Friday, November 21, 2014

Moscow: Luxury car collection destroyed in suspected arson attack

超電導リニア Japanese passengers show extreme excitement as Maglev Train reach...

Japanese Police Arrest Suspected 'Black Widow' Poisoner

Some 30K video surveillance cameras to be installed in Astana

Around 30,000 more video surveillance cameras will be installed on the streets of Astana on the eve of "EXPO-2017" exhibition, chairman of the board of Astana Innovations JSC Talgat Ashim said at the "Smart Astana-2014" conference.
"Around 30,000 video surveillance cameras will be installed in the streets of Astana on the eve of "EXPO-2017" exhibition," he said. "Around 1,157 video surveillance cameras were integrated as part of our project. All cameras will operate in a single system."
Ashim said that the installation of the cameras started as part of the "Smart Astana" project, Kazinform refers to
"But this referred to the pilot zone," he said. "The full-scale measures of turning Astana into a "smart city" will begin in 2015. It is necessary to install 30,000 video surveillance cameras and to cover a housing and communal sphere, transport as part of security."
"These measures will reduce the number of offenses on the streets by 15-25 percent, raise the average speed on the roads of the capital during peak hours by more than 25 percent, reduce the number of accidents by 25 percent, and raise popularity of the city among investors by 50 percent," he said.

INC News, 21/11/2014-via Ak Zhaik

Chevron-led Kazakh oil venture TCO's output slips in Jan-Sept

Output at Chevron-led Tengizchevroil (TCO), