Saturday, October 29, 2016

ChiLL On The Moon vol 2 - Official Promo Mix (part.1)

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© chill on the Moon

Funny Videos Of Funny Cats Compilation 2016

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© MushupZone

The cat came back: Owner reunited with pet 12 years later

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CTV News

Princess for a day: Ottawa teen with lung condition enjoys royal treatment

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CTV News

Winnipeg woman sheds 75 pounds with the help of a hula hoop

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CTV News

Russian gamers try to stop nuclear 'war'

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CNN

Officer predicts own shooting, dies

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CNN

Microsoft wows with new PC, Apple updates MacBook Pro line

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© Cnet

Police Offer 100,000 Yuan Rewards for Clues on Swan Death Case

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CCTV+

Sao Paulo Fashion Week Inspires New Generation of Designers

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CCTV+

Dismantling 2000-year-old Chinese Burial Chamber Provides Look at Ancient practices

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CCTV+

Supreme Court to hear transgender bathroom case

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CBSN

Attorney general disagreed with FBI director's decision

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CBSN

48 Hours preview: Bad Boy

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CBSN

Coquitlam RCMP investigating after 2 seniors dragged down stairs by officers

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CBC News

Food waste: How much food do supermarkets throw away?

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© CBC News


INC NEWS, 29/10/2016 

Mariano Rajoy è stato eletto premier - world

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Новости Первый канал 29.10.2016 в 18-00 Россия

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©Novosti Vremya


INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ANSA AP

Настоящее Время – Азия. 29 октября

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AzzatyqTV

Seb Coe hopes to eradicate sports doping

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

Lebanese town installs solar panels to deal with electricity blackouts

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

UK Uber ruling leans to protect drivers

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

Thais begin filing past late King's coffin

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

Al Jazeera Exclusive: Myanmar soldiers allegedly killed Rohingya villagers

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

The US 'terror' training camp you've never heard of - UpFront

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

North Dakota pipeline: Protesters clash with police

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

Spain's vulnerable hardly benefit from economic growth

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© AlJazeera

Spagna: Sanchez si dimette da deputato socialista per dire "no" al governo Rajoy

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© euronews

Turchia: il presidente Erdogan paragona la resistenza contro il tentato golpe

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© euronews

El Partido Pirata, decisivo en las legislativas de este sábado en Islanda

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© euronews

España: Pedro Sánchez deja su escaño para mantener su "No" a Rajoy - world

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source:© euronews

Беженцы из Кале штурмом берут Париж

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Russia24

Девочка, лишившаяся ног в Алеппо, снова сможет ходить после лечения в Мо...

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Russia24 

Bélgica firma in extremis el acuerdo de libre comercio entre la UE y Canada

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

El Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC reiteran su compromiso con la paz

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Los islandeses deciden su futuro en unas legislativas anticipadas en las...

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Obama pide el voto para Clinton en Orlando - world

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

CETA: il Belgio firma ufficialmente il trattato di libero scambio tra UE e Canada

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Colombia-FARC, ripresa dei negoziati a Cuba - world

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Usa: aereo in fiamme a Chicago, una ventina di feriti lievi - world

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Presidenziali Usa: Fbi riapre indagine sulla email della Clinton - world

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews

Obama in Florida sostiene Hillary, mai nessun presidente così attivo per un successore

INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ©euronews


INC News, 29/10/2016 - source: ANSA AP

Австралияда жолаушы автобус жүргізушісін тірідей өртеп жіберген

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Khabar24

АҚШ-та жолаушылар ұшағы отқа оранды

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Khabar24

В Йемене началась вспышка холеры

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Khabar24

Мексикада ірі көлемде есірткі тәркіленді

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Khabar24

ауа райы

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © Khabar24

Trump: Clinton Tried to Politicize FBI Probe

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © AP

Today in History for October 29th

INC News, 29/10/2016-source: © AP