Friday, April 15, 2016
Замлглавы МВФ: мы должны быть уверены, что Греция выполнит обязательства...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Директор итальянской тюрьмы: "Мы - мусорное ведро для общества"
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Бизнес "вскладчину" вдохновляет малых предпринимателей ЕС - business planet
С миру по нитке - так в упрощенной форме можно объяснить суть краудфандинга, вошедшей в моду системы сбора средств на бизнес-проекты через Интернет. Как функционирует эта система? Программа "Планета бизнеса" приглашает познакомиться с одним проектом в Финляндии.
Знакомьтесь: Лассе Маакелаа, глава краудфандинговой платформы "Invesdor". Почему именно такой выбор бизнеса?
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Microsoft подала иск против правительства США, защищая своих клиентов
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Достучаться до небес: как изучение Вселенной меняет жизнь - learning world
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
В ФРГ позволили уголовное преследование сатирика, оскорбившего Эрдогана
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Экономика КНР растет медленно, но есть позитивные сдвиги - economy
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Акционеры BP отказались платить щедрый бонус главе компании - economy
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Министр транспорта Бельгии ушла в отставку "из-за серьёзных недостатков ...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Глава минпрома Испании ушел в отставку из-за "Панамских документов"
Скандал с "Панамскими документами" пробил брешь в правительстве Испании: исполняющий обязанности министра промышленности, энергетики и туризма Хосе Мануэль Сориа решил покинуть свой пост после публикации в газете "Конфиденсиаль". В ней говорится, что Сориа на протяжении нескольких месяцев в 1992 году числился управляющим офшорной компанией, зарегистрированной на Багамских островах. Утверждается, что предприятие было создано панамской юридической фирмой Mossack Fonseca.
Cyberspace vs the State: Microsoft sues US govt in privacy row
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Belgium's transport minister quits amid accusations over Brussels Airpor...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Japan earthquake: Moment aftershock shakes downtown Kumamoto
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brasile: la Camera discute della destituzione di Dilma Rousseff
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Privacy, Microsoft fa causa all'amministrazione Obama: viola la costituz...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Studiare l'universo alzando gli occhi al cielo, l'astronomia come passio...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Boehmermann sarà processato, Berlino si piega a Erdogan
Berlino si piega alla volontà di Ankara e concede l'autorizzazione al procedimento penale contro il comico della Zdf querelato da Erdogan. Jan Boehmermann il 31 marzo aveva recitato una poesia satirica in cui definiva il presidente turco un "perverso". Rischia fino a 5 anni di carcere in base al reato di offesa a un capo di stato estero, contemplato dal Codice penale tedesco.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
BP perde, il CEO guadagna (troppo): gli azionisti dicono "no" all'aument...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Volkswagen prova a rialzare la testa. Ma le quote di mercato crollano - ...
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Cina: la ripresa si avvicina (ma forse è "dopata") - economy
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Belgio: il ministro dei Trasporti si è dimesso
Le polemiche sulla sicurezza dell'aeroporto di Bruxelles hanno spinto la ministra dei trasporti belga a dimettersi.
Accusata di aver ignorato rapporti che indicavano gravi mancanze ben prima dell'attentato del 22 marzo, Jacqueline Galant aveva negato di averli ricevuti.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Corea del Nord lancia un missile ma fallisce, Seul "Nuova provocazione"
La Corea del Nord ha fallito il test di un missile a medio raggio. Secondo Seul, un Musudan sarebbe sparito dai radar di sorveglianza pochi secondi dopo il lancio, probabilmente esploso a mezz'aria. Questo missile ha un gittata sufficiente per arrivare alle basi americane nell'isola di Guam, nel Pacifico. Il lancio rappresenta una nuova provocazione dopo l'imposizione delle pesanti sanzioni da parte delle Nazioni Unite.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Panama Papers. Si dimette il ministro dell'industria spagnolo José Manue...
Il ministro dell'industria spagnolo si è dimesso. Il nome di *José Manuel Soria* è apparso nello scandalo dei Panama papers. Lunedì alcuni giornali avevano pubblicato delle carte dalle quali Soria emergeva come direttore di una compagnia offshore panamense nel 1992.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews
'Gevolgen voor Mario D. enórm'
Three dead, yet "only" 15 months in jail. Court Reporter Saskia crier explains why
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
Powerful 7.4 quake strikes near Japan’s Kumamoto day after deadliest tremor since 2011
A magnitude-7.1 earthquake has hit Japan near the city of Kumamoto on the island of Kyushu, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. There have been reports of tsunami advisory.
