Wednesday, November 4, 2015


NZ ministry evacuated amid fire, thick smoke in high-rise near Parliament

Office workers and passersby in downtown Wellington were alerted to a fire in a building adjacent to the New Zealand Parliament by black billowing smoke. The Ministry for Primary Industries, which is next to the burning high-rise, has evacuated its staff.

INC News, 04/11/2015 - via RT

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (04.11..2015) 04 ноября 2015 «1 канал»

В Астане вынесли приговор киллерам, которые пытались застрелить бизнесмена

За отказ от участия в массовке студентов КазНУпообещали выселить из обще...

В Фонд обязательного медстрахования деньги придётся вносить и рядовым ка...

Тенге обновил исторический минимум

Правительство Великобритании: причиной крушения российского лайнера могл...

Новый премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо принял присягу и объявил каби...

В Мальдивах объявлено чрезвычайное положение на 30 дней

Франция: представители сексменьшинств снова могут быть донорами

Извергающийся вулкан Ринджани парализовал аэропорты Бали и Ломбока

Этикетки на мясных продуктах не всегда точно отражают содержимое

Сеть Marks & Spencer зафиксировала падение прибыли - economy

Сирийские беженцы внушают немецким табакопризводителям большие надежды -...


Aibrus russo schiantato nel Sinai: Londra avalla la tesi della bomba

Francia: gli omosessuali potranno tornare a donare il sangue

Maldive: è stato di emergenza dopo la scoperta di esplosivi

Turchia: a spasso tra sculture sotto l'acqua

France to abolish ban on blood donation for gay men

Turkey opens its first underwater museum

Emissie-eisen totaal doorgeschoten

Een glimmer van 50 miljoen

Торговая блокада Крыма: выигравшие и проигравшие - BBC Russian


Sniper in San Diego pins down police near airport, Zoo

An active shooter has pinned down police with gunfire outside a San Diego, California apartment building. A SWAT team is on the scene. There may be a “couple of bodies,” according to the police dispatch feed.
The shooter has barricaded himself in a bedroom in a sixth-floor apartment. There is no one else in the unit, his girlfriend told police.
INC News, 04/11/2015


5 students stabbed at U.C. Merced, attacker killed

University of California Merced campus has cancelled all classes after an attacker stabbed five students at the Classroom and Office Building Wednesday morning.
Two victims have been flown to hospitals for treatment, while three have been treated at the scene, according to police sources. Initial reports said the suspect was apprehended. Police later said they had shot and killed the attacker.

INC News, 04/11/2015 - via RT

Omicidio Ceste, Michele Buoninconti condannato a 30 anni di carcere

Condanna a 30 anni. Si è concluso così il processo di primo grado per l’omicidio dei Elena Ceste, scomparsa a gennaio 2014 e ritrovata morta in un canale nove mesi dopo. Il marito della donna, Michele Buoninconti, è stato ritenuto colpevole di aver ucciso la moglie e averne nascosto il cadavere. Il giudice Roberto Amerio ha accolto le tesi dell’accusa, che aveva chiesto il massimo della pena nel processo col rito abbreviato. «Sono innocente, non c’è stato nessun omicidio», aveva ripetuto l’uomo in Aula durante l’ultima udienza.

Segui l'articolo cliccando QUI

INC News, 04/11/2015 - via Corriere

Sud Sudan: si schianta un aereo cargo, almeno 41 morti

Indonesia: centinaia i voli cancellati all'aeroporto di Bali dopo l'eruz...

Carne, sempre meno prodotti sono quello che sembrano. La denuncia dell'A...

Germania, gli analisti: i migranti spingeranno le vendite di sigarette -...

Ecco il sealander, roulotte-barca a motore elettrico inventata da Daniel...

Gran Bretagna: Marks & Spencer, utili semestrali in calo del 24% - economy

Volkswagen, lo scandalo si allarga. Profondo rosso in Borsa - economy

Aibrus precipitato nel Sinai: San Pietroburgo rende omaggio alle vittime

'Dozens perish, three survive' South Sudan plane crash

Tourists stranded as volcanic ash cloud closes Bali airport

New consumer rights report reveals dishonest meat labelling in certain E...

Saint Petersburg mourns as ISIL re-tweets responsibility for Sinai crash

La viande reste mal étiquetée

Le Sealander, une caravane qui se transforme en bateau et inversement - ...

Mishandelingsdood schokt Rozenburg

Winkelier vrolijk onder inbraak

Megane vaakst in de garage

Police: Fox Lake officer carefully staged suicide

Fly inside the new Goodyear blimp

Former waitress human rights complaint against Bier Markt- Full Metro Mo...

Катастрофа А321 над Синаем: пять версий - BBC Russian

МКС: 15 лет жизни в космосе - BBC Russian

Romania: il premier getta la spugna, le proteste azzerano l'esecutivo

Sudan del sud. Precipita aereo cargo, almeno 25 morti

Usa. Caduta "soft" per un aereo da turismo finito sull'autostrada in Ark...

Romania. Dall'incendio in discoteca alle proteste contro il governo

Десятки погибших в результате катастрофы в Южном Судане

Премьер-министр Румынии уходит в отставку в связи с пожаром в ночном клубе

Греция начала процесс переселения мигрантов по квотам в другие страны ЕС

Зона поисковой операции на месте крушения Airbus A321 расширена до 40 кв...

Сотни людей по всему миру почтили память жертв бомбардировки афганского ...

Torna la magia della Fontana di Trevi

Aereo Sinai. Copilota Metrojet si sarebbe lamentato condizioni del velivolo

Dozens die in South Sudan plane crash

Romania: PM Victor Ponta resigns

Trevi fountain's waters flow again as landmark re-opens after facelift

Thousands in Bucharest blame corruption for Friday's nightclub blaze

Takata fined record $200 million over recalls of exploding airbags

Roumanie : le drame de la discothèque fait chuter Victor Orban

Accident d'avion au Sud-Soudan

Airbags défectueux : une amende record explose à la figure de Takata

Rome : l'eau coule à nouveau dans la célèbre fontaine de Trevi

Atterrissage d'urgence dans l'Arkansas

Charmante Máxima stelt fan gerust

Zó rijdt de zelfsturende Tesla

Heat sensors provide clues in Metrojet crash

ISIS sends message to Putin

Teens use media 9 hours a day, report says

Did a bomb bring down Metrojet Flight 9268?

Model: This photo is a lie

Love and loss at Japan's Missing Post Office


INC News, 04/11/2015 -via AL JAZEERA

Science Says Don’t Rake Your Leaves


INC News, 04/11/2015 - via ABC News

Temperature Extremes on Both Sides of the Country


INC News, 04/11/2015 - via ABC News


Massive fire, explosions in Bracknell industrial estate west of London

Giant flames have lit up the skies of the town of Bracknell about 30 miles (48 kilometers) west of central London, reportedly consuming an industrial estate. Witnesses have reported multiple loud blasts and train services have been disrupted

INC News, 04/11/2015 via Web