Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Брюссель: бастующие надзиратели тюрем разгромили здание министерства юст...

Бастующие надзиратели тюрем ворвались во вторник в министерство юстиции в центре Брюсселя, круша все на своем пути. Полиции удалось вытеснить манифестантов из здания, применив дубинки и слезоточивый газ. 
Инцидент привел к дальнейшему росту напряженности вокруг трехнедельной забастовки надзирателей, требующих улучшений условий труда, дополнительных премиальных, отказа от повышения пенсионного возраста и увеличения персонала.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Австралийское правительство отказалось от обложения иностранных сезонник...

Правительство Австралии объявило о том, что оно пересмотрит планы ввести налог на заработки иностранных сезонных рабочих.
По австралийским законам, молодые иностранцы имеют право работать как сезонные рабочие в сельскохозяйственном секторе. Их называют здесь "рабочими с рюкзаками" (backpacker labour).
До сих они не платили налогов со своего заработка и правительство планировало обложить их налогом в 32,5% с 1 июля. Но это вызвало недовольство фермеров.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Летняя Олимпиада грозит мировой эпидемией лихорадки Зика

Вирус Зика, разносчиком которого является комар Aedes aegypti, может распространиться по миру гораздо быстрее, чем ожидалось. Во вторник стало известно о третьем случае заражения в Москве.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Будущее дронов и дроны будущего - science

Дроны стали едва ли не локомотивами прогресса: сегодня их можно увидеть повсюду - от выставочных стендов на международных экспозициях до парков, где они служат не только для развлечения, но и могут выполнять важные функции

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

50-летие «культурной революции» в Китае обошли молчанием

Если где-то и отмечают 50-летие китайской «культурной революции», то, во всяком случае, не в Китае. Здесь об этом болезненном периоде в истории страны предпочитают не вспоминать.
В 1966 году председатель Мао Цзедун решил покончить с оппозицией в коммунистической партии. 10 лет в стране продолжались чистки и масштабные репрессии, коснувшиеся не только членов партии, но и всего общества. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Шанхайская ярмарка и "дополненная" реальность - hi-tech

В Шанхае закончила работу "Международная выставка потребительской электроники" форум, который проходил до последнего времени в Лас-Вегасе, сегодня у него появились и региональные отделения. Мероприятие в Шанхае - одно из них. Главной темой стала "дополненная реальность". Для компьютерных игр, просмотра телепередач и кинофильмов. Но не только.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Сообщения в Твиттере станут длиннее - corporate

В скором времени Twitter больше не будет учитывать прикреплённые фотографии и гиперссылки при подсчёте количества знаков в сообщении, сообщил СМИ анонимный источник в компании. В настоящее время размещение ссылки отнимает 23 знака в тексте, лимитированном 140 знаками. Этот лимит возник при создании сервиса 10 лет назад и был связан с ограничением на количество знаков в СМС-сообщении.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Пропавшую певицу Шинейд О'Коннор нашли живой

Американскую певицу Шинейд О'Коннор обнаружили живой и здоровой спустя несколько часов поисков с привлечением полиции. Утром в воскресенье она отправилась на прогулку и пропала. Близкие были очень обеспокоены — по их словам, певица ранее предупреждала о возможности самоубийства.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

И.о. президента Бразилии надеется улучшить свой имидж

Исполняющий обязанности президента Бразилии Мишел Темер провёл встречу с представителями профсоюзов страны, чтобы обсудить возможные реформы.
Представители рабочих опасаются возможных непопулярных шагов нового правительства — Темеру предстоит действовать в условиях тяжелейшего со времён Великой депрессии экономического кризиса.
Представители двух крупнейших профсоюзов в знак протеста даже отказались от встречи.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Потратившись на модернизацию, Vodafone ожидает увеличение доходности - c...

