Sunday, February 28, 2016
Программа Воскресное Время (28.02.2016) 28 февраля 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Vesti
В Жуковском впервые подняли в воздух модернизированный Ил-76
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Russia 24
Швеция: 30 лет спустя убийство Улофа Пальме не раскрыто
Швеция вспоминают Улофа Пальме. Бывший премьер-министр страны был убит 30 лет назад прямо на одной из стокгольмских улиц. Убийство до сих пор окутано тайной: в нем признались 133 человека; один был осужден, но затем отпущен на свободу за отсутствием доказательст.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Якутский "Оскар" для Лео
Серебряный "Оскар" для Леонардо ди Каприо изготовили в Якутии, чтобы вознаградить любимого актера , который номинирован на знаменитую кинопремию уже в шестой раз, но еще ни разу не получил ее. На статуэтку ушло полтора килограмма серебра и около четырех граммов золота, 144 женщины добровольно пожертвовали для нее своими украшениями.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Russia: una statuetta ad hoc per Leo
L'Oscar a Leo è già realtà. A realizzare il premio per l'attore Leonardo di Caprio in corsa per la celebre statuetta di Hollywood è stato un gruppo di fan della Siberia orientale, terrorizzate all’idea che il loro idolo potesse rimanere a mani vuote. Le ammiratrici hanno raccolto gioielli in oro e argento, li hanno fusi e creato una statuetta ad hoc.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Turchia, Erdogan: non accetto la sentenza della Consulta sui giornalisti
INC News, 28/02/0216 - source: ©Euronews
Erdogan n'accepte pas la libération des journalistes de Cumhuriyet
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Raw: Thousands of Migrants Reach Lesbos
More than 3,000 refugees and migrants arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos on Sunday. About 350 refugees and migrants were rescued by the EU border agency FRONTEX from the Aegean sea on Sunday morning and brought to the port of Lesbos.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©AP
SCIENCE - After a year in space, there's a lot for Scott Kelly to do on Earth
Astronaut Scott Kelly has called the International Space Station his home for nearly a year, but on Tuesday, he's coming back to Earth. So, how do you say goodbye to a year in space?
The first official order of business is the changing of command Monday. Kelly will hand over the station to fellow NASA astronaut Tim Kopra, who has been on the ISS since December 2015.
Then, on Tuesday he'll board a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, which will take him and two Russian cosmonauts back to Earth. They're scheduled to land in the Kazakhstan desert on Tuesday, just before midnight Eastern time.
Kelly told reporters he thinks he could stay in space
On Wednesday in Houston, Scott Kelly will be welcomed by Mark Kelly — his twin brother and retired astronaut — as well as NASA officials and Jill Biden, the vice president's wife.
That really doesn't sound too difficult, but scientists want to see how a year in
To cap off the week, Kelly will have a media briefing where he'll answer questions and talk about his time in space.
If you want to watch, tune in to NASA Television where they'll be covering Kelly's return. If you've got questions, NASA scientists will also participate in an Ask Me Anything on Reddit on Friday.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©NewsyScience
Oscars to be awarded on Sunday night - will it finally be Leo's time?
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Hillary Clinton scores a victory in US state of South Carolina
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Over 20 killed, 60 wounded in Baghdad blasts
Up to 24 people were killed and 60 others wounded in Sadr City, a southern suburb of the Iraqi capital, as two bombs went off at a crowded market, Reuters reports, citing police and medical sources.
The explosions ripped through a market selling mobile phones in the mainly Shiite Muslim district.
The assailants were suicide bombers riding motorcycles through the crowd, two police sources told Reuters.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Argentina experiences major dengue outbreak as mosquito population swells
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Protest held over bulldozing of dozens of buildings in Moscow
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Frequency of E-Cigarette Explosions May Force FDA to Regulate
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Abc News
Cinema: "Cinquanta sfumature di grigio" fa razzia di Razzie Awards
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Royal Bank of Scotland: conti in rosso per l'ottavo anno consecutivo - e...
Otto anni consecutivi
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
IAG: crescono del 68% i profitti operativi del gruppo - corporate
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
G20: la Brexit tiene banco. Mentre la Germania si oppone a eventuali sti...
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Siria: raid aerei colpiscono sei città nella provincia di Aleppo, violat...
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Svizzera, referendum per cacciare gli stranieri autori di crimini
Nelle stanze della politica solo l'Udc vuole "cacciare le pecore nere", come si vede nei manifesti per il "sì". Il Partito popolare, che alle ultime elezioni ha ottenuto la maggioranza relativa con il 29,4% ha promosso il referendum che propone l'espulsione automatica per ogni straniero che violi la legge, attuando alla lettera l'esito di un'altra consultazione, del 2010.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Russia: 36 i morti per un incidente in una miniera nel nord del Paese
Tragedia in Russia, dove si contano almeno 36 morti per l'incidente avvenuto 3 giorni fa in una miniera di carbone nel nord del Paese. La maggioranza delle vittime, 31, sono minatori rimasti intrappolati da giovedì scorso dopo l'esplosione e un incendio provocati da alcune fughe di gas metano. Insieme ai lavoratori hanno perso la vita anche 5 pompieri impegnati nelle operazioni di salvataggio e rimasti investiti da nuove deflagrazioni.
INC News, 28/02/2016 - source: ©Euronews
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