Thursday, April 23, 2015
KAZAKHSTAN - Documentary Flags Mass Poisoning Outside Oil and Gas Field
In November 2014, in a Kazakhstani village near one of the world's largest oil, gas and condensate fields, 25 schoolchildren and four adults suddenly grew ill and fell unconscious.
Residents of the village, Berezovka, had noticed flaring at the nearby Karachaganak field and had smelled gas the day before. They say they were poisoned and have demanded relocation. Though some local officials did speak publicly about the problem at the time, a watchdog says that Kazakhstan's government and its Western partners are ignoring the illnesses and falsely accusing residents – who have complained of poisonings since 2002 – of faking.
The field is operated by Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV (KPO), a consortium including BG Group from Britain, Italy's ENI, Chevron from the USA, Russia's Lukoil and Kazakhstan's state-run KazMunayGaz. It is Kazakhstan's largest producing gas field.
Crude Accountability, a Virginia-based watchdog focusing on hydrocarbon extraction in the Caspian Sea basin, says KPO is trying to “hush up" the tragedy.
Independent monitors have found dangerous chemicals including hydrogen sulfide in Berezovka's air, Crude Accountability said this month. And since the initial poisonings last November, several other bouts of fainting and illness have hit the village: “Almost 50 percent of the villagers are chronically ill and 80 percent of the children suffer from respiratory diseases."
Crude Accountability has released a video to pressure KPO and the Kazakh government to address the concerns. It calls the government's and KPO's reaction “cold and cynical." The video includes footage of the local mayor accusing parents of not caring for their children, instead allowing them to eat junk food.
INC News, 23/04/2015 - via AK ZHAIK
RUSSIA - Russia and Argentina signed energy framework deals in push for closer ties
Russia and Argentina signed several cooperation documents in the energy sector on Thursday, underlining Moscow's drive to deepen ties with countries in South America since coming under Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis. At a ceremony in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Argentine President Cristina Fernandez hailed the agreements, which pave the way for closer cooperation on natural gas and nuclear energy in Argentina. Russian state-owned gas producer Gazprom signed a memorandum on cooperation with state oil company YPF, while Russia's Rosatom signed a similar deal for construction of a nuclear power plant in Argentina.
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INC News, 23/04/2014 - via MT
Russia's Defense Ministry Says U.S. Troops Are in Eastern Ukraine
U.S. troops are in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine and are training Ukrainian forces, Interfax news agency quoted a spokesman for Russia's Defense Ministry as saying Thursday. A day earlier, Washington accused Russia of building up air defense systems inside eastern Ukraine and of involvement in training exercises of pro-Russian rebels in breach of a European-brokered truce. Igor Konashenkov was quoted as saying that U.S. troops were training Ukrainian forces not only in western Ukraine "as Ukrainian television channels show, but directly in the combat zone in the area of Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Artyomovsk and Volnovakha." The Defense Ministry confirmed the report.
INC News, 23/04/2015 - via MT
GRANBRETAGNA - Vive solo 100 minuti, e' donatore di organi più giovane
E' vissuto in tutto 100 minuti, meno di due ore. Ma ha fatto in tempo a donare i suoi piccoli reni, per volontà dei genitori, e a salvare un'altra vita per il futuro. E' accaduto in Gran Bretagna, dove i media danno ampio rilievo a quella che viene raccontata come l'avventura di Teddy, il "piu' giovane donatore" d'organi nella storia del Paese.
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INC News, 23/04/2015 - via ANSA
Giovanni Lo Porto ucciso in un raid Usa a gennaio. Il cooperante era stato rapito in Pakistan
E' stato ucciso in raid Usa Giovanni Lo Porto. Di Lo Porto si sono completamente perse le tracce dal 19 gennaio 2012, quando scomparve nella provincia pachistana di Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. L'uomo, 39 anni, si trovava nella regione per la ong Welt Hunger Hilfe (Aiuto alla fame nel mondo) e si occupava della costruzione di alloggi di emergenza nel sud del Punjab.
Obama: 'Colpa mia'
Il presidente americano, Barack Obama, "si assume la piena responsabilità delle operazioni in cui sono rimasti uccisi gli ostaggi di al Qaida Giovanni Lo Porto e Warren Weinstein": lo afferma la Casa Bianca, precisando che "il presidente ha dato direttive per diffondere più informazioni possibile".
