Thursday, January 15, 2015
Russian Film 'Leviathan' Makes Oscars Shortlist Amid Domestic Disapproval
The dark Russian movie "Leviathan" came a step closer to capturing the best foreign-language film Oscar when it was nominated Thursday by the Motion Picture Academy as one of the five finalists. Director Andrei Zvyagintsev's depiction of a poor village family's struggle to keep their property from the claws of a corrupt Russian politician continues to collect recognitions for the filmmaker and his cast in every competition it has entered. "The gods of Oscar really smiled upon us," said an excited Alexander Rodnyansky, the film's producer.
"We are incredibly grateful to the members of the Academy for this nomination, and we are honored to represent Russia and Russian culture at this most important of global film competitions," Rodnyansky told The Moscow Times.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Moscow Time
BELGIO - Terrorismo: due morti e un ferito. Preparavano attacco a Bruxelles. Legame con Coulibaly
Due persone sono morte e una è stata gravemente ferita in un'operazione antiterrorismo della polizia a Verviers, quasi al confine con la Germania. Le persone sorprese a Verviers "hanno aperto il fuoco a lungo con armi da guerra". Armi automatiche e kalashnikov sulle forze speciali della polizia ma non hanno provocato vittime né feriti. Due di loro sono invece stati uccisi dalla risposta degli agenti, mentre un terzo è rimasto ferito. I sospetti terroristi, secondo la Procura, "erano sul punto di realizzare attentati di ampia portata in tempi imminenti". Infine, la Procura ha confermato l'innalzamento al livello 3 su 4 dell'allerta antiterrorismo per il Belgio. L'operazione, hanno detto al Palazzo di Giustizia, riguarda un'indagine molto delicata e per questa ragione gli inquirenti non hanno voluto fornire più informazioni, ma hanno convocato una nuova conferenza stampa per domani mattina.
L'articolo si trova QUI
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Repubblica
Belgio, l'operazione antiterrorismo a Verviers: spari ed esplosioni
In un video amatoriale pubblicato su YouTube le immagini dell'operazione antiterrorismo condotta dalla polizia belga a Verviers, in un'abitazione in rue de la Colline. Spari, esplosioni e urla delle forze dell'ordine che tentano di coordinarsi a voce: "Continua, continua! Mira più in alto, più in alto"
SIRIA - Liberate le due italiane rapite
Le due cooperanti lombarde arriveranno nelle prime ore del mattino a Ciampino, dove le attenderà il ministro degli Esteri Paolo Gentiloni. Lanciata da fonti della resistenza anti-Assad su Twitter, la notizia è stata confermata da un tweet di Palazzo Chigi. Erano state sequestrate il 31 luglio scorso. Media arabi: pagato riscatto da 12 milioni di dollari.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Repubblica
Le patron de Swatch évoque «un tsunami» pour la Suisse
RÉACTIONS - «Les mots me manquent», a déclaré Nick Hayek, directeur général du groupe suisse d'horlogerie Swatch Group. La banque centrale suisse a brutalement décidé ce jeudi d'abandonner le «taux plancher» auquel était arrimé le franc suisse, provoquant une envolée des cours.
Stupéfaction et inquiétude après la brutale décision de la Banque centrale suisse (BNS) de renoncer au taux plancher auquel était jusqu'ici arrimé le franc suisse. L'envolée du cours de la monnaie helvétique, d'actuellement 30%, a de quoi y inquiéter le patronat: les biens vendus par les entreprises suisses à l'étranger s'en trouveront d'autant renchéris, alors que l'économie suisse est largement tournée vers les exportations.
lire l'article ICI
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Le Figaro
ESPANA - Sanidad aplaza la financiación de los fármacos de la hepatitis C
“¿Un fondo para quién?”, respondió este miércoles el ministro de Sanidad, Alfonso Alonso, a las dos comunidades socialistas, Andalucía y Asturias, que horas antes le habían pedido un fondo estatal para hacer frente a la financiación de los nuevos tratamientoscontra la hepatitis C. Alonso aseguró tras su primer consejo interterritorial como ministro que aún no se puede saber a qué pacientes será necesario tratar con los nuevos y costosos fármacos porque España carece de un registro nacional. El cálculo que hizo el secretario general de Sanidad, Rubén Moreno, de tratar entre 6.000 y 7.000 pacientes este año son solo “estimaciones”. Los hepatólogos han asegurado que lo necesitan 30.000.
