es el compromiso que han adquirido los ministros del Interior británico, francés y alemán tras visitar el lugar, en la ciudad de Susa, donde el pasado viernes morían en un atentado al menos 38 turistas.Según el último recuento oficial 18 de ellos eran británicos, aunque la cifra podría aumentar según avance la identificación de los cuerpos.
“El presidente Essebsi es el primer presidente elegido democráticamente en Túnez. Túnez es un símbolo de lo que es posible”, señala la ministra de Interior británica. “En la reunión que hemos mantenido esta mañana hemos mostrado nuestra determinación para combatir esta perversa ideología que está causando muerte y destrucción”.El del viernes es ya el peor atentado de la historia de Túnez. Algo que, en palabras del ministro del Interior galo, no debería volver a repetirse.
The Supreme Court upheld by 5-4 the usage of a sedative called midazolam in drug cocktails used for execution in several states. Death row inmates argued that the drug failed to block pain and suffering, leading to 'cruel and unusual' executions.
Paris-bound Aeromexico plane diverts due to fire alert
An Aeromexico Boeing Dreamliner flying from Mexico City to Paris has reportedly declared an emergency due to a fire in the cargo hold, and is being diverted to Shannon Airport in southwest Ireland.
Solar Impulse 2 ha lasciato il Giappone. Dopo aver atteso per quasi un mese il momento adatto, il velivolo che sta tentando il giro del mondo spinto solo dall'energia solare è finalmente partito dal suolo asiatico diretto alle Hawaii. La tappa più lunga del suo percorso durerà 120 ore.Il pilota svizzero André Borschberg dovrà volare per 5 giorni e 5 notti mantenendo il controllo del mezzo. Potrà dormire solo 20 minuti per volta e si aiuterà con tecniche di yoga e meditazione.
Gli attacchi terroristici al museo del Bardo e sulla spiaggia di Sousse stanno incidendo pesantemente sulla vita dei tunisini e, in particolare, su chi lavora nel settore del turismo, fonte principale della ricchezza economica del Paese. Il turismo vale infatti il 7% del Pil nazionale dando lavoro a circa 400mila persone. Nei primi sei mesi del 2015, gli arrivi sono diminuiti del 21,9%. Da meta di vacanza, Sousse si è trasformata in una città fantasma dopo la fuga di migliaia di turisti, in seguito all’attentato di venerdì scorso in cui sono state uccise 39 persone.“Questo attacco ha colpito drammaticamente la nostra economia. Noi siamo persone semplici, abbiamo famiglie da sfamare. Chiediamo solo a Dio DI aiutarci”. Le strade sono deserte, chiusa la maggior parte dei negozi di souvenir della città vecchia. Nei pochi rimasti aperti non entra nessuno.
Banche greche chiuse oggi e almeno fino al 6 luglio. Poi i greci dovranno fare i conti con restrizioni ai bancomat. I cittadini potranno prelevare un massimo di sessanta euro al giorno, ma questa limitazione non si applica ai detentori di carte bancarie straniere, per non allontanare i turisti. Gli anziani, le cui pensioni sono state versate venerdì, cercano di ritirarle.
At least 39 people, mostly foreign tourists, were killed in a gun attack at a resort in Sousse, Tunisia, on Friday (June 26). Another 36 people were injured. This video allegedly shows the suspected gunman walking across the beach after the shooting. The gunman was shortly shot dead close to the scene, according to police. Among those killed were citizens of the UK, Germany, Tunisia, Belgium and Ireland.
Solar Impulse II gets clearance for takeoff after a three week wait, and sets off to continue its historic journey.The solar powered aircraft took off from Nagoya, Japan to Hawaii on the eighth leg of its round the world voyage.Bad weather had delayed departure for the longest and most risky stage of the mission.
Thousands have taken part in rallies in central Athens following the government’s announcement that it’s closing the banks and imposing capital controls.Some banners conveyed a defiant call to leave the Eurozone.“Now it’s our time to say no because they (the creditors) want the whole (of) our land. They want our freedom, they want our rights, they want our properties, they want our homeland. I think the Greek people will fight back,” said one demonstrator.While another was more critical of the government:“Since the government chose to move within the EU framework and sit at the same table with the creditors and adopt such a direction, there was no possibility that a program or an agreement that would meet the demands of the people could ever come out of this.”
The suspected Islamist who attempted to blow up a French chemical plant on Friday has admitted killing his manager beforehand. Yassin Salhi (35) has told detectives that he beheaded his victim in a parking area before arriving at the plant just south of Lyon. Examination of Salhi's mobile phone has revealed he'd taken a picture of himself with the severed head, sending the image to a Canadian phone number.
The director of public prosecutions, Alison Saunders, speaks to the BBC's Clive Coleman after a review into her decision not to prosecute Lord Janner over child sex allegations. The director of public prosecutions, Alison Saunders, told the BBC's legal correspondent Clive Coleman that while she accepts the review's conclusion to bring charges, it is still possible the former politician will be unfit to stand trial.
Authorities in Central Washington State are urging hundreds of people to leave their homes. A wildfire has burned at least 2.6 square miles. It is threatening numerous structures.
Greece's cabinet shuts the country's banks for six business days and it's restricting cash withdrawals. Greek citizens are racing to banks to withdraw money. Greece is trying to meet a June 30th deadline for a bailout installment.
Chicago's Gay Pride Parade was particularly festive, following the US Supreme Court decision that legalizes same-sex marriage. At least three couples got married on a parade float.
The second of two convicted murderers who staged a brazen escape three weeks ago from a maximum-security prison in northern New York was shot and captured near the Canadian border on Sunday
Lei si chiama Victoria Xipolitakis ed è una nota soubrette argentina, le cui curve non passano inosservate. Lo sanno bene Patrick Zocchi Molina e Federico Matias Soaje, comandante e copilota della compagnia Aerolinas Argentinas, licenziati per aver ospitato la ragazza in cabina durante le fasi di un volo Buenos Aires - Rosario. Lei ha postato il video girato durante decollo e atterraggio.
UN PROFILATTICO "smart", in grado di rilevare e comunicare la presenza di malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. Come? Cambiandocolore. E' un'idea di tre ragazzi inglesi, premiati per la migliore innovazione nel campo della salute al Teen Tech Award di Londra. Il profilattico si chiama S.T. EYE e riesce a rilevare le malattie attraverso un particolare strato che "aggancia" i virus e attraverso un procedimento chimico, diventa fluorescente. In questo modo il condom segnala l'infezione, ma i tre ragazzi si sono spinti oltre. ST.EYE infatti è in grado di cambiare colore alla luminescenza, basandosi sul tipo di infezione con cui viene a contatto. Così, il virus dell'herpes sarà segnalato dal profilattico che diventa giallo, il papillomavirus lo renderà viola, la clamidia verde e la sifilide blu. INC News, 28/06/2015 - via Repubblica