Saturday, June 11, 2016


Stadium violence: Russian fans break into English fan sector after Euro 2016 draw

Following their team’s 1-1 draw with England, Russian fans broke into the English zone at Marseille’s Stade Velodrome, sparking a fist fight. The violence follows a day of clashes between the two sets of supporters in the French city.
Russia equalized less than two minutes before the final whistle, at which point a group of Russian supporters overpowered the stewards separating the two sets of fans.
Video from the stadium shows English spectators scattering from their sector, as they are being chased by groups of Russians.
INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTN News

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (11.06.2016) 11 июня 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 11/06/2016  - source: ©Vesti-1 Kanal

ITALIA - TG La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 11/06/2016

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

QATAR - 'Alleen seks in Qatar als je getrouwd bent' - RTL NIEUWS

"Laura wordt wakker in een appartement. Alleen, kleren kapot, en ze komt tot de ontdekking dat ze is verkracht." De advocaat van Laura (22) vertelt waarom ze in Qatar is gearresteerd.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTL News

CINEMA - Un legendario estudio ruso de animación celebra su 80.º aniversario enamorando el mundo

El legendario estudio ruso de animación Soyuzmultfilm celebra su 80.º aniversario. Sus populares creaciones destacan por su calidad e influencia en decenas de generaciones. Obras que traspasan las fronteras del país y siguen cautivando a miles de espectadores de todo el planeta.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RT News esp

Celebraciones en Londres con motivo del 90.º aniversario del nacimiento ...

Por todos lo quieren, aqui estas la reproducion de la entera celebracion de ahoy

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RT News

MEDIA SOCIAL - Argentina suspende la transmisión de RT en el país

La cadena Radio y Televisión Argentina Sociedad del Estado (RTA SE), que administra los medios de comunicación estatales del país, ha tomado la decisión de suspender la emisión del canal de televisión de noticias RT en el país. De acuerdo con un informe oficial, la suspensión entrará en vigor en un plazo de 60 días.
En octubre del 2014 el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, y la entonces presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, dieron inicio a la emisión de RT en Argentina durante una videoconferencia.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews esp

ANIMAL PLANET - All you need is a bear: 300kg pet who found human family in Russia

The Panteleenko family introduced their unique house pet, Stepan, a two metre tall brown bear, in their home in the Moscow region, on Friday. The bear, who weighs 300kg (661 lbs), has lived as part of the Panteleenko’s family since they adopted him from a local market, after he had been captured by hunters.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

"Исламское государство" теряет лидеров?

Иракские СМИ сообщают о ранении лидера запрещенной в России террористической группировки "Исламское государство" Абу Бакр аль-Багдади в результате авиаудара по центральной части штаба ИГ на границе с Сирией. Сообщается, что аль-Багдади и несколько руководителей ИГ были тяжело ранены после авианалета на их командный пункт, находящийся около сирийской границы. На данный момент международные коалиционные силы при поддержке США не подтверждают факт ранения террориста, поскольку сообщения о ранении аль-Багдади систематически появляются в СМИ. Абу Бакра аль-Багдади организовал террористическую группировку "Исламское государство Ирак" в 2006 году, а по прошествии нескольких лет провозгласил создание халифата на территории Ирака и Сирии.

INC News,  11/06/2016 - source: ©Pravda

NEDERLANDS - Het belangrijkste nieuws van 11 mei in één minuut

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©

¿Cómo va afectar la huelga de pilotos de Air France a la Eurocopa?

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews esp

Muere tiroteada tras un concierto la cantante del concurso La Voz Christ...

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews esp

Rusia bota su primer rompehielos en 45 años

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews esp

Keiko Fujimori reconoce la victoria de Kuczynski

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews esp

TURISM - EEUU autoriza vuelos regulares a Cuba de seis compañías

INC News,  11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews esp

Улицы Марселя превратились в поле боя задолго до матча Россия-Англия

За несколько часов до начала матча между сборными России и Англии Марсель снова превратился в поле боя. По меньшей мере 5 человек получили ранения в субботу в результате столкновений между английскими, российскими и французскими футбольными фанатами в районе Старого порта, 6 участников беспорядков задержаны.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Ее Величество приняла парад Конной гвардии и понаблюдала за полетом брит

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

США. Звезда шоу "Голос" Кристина Гримми убита после концерта

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

"Солнечный импульс" над статуей Свободы

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Бразилия: манифестации в поддержку Дилмы Русеф

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

В России спущен на воду ледокол нового поколения

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Кейко Фухимори признала своё поражение на президентских выборах в Перу