Hasta que se termine el estudio sobre el número de pacientes y en qué estado de la enfermedad se encuentran —tarea encargada al comité de expertos designado por el Gobierno— no tiene sentido crear un fondo específico para sufragar los costes, explicó el ministro. Eso sí, según Alonso, “hay capacidad financiera para afrontar los nuevos tratamientos de la hepatitis C”.
El articulo estas AQUI
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via El Pais
Imágenes de satélite muestran la destrucción causada por Boko Haram
Amnistía Internacional (AI) y Human Rights Watch (HRW) han publicado por separado varias imágenes por satélite que muestran la destrucción provocada por los recientes de ataques de la secta radical Boko Haram en las poblaciones nigerianas de Baga y Doro Gowon, en el noreste del país, en los que murieron centenares de personas. Las imágenes de antes y después de los ataques difundidas por ambas organizaciones revelan que al menos 3.700 estructuras, en su mayoría viviendas y pequeños comercios, fueron destruidas durante los ataques de la milicia islamista de los últimos diez días.
el articulo estas AQUI
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via El Pais
La ascensión a la historia de dos escaladores en la pared de El Capitán
Tommy Caldwell y Kevin Jorgeson miraban cada pocos segundos hacia el cielo. Buscaban el último tramo de pared, los recovecos y las grietas en el granito que les separaban de la historia. Este miércoles, después de más de dos semanas sin pisar el suelo del valle de Yosemite (California), han logrado ascender el Dawn Wall, el muro vertical de El Capitán, considerado el más difícil del mundo. Nadie antes había conseguido superar sus 914 metros de altura en estilo libre, sin más ayuda que sus pies y sus manos, y protegidos únicamente por las cuerdas de seguridad.
El articulo estas AQUI
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via El Pais
La lista de todos los nominados a los Oscar 2015
Inizia la corsa al piu' ambito premio del cinema mondiale, la statuetta "Oscar", che si celebra subito dopo la premiazione dei "Golden Globe".
Molti i personaggi inaspettati, ma molti fims di pregio in lista, specialmente quello sulla vita del fisico Stephen Hawkin, interpretato magistralmente da Eddie Redmayne.
Este jueves se han revelado los nominados a los Premios Oscar 2015. En un evento retransmitido desde el Teatro Samuel Goldwyn de Beverly Hills, el actor Chris Pine, los directores J.J. Abrams y Alfonso Cuarón, y la presidenta de la Academia, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, han anunciado cuáles son las películas que competirán por una estatuilla en la premiación del próximo 22 de febrero. Esta es la lista íntegra de los nominados.
Molti i personaggi inaspettati, ma molti fims di pregio in lista, specialmente quello sulla vita del fisico Stephen Hawkin, interpretato magistralmente da Eddie Redmayne.
Este jueves se han revelado los nominados a los Premios Oscar 2015. En un evento retransmitido desde el Teatro Samuel Goldwyn de Beverly Hills, el actor Chris Pine, los directores J.J. Abrams y Alfonso Cuarón, y la presidenta de la Academia, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, han anunciado cuáles son las películas que competirán por una estatuilla en la premiación del próximo 22 de febrero. Esta es la lista íntegra de los nominados.
El francotirador
El gran hotel Budapest
Descifrando enigma
La teoría del todo
Alejandro G. Iñarritu, Birdman
Richard Linklater, Boyhood
Bennett Miller, Foxcatcher
Wes Anderson, El gran hotel Budapest
Morten Tyldum, Descifrando enigma
Steve Carell, Foxcatcher
Bradley Cooper, El francotirador
Benedict Cumberbatch, Descifrando enigma
Michael Keaton, Birdman
Eddie Redmayne, La teoría del todo
Marion Cotillard, Dos días, una noche
Felicity Jones, La teoría del todo
Julianne Moore, Siempre Alice
Rosamund Pike, Perdida
Reese Witherspoon, Alma salvaje
Robert Duvall, El juez
Ethan Hawke, Boyhood
Edward Norton, Birdman
Mark Ruffalo, Foxcatcher
J.K. Simmons, Whiplash
Patricia Arquette, Boyhood
Laura Dern, Alma salvaje
Keira Knightley, Descifrando enigma
Emma Stone, Birdman
Meryl Streep, Into the Woods
Big Hero 6
Los Boxtrolls
Song of the Sea
El cuento de la princesa Kaguya
Cómo entrenar a tu dragón 2
El gran hotel Budapest
Rondador Nocturno
El francotirador
Descifrando enigma
Puro vicio
La teoría del todo
Relatos salvajes
El gran hotel Budapest
Descifrando enigma
Into the Woods
Mr. Turner
El gran hotel Budapest
Mr. Turner
El gran hotel Budapest
Puro vicio
Into the Woods
Mr. Turner
El francotirador
Descifrando enigma
El gran hotel Budapest
Capitán América: El soldado de invierno
Guardianes de la Galaxia
X-Men: Días del futuro pasado
El amanecer del planeta de los simios
El gran hotel Budapest
Guardianes de la Galaxia
El francotirador
El Hobbit: La batalla de los cinco ejércitos
El francotirador
El gran hotel Budapest
Descifrando enigma
Mr. Turner
La teoría del todo
La LEGO película
Glenn Campbell: All be me
Begin Again
Beyond the Lights
Finding Vivian Maier
Last Days in Vietnam
La sal de la tierra
Boogaloo and Graham
Burter Lamp
The Phone Call
Crisis Hotline
Our Curse
The Reaper
White Earth
The Bigger Picture
The Dam Keeper
Buenas migas
Me and My Moulton
A Single Life
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via El Pais
В Новой Москве сгорел мясокомбинат
На мясокомбинате в деревне Руднево в Новой Москве произошел крупный пожар, причиной которого стал взрыв в цеху газового баллона высокого давления. Площадь возгорания составила 2,5 тыс. квадратных метров, площадь обрушений — 1,2 тыс. квадратных метров. В результате происшествия пострадали 12 человек.