Убыток британской телекоммуникационной компании Vodafone по итогам финансового года, который завершился 31 марта, составил 3 миллиарда 818 миллионов фунтов стерлингов. Чистый долг компании за тот же период увеличился на 31%, до 29 млрд 200 млн фунтов.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Рим: археологический музей в метро

В Риме появится первая в Вечном городе "археологическая" станция метро.
Найденные при строительстве новой ветки метрополитена римские казармы II века будут интегрированы в соседнюю с Колизеем станцию.
Археологическое открытие эпохи Адриана на глубине девять метров назвали ошеломляющим.
Чтобы не задерживать работы и избежать больших расходов, масштабный археологический комплекс решили сделать частью новой станции, превратив ее в своеобразный музей.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BAGHDAD -Due attentati causano almeno 44 morti e 90 feriti

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GIOCHI OLIMPICI - Zika virus, crescono i timori ma il Brasile rassicura

Nessuna cancellazione, ma i timori crescono. Lo Zika virus preoccupa l'Organizzazione mondiale della Sanità che non ha però elevato l'allarme ad un livello tale da ventilare l'annullamento dell'appuntamento con i Giochi Olimpici in Brasile. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

AUSTRALIA - Il Governo ci ripensa: niente tassa sui lavoratori stagionali stranieri

L'Australia fa marcia indietro sulla tassa a carico dei lavoratori stagionali. 
Canberra voleva eliminare la no-tax area, valida fino a 18,2 dollari australiani l'ora, per gli stranieri sotto i 26 anni che lavoravano con il visto lavoro-vacanze. 
Il governo australiano, imponendo un'aliquota del 32,5% a partire dal primo luglio, stimava di recuperare circa 450 milioni di dollari.

INC news, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIO - Agenti penitenziari in sciopero invadono il ministero della Giustizia

Un gruppo di operatori penitenziari in sciopero ha fatto irruzione a Bruxelles negli uffici del ministro della Giustizia, prima di venire sgomberati dalla polizia.

INC News, 17/05/20165 - source: ©Euronews

TECNOLOGIA - Mercato dei droni civili e commerciali in rapida crescita, ma servono regole.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

MEDIA - Sana e salva Sinead O'Connor, ritrovata dopo 24 ore

È stata ritrovata sana e salva dalle polizia di Chicago la cantante Sinead O'Connor. Era scomparsa per quasi 24 ore. Le forze dell'ordine avevano avviato le ricerche temendo un possibile suicidio. La musicista di origini irlandesi, oggi 50 anni, aveva dichiarato l'intenzione di togliersi la vita con un messaggio via Facebook lo scorso mese di novembre.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIO -75 intossicati, evacuato un camping a Dinant

In Belgio un campeggio è stato evacuato a Dinant, dopo che 75 persone avevano avvertito i sintomi di un avvelenamento alimentare. Quattro di loro sono stati ricoverati in ospedale mentre le strutture ricettive sono state poste sotto sequestro.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECONOMIA - Twitter pensa di allargare i 140 caratteri dei tweet

Piccola rivoluzione in arrivo in Twitter. Il social media starebbe pensando di aumentare lo spazio a disposizione per postare i contenuti: nei canonici 140 caratteri di un cinguettio, potrebbero non essere più conteggiate le foto e i link. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ROMA - Scoperta caserma del II sec. d.C. nella stazione Amba Aradam

Una caserma romana risalente al II secolo d.C. E' stata scoperta a Roma
durante gli scavi per la realizzazione della fermata della metropolitana della linea C Amba Aradam, alle pendici del Celio. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ISRAELE - Sub scoprono un tesoro risalente a 1600 anni fa

Due suacquei israeliani hanno scoperto nelle acque davanti a Cesarea un tesoro d'epoca romana, risalente a 1600 anni fa. Nascosti nel relitto di una nave sono stati recuperati manufatti e suppellettili di bronzo, sculture e oltre 20 chili di monete coniate con l'immagine dell'imperatore Costantino.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECONOMIA - Goldman Sachs ribalta le previsioni sul petrolio

Sovrapproduzione di petrolio e prezzi destinati a rimanere bassi? Contrordine ragazzi. Lo dice un report sul mercato dell’energia di Goldman Sachs.
Secondo la banca d’investimento americana, nota fino a oggi per essere particolarmente ribassista, il mercato ha concluso il periodo di eccesso di offerta a causa delle interruzioni di produzione dell’ultimo periodo, che si sono verificate in Nigeria e Venezuela, ma anche Stati Uniti e Canada. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

FRANCIA - Hollande deciso ad andare avanti con la legge sul lavoro.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BRASILE - Michel Temer incontra sindacati. Proteste a Sao Paulo

