Sunday, May 1, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (01.05.2016) 01 мая 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Vesti

Чудеса биотехники: дизайнер предлагает изготавливать обувь, одежду и меб...

Голландский дизайнер Маурицио Монтальти считает, что грибы можно использовать в качестве альтернативного материала в производстве одежды и даже в строительстве. В интервью RT Монтальти рассказал, что грибы не только универсальны в применении, но и безопасны: они не загрязняют экосистему, а, напротив, питают ее после утилизации.
INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Патриарх Кирилл поздравил верующих с Пасхой

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Точь-в-точь как человек: новые роботы восхищают и пугают людей

Китайские разработчики представили миру робота по имени Цзя-Цзя. С виду эту машину сложно отличить от обычной девушки — настолько совершенно воссозданы мимика и жесты. Рывок в создании человекоподобного робота вызвал бурную дискуссию в соцсетях: некоторые пользователи считают, что сюжет фильмов о порабощении человечества искусственным разумом может стать реальностью.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

MAY DAY - Across the world: Warzones & peaceful celebrations

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

PRIMO MAGGIO - Un manifestante morto a Istanbul

Primo maggio drammatico a Istanbul, dove un uomo è morto dopo essere stato investito da un mezzo della polizia turca. Gli scontri sono scoppiati quando un gruppo di 40 persone ha cercato di raggiungere piazza Taksim, circondata da 25 mila agenti e dove sono state vietate le celebrazioni per la festa dei lavoratori. 
Manifestazioni pacifiche in Europa, con un'alta partecipazione a Parigi, dove vanno avanti da settimane le proteste contro la riforma del mercato del lavoro. 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIO - Dopo 6 settimane dagli attentati riapre a Bruxelles la sala partenze del nuovo aeroporto

"Oggi l'aeroporto della nostra capitale si rilancia. Bruxelles is back to business. Benvenuti all'aeroporto di Bruxelles".
Il premier belga Charles Michel ha inaugurato sobriamente la riapertura della sala partenze dello scalo di Zaventem, teatro del sanguinoso attentato dello scorso 22 marzo.
Dalla struttura rinnovata sono partiti i passeggeri di soli tre voli. Da lunedì invece riaprono altri 111 banchi per il check-in che vanno ad aggiungersi ai 36 installati in strutture temporanee.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

TURCHIA - Autobomba a Gaziantep: un morto e 23 feriti

Due morti e 23 feriti. E' il bilancio di un attentato esplosivo compiuto a Gaziantep, nel Kurdistan turco, davanti alla sede della polizia. Una delle vittime e 19 dei feriti sono degli agenti. 
Secondo media locali un'auto imbottita di esplosivo si sarebbe avvicinata alla barriera di protezione dell'edificio, e gli agenti di guardia avrebbero aperto il fuoco per fermarla.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

VENEZUELA - Il presidente Maduro annuncia aumento del 30 per cento di pensione

"Firmerò oggi un decreto che aumenta il salario minimo, le pensioni, i salari dei dipendenti pubblici e dei militari del 30 per cento, a partire dal 1 Maggio di quest'anno".
Così prova a reagire davanti alla caduta del potere d'acquisto di salari e pensioni il presidente venezuelano Nicolas Maduro.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ESTERI - Obama- show alla cena coi corrispondenti dalla Casa Bianca

"La stampa libera è centrale nella nostra democrazia... dai sto scherzando. E' che devo parlare di Trump..."
Il presidente statunitense Obama ha trasformato la sua ultima cena coi corrispondenti esteri alla Casa Bianca in uno show sulle elezioni di novembre.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

RELIGIONE - Da Mosca a Gerusalemme: i cristiani ortodossi celebrano la Pasqua

È tempo di Pasqua per i cristiani ortodossi. In Russia questa è considerata la principale festività religiosa con celebrazioni in tutto il Paese. La messa più lunga e scenografica è quella che si è svolta nella Cattedrale di Cristo Salvatore a Mosca. Anche il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il primo ministro Dmitri Medvedev hanno preso parte al rito per la Santa Resurrezione, ovvero al servizio solenne pasquale celebrato dal patriarca Kirill.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GRECIA - A Chios la Pasqua ortodossa si celebra senza "guerra dei razzi''

La Pasqua ortodossa è anche per i greci la più grande festa della Cristianità. Quest'anno sull'isola di Chios si è celebrata per la prima volta in due secoli senza la "guerra dei razzi''. Le autorità greche hanno deciso di vietare questa tradizionale battaglia a base di petardi e fuochi d'artificio fatti in casa. 
Sono oltre 80mila quelli lanciati ogni anno tra le due parrocchie rivali di San Marco e Panaghia Ereithiani che si trovano a circa 400 metri di distanza nella cittadina di Vrontados. 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ESTERI - Regno Unito e Israele dopo le frasi antisemite di esponenti del labour

