Saturday, June 25, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (25.06.2016) 25 июня 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©Vesti - 1 Kanal

ITALIA - TG La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 25/06/2016

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

CHINA - Putin incontra Xi Jinping a Pechino

Nell'ambito di uno sviluppo delle relazioni fra Russia e Cina ed accordi sul fronte commerciale ed economico, il presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, è giunto in visita ufficiale a Pechino, dove ha incontrato l'omologo cinese, Xi Jinping.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita


INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©Movieclips Trailers


INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©Movieclips Trailers


INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©Movieclips Trailers

Жертвами теракта в Могадишо стали 15 человек

INC News, 25/068/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Басманный суд арестовал Никиту Белых

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

"Брексит": обратной дороги нет?

INC News, 2580682016 - source: ©euronews rus

Главы МИД стран-основателей ЕС призвали к скорейшим переговорам по выход...

INC News, 258/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Испания: "день тишины" перед всеобщими выборами

В Испании сегодня - день тишины. В воскресенье, 26 июня в стране пройдут вторые за последние полгода всеобщие выборы; избиратели снова отправятся к участкам для голосования. Опросы общественного мнения показывают, что консервативная Народная партия Мариано Рахоя (и.о премьер-министра) снова окажется в победителях, но не получит абсолютного большинства, как это было на прошлых выборах.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Меняем: квартиру в Лондоне на ферму в Божоле

INC news, 25/062016 - source: ©euronews rus

США: Atlas V вывел на орбиту военный спутник связи

В США осуществелен запуск ракеты-носителя Atlas V с военным спутником связи. Ранее запуск Atlas V несколько раз откладывался в связи с расследованием некорректной работой двигателя ракеты-носителя, зафиксированной 23 марта.
Выведенный на орбиту спутник предназначен для связи между американскими войсками и их союзниками по всему миру

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Папа Франциск говорил в Армении о "геноциде"

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

SOMALIA - Attacco in un albergo a Mogadiscio, morti e feriti

Un'autobomba è esplosa davanti all'hotel al Nasa-Hablod a Mogadiscio, in Somalia: poco dopo, un gruppo di militanti di al Shabaab è entrato all'interno della struttura, dove si è registrato un conflitto a fuoco con le forze dell'ordine.
A confermare la notizia un funzionario di Polizia, che ha parlato di almeno sette vittime e dieci feriti.
Stando alla ricostruzione effettuata dagli inquirenti, un attentatore si sarebbe fatto saltare in aria di fronte all'albergo.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Enorme parata militare a Pyongyang per anniversario guerra di Corea

Parata in grande stile a Pyongyang per il 66esimo anniversario della guerra di Corea. Decine di migliaia di nordcoreani hanno partecipato all'evento principale di quello che viene definito il "mese della lotta anti-Stati Uniti", perché il regime accusa Washington di aver dato origine alla guerra del 1950, anche se fu il Nord a invadere il Sud.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Colombians divided over ceasefire with FARC

Colombians have welcomed news of a "definitive" ceasefire between the government and FARC rebels.
However many find it difficult to accept that after 52 years of war when the country suffered from murders, kidnappings and extortion , nobody will be criminally charged provided they confess.
President Santos' predecessor Álvaro Uribe has launched a campaign against what he portrays as state being handed over to guerillas of FARC and what he calls is "Castro-chavismo".

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Orthodox church leaders meet after more than 1,000 years

The leaders of the Orthodox Church have convened in what's known as a Holy and Great Synod for the first time in more than a thousand years.  They have spent 60 years preparing for the meeting, which takes place on the Greek island of Crete.  War and the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Africa have added urgency for the Orthodox Church to unite, but there are divisions within its ranks.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Spain to vote on new government on Sunday

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

Brexit's Full Impact Still Not Completely Known

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©ABC News

Лидеры России и Китая провели переговоры в Пекине

25 июня президент России Владимир Путин и председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин по итогам переговоров в Пекине подписали три совместных документа, в том числе заявление об укреплении глобальной стратегической стабильности. В целом было заключено более 30 соглашений о сотрудничестве в самых разных сферах. Корреспондент RT Эмили Сью с подробностями из Пекина.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Жители Германии осуждают Меркель за вялые попытки помешать Британии выйт...

