Monday, May 18, 2015

At least 40 dead, dozens missing in Colombian landslide

Forze Damasco respingono attacco Isis a Palmyra. Appello Unesco

Specchio delle mie brame qual è l'abito che devo comprare? - hi-tech

Ucraina: catturati due soldati russi

Captured Russian servicemen to be prosecuted for 'terrorist' acts, says ...

France clears police in 2005 riots deaths

UNESCO calls for Palmyra protection as ISIL withdraws from city

Two killed in Yosemite base jump attempt

Former informant: Gangs will fight 'as long as they ...

ITALIA - Ragazza travolta e uccisa a Palermo, la testimone al sit-in: "Il pirata è sceso dall'auto, l'ha vista ed è scappato"

INDIA - In coma da 42 anni, morta infermiera indiana

Thomson Reuters launches tool to track Russian sanctions

Financial news agency Thomson Reuters has launched a Russian Sanctions Tracking Service to monitor the impact of sanctions on Russian businesses. The service will be updated daily from open sources and databases. The new tool will provide financial institutions, trading companies and investors with information on Russian companies that have come under the sanctions, their subsidiaries and associates. The service will track any corporate actions related to sanctioned entities and the issuance of new debt and equity that are restricted as a result of the sanctions via the Thomson Reuters DataScope Select platform.
It will also identify the complex subsidiary relationships of Russian entities, said Tim Lind, head of Regulatory Services at Thomson Reuters.
INC News, 18/05/2015 - via RT

AMERICA - 192 arrested on organized crime charges following Texas biker shootout

Texas police say 192 people are facing organized crime charges following a biker gang shootout, which left nine dead and 18 others injured in Waco on Sunday. Law enforcement remains on alert in the city, with officers, saying they have received threats. The individuals are being “arrested and processed this morning...they will all face Engaging in Organized Crime charges. They are being booked and processed at this time...” the Waco Police Department wrote on its Facebook page on Monday.
Read article HERE
INC News, 18/05/2015 - via RT

Mexican teenagers tortured boy to death during ‘kidnap game’

Five Mexican teenagers aged 11-15 have been accused of the brutal torture and murder of a six-year old boy during a “kidnap game.” According to the Chihuahua state prosecutors’ office, the adolescents admitted to the killing. The boy, Christopher Raymundo Marquez, was invited by a group of adolescents that were his neighbors and friends to play and collect firewood in a wasteland not far from his home in Chihuahua on Thursday, says a statement from the prosecutor’s office. Once they reached a stream in the wasteland, the children told Christopher they were going to feign a kidnapping. They then turned on him, tied his hands and feet together and beat him with a spiked stick. They followed this by stoning Christopher and finally choked him to death.
Read article HERE
INC News, 18/05/2015 via RT

EU seeks naval mission in Mediterranean to go after smugglers

Hacker says he took control of plane 20 times

Waco, Texas Locked Down After Deadly Shootout Leaves 9 Dead

Полиция Израиля предложила журналистам RT подать жалобу в связи с нападе...

Десятки тысяч болельщиков «Барселоны» отпраздновали чемпионство любимой ...

Тысячи человек вышли на улицы Барселоны, чтобы отпраздновать победу одноименного клуба в чемпионате Испании. 18 мая каталонский клуб на выезде обыграл мадридский «Атлетико» со счетом 1:0 и, тем самым, обеспечил себе титул за один тур до конца соревнования.

MZBG стал первым в Италии производителем кофе, проведшим IPO - economy

Нефть подорожала из-за обострения ситуации в Ираке и Йемене - economy

Захват иракского Рамади боевиками ИГ

Коалиция возобновила бомбардировки Йемена

Крушение самолета ВС США на Гавайах: погиб морской пехотинец

Македония: оппозиция села в палатки перед правительством

Международный день борьбы с гомофобией отметило гей-сообщество Москвы и ...

Брак по-кадыровски

"Свидетель" 15.05.15.

RAW: Palestinians clash with Israeli police during Jerusalem Day march

Belgian scientists use beer yeast to boost chocolate flavour

Indonesia continues to care for hundreds of migrants that have arrived i...

Yemen, addio alla tregua, riprendono i raid. Critiche dell'Iran

Francia: caso Kerviel, comandante polizia afferma: la banca sapeva

USA: incidente in atterraggio a un MV-22, morto marines, molti feriti

Francia: sì alle benedizione delle coppie gay

Russia, a Grozny va di moda la poligamia

Texas, 9 morti in sparatoria tra gang di motociclisti

Russia, no all'omofobia. Decine di fermati a Mosca

L'Isil si ritira da Palmira in Siria, ma tiene sotto controllo Ramadi in...

Iran calls for UN action as Saudi airstrikes resume against Houthis in Y...

Shocking CCTV: Passengers flee as train smashes into bus

Chechen leader backs forced marriage of police chief to teenage girl

17 arrested at Moscow gay pride protest

FBI: Hacker claims he took over flight engine controls

B.C. student invents device for personalized breathing zones on planes

Is the BBC's demise imminent? BBC News

Osprey Hard Landing Kills 1 Marine

Police: Nine Bikers Dead in Shootout

Stem Cell 'Wild West' Amid Lack of Regulation

Underwater Bar Opens in Cozumel, Mexico

ISIL seizes Iraq's Ramadi

Girls With Toys

ITALIA - Modena:Madre e figlia trovate morte in casa

I cadaveri di due donne - Irene Tabaroni di 93 e la figlia Francesca, insegnante - sono stati trovati questa mattina nella casa a Gorghetto di Bomporto, nel Modenese. I corpi erano all'interno della casa dove le due vivevano, in via Padella. Non si esclude l'ipotesi di omicidio. Indagano i carabinieri.

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 18/05/2015 - via Repubblica

AMERICA - Volo fatale per Dean Potter, l'acrobata estremo morto sullo Yosemite

Dean Potter, uno degli atleti di sport estremi più famosi d'America, è morto in California dopo essersi lanciato con la tuta alare da un promontorio, Taft Point, nel parco nazionale di Yosemite. Il 43enne si è schiantato a terra insieme ad un altro noto Base jumper, Graham Hunt.
Partiti da un'altezza di 7.500 piedi (2.286 metri) con indosso la tuta alare, sembra che la coppia abbia tentato di volare attraverso una stretta fessura, ma qualcosa è andato storto e i due paracadute non si sono aperti. I soccorritori hanno trovato i loro corpi qualche ora dopo aver perso ogni contatto.

INC News, 18/05/2015 - via adnCronos


Simultaneous explosions at pro-Kurdish party HQ in Turkey 

The attack reportedly targeted two local headquarters of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDC), which currently hold 29 seats in Turkey’s 550-seat parliament.