The epicenter of the quake in southern Japan was located at a depth of 40 kilometers (25 miles), near the area where a 6.5 earthquake struck on Thursday.
CANADA - Doctor-assisted dying bill restricted to adults facing 'foreseeable' death
Doctor-assisted death will be restricted to mentally competent adults who have serious and incurable illness, disease or disability under new legislation tabled in Parliament today.
The long-awaited bill also sets out safeguards to protect vulnerable Canadians, but does not include some of the most contentious recommendations from a parliamentary committee, including extending the right to die to "mature minors" and the mentally ill, and allowing advance consent for patients with degenerative disorders.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News
Видео нападения на иммигрантов в Болгарии возмутило интернет
Нападение на иммигрантов в Болгарии, записанное на видео, вызвало возмущение зрителей и пользователей соцсетей во многих странах.
Инцидент произошел в районе границы с Турцией.
На видеозаписи несколько мужчин, предположительно, беженцы из Афганистана, лежат на земле со связанными руками, а местные жители угрожают им и говорят, чтобы они возвращались в Турцию.
Ранее премьер-министр Болгарии поблагодарил граждан, препятствующих проникновению мигрантов в страну.
Однако позже заместитель министра внутренних дел Филип Гунев в интервью корреспонденту Би-би-си заявил, что никакой благодарности болгарский премьер не выражал.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©BBC News
GERMANY - Grants Turkish request to allow for possible prosecution of comedian who joked about Erdogan
The German government has granted a Turkish request to allow the possible prosecution of a TV comedian who wrote a crude poem about Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
Ankara has demanded to have comedian Jan Boehmermann prosecuted for insulting a foreign head of state. Under a section of Germany's criminal code, the government has to authorize prosecutors to pursue a case against the comedian.
The code, known as Paragraph 103, concerns insults against organs or representatives of foreign states. However, it is so rarely used that many German politicians and lawyers were previously unaware of its existence.
"Turkey has demanded prosecution of Jan Boehmermann. [The] German government, in accordance with established practice, studied the note; this process involved the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Federal Chancellor. As a result, the federal government in regard to this incident, satisfies the request," Merkel told reporters at the Chancellery in Berlin.
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews
URALSK (KAZAKHSTAN) - Студентка-прогульщица выдумала историю о своем похищении
АСТАНА, 15 апр — ИА Новости-Казахстан. Суд в Уральске приговорил к ограничению свободы студентку колледжа, которая после прогула занятий написала ложное заявление о своем похищении, сообщила пресс-служба суда Западно-Казахстанской области.
Уголовное дело в отношении студентки колледжа, которая в целях сокрытия прогула занятий, обратилась в правоохранительные органы с ложным доносом, рассмотрел Уральский городской суд.
Читать новость нажав ЗДЕСЬ
INC News, 15/04/20016 - source: ©Novosti Kazakhstan
RUSSIA - Judge Fired After Accepting Putin Impeachment Lawsuit
A Russian judge has been fired after accepting a lawsuit calling for the dismissal of President Vladimir Putin, the Slon news website reported on Friday. Tatyana Leskina, from the Saratov Regional Court of Arbitration, received the case on April 7, according to a website for Saratov court employees.
The fact that she had been stripped of her position was also announced on the court’s website. Local resident, Nikolai Suvorov, wrote in a letter to the court that Putin is “an enemy of the state … for his plunder of Russia and impoverishment of the Russian people.”
The petition was dismissed the following day on grounds that such matters were not under the court's jurisdiction. Numerous Moscow courts have rejected repeated lawsuits filed by opposition leader Alexei Navalny accusing the president of corruption.
Courts of Arbitration can only hear cases regarding economic disputes and other matters related to business, the Interfax news agency reported.
The court's statement also said that they were unable to interfere with the activities of the Russian president, who has immunity under the Russian Constitution, Chapter 4, Article 91.
Impeachment of the Russian president can be carried out by the Federation Council only on the basis of charges of high treason or some other grave crime confirmed by a ruling of the Russian Supreme Court, according to the constitution.
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©MoscowTime News
RUSSIA - Moscow Opens Russia’s First State-run Autism Care Center
The first ever state-run center providing care for children on the autistic spectrum opened at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education on Friday, the university’s press service announced.