Michel Temer alla prova dei fatti. Il Presidente brasiliano ad interim subentrato dopo la destituzione di Dilma Rousseff ha avuto il suo battesimo del fuoco, incontrando i sindacati per la discussione sulla controversa riforma delle pensioni.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CHINA - Il silenzio dei 50 anni di Rivoluzione culturale

In Cina, la celebrazione del cinquantesimo anniversario dall'inizio della rivoluzione culturale è silenziosa. Le autorità cinesi non hanno organizzato alcun evento ufficiale per ricordare uno dei periodi piú controversi della storia recente cinese, rappresentato dai dieci anni in cui il leader comunista Mao Zedong sostenne una campagna per massacrare il progresso borghese e i suoi rivali. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

POLONIA - Scoperta fabbrica clandestina di sigarette, sequestrate 3 tonne...

In Polonia la polizia ha scoperto una manifattura di tabacchi clandestina in una località nei dintorni di Varsavia. Gli agenti hanno sequestrato sette milioni di sigarette e tre tonnellate di tabacco, in questa che è considerata la più grande operazione anticontrabbando condotta in Polonia.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CHINA - The fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Cultural Revolution ignored

The fiftieth anniversary of the start of Cultural Revolution is being remembered, but not in China. There are no official events planned by the authorities to remember the 50-year milestone.
How to handle the 10 year period when Communist leader Mao Zedong headed a campaign to eliminate his rivals and called on Chinese youth to "purge" society has remained a challenge to the country's rulers.
It was a chaotic and murderous period.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BRAZIL - Will be ready for Olympic Games despite Zika, says minister

The World Health Organization (WHO) chief says the agency is increasingly concerned about the mosquito-borne virus Zika. Margaret Chan noted that although it's been around for decades, it's only recently that Zika has been proven to cause severe birth defects. 
"The more we learn about Zika, the more we get worried about it. I must say that once again. The risk profile of Zika has changed over the years," said Chan.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIUM - Striking prison wardens burst into Belgian justice ministry building

There have been dramatic scenes in Brussels, with striking prison wardens bursting into the Belgian Justice Ministry building. Baton-wielding riot police had to force them out. There were scuffles inside the building and police used what appeared to be pepper spray. The justice minister has condemned the intrusion.
"Two ladies from the reception desk are still in shock. I spoke with them for a long time. They felt personally threatened," said Koen Geens.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

POLAND - Polish police uncovered illegal cigarette factory

Polish police say they have uncovered an illegal cigarette factory in the Warsaw area.
Over seven million cigarettes and three tons of tobacco were reportedly found. 
Six people have been detained. Two people from Russia and one from Ukraine are among them. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIUM - Belgian campsite closed after dozens fall ill

A campsite in Belgium has had to be evacuated after 75 people showed symptoms of food poisoning.
Some of them, including children, were taken to hospital. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ITALY - Rome's newest metro station will incorporate newly discovered ruins

The Italian city of Rome is to have its first archaeological metro station. 
Ancient Roman ruins and mosaics have been discovered during work on the city's third underground train line.
This recently discovered Roman barracks dating back to the second-Century AD is being integrated into the new station on the city's metro system.
The barracks was found about nine metres below street level. It includes a hallway and rooms decorated with mosaics on the floors.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

RUSSIA - Opposition leader Navalny attacked by Cossacks

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been injured after being attacked by a group of Cossacks.
That is according to his spokeswoman, who says it happened outside an airport in southern Russia. 
Six associates are also said to have been hurt. 
Navalny and about 30 members of his anti-corruption foundation had been holding a team-building weekend in the countryside.
They were apparently attacked when they arrived at the Anapa airport on Tuesday morning. 

INC News,  17/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

TECHNOLOGY - Semi trucks gain self-driving powers with Otto

A startup is working on retrofitting big rigs with sensors for hands-free travel. But this isn't the first time we've heard about smart semis.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©Cnet

CBN News Minute - May 17, 2016

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©CBN News

CANADA - Truckloads of help arrives for Fort McMurray evacuees

The Sikh Community of B.C. has donated and delivered 9 truckloads of goods for the Fort McMurray relief effort in Edmonton. The total value of goods is estimated to be around a million dollars.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©CBC News

