Sunday, April 12, 2015

AMERICA - Hillary Clinton launches 2016 presidential campaign

Hillary Clinton's aide John Podesta officially announced on Sunday that the former Secretary of State intends to seek the presidency of the United States for the second time. The launch of her campaign will continue over the next week as the presidential hopeful visits Iowa and New Hampshire. In Clinton’s previous bid for the White House in 2008, the former secretary of state lost to incumbent Barack Obama in the heated democratic primary race.
"I'm running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion." has been posted in Twitter.

INC News, 12/04/2015

Roasted lamb for the city’s poor in Athens on Easter

Orthodox Christians hold Easter procession in Jerusalem's Old City

Haunting footage as fires burn in a remote Siberian republic

Gunmen attack South Korea embassy in Tripoli, two guards killed

Raw: Okla. Officer Shoots Gun Instead of Taser

NEDERLANDS - Sjaak Rijke is teruggekeerd in Woerden

De recent in Mali bevrijde treinmachnist Sjaak Rijke is terug in zijn woonplaats.
Dat heeft de gemeente Woerden aan gemeld. Rijke is zaterdag in Woerden aangekomen. Rijke is bijna 3,5 jaar gegijzeld geweest in Mali door een aan Al-Qaeda gelieerde groepering. Bijna een week geleden werd hij door Franse militairen bevrijd.
De Nederlander werd dinsdag in Mali met zijn vrouw herenigd. Daarna hebben ze zich samen een aantal dagen teruggetrokken om bij te komen.Rijke liet eerder al weten geen groots onthaal te willen nu hij terug is in Nederland. "Hij wil nu vooral rust", bevestigt ook een zegsman van de gemeente. "Het kan zijn dat hij daar op terugkomt. Maar we schikken ons daarin helemaal naar zijn wensen." De machinist zal binnenkort ontvangen worden door burgemeester Victor Molkenboer. "Al kan ik nog niets zeggen over de termijn", aldus de woordvoerder. Of hij weer gaat werken, kan de gemeente niet zeggen.
INC News, 12/04/2015 - via NU

ENGLAND - Dronken Russisch staatsorkest uit vliegtuig gezet

Tientallen leden van het Russische Svetlanof Staatssymfonieorkest zijn vandaag uit een vliegtuig van British Airways (BA) gehaald. Dat bevestigt het orkest in een verklaring. Volgens luchtvaartnieuwssite AirLive zouden de violisten, slag- en koperwerkers zich dronken hebben gedragen.De zeker 40 musici moesten vervolgens zo'n tien uur in een wachtruimte van de Britse luchthaven Heathrow doorbrengen. De vlucht naar de Braziliaanse stad São Paolo die ze zouden nemen, raakte door het incident ernstig vertraagd. 
Volgens BA moesten de musici het vliegtuig verlaten om ,,technische problemen''. De spelers van het voormalige Sovjet Staatssymfonieorkest konden pas na tien uur een volgende vlucht nemen, meldt AirLive
Het orkest meldt in een verklaring op zijn website dat er inderdaad leden uit het vliegtuig zijn gezet, maar zegt niet te weten waarom de spelers het vliegtuig uit moesten. Ook ontkent het berichten die beweren dat het zou gaan om het voltallige orkest.

INC News, 12/04/2015 - via AD

Wilders moet zich hier niet racistisch uitlaten'

Als het aan de premier van de Duitse deelstaat Saksen ligt, moet PVV-leider Geert Wilders zich morgen gedeisd houden in de stad Dresden. Daar spreekt Wilders bij de demonstratie van anti-islambeweging Pegida. Racistische en xenofobe uitspraken worden niet getolereerd, aldus Stanislaw Tillich tegen het Duitse persbureau DPA.
Volgens Tillich staat de overgrote meerderheid van de inwoners van Saksen tolerant tegenover buitenlanders. ,,We zullen ons niet door rechts-populistische gastsprekers laten overreden.'' 
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INC News, 12/04/2015 - via AD