The initiative — managed by Russia’s Education and Science Ministry — provides psychological, educational and social help to children and teenagers from the ages of three to 18. It currently provides education for 547 children on the autistic spectrum.
The center will also conduct consultations for families who have children with autism, develop training and prepare specialists for work with autistic children. During Russian President Vladimir Putin's annual marathon phone-in on Thursday, campaigner Anna Smirnova told the Russian leader that provincial schools in the country were not admitting children on the autistic spectrum.
Putin told the audience that while the government should promote integrated schools and support families with autistic children, Russia simply “was not ready for inclusive education.”
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©MoscowTime News
RUSSIA - Putin's Income Increased to 8.9 Million Rubles in 2015
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s official income rose by 1 million rubles (roughly $15,000) in 2015, according to his annual declaration of property and earnings. It brings his total annual pay to 8.9 million rubles ($133,000), the Interfax news agency reported Friday. The Russian leader also declared a modest 1500 square meters of land, a 77 square meter apartment and a garage. He also has the use of a state-owned apartment with its own parking space.
The amount of property officially owned by the president has not changed since 2014. He also declared three vehicles: a Soviet GAZ-М-21, a 'Niva' model Lada, and a Skiff boat trailer. There was no mention of Putin's alleged new $1 billion mansion, or any income from shares or investments. In 2007, a CIA report estimated Putin's wealth at around $40 billion — a statement on which he declined to comment. He has been named as Forbes' most powerful man for the third year in a row.
INC News, 15/048/2016 - source: ©MoscowTime News
TENERIFE - Due italiani tra i dispersi dopo il crollo di una palazzina
La presenza dei due italiani tra i dispersi viene confermata dalla Farnesina. Le ricerche dei connazionali e delle altre persone che ancora mancano all’appello (9 in tutto), sono ancora in corso. Al lavoro i vigili del fuoco che da giovedì stanno scavando tra le macerie.Nel crollo dell’edificio nella città di Arona, zona turistica dell’isola delle Canarie, sono morte due donne. Il primo corpo era stato recuperato nella serata di giovedì, il secondo venerdì mattina.
Vedi articolo di Laura De Feudis QUI
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Corriere
AMERICA - Charles Manson Follower Recommended for Parole
I giovani non possono ricordare questo fatto di cronaca che venne descritto nei dettagli piu' macrabi oltre 40 anni fa, con l'uccisione di Sharon Stone, moglie di Roman Polansky. Ora, una delle adepte di Charles Manson torna in liberta' dopo 42 anni di carcere. Qui
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
ITALIA - Migranti, gli sbarchi aumentano del 25%.
I dati del Viminale annunciano un anno da record negli arrivi: oltre 24mila dallìinizio dell'anno. I più numerosi sono i Nigeriani seguiti dal Gambia e dalla Somalia. La Sicilia tra le regioni che accolgono di più. L'Oim: quasi 6mila giunti nel nostro Paese da martedì.
L’Italia torna al centro dei flussi migratori e nelle ultime settimane sorpassa la Grecia come meta degli sbarchi. L’onda non si arresta, anzi: con la chiusura della rotta balcanica, gli arrivi via mare sulle nostre coste rischiano di impennarsi. I dati del Viminale restano allarmanti: sono 24.090 i rifugiati già sbarcati in Italia nel 2016. Tra chi è arrivato, 2.892 sono stati fermati e respinti alle frontiere terrestri, per lo più pakistani.
Leggete l'articolo di Vladimiro Polchi cliccando QUI
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Repubblica
GERMANIA - La Merkel autorizza il processo al comico che ironizzò su Erdogan
BERLINO - Il governo di Berlino era tenuto a pronunciarsi sull'autorizzazione ai procuratori a procedere nei confronti di Jan Boehmermann, autore di una poesia satirica nei confronti del premier turco. Su lui pendono due azioni penali: uno richiesto da Ankara e uno personale a Erdogan. La cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel ha dato l'ok alla richiesta del presidente turco Recep Tayyp Erdogan, che chiedeva l'apertura di un processo nei confronti del comico Jan Boehmermann, autore di una poesia satirica nei suoi confronti. Secondo il codice penale tedesco, il governo di Berlino era tenuto a pronunciarsi sull'autorizzazione ai procuratori.
Leggere articolo cliccando QUI
INC News, 15/04/2016 - source: ©Repubblica
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