Saturday, June 6, 2015

В Киеве радикалы из «Правого сектора» забросали участников гей-парада ды...

Высокая стоимость медицинских услуг вынуждает британцев лечиться за рубежом

Пожар на пароме недалеко от Бали

Землетрясение в Малайзии

Папа Римский чувствует в мире "атмосферу войны"

Фрегат "Гермиона" прибыл в США

Польских водителей задержали за переправку в беженцев в Великобританию

Восемь из десяти подозреваемых в покушении на юную пакистанскую правозащ...

Putin al Corriere: «Non sono un aggressore» - L'Intervista

UKRAINE - Kiev: scontri al gay pride, polizia ferma decine di estremisti di destra

Scontri al gay pride di Kiev. Decine di estremisti di destra hanno attaccato la marcia che stava attraversando pacificamente le strade della capitale ucraina. L'intervento delle forze dell'ordine ha visto diversi fermi

ITALIA - Decine di barconi verso la Sicilia: 150 migranti intercettati da libici

Donne siriane in fuga dall'Isis si tolgono il velo

Diventeranno probabilmente le immagini simbolo della resistenza delle donne contro l'invasione dell'Isis in Siria: sono giovani siriane che si tolgono il velo e il burqa a bordo dei pick up in fuga dai territori occupati dallo Stato Islamico, dopo l'arrivo al Rojava, a nord del Kurdistan. Le immagini, postate sul profilo twitter del fotografo freelance Jack Shahine, stanno facendo il giro del web.

INC News, 06/06/2015 - via ANSA-Twitter

DONETSK - Local market in Donetsk hit by renewed shelling

Artillery shells have hit a local market in the northwestern district of Donetsk, a city in eastern Ukraine. At least one person has been wounded, according to the head of the district’s administration aligned with Donbass rebels. RT's Ilya Petrenko was on the scene at the spot which came under attack. He reports the local market was still burning after taking a direct hit, with self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic’s emergency personnel trying to extinguish it. Two residential homes were also devastated.

INC News, 06/06/2015 - via RT

RUSSIA - Moscow protesters rally against budget cuts in science, education

About 3,500 protesters gathered at central Moscow’s Suvorov Square demanding the Russian government support scientific research and education by increasing its budget, providing self-governance and autonomy in education and science and to respect academic freedoms.

Read article HERE

INC News, 06/06/2015 - via RT

Israeli forces attack elderly Palestinian family amid demolition in East...

Gay pride rally attacked in Kiev

Protesters and police clash at anti-G7 march

USA: aiuti dalla Francia... del 1780

Papa Francesco a Sarajevo, "terza guerra mondiale combattuta a pezzi"

Sisma in Malaysia, "colpa di nudisti"

Indonesia: incidente su un traghetto, 5 italiani tra i feriti

Ferry blaze injures tourists near Bali

Pope visits Sarajevo marking 20th anniversary end of conflict

19 Climbers killed in quake near Malaysia's highest mountain

Aleppo hospitals suffer as government boosts airstrikes

Putin: Russia would attack NATO only in mad person’s dream

Sarajevo attende Papa Francesco

Pakistan: scarcerati 8 dei 10 presunti responsabili dell'attacco a Malala

Immigrazione: trovate oltre 60 persone dentro dei camion nel porto ingle...

Champions: i tifosi alla ricerca dei biglietti

Germania: migliaia di attivisti in in piazza a Monaco contro il G7

Incertezza e incubo default nelle strade di Atene

Didier Reynders e l'Europa: "Se qualcuno medita l'uscita va rispettato"

Grecia, Bruxelles calma gli animi. Cresce l'ipotesi di un default

Kurdish HPD rally blast confirmed as bomb

Malala Yousafzai suspects acquitted not convicted as first reported

Sarajevo gears up for visit of Pope Francis to divided Bosnia

Polish truckers held in UK after dozens of immigrants found in lorries

Turkey can 'count on a repeat' of upcoming watershed election

Mixed reaction in Athens to debt repayment delay

USA women seek revenge

Duggar sisters defend brother

Third Colorado shooting related to first 2?

Amtrak train collides with truck

'Moron' posts selfie, gives away ISIS location

Pakistani court clears 8 of 10 Malala attack suspects

Bodycam shows officer shoot man wearing headphones

Same-Sex Ministry in an Age of Gay Marriage

Frantic stroller mom a witness to Ottawa shooting

Greece's austerity clinic

Female Sex Pill Moving Closer to Market

Raw: Replica Tall Ship Ship Arrives in U.S.

Pope urges reconciliation during trip to Sarajevo

Concern over private NZ jail paying bonuses to operator

Italy's border force battles to rescue migrants at sea

Testing Turkey’s presidential powers

Man Had Date With Miss Ohio 2012 Night He Was Killed

Woman Tells 911 She Shot, Killed Own Boyfriend