Wednesday, January 28, 2015
12yo Russian girl commits suicide after argument over porn use with parents
La notizia riportata da differenti media, circa il suicidio di una adolescente a Pietroburgo, lascia perplessi molto chi di problemi sociali si occupa da anni. Dove e come un genitore puó o deve intervenire affinché sia salvaguardata la integritá della sessualitá e privacy dei propri figli? Nell'articolo si suppone una istigazione al suicidio per il diverbio con il padre avuto dopo che esso aveva scoperto la figlia a seguire siti porno in web. Una riflessione su questo caso non sarebbe una cattiva idea.
The news reported by various media, about the suicide of a teenager in Petersburg, very perplexing who takes care of social problems for years. Where and how a parent can or should intervene so as to safeguard the integrity and privacy of the sexuality of their children? The article assumes an incitement to suicide for the altercation with her father had after he had discovered his daughter to follow in web porn sites. A reflection of this case would not be a bad idea.
The news reported by various media, about the suicide of a teenager in Petersburg, very perplexing who takes care of social problems for years. Where and how a parent can or should intervene so as to safeguard the integrity and privacy of the sexuality of their children? The article assumes an incitement to suicide for the altercation with her father had after he had discovered his daughter to follow in web porn sites. A reflection of this case would not be a bad idea.
Шокирующая история произошла в Санкт-Петербурге: шестиклассница покончила с собой из-за запрета на просмотр порно. Родители девочки узнали о том, что она посещает сайты с изображениями и видео откровенного содержания, после чего разыгрался скандал.
После непростого разговора с отцом и матерью 12-летняя Даша Л. шагнула из окна своей квартиры на 14 этаже, пишет LifeNews. По словам источника издания в правоохранительных органах Северной столицы, уже после трагедии родители решили заглянуть в телефон дочери, где также обнаружилось множество смс от друзей девочки, содержание которых было весьма непристойным.
Семья полная, благополучная, никогда в поле зрения полиции или органов опеки не попадала. «Сейчас по факту суицида проводится проверка, — заявил источник издания. — Не исключено, что будет возбуждено дело по статье „Доведение до самоубийства“».
INC News, 28/01/2015 - via
Qatar wins £2.6bn bid to buy London’s Canary Wharf
Qatar reportedly won a bid to buy London's Canary Wharf for £2.6 billion ($4 billion) on Wednesday after its majority owner, Songbird Estates, recommended smaller shareholders accept the 350p per share offer. “It is now the board's understanding that each of the major shareholders intends to accept the offer,”Songbird said in a statement.
The board of Songbird, which controls 69 percent of Canary Wharf Group, appeared to concede defeat, although it added that “the offer does not reflect the full value of the business, its unique operating platform and its prospects.” Sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), together with US group Brookfield Property Partners, had in December proposed an improved “final offer” for Songbird.
See article HERE
INC News, 28/01/2015 - via RussianTime
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