CANADA - Justice Minister introduces Transgender rights Bill

Federal legislation that would guarantee full legal and human rights protection to transgender people across the country was introduced Tuesday for the first time by a sitting government, a move coinciding with the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.  "I'm proud to say that moments ago, I introduced legislation, Bill C-16 ... that would ensure that Canadians will be free to identify themselves and to express their gender as they wish while being protected against discrimination and hate," said Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould adding that, "because as Canadians, we should feel free and safe to be ourselves."
The announcement was met with loud cheers and applause from several members and advocates of the transgender community who were invited to join the justice minister in the Foyer of the House of Commons.
INC News, 17/05/2016 - source:©CBC News

CANADA - Justin Trudeau announces transgender rights bill

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed his government will move forward with new legislation to protect the rights of transgender Canadians. "I am proud to announce that tomorrow, on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, we will be tabling a bill in the House of Commons to ensure the full protection of transgender people," Trudeau said on Monday in Montreal, where he was accepting the Laurent McCutcheon Award for his commitment to fighting homophobia and transphobia.
INC News, 17/05/2016

TORONTO - Under the gun?

The city has recorded a spike in gun crimes so far this year. U of T Sociology Professor, Jooyoung Lee says that a recent spike in gun does not indicate a trend because over the past 10 years we have seen a drop in gun crimes.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©CBC News

NEW YORK - Mass graves near Manhattan: Digging up New York's past

Hart Island holds a unique place in the life of one of the world's most vibrant cities. It is where the bodies of dead people go when they are unclaimed by others. Since 1869 more than 1 million men, women and children have been buried on the island, usually in mass graves and with little ceremony. In fact, the only witnesses are often jail inmates, who are paid by the city's Department of Corrections to carry out the sombre task.
The BBC met up with two people who want to make Hart Island more accessible to the public, and in so doing shed new light on the island's history.
Video by Anna Bressanin.

INC News, 17/058/2016 - source: ©BBC News

Первый рейс самого крупного круизного лайнера мира

                      INCNews, 17/05/2016-source: ©BBC-Russia 

Пятиминутка здравого смысла о результатах «Евровидения» на трезвую голову

Комментарий недели

INCNews, 17/05/2016-source: ©PolitRussia

ITALY - Millennia-old historic site unearthed below Italy's subway

Workers upgrading the subway system in Rome have unearthed 2,000 year-old barracks. The site was so impressive, that the authorities have decided to make it a stop along the route for commuters.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

HONG KONG - Chinese official visits Hong Kong amid tension

Hong Kong's government has mobilised thousands of police officers and cordoned off large parts of the city. It's all part of a massive big security operation for the visit of one of China's most senior politicians.
Paving stones have even been glued down so protesters can't use them as missiles.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

CANADA - Evacuates oil workers as wildfire spreads

Oil workers in Canada are being evacuated as wildfires spread north. 

The fires around the city of Fort McMurray are now heading towards the region's oil sands.

INC News, 17/05/2016 -source: ©AlJazeera

AMERICA - Teen Skateboarder Taken Down by Tampa Police Officer

Authorities insist the 15-year-old failed to heed warnings about not skateboarding in banned areas.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: © abcNews

AMERICAN ELECTION - Trump's Ex Defends His Relationships with Women

Rowanne Brewer, One of Donald Trump's ex-girlfriends, has been actively speaking out against a New York Times story that featured her talking about her relationship with the real estate mogul in the early 1990s.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source:©abcNews

AMERICA - Uncle Accused of Abducting 9-Year-Old Niece

Gary Simpson, 58, allegedly kept his niece in a secluded location for eight days.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews

FLORIDA - Suspect Livestreams Standoff With Police

Adam Mayo, 30, barricaded himself inside his Florida home and livestreamed his confrontation with police on Facebook.

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©abcNews


Tear gas, clashes in Paris as hundreds protest labor reforms 

A unity demonstration against the French labour reform law is scheduled to take place in Paris on Tuesday, May 17, as part of a general strike called by seven trade unions. This demonstration will be the sixth that has been organised by the trade unions against the 'El Khomri law', named after the French Labour Minister Myriam El Khomri. The proposed law look into almost all aspects of France's labour laws. Stipulations on maximum working hours, holidays and breaks are among the areas that will be open to negotiation as the government attempts to liberalise France's labour market. 

INC News, 17/05/2016 - source: ©RT News