Под Челябинском грабители дважды тщетно пытались вскрыть банкомат
В городе Карталы Челябинской области двое неизвестных попытались взломать банкомат. Сначала один из грабителей использовал кувалду, чтобы пробить стенку банкомата. Затем злоумышленники закрепили крюк с автомобильным тросом на отсеке выдачи денег, однако при буксире крюк был выдернут, после чего грабители скрылись с места преступления.
Россияне доверяют Владимиру Путину: его хотят видеть президентом и после 2018 года
Аналитический центр Юрия Левады ("Левада-Центр") провёл опрос, согласно которому больше половины россиян доверяют Владимиру Путину и готовы видеть его на посту президента страны и после 2018-го года (тогда заканчивается третий президентский срок Путина).
Опрос проведён с 19 по 22 декабря 2014 года по репрезентативной всероссийской выборке городского и сельского населения среди 1600 человек в возрасте 18 лет и старше в 134 населенных пунктах 46 регионов страны.
В итоге 55% из числа опрошенных желает, чтобы Путин стал президентом в 2018-м году. Десять процентов - за другого человека, который продолжил бы политику Путина, 18% - за человека, который бы предложил другое решение проблем России. 17% опрошенных не определились со своей позицией.
Более того, 54% полагают, что сейчас в России нет человека, который мог бы заменить Владимира Путина. 24% считают, что при желании замену Путину найти можно. 13% затруднились с ответом, а 10% считают, что политика, который заменит Путина на его посту можно назвать уже сейчас.
Кстати, в декабре "Левада-центр" опрашивал население страны на тему "Как бы вы проголосовали, если бы президентские выборы состоялись в ближайшее время". За Путина было подавляющее большинство голосов, на второй позиции расположился лидер КПРФ Геннадий Зюганов, замыкал тройку руководитель фракции ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Metro News
Американский фотограф заснял преодоление звукового барьера
Удивительные фотография очень особого момента, на выходят за рамки звуковым барьером!
Американскому фотографу Дереку Суиста удалось запечатлеть момент, когда реактивный истребитель преодолевал звуковой барьер. Это тот самый миг, когда из-за преодоления скорости звука возникает сверхзвуковой хлопок. Для того чтобы поймать этот миг, фотограф использовал серийную съёмку, причём все восемь снимков были сделана за одну секунду. Иначе было и невозможно, поскольку сверхзвуковой самолёт-истребитель при полёте создал ударную волну, радиус которой равнялся 760 милям в час (1,223 км/ч).
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Metro News
Kazakhstan citizens ordered 97 more gold smartphones - So 97 more rich people has this possibility.
Five gold Caviar Kazakistan smartphones were sold on the first day, interest to the exclusive device increases promptly therefore Caviar brand made a decision to continue releasing of this model, reports. The developer reported that this quantity of smartphone copies all the same remains strictly limited, it will allow to keep a thing exclusivity.
After successful sales of five "pilot" copies, the Caviar company made a decision on additional release of 97 more phones. This number was chosen not incidentally: the Bayterek tower’s height constructed in 1997 in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana is this much. The well-known tower and the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation are represented on the gold case of the phone. Besides the device is decorated with an inscription: "Dedicato al Grande Kazakistan da Perla Penna". The founders of the smartphone emphasize that the inscription is executed in Italian therefore the tracing Kazakistan seemed unusual for many people.
