Saturday, December 27, 2014

Estingue il mutuo ai genitori il regalo di Natale commuove

New York, migliaia di agenti al funerale di uno dei poliziotti uccisi

Gran Bretagna: disagi per tempesta di neve

ITALIA - Ali Agca porta i fiori sulla tomba di Wojtyla

L'uomo che sparò al Papa si è recato presso la tomba di Giovanni Paolo II, in occasione del 31esimo anniversario dell'incontro con il Pontefice a Rebibbia. A testimoniare l'evento c'era la videocamera di Aki-Adnkronos International, che ha seguito Agca fino alla tomba di Wojtyla dove il 'lupo grigio', visibilmente emozionato, ha depositato due mazzi di rose bianche (immagini AdnKronos)

Azerbaijan shuts Radio Free Europe offices

Snow and ice in France disrupts travel

Malaysia: worst Monsoon floods for years cause havoc in northeastern pen...

Visa and MasterCard quit Crimea over US sanctions

China-Kazakhstan Snow festival - no comment

Travel warnings as Belgium's first snow set to turn to ice

South-west Germany hit by snow, ice

English: Exclusive ARD interview with Russian President Putin | Günther ...

New protests over Mexico missing

Arrest call for Pakistan cleric

Израиль отказывает арабским жителям Восточного Иерусалима в доступе к воде

Telly in Trouble: EU targets large-screen TV sets, other devices to save...

Russian satellite sets off into space to study dark matter & take Earth ...

Cyber Attacker: Why I Took Down Xbox and PlayStation

Travel Chaos As Engineering Works Close Train Stations

Egypt bans movie 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'

Severe flooding hits southeast Asia

Cops turn backs on de Blasio at funeral

Christmas turkeys processed by Myanmar refugees in South Dakota

'Save By the Bell' Star Dustin Diamond Arrested for Bar Room Stabbing

Funeral to Be Held for NYPD Cop Killed in Brooklyn Ambush

Brother and Sister Bank Robbers Connect on Camera

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Unhappy Returns and Post-Christmas Savings