Obama: 'Colpa mia'
Il presidente americano, Barack Obama, "si assume la piena responsabilità delle operazioni in cui sono rimasti uccisi gli ostaggi di al Qaida Giovanni Lo Porto e Warren Weinstein": lo afferma la Casa Bianca, precisando che "il presidente ha dato direttive per diffondere più informazioni possibile".
US drone strikes kill US, Italian hostages in Pakistan
The White House says that two hostages, including an American, were inadvertently killed in Pakistan earlier this year as the result of a United States-launched drone strike. Senior administration officials told the Wall Street Journal that an attack in January against a suspected Al-Qaeda compound caused the death of American development expert Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto, an Italian aid worker. US President Barack Obama is expected to speak on the matter during an address Thursday morning. According to the Journal’s Thursday morning report, the White House has already launched an investigation into the incident which may prompt the administration to revamp its drone program.
NEDERLANDS - Thuiszorgmedewerkers verlaten gemeentehuis
Een groep boze thuiszorgmedewerkers heeft donderdagmiddag het gemeentehuis van Berkelland in de Gelderse plaats Borculo verlaten. Ze braken hun actie af nadat de gemeente een gesprek had toegezegd met een 'brede delegatie' van het college en partijen. Dat heeft woordvoerder Reinier Engelen van Abvakabo FNV laten weten.
De thuiszorgmedewerkers bezetten woensdag het gemeentehuis en brachten er de nacht door uit protest tegen de forse bezuinigingen. Ruim driehonderd mensen dreigen hun baan te verliezen omdat de gemeente heeft besloten te stoppen met de huishoudelijke zorg. „We krijgen vanmiddag in ieder geval een gesprek. We hopen dat dit vruchtbaar zal zijn. We zullen ook bekijken of er een bemiddelaar kan worden aangesteld om het conflict op te lossen”, aldus Engelen.
De medewerkers verblijven in een tent naast het gemeentehuis. „We hebben de tijd gisteravond en vannacht besteed om een plan te maken als het niet goed mocht gaan. De vrouwen zijn vastberaden door te zetten.”
IN C News, 23/04/2015 - via De Telegraaf
NEDERLANDS - Griepepidemie langste in veertig jaar
De huidige griepepidemie is inmiddels de langste in veertig jaar. Het einde lijkt na twintig weken bijna in zicht, maar afgelopen is de epidemie nog steeds niet. Dat meldt onderzoeksinstituut Nivel vandaag. De huidige epidemie is overigens wel relatief mild. Afgelopen week gingen nog 56 op de 100.000 mensen naar de huisarts vanwege griepachtige klachten. Pas wanneer dat aantal mensen onder de 51 daalt, is de epidemie voorbij.
De peilstationhuisartsen van Nivel Zorgregistraties houden al sinds 1970 bij hoeveel mensen er bij de huisarts komen vanwege griepachtige klachten.
INC News, 23/04/2015 - via AD
NEDERLANDS - Bellende buschauffeur na ontslag toch weer aangenomen
De buschauffeur die vorige maand op staande voet werd ontslagen omdat hij met zijn smartphone in de weer was achter het stuur in Arnhem, wordt weer in dienst genomen. Maar de man mag vanwege zijn actie niet meer rijden met een bus, heeft een woordvoerder van vervoersmaatschappij Connexxion laten weten aan Omroep Gelderland. De ondernemingsraad verzocht de directie van het bedrijf vorige week om de man weer in dienst te nemen. Waarom de vervoersmaatschappij terugkomt op het ontslag, is onduidelijk. Eerder hielden collega's vanwege het ontslag van de buschauffeur een werkonderbreking.
Volgens woordvoerder Hendri Beltman van Connexxion mag de man niet meer met een bus rijden omdat het voertuig door zijn actie 'een potentieel dodelijk wapen' wordt. ,,Bovendien had hij zijn oortjes in; dat is ook verboden omdat hij moet kunnen horen wat er gebeurt'', aldus de woordvoerder tegen de omroep.
Het vervoersbedrijf heeft de chauffeur schriftelijk excuses aangeboden voor het feit dat publiekelijk mededelingen over de affaire zijn gedaan. ,,De man wilde al die aandacht niet; net zo min als de werkonderbreking door zijn collega's.''