Su stazione spaziale arriva macchina per caffè espresso

Arriva il caffè espresso sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (Iss). La macchina tutta 'made in Italy' destinata a diventare l'angolo bar degli astronauti, per la gioia degli italiani in orbita come Samantha Cristoforetti, sarà lanciata nello spazio lunedì (alle 22:33 ora italiana) da Cape Canaveral, in Florida, a bordo della navetta Dragon dell'azienda privata Space X, che gestisce il lancio per conto della Nasa.Dragon porterà oltre due tonnellate di rifornimenti ed esperimenti scientifici, di cui tre italiani selezionati dall'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Asi) per la missione Futura di AstroSamantha: l'esperimento Cytospace, per capire come la microgravità influisce su Dna e forma delle cellule; l'esperimento NATO, sull'osteoporosi; infine la macchina del caffè ISSpresso, un complesso esperimento di fisica dei fluidi che impiega un sofisticato dimostratore tecnologico per validare un sistema in grado di garantire la difficile gestione di liquidi ad alta pressione e temperatura in un ambiente spaziale. La macchina per l'espresso, nata in Italia dalla collaborazione fra Argotec, Lavazza e Finmeccanica-Selex Es, ''arriverà in orbita con 15 capsule con miscela 100% arabica'', spiega il responsabile del progetto David Avino. Al posto delle tazzine ''ci saranno dei sacchetti, alcuni contenenti dello zucchero di canna per chi non ama il caffè amaro''. In futuro la macchina potrà essere usata per fare altre bevande, ma anche per reidratare i cibi come brodi e zuppe spaziali.

Fonte: ANSA AP

INC News, 12/04/2015 

Saudi Arabia rejects Iran’s calls for ceasefire in Yemen conflict

Riyadh has called on Iran not to interfere in the conflict in Yemen after Tehran repeatedly called for end to the Saudi-led airstrike campaign against embattled Yemen. Faisal called on Iran to stop providing political and military support to the Houthi rebels, a Shiite rebel group, that has taken control of swathes of the country, including the capital, Sanaa, in recent months.
On Thursday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei decried Saudi airstrikes as a “crime and genocide.” In a speech Thursday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies to halt aggression in Yemen and commence peace negotiations.
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INC News, 12/04/2015 - via RT


Two journalists have been killed near Donetsk airport in eastern Ukraine, as a shell hit the car they were travelling in, officials from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) have said.

Kenyan student dies, over 100 injured in stampede after electricity transformer blast

A Kenyan student has been killed, and more than 100 others have been injured, following an electricity transformer explosion that triggered a stampede in Nairobi. The student who died was among those who jumped from five floors up, in fear that the university Kikuyu campus had come under attack, university vice chancellor Peter Mbithi told Reuters. It comes 10 days after gunmen from the al-Qaeda-affiliated group al-Shabaab attacked Garissa University College, killing 148 people.
INC News, 12/04/2015 - via RT

Four killed by wildfires in Russia's Siberia

Four people have been killed by wildfires raging though the grasslands of Russia's Khakassia republic in southern Siberia, the TASS news agency reported on Sunday.
More than 20 villages and towns have been damaged by the fires that have been burning for several days in dry and windy weather, the Emergency Ministry said. Seventy-three people have suffered burns or smoke inhalation.
Two planes and a helicopter have been deployed, along with more than 1,000 firefighters.
Environmental activists say the occurrence of grassland wildfires in Russia has increased in recent years for various reasons, including rising temperatures.

Source: Reuters, Moscow

INC News, 12/04/2015 - via RT

CANADA - Plane forced to land after 80yo woman ‘attacks, bites’ crew

Air Canada flight ACA-877 had to be diverted to Ireland’s Shannon Airport on Friday after an elderly female passenger became disruptive and bit one of the crew members. Irish police were called to meet the plane after it landed and the woman was arrested. The Boeing 777-300 jet was traveling from Frankfurt to Toronto when a passenger seated in first class became unruly and assaulted at least one of the air stewards. Reports say she was accused of biting and scratching members of the cabin crew. Following the incident, the woman, who was in her 80s, was restrained, according to Irish media.