Clients of Caviar in Kazakhstan accepted news about additional release of phones with enthusiasm: jeweler iPhone caused a great interest among business elite of Astana, and now 97 more patriots of the republic will be able to become owners of exclusive gold cellular phones. Among Caviar clients in Kazakhstan are already a well-known boxer Serik Sapiyev, and also successful businessmen, politicians and cultural figures.
Thus, total amount of the next "gold" purchase of Kazakhstan citizens will make 76 million tenge. Earlier all five copies of Apple gold phones were reported to cost 790,000 tenge released by the Italian jeweler Caviar brand were bought by the staff of state structures, national companies and businessmen. The company reported: "the majority of Kazakhstan citizens prefer not to advertise their names in buyers’ lists and order the smartphones on the site"
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Ak Zhaik
PAPA BERGOGLIO - Caspita, questo si' che e' parlare da Papa!
Il Papa: "Libertà espressione diritto ma anche dovere". Bergoglio, parlando con i cronisti, è voluto tornare sul tema del terrorismo dopo la strage al Charlie Hebdo: "La religione non può mai uccidere, non si può farlo in nome di Dio". "Ma - ha aggiunto - non si può provocare, non si può prendere in giro la religione di un altro. Non va bene". Con queste parole il Papa ha voluto rispondere alla domanda di un cronista francese che gli chiedeva "fino a che punto si può andare con la libertà di espressione". Poi ha chiarito ulteriormente: sì alla libera espressione "ma se il mio amico Gasbarri dice una parolaccia sulla mia mamma, si aspetti un pugno". Questo il limite che secondo il Papa regola la libertà religiosa: "Non si 'giocattolizza' la religione degli altri", dice Bergoglio. Francesco ha ricordato che la "libertà di espressione è un diritto, ma anche un dovere". Neppure, dice il Papa, "si offende la religione", ma in questo caso "non si reagisce con violenza". Poi ha spiegato, "senza mancare di rispetto a nessuno" che "dietro ogni attentato suicida c'è uno squilibrio, non so se mentale, ma certamente umano".
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INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Repubblica
FILIPPINE -Manila: il Papa accolto dal vento e dall'entusiasmo dei filippini
Papa Francesco è arrivato a Manila con un volo della SriLankan Airlines. Al Villamor Air Base, dove è atterrato, ha trovato ad accoglierlo il presidente, Benigno S.Aquino, il cardinale Luis Antonio Tagle, arcivescovo di Manila e presidente della Conferenza Episcopale delle Filippine e soprattutto un grande entusiasmo dei presenti, manifestato con coreografie colorate da drappi, bandiere e ombrelli. Ragazzi che danzano e vescovi che applaudono e cantano con loro sulla pista. E c'era anche il vento che ha fatto subito perdere la papalina al Pontefice
ITALIA - Borse contrastate, tasso Btp da record. La Svizzera muove sul franco
La mossa a sorpresa della Banca centrale svizzera, che ha rimosso il tetto del cambio a 1,2 tra franco ed euro, agita i mercati e aumenta la volatilità in una fase già di per sé instabile. Anche le materie prime, che nella serata di ieri hanno registrato il rimbalzo del petrolio, sono sulle montagne russe. A metà giornata il greggio Wti torna a guadagnare terreno, dopo una fase d'indebolimento, in area 48,9 dollari al barile, mentre il Brent si stabilizza poco più sotto.
The surprising move of the Swiss Central Bank, which has removed the roof of the exchange between 1.2 franc and euro, shake the markets and volatility increases at a stage in itself unstable. Even the raw materials, which yesterday evening showed a rebound in oil, are on a roller coaster. At midday the WTI crude oil back to gain ground, after a period of weakness in the area $ 48.9 per barrel, while Brent settles little lower.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Repubblica
RUSSIA - Moscow Mosque Stormed by Group Calling for Protest at French Embassy
A dozen protesters barged into a mosque calling for worshipers to march to the French Embassy in Moscow — presumably in connection to a wave of terrorist attacks in Paris last week — and then severely beat a congregant who tried to soothe them, a news report said. Few details were immediately available on the motives or identity of the participants in the Wednesday afternoon raid at the mosque on Vypolzov street, with a spokeswoman for Russia's Council of Muftis, Gulnar Gaziyeva, only saying that "judging by their appearance, the hooligans were not Russians," the capital's Moskva news portal reported.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Moscow Time
RUSSIA - 'Russian Spy' Executed in Islamic State Video Was Perfume Salesman
A video released by Islamic State reportedly showing two alleged Russian spies being executed has been deemed a fake by experts, after one of the men was revealed as a street cleaner, a news report said Thursday.