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

Между США и Кубой возобновятся авиарейсы

Власти США разрешили шести американским авиакомпаниям выполнять регулярные пассажирские рейсы на Кубу. Предполагается, что прерванное более полувека назад воздушное сообщение между двумя странами возобновится уже осенью.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews rus

AIR FRANCE - Sciopero piloti: cancellato il 25% dei voli

Finalizzato al miglioramento delle condizioni lavorative, lo sciopero dei piloti Air France arriva a coronamento di settimane di protesta contro la riforma del lavoro messa in atto dal Governo transalpino.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

EURO 2016 - Nuovi scontri a Marsiglia, feriti

Ancora violenti scontri a Marsiglia, prima della partita tra Inghilterra e Russia: nella zona del Porto Vecchio, le forze dell'ordine hanno risposto con i lacrimogeni al lancio di pietre e bottiglie, dopo una rissa che ha visto di fronte tifosi inglesi, russi e francesi. Il Prefetto di Polizia, Laurent Nunez, ha riferito che che i disordini "sono stati impressionanti ma in pochi minuti è tornata la calma". 

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

NEDERLANDS - Roermondenaren radeloos door water

Inwoners van Roermond zijn radeloos door de wateroverlast die vooral het Zuiden van Nederland teistert. Buurtbewoner Maurice Theelen zegt dat de beek die door de stad stroomt het water niet af kan voeren, met veel wateroverlast en schade tot gevolg.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

TECHNO - Deze fiets maakt dieven kansloos

De Amsterdamse fietsenmaker Vanmoof heeft de oplossing tegen fietsendiefstal. De nieuwe smartbike is uitgerust met apparatuur om de fiets van het slot te halen en op te sporen bij diefstal. Een team spoort de fiets op na diefstal. Lukt het niet de fiets terug te vinden, dan krijg je een nieuwe.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

MUSIK - Ex-zangeres The Voice doodgeschoten

De 22-jarige talentvolle Amerikaanse zangeres Christina Grimmie, in de Verenigde Staten bekend van ’The Voice’, is tijdens een concert in Orlando (Florida) doodgeschoten door een onbekende man.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

FOOTBALL - Battle of Marseille: Violent English fans clash with French police ahead of Russia match

English soccer fans clashed with police in Marseille for the second time in two days, ahead of country’s Euro 2016 fixture with Russia. Tears gas dispersed by security forces to quell the disruptions caused by England squad supporters Saturday in an area known as the Old Port of Marseille. 

Is this the real football? Does this the real British people want to stay in Europe? Is this the imagine of them, they want to give to Europe?  Football is a play  created for staying together enjoying moments of sport, not a battle! The British were not like these hooligans... Poor England, what kind of people you represent! - Mikhail Lermontov for INC News comment.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

TECHNOLOGY - Twitter alerts millions about data breach

A hacker claims to be selling information on over 370 million Twitter accounts. Meanwhile, Lenovo shows off some amazing, flexible devices. 

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©Cnet

KAZAKHSTAN - Танцы или разврат? Спор в центре Бишкека

Несколько десятков молодых людей танцевали латиноамериканский танец в центре Бишкека. Это не понравилось некоторым религиозным мусульманам.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©Azattyq TV

SPACE - Il Solar Impulse 2 atterra a New York.

Il Solar Impulse 2 si gode il suo passaggio sulla statua della libertà prima di atterrare a New York. Tappa che conclude la traversata degli Stati Uniti per l'aereo alimentato con la sola energia solare che sta facendo il giro del mondo. Il velivolo svizzero è decollato poco prima delle 6 di mattina, ora italiana, dall'aeroporto della Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania e dopo circa tre ore è atterrato all'aeroporto JFK.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

FLORIDA - Uccisa dopo il concerto Christina Grimmie, ex concorrente di "The voice"

Ha cantato per l'ultima volta a Orlando, la giovane stella della musica americana Christina Grimmie uccisa a colpi di pistola da un uomo alla fine del concerto. È stata raggiunta da una serie di spari mentre firmava gli autografi, l'ex concorrente di The Voice che dopo aver partecipato nel 2014 al talent show classificandosi terza ha avuto un grande successo su YouTube. La 22 enne di origini italiane e rumene è stata portata in un ospedale locale in condizioni critiche e non c'è stato nulla da fare.

INC News, 11/06/2016 -source: ©euronews ita

BRASILE - Corteo anti Temer a Rio

Manifestazione a Rio de Janeiro contro il presidente ad interim *Michel Temer*. I dimostranti protestano contro un esecutivo che, dicono, non è rappresentativo della società brasiliana, fatto di ministri tutti uomini e bianchi e con l'obiettivo di lanciare una politica di austerità. 