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INC News, 12/04/2015 -via RT
The Russian Navy vessel Priazovye has helped to evacuate 308 people from war-torn Yemen. The Russian Defense Ministry stated citizens from 19 countries had been rescued, including Russian, Ukrainian, US and Yemini nationals. There were also a number of foreign citizens aboard the Priazovye, including 18 Americans, 14 Ukrainians, nine Belorusians, five UK citizens, as well as 159 Yemeni nationals.
Read the article HERE
INC News, 12/04/2015 - via RT

Silent Menace: Are electric cars dangerous for pedestrians?

Bangladesh hangs war crimes convict

Papa Francesco: il massacro degli armeni è "il primo genocidio del XX se...

Per Obama il nuovo corso tra Stati Uniti e Cuba si basa "sul rispetto pe...

Video Isil documenta la distruzione di Nimrud

Germanwings: Lubitz doveva continuare a sottoporsi a controlli psicologici

Prayers for peace as Russia and Ukraine observe Orthodox Easter

Lufthansa doctors 'recommended continued treatment for Lubitz'

UNHCR mulls Kenya's call to close Dadaab camp for Somali refugees

The Great Cannon, l’arma segreta della Cina per controllare il web

Non c’è solo il Great Firewall, il potente strumento di censura del web. Ora Pechino sembra aver un altro asso nella manica. Great Cannon, l’hanno chiamato gli esperti (grande cannone, in italiano). Il mese scorso infatti la Cina ha dirottato sui siti Usa una grossa mole di traffico web. Apparentemente, come spiega anche il New York Times, l’obiettivo sembrava essere quello di sabotare una serie di servizi che sono proibiti dalla censura cinese. E sempre apparentemente Pechino sembrava aver fatto ricorso al Great Firewall.
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INC News, 12/04/2015 - via Corriere

Capitol Lockdown Lifted After Man Kills Himself

Raw: Aerial Footage of Illinois Tornado Damage

ITALIA - Ragazza 25enne di Varese muore in gara schiacciata dal suo cavallo

Tragico incidente nel Torinese a Cuceglio: una ragazza di 25 anni che stava partecipando a una gara ippica è morta durante la competizione. E’ successo nella tenuta Grecia tra San Giorgio Canavese e Cuceglio. La giovane, Sabrina Manganaro, di Lonate Pozzolo (Varese), disarcionata dal suo cavallo mentre saltava gli ostacoli, è stata schiacciata accidentalmente nella caduta dall’animale ed è morta davanti agli occhi del fidanzato, che era presente. Il suo cavallo, Fante di Mezzograno, non ha riportato lesioni.

INC News, 12/04/2015 - via Corriere

Police Release Video of Wal-Mart Brawl

Police at the scene of a deadly brawl outside a Wal-Mart store in a small Arizona town
 last month deployed electronic stun guns and made multiple efforts to stop a large 
family from attacking them, according to a video recording released Friday.

Raw: IS Group Destroys Ancient Ruins of Nimrud

Yemeni families suffer from bombardment

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Candidacy Announcement Expected This Weekend

Isis mostra in video distruzioni a Nimrud

Un video pubblicato online dall'Isis mostra la distruzione di parti del sito archeologico di Nimrud, in nord Iraq. Nelle sequenze, i miliziani fanno scempio di statue e bassorilievi a colpi di piccone e frese. Poi entra in azione un bulldozer, e una carica sbriciola un sito. La notizia, diffusa a marzo, non aveva ancora trovato conferme.

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INC News, 12/04/2015 - via ANSA

Papa Francesco ricorda il genocidio degli armeni, Turchia convoca ambasciatore della Santa Sede

L'ambasciatore del Vaticano in Turchia e' stato convocato dal ministero degli esteri di Ankara dopo le dichiarazioni di oggi di Papa Francesco sul genocidio armeno: lo ha detto all'Ansa lo stesso nunzio apostolico Antonio Lucibello. Nel colloquio, ha precisato Monsignor Lucibello, le autorita' turche hanno espresso "il loro disappunto' per le parole del pontefice. La Turchia continua a negare che quello del 1915-16 sia stato un genocidio e combatte una guerra diplomatica permanente per cercare di impedire che venga riconosciuto all'estero da un numero crescente di stati. 

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INC News, 12/04/2015 - via ANSA