Jeremy Corbyn è al centro della bufera per le dichiarazioni antisemite che hanno portato alla sospensione di alcuni esponenti del suo partito del Labour. La prima è stata la deputata Naz Shah che aveva proposto di "trasferire Israele negli Stati Uniti". Fuori dal partito anche Ken Livingstone, ex sindaco di Londra, che aveva detto "che Hitler quando vinse le elezioni era un sostenitore del sionismo". 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

MIGRANTI - 84 dispersi nel Mediterraneo, in Italia oltre 25 mila arrivi nuovi

Mentre Germania, Francia, Austria, Belgio, Danimarca e Svezia, chiedono il prolungamento dei controlli alle frontiere interne nell'area Schengen, sale a 84 il numero dei migranti che mancano all'appello dopo il naufragio di un gommone al largo delle coste libiche. Al conteggio dei dispersi si è arrivati incrociando i racconti dei 26 sopravvissuti sbarcati a Lampedusa, in Sicilia.Sono sotto shock così come i 42 superstiti accolti a Pozzallo.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

MAY DAY IN EUROPE - National issues highlighted in Europe's May Day rallies

May Day celebrations turned sour in Istanbul as Turkish police fired tear gas and sprayed water cannon at anti-government protesters. They were prevented from entering the main Taksim Square, which was closed by the authorities. A man was killed in an accident after being run over by a police truck. 
Security was tight with some 15,000 police deployed, following two terrorist attacks in the city this year blamed on ISIL. 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

AMERICA - Stand-up or Sit-com? Obama contemplates life after presidency

Really Funny!!

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BRUSSELS - airport departure hall reopens after terror attacks

Brussels Airport departure hall partially reopened to passengers on Sunday, less than six weeks after ISIL suicide bombers struck there."Brussels is back in business...Welcome to Brussels Airport!" declared Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, making a speech at a ceremony to mark the occasion.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

IRAQ - Dozens killed in ISIL suicide blasts

Two suicide car bombs killed at least 33 people and wounded dozens more in the southern Iraqi city of Samawa on Sunday.ISIL said it was behind the twin blasts, minutes apart, targeting firstly special forces, then security officers who rushed to the scene. Up to 75 people were hurt.
ISIL holds positions, mostly in Sunni areas of Iraq's north and west - far from the mainly Shi'ite southern region where Samawa is located.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

TURKEY - Police officer killed by deadly car bomb near Syria border

At least one police officer was killed in a car bomb explosion in southeast Turkey on Sunday.
The blast targeted the police headquarters in the city of Gaziantep.
At least 23 people were wounded, 19 of them police and four civilians.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

RELIGIONS - From Jerusalem to Damascus to Moscow, Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter

Millions of Orthodox Christians across Eastern Europe, the Middle East and beyond have been celebrating Easter this weekend, the most important date in their religious calendar. In Jerusalem mass was held inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site where Christians believe Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected. 
Followers took part in the reception of the Holy Fire, represented by lighting each others candles before parading around the inner temple and chanting.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ITALY - Dozens of migrants missing as Italy responds to shipwreck off Libya

Twenty-six migrants have been rescued by an Italian cargo ship off the coast of Libya, but dozens more are said to be missing. Video footage released by the Italian coastguard showed the survivors being transferred to one of its vessels, after it had responded to a satellite phone call and diverted the merchant ship to the area.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GREECE - Easter rocket ban on Greek island leads to protest

Some residents on the Greek island of Chios are up in arms over the banning of rocket firing on the eve of Orthodox Easter. Villagers from two rival parishes compete to see who can hit the other's church the most times. 
But this year the centuries-old 'rouketopolemos', as it's known, has been forbidden by the authorities after complaints by some people living near the churches, whose homes are often damaged by the rockets. 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ANIMAL PLANET - Rescued Circus Lions Arrive in South Africa

A group of lions rescued from South American circuses arrived in South Africa on Saturday, where they will be released into a bush sanctuary for big cats.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©AP

TECHNOLOGY and NEWS - Messaging apps: The future of news - Listening Post (Feature)

More people are now using mobile messaging apps like Telegram, Whatsapp, WeChat and Kakao Talk than social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and WeiboNews outlets have cottoned on to the trend and are messaging headlines directly to your phone. 
But there's more to look out for: rumors, propaganda and even some political discussions that you cannot have as easily on the web. As amateur and rumor-mill applications work alongside 'official' news products and add-ons, concerns now manifest within the possibility for conversations, sharing and news creation that were never possible online due to the power of censorship. 
As stifled voices in places like China and Iran finally find an outlet for their views, we look at how this surge in messaging the news can affect government choices.
The Listening Post's Will Yong reports on three mobile messaging apps and what messaging means for the news business.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