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

RUSSIA - Nuova nave rompighiaccio russa

Per la prima volta negli ultimi 45 anni la *Russia* ha varato una nave rompighiaccio militare. 85 metri di lunghezza per 6mila tonnellate, l'Ilia Mouromets andrà a rafforzare la flotta del Nord, con obiettivi di maggior controllo nel Mar glaciale artico. 

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

GUERRA ALL'ISIL - Isil sotto assedio a Sirte: le milizie di Misurata riconquistano il Porto

L'Isil è sempre più accerchiato nella sua roccaforte libica di Sirte. Le milizie di Misurata hanno riconquistato anche il Porto. L'aviazione del governo di unità nazionale ha bombardato posizioni dello Stato Islamico e ripreso il controllo degli accessi marittimi di Sirte, in modo da bloccare anche questa via di fuga per i jihadisti. 

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©euronews ita

SOCIAL MEDIA - Argentina to suspend RT from national broadcasting

The Argentinian state media authority has decided to suspend the nationwide broadcast of RT Spanish. In 2014, RT became the first foreign TV channel to be shown on national television in Argentina. According to an official notification from the national RTA SE media body, the suspension will come into force in 60 days. The channel will be excluded from free transmission, but will still remain in paid TV packages.The media governing body expressed its “gratitude” for a fruitful cooperation and the contribution of RT Spanish to the national satellite and digital broadcasts in a letter signed by RTA’s Maria Eugenia Martinez, who emphasized that current notification of suspension “does not prevent the conclusion of other future partnerships.” On June 7, a similar letter was sent to the pan-Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network TeleSUR TV, notifying that its broadcasting in Argentina would be suspended within 15 days. TeleSUR President Patricia Villegas denounced the move as “censorship” on the part of the right-wing Argentine president Mauricio Macri and his government. Both letters cited the “need to renew the program listings” of Argentina’s Experimental System of Digital Terrestrial Television and Satellite Television Systems as the reason for suspensions. Read the entire article, clicking HERE INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

AMERICA - Security Cam Shows Shooting at Dallas Airport

WARNING, GRAPHIC CONTENT: Surveillance video taken at Dallas Love Field airport Friday shows police shooting a man after officers say he made a threatening move toward them.

This film creates suspect  that Old America is really disappeared, replaced by the new one which gives no single ideal to new American generations, and the status to have in the pocket a gun like a cigarette, the possibility to rape a woman without penalty or steal everything with the presumption to have without work, give an image of the USA not acceptable anymore. - Mikhail Lermontov comment for INC News

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©AP

DRUGS - The Severe Dangers of Opioid Painkiller Fentanyl

More powerful than morphine and heroin, Fentanyl killed pop star Prince and the DEA is issuing a new warning to its agents about handling the deadly drug.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©abcNews

SEX ABUSE - Ex-Stanford Swimmer's Mother Begged Judge for No Jail Time

Mother of Brock Turner, who was sentenced to six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, told the judge in a letter that jail would be a "death sentence" for him.

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©abcNews


'Voice' star Christina Grimmie dies after shooting at Orlando concert, killer commits suicide

Singer Christina Grimmie, the former YouTube star who rose to fame on ‘The Voice’, was shot dead at her concert in Orlando, Florida. She was earlier reported to be fighting for her life. The shooter took his own life at the scene.
Grimmie, 22, was performing the show at The Plaza Live concert venue with her pop-punk band Before You Exit when the shooting happened. The actual incident took place as she was signing autographs after the show.
The unidentified gunman, whose motive remains unclear, reportedly managed to fire off five bullets before he was tackled by the singer’s 22-year-old brother. The assailant somehow managed to fatally shoot himself afterwards.
Orlando police officials said at a conference the singer was shot around 10:45pm on Friday. According to the statement, the shooter had two guns in his possession. No further information was provided.
Witnesses told the Orlando Sentinel of hearing five gunshots. Josh Call, who worked a vegan hot dog stand outside the venue, was among the first to rush in after hearing the shots. He saw Grimmie’s body on the ground, with blood streaming from her head, and another person injured nearby.
He added that a man was also lying in a pool of blood, his face “completely disfigured.”“I don’t think anyone expected something like this to happen. It was horrifying,” he said.
Grimmie was earlier reported in critical condition, before her representative confirmed the bad news online.
INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©RTNews

ITALIA - TG La7 - Edizione delle ore 20.00 del 10/06/2016

INC News, 11/06/2016 - source: ©TGLa7

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (10.06.2016) 10 июня 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 10/06/2016 - source: ©Vesti - 1Kanal