INC News, 23/04/2015 - via Algemeene Dagblad
NEDERLANDS - Opnieuw brandstichting in Markthal Rotterdam
Kraamhouders en beveiligers hebben maandagavond een tweede aanslag verijdeld in de Markthal. Na sluitingstijd liep er een verdacht persoon rond die probeerde brand te stichten in een kraam. De beveiliging greep op tijd in, maar toen was de verdachte al verdwenen. Het gaat om dezelfde kraam waar begin maart ook al brand is gesticht. Toen ontplofte na sluitingstijd een explosief in de Tropicahal. Het leidde tot een felle brand die snel geblust kon worden. De Tropicahal, die tropisch fruit en groente verkoopt, was sindsdien gesloten.
Het opsporingsprogramma Bureau Rijnmond van RTV Rijnmond vertoont vanavond beelden van de meest recente aanslag. ,,Het OM en de politie hebben besloten de beelden meteen te publiceren omdat het gevaar voor mensen en risico op schade aan de Markthal te groot is,'' meldt de politie.
INC News, 23/04/2015 - via AD
At least 10 people have been injured in a series of huge blasts in the town of Oryol, Central Russia. A fireworks shop has reportedly exploded not far from the local school.
Local journalists report that it’s impossible to breathe, small explosions can be heard throughout the area and everything is covered in dust. Emergency services have already arrived at the scene of the explosions. The fire has spread to three other buildings, a source told RIA Novosti.
UKRAINE - Ukrainian neo-Nazis switch from theory to practice
Neo-Nazism is no a longer a theory in Ukraine as its ideas are being implemented into practice, according to a top Russian Foreign Ministry official. “The Neo-Nazis in Ukraine have switched from polemics and invasion of brains to practice,” the Foreign Ministry’s representative for Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Konstantin Doldgov, told reporters on Thursday. “People wearing helmets with Nazi emblems are committing murders there.”
He also noted the increase of neo-Nazi sentiments in the United States. “There are thousands of extremist groups there, including neo-Nazi ones,” he specified. The surge of movements that preach racial hatred is taking place in Ukraine and the USA despite the fact that they were among the supporters of the UN resolution on opposing the Nazi and racist tendencies in modern politics, prepared by Russia and passed by the General Assembly in December last year.
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INC News, 23/04/2015 - via RT
AUSTRALIA - ‘Running can cause virginity loss’: Aussie Islamic school refutes allegations of odd claim
Dopo le dichiarazoni di un religioso islamico arabo, secondo il quale la Terra sarebbe piatta e l'Universo girerebbe attorno ad essa, ora si arriva a confutare non solo il diritto alla esistenza dellla donna, ma a confutare il predicato biologico universale, che nulla ha a che vedere con le religioni di tutto il mondo. Nessuna religione mette in discussione gli apostolati scientifici da secoli, cosa sta succedendo ora? Si vuole tornare al Medio Evo?
(per INC Nwes, Mikhail Lermontov)
An Islamic college in Australia is denying allegations its principal forbade female students from running in a cross-country race because he was convinced they would “lose their virginity.”
The claims come from a former teacher who wrote to Victorian state Education Minister James Merlino alleging that Omar Hallak, the principal at the Al-Taqwa school, believed girls could lose their virginity by running excessively.
Merlino told reporters on Thursday the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority was investigating the allegations. The school issued a statement on Thursday to refute the claims.
“Contrary to reports in the media, female students at Al-Taqwa college participate in all range of sporting activities such as track and field (including running over a range of distances, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, athletics), basketball, cricket, hockey, tennis and netball,” it read, according to the Guardian. It goes on to say that, aside from a lack of parental consent, nothing could stop the girls from participating.
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INC News, 23/04/2015 - via RT
ITALIA - Divorzio breve è legge, ok definitivo dal Parlamento
Dopo oltre 40 anni l'Italia mette in atto una svolta sul divorzio. Dopo battaglie, ostracismi, rinvii, si accorciano i tempi per chi vorrà porre fine al proprio matrimonio. L'Italia, grazie al voto alla Camera nel quale si è registrato un forte consenso (398 sì, 28 no e 6 astenuti) ha il suo divorzio breve. Il che significa che non saranno più necessari 3 anni per dirsi addio, come previsto dalla riforma della legge Fortuna-Baslini, ma solo 6 mesi, se la separazione è consensuale, e al massimo un anno se si decide di ricorrere al giudice. "Un altro impegno mantenuto. Avanti, è la #voltabuona", scrive il premier Matteo Renzi in un tweet. Soddisfazione per i due relatori del ddl, Luca D'Alessandro (Fi) e Alessia Morani (Pd) ("politica dei fatti, non delle parole").
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INC News, 22/04/2015 - via ANSA
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