RUSSIA - LGBT activists detained for unauthorized action at May Day rally

At least four LGBT activists were detained after they attempted to hold an unauthorised action during an International Workers' Day march in St. Petersburg on Sunday. The activists attempted to unfurl rainbow-coloured flags during the rally, despite not having received authorisation to do so. 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©Ruptly RT News

WESTERN RUSSIA - Blast hits bus stop, 1 dead, 4 injured

One person has been killed and four others injured in an explosion at a bus stop in a town in Western Russia, emergency services and law enforсement sources say. "An unidentified explosive device has detonated at a bus stop in the town of Pasha, in the Volkhovsky district," a law enforcement source told TASS. "One person died instantly, and four more were wounded and taken to hospital."  The incident took place around 3pm.
"After an argument between four locals, who were consuming alcohol at a bus stop, one of them produced a grenade, which exploded, killing its owner," the head of the Public relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Saint Petersburg, Vyacheslav Stepchenko, told RT. He added that three people received shell wounds and were hospitalized. Investigators are currently at the scene, trying to determine the grenade’s origin.
INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews

IRAQ - 32 dead: Double car bomb attack in Iraq, ISIS claims responsibility

Two car bomb explosions in the southern Iraqi town of Samawa have claimed the lives of at least 32 civilians and injured 75 more, reports Reuters citing local police. Islamic State (IS, former ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attacks.
The initial explosion took place close to a governmental building and the second one went off some 60 meters away, at a bus station, police told Reuters.The blasts caused fire and thick pillars of smoke to rise from the scene. Firefighting teams arrived to extinguish flames engulfing destroyed vehicles. Islamic State controls the mostly Sunni-inhabited north and west of Iraq, so terrorist attacks in the south, where Samawa is situated, are relatively rare.
The death toll from the double terror act in Samawa is likely to rise as rescue teams and firefighters continue to clear away the debris left by the explosions. Samawa is the capital of Muthanna Governorate inhabited primarily by Shia Muslims.
INC News, 01/05/2016 - source:©RTNews

NETHERLANDS - Eerste beelden Haagse hotelbrand

At the Marriott hotel in The Hague, which is better known as the former Bel Air Hotel, a raging conflagration. The fire, which was plucked with heavy equipment, cleared the building on the Johan de Witt Laan.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

NETHERLANDS - Grote brand verwoest bedrijfspand

A big blaze on Saturday night raged for hours in an office in Woerden. There are no injuries. The building was completely destroyed.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

CANADA - Pot activist on Vancouver's crackdown on dispensaries

Vancouver marijuana dispensaries that haven't been approved to apply for business licenses and had a deadline of Friday to close will face city bylaw enforcement beginning Saturday.A small group of demonstrators gathered in front of city hall throughout the day, smoking joints, pipes, or bongs and making impassioned speeches about their beliefs on the issue of marijuana regulation and the plant's medicinal qualities. A bylaw that stipulates marijuana shops need to be at least 300 meters from schools is not justifiable, Jodie Emery says, as kids can buy candy where cigarettes are sold.
Read entire article, clicking HERE
INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©CBC News

CHINA and its unbelievable queues

The three-day Labor Day holiday is one of China's busiest travel periods, with millions of people on the move, many flocking to the country's most famous tourist sites. You can expect long queues for everything from food to public transport to toilets. Queuing in China is not for the faint-hearted - photographer Wu Guofang has been documenting the phenomenon through history.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©BBC News

BANGLADESH - Climate change impacts watermelon farmers

Bangladesh’s disappearing island of Bhola is on the front line of climate change. 

Since 1990, half of the country’s land has been swept away by rising sea levels. And as the watermelon season draws to an end, farmers are left dealing with a logistical nightmare. 

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera


Train derails in DC, leaks hazardous material 

The DC fire service has issued a warning about a derailed train on the city's Rhode Island Avenue.
A number of wagons have left the track in the Road Island Avenue area of the city. There are no reports of any fires, though a liquid substance is leaking from one of the cars.
INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews


1 dead, police disperse Istanbul May Day protesters with tear gas, water cannon

One man has been killed as protesters in Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, tried to reach Taksim Square. Police used tear gas and water cannon against the demonstrators. The man died after being hit by a water cannon vehicle as he tried to reach the square.
A massive police presence was out in force in the city to prevent protesters from reaching the Taksim Square, which was off limits to members of the public. However, 57-year-old Nail Mavus was run over as he was trying to reach the square, according to Haberturk, as cited by Hurriyet.

INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RT News


1 officer reported killed, explosion rocks police headquarters in Gaziantep, Turkey

A bomb has exploded near a police headquarters in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, according to local media. Several people have reportedly been injured in the blast.
Reuters is reporting that one police officer was killed in the bomb blast, citing a security source, while others have been injured.
INC News, 01/05/2016 - source: ©RTNews