The video, published Tuesday by the terrorist group's media wing, featured two men who said they were agents of Russia's Federal Security Service and had attempted to infiltrate the Islamist group in Syria.
The self-proclaimed spies, Sergei Ashimov and Jambulat Mamayev, were then shown being shot in the back of the head by an IS child soldier.The video has attracted the attention of Russian diplomats in Damascus, who on Wednesday said they were looking into the incident. But experts immediately cast doubt on the video's authenticity and cited evidence of it being staged.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Moscow Time
RUSSIA - Car Sales in Russia to Fall Drastically in 2015
New car sales in Russia will drop 24.2 percent this year after falling more than 10 percent in 2014, the Association of European Businesses lobby group said on Thursday, as the country's economy heads for recession. Car sales have fallen victim to Russia's weak economy, hit by Western sanctions imposed on Russia over the Ukraine crisis and low oil prices, and people have delayed making large purchases.
Joerg Schreiber, chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee, said demand would be hit this year by high inflation and interest rates, and because people rushed to buy cars last year to avoid inevitable price rises. Car manufacturers increased prices last year and this year after the sharp decline in the ruble, which fell 40 percent last year and has weakened further since.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via Moscow Time
Online resale of new Charlie Hebdo ‘an insult to memory of journalists’
Opportunists trying to re-sell sought-after copies of this week’s Charlie Hebdo “are an insult to the memory of the magazine’s journalists”, it’s been claimed. Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF – ‘Reporters Without Borders) says because the 700,000 copies sold out so quickly on Wednesday it was feeding a “indecent parallel trade”. The first supply of magazines was snapped up by 10am on Wednesday, reported AFP, but a further 4.3-million copies will be available over the coming days. One copy of the new edition was up for sale on Ebay for around 100,000 euros, reported USA Today.
RSF (Reporters Without Borders), which campaigns for freedom of expression, said Ebay was allowing the re-sale of the magazines on its site, but online retail sites in France such as and had banned it. “It is upsetting to note that after such a tragedy, certain people are trying to profit on the back of Charlie Hebdo’s misery,” said Christophe Deloire, general secretary of RSF. “We call these people the profiteers of Charlie at the expense of the decency and respect for the memory of those who lost their lives in defence of freedom of information and expression. This parallel trade is pathetic.`
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via EN
AMERICA - Climbers make history and reach El Capitan’s 900m summit using just their hands and feet
Two climbers have become the first to complete a historic 900 metre ascent up a sheer granite face using only their hands and feet. Americans Tommy Caldwell (36) and Kevin Jorgeson (30) completed the climb of Yosemite National Park’s El Capitan in California in 19 days.
The two men got to the top of the so-called Dawn Wall without bolts or climbing
tools but had only safety ropes in case of falls. By day and by night they worked their way past some of the toughest stretches or rock on a climb said to be one of the world’s most difficult.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via EN
ITALIA - Violenza omofoba come questa merita menzione sulla stampa italiana e non.
Un datore di lavoro di un ristorante ha costretto un suo dipendente a cercare una prostituta con cui avere rapporto, pena il licenziamento a causa della presunta omosessualità del dipendente. Siamo sicuri che tutto vada bene nel Paesello chiamato Italia, e specialmente nella regione Emilia e Romagna, famosa per la sua modernità?
An employer of a restaurant has forced one of his employees to seek a prostitute with whom to have intercourse, on pain of dismissal due to the employee's alleged homosexuality. We are sure that all is well in the little town called Italy, and especially in the region of Emilia Romagna, famous for its modernity?
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INC News, 15/01/2015 - via ANSA AP
ITALIA - Quando si apprendono notizie infelici, come si deve reagire?
La Guardia di Finanza di Forli ha scoperto una evasione fiscale milionaria a carico di una dentista che, falsificando le dichiarazioni e producendo fatture false, ha omesso il pagamento di 2 milioni e 800 mila euro. A leggere cosa le hann sequestrato, si rimane perplessi, considerando che il costo dentistico e', oggi come oggi elevatissimo. Leggete cosa ha sequestrato la Finanza.
The Guardia di Finanza of Forli discovered a millionaire tax evasion against a dentist who, falsifying statements and producing false invoices, has failed to pay 2 million 800 thousand euro. To read what have seized, you remain perplexed, considering that the cost dentisticoè, nowadays, very high. Read what seized Finance.
INC News, 15/01/2015 - via ANSA AP
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