Thursday, October 29, 2015

ITALIA - Messina senz'acqua da cinque giorni

Matteo Renzi è infuriato per i ritardi e le lungaggini che tengono Messina senza acqua da diversi giorni. Lo riferiscono ambienti della presidenza del Consiglio. Il premier ha definito, riportano le stesse fonti, la vicenda una "vergogna". Perciò anche la decisione di far intervenire l'esercito
"Chiedo lo stato di calamità naturale, stiamo valutando se è possibile avanzare tale richiesta. Non chiedo lo stato di calamità naturale su un tubo rotto ma sul dissesto idrogeologico". Lo ha detto il sindaco di Messina, Renato Accorinti, ai microfoni di inBlu Radio, network delle radio cattoliche italiane, commentando l'emergenza acqua in seguito ad una frana che ha provocato numerosi danni alle condutture che giungono a Messina dalla provincia di Catania.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 29/10/2015 - via Repubblica

Vienna: al via i negoziati internazionali pro Siria, l'Iran c'è

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Huge blasts echo in Ukraine's Lugansk region as ammunition warehouses catch alight .

Strong blasts have rocked the town of Svatovo in Lugansk region, southeastern Ukraine, after an ammunition storage facility caught fire Thursday evening, causing mass panic in the area. At least one person was reportedly killed.
Around 300 square meters of warehouses are reportedly on fire, a local official said, adding that over 3.5 tons of ammunition were being stored on site.
Shell fragments are bursting near the scene [of explosion] right in the town, a shop building has been hit. Unfortunately, there is information that one of the shop employees has been killed,” deputy head of the Lugansk regional administration, Yury Klimenko, told Ukraine’s 112 UA channel. There is no information on any further casualties, the official added.
The area is located in Kiev-controlled territories.
The exploding shells made it more difficult to deal with the blaze, Klimenko said, adding that an emergency operations center had been established.

INC News, 29/10/2015 - via RT

Kazakhstan Novosti - Edition 29/10/2015


INC News, 29/10/2015


An airplane has caught fire at Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood international airport in Florida.
All the passengers appear to have been safely evacuated to the terminal building, as emergency crews battled flames on the port-side engine of the Dynamic Airways Boeing 767-200, with the registration N251MY. 

INC News, 29/10/2015 - via web

Roscosmos Sends 6 Russian Women on Fake Moon Flight

In addition of clip we posted few hours ago, we post also this interesting article of Moscow Time, where is well described the purposes of the experiment and details.  The moment of decision to move to the Moon is on the way, as well that one of colonization of Mars.

Russia's federal space agency on Wednesday sent six intrepid women on a simulated eight-day flight to the moon as part of a small-scale repeat of previous isolation experiments designed to shed light on how crews of astronauts will handle long flights into deep space. Chosen from a candidate pool of 10 Russian scientists, the six women will pretend to be the crew of a moon-bound spacecraft known as Luna-2015 for over a week while scientists at the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems (IMBP) evaluate their physical and mental condition.
“The timing is not fictional,” the Roscosmos space agency wrote in a statement on its Facebook page Tuesday. Russia's largest space company, RSC Energia, “carried out all necessary [time] calculations,” it said. Their mission will simulate several stages of a flight to the moon, from launch to lunar orbit to return to earth — a similar mission profile to the one used by NASA's Apollo moon landings during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
But whereas the NASA moon missions left scientists with a clear understanding of how a man's body reacts to the rigors of long-distance spaceflight, the Roscosmos mission has been pitched as a first step in discovering how female bodies will react.
Read the article in full HERE
INC News, 29/10/2015-via Moscow Time

Female only crew starts moon flight sim in Moscow

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