Канцлер ФРГ Ангела Меркель заявила, что сожалеет об итогах референдума в Великобритании, на котором жители страны проголосовали за выход из ЕС. Меркель также пообещала, что 28 июня бундестаг будет проинформирован об официальной позиции кабинета министров ФРГ в связи с решением британцев. Тем временем некоторые граждане Германии считают, что канцлер могла бы приложить больше усилий, чтобы не допустить выхода Британии из союза. Корреспондент RT Питер Оливер с подробностями из Берлина.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Ночь, перевернувшая ЕС: чем обернется выход Британии из Евросоюза

23 июня в Великобритании состоялся исторический референдум, на котором большинство британцев проголосовали за выход страны из Евросоюза. Последствия этого решения не заставили себя долго ждать. Курс фунта упал, Шотландия планирует провести собственный референдум о независимости, а некоторые страны ставят вопрос о спорных с Британией территориях. 

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

iPhone на вечную память: в России появились необычные надгробия

Бюро ритуальных услуг в Новосибирске создает надгробия в виде iPhone. Могильная плита является точной копией этого смартфона — сохранены не только пропорции, но и все кнопки, а также надписи на обратной стороне мобильного телефона. 

INC News, 25/06*/2016 - source: ©RTNews RUPTLY

Папа Римский возложил цветы в Ереване к мемориалу памяти жертв геноцида ...

Папа Римский Франциск посетил сегодня мемориальный комплекс памяти жертв геноцида армян в Ереване. Его сопровождали президент Армении Серж Саргсян с супругой, Католикос всех армян Гарегин Второй, другие официальные и духовные лица.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

WEATHER - More than 20 dead in West Virginia in US state's 'worst floods in a century'

At least 23 people have died in the US state of West Virginia, after its flooding for over a century. Hundreds more have been rescued from swamped homes.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

CORRUPTION - Russian governor Nikita Belykh held over 'large bribe' in corruption probe

The governor of the central Russian Kirov region has been detained, "accused of accepting a 400,000 euro bribe

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

NEW ENGLAND - Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run

The recriminations are mounting in EU friendly London over Britain's bombshell vote to leave the bloc. Outside parliament dozens of protesters gathered to voice their anger and dismay.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

EUROPE AFTER BREXIT - EU foreign ministers demand quick divorce from Britain

Foreign ministers from the six founding members of the EU have hurriedly assembled in Berlin and urged Britain to divorce the EU quickly.  British prime minister David Cameron said hours after the referendum result on Thursday that he will resign and let his successor negotiate the divorce arrangements.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

OLYMPIC GAMES - World Anti-Doping Agency suspends Rio drug testing laboratory

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has suspended the credentials of a testing laboratory in Rio de Janeiro for failing to comply with international standards. The lab at the Federal University of Rio has analysed about 2,000 blood and urine samples this year, including testing of Brazil's Olympic team and top football matches. 
The organisers of August's Games say they have a back-up plan.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

RELIGIONS AND POLITICS - Pope Francis says 'never again' to Armenians massacred in WWI

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

AFTER BREXIT - Scotland, London and teenagers speak out against Brexit

Edinburgh voted three-to-one in favour of remaining in the EU and was keen to ensure the world understood its position. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Scottish parliament and in Glasgow on Friday (June 24) to rally against the racism they say dominated the referendum campaign.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

VENEZUELA - Opposition says it is on track to organize a recall referendum

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

SPAIN ELECTION - Spain's politicians discuss Brexit in final day of general election campaigning

Spain's main political parties wrapped up a final day of campaigning for Sunday's (June 26) general election with warnings and reassurances in the aftermath of the UK's Brexit vote.

INC News, 25/06/2016- source: ©euronews eng

ECONOMY - Changing exchange rate causes concern for some firms as UK votes for Brexit

The volatility of the pound in the aftermath of the UK's 'Leave' vote is cause for concern for some British-based companies. Opinion polls ahead of the vote suggested most SMEs, for example, expected the British public to back remaining in Europe.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews eng

NEW ENGLAND - EU friendly London shocked after Britain vote to leave

Only five of the city's 33 boroughs voted to leave but in the end EU friendly London failed to swing the vote.

"I'm really concerned about the future of this country now. I think it's a mistake", one Londoner said.

"I don't think it should have been a referendum in the first place - because very few people indeed are qualified to make an intelligent, informed decision. People have just gone on their gut reaction."

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews

BREXIT - Commissario britannico Hill si dimette, delega a Dombrovski

La Brexit produce i primi effetti a Bruxelles. Jonathan Hill, commissario europeo britannico con delega ai Servizi finanziari, si dimette dall'esecutivo europeo.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Brexit, riunione d'emergenza a Berlino tra i membri fondatori dell'UE

I Ministri degli Esteri dei sei Paesi fondatori dell'Unione Europea sono riuniti a Berlino, al fine di confrontarsi sulle conseguenze del referendum del 23 giugno, con il quale cui i britannici hanno optato per il "Leave", che ha causato le dimissioni del Premier, David Cameron. 

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

MUSIC - What Jury Didn't Hear in Led Zep Plagiarism Case

The lawyer behind the lawsuit against Led Zeppelin for stealing "Stairway to Heaven" says the jury never heard his client's version of the original song.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©CNN

PEOPLE - Margaret Cho: 'My rapist is super scared'

Comedian Margaret Cho talks to Jerry Seinfeld about finding humor in her sexual abuse history and the backlash she received for doing so earlier this year.

INC News, 25/06/2016  - source: ©CNN

EUROPE - Will Brexit trigger a Scottish referendum?

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©CNN

MEDIA - 9-year-old an in-demand wedding photographer

At age 3, Regina Wyllie went on her first photo shoot with her dad, a professional photographer, and has been taking pictures ever since.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©CNN

WEATHER - Floods in US state of West Virginia kill 20

At least 20 people have died in West Virginia in some of the worst flooding in the area in the last century.
Dozens have been rescued from the state's capital Charleston.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

RIO 2016 - A meno di due mesi dai Giochi, sospeso laboratorio antidoping

A 42 giorni dalle Olimpiadi brasiliane, l'Agenzia mondiale antidoping sospende per sei mesi il laboratorio di Rio de Janeiro. La Wada ha vietato di proseguire l'attività e di svolgere controlli antidoping su campioni di urina e sangue perché la struttura non è conforme agli standard internazionali..

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

ARMENIA - Papa Francesco alla Fortezza delle Rondini dopo condanna "genoc...

Dopo aver rinnovato, da Erevan, la condanna al genocidio armeno, Papa Francesco si reca alla "Fortezza delle Rondini", il memoriale dello sterminio di un milione e mezzo di armeni ordinato un secolo fa dal governo dei "giovani turchi" dell'Impero ottomano.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

BREXIT - A rischio Ttip, Obama chiama Cameron e Merkel

Con la Brexit rischia anche il Ttip, il trattato transatlantico sul commercio e gli investimenti. Barack Obama e David Cameron si danno appuntamento al vertice Nato del prossimo 8 luglio per annunciare la loro strategia dopo lo shock referendario. 

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

BREXIT - Frattura generazionale: giovani in piazza per l'Europa

Il verdetto del referendum non è piaciuto ai giovani scozzesi che manifestano ad Edimburgo. Le proteste si sono moltiplicate nel Paese che ha espresso la volontà netta di restare nell'Unione europea con il 62% delle voti.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

VENEZUELA - Capriles: "Il referendum anti Maduro si farà"

L'opposizione venezueliana ha annunciato di avere validato le firme necessarie per richiedere la consultazione sulla revoca dell'incarico di presidente a Nicolas Maduro. In 5 giorni oltre 400 mila persone si sono recate negli uffici elettorali per apporre accanto alla propria firma anche l'impronta digitale.

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

BREXIT - Il contraccolpo sulle piccole e medie imprese

La vita continua ma come? Per le piccole e medie imprese britanniche, linfa vitale per l'economia del Paese, la Brexit spalanca le porte a tanti dubbi sul futuro ma resta una certezza: gli affari con l'Europa non si fermeranno.

INC News, 25/06/2016  - source: ©euronews ita

SPAGNA - Domenica ritorno alle urne: si teme effetto Brexit

L'onda lunga della Brexit potrebbe arrivare fino alle legislative spagnole di questa domenica. "L'incertezza potrebbe favorire il partito al governo", dicono gli osservatori. Mariano Rajoy leader dei popolari ha infatti fatto appello ai cittadini per "un voto nel segno della stabilità". Il suo obiettivo è recuperare il consenso catalizzato dalla nuova formazione liberale "Ciudadanos".

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

Londra vuole restare "europea": una petizione chiede l'indipendenza dal Regno Unito

"I cittadini del Regno Unito stanno cercando di scendere a patti con il fatto che il futuro è ormai fuori dall'Unione Europea. Londra è sotto shock e delusa perché se il Paese nel suo complesso ha votato per uscire, la capitale ha detto a gran voce che voleva restare", dice l'inviata di euronews a Londra dove il Remain ha raggiunto il 60%. Una petizione sottoscritta da migliaia di persone invoca già l'indipendenza dal Regno Unito. 

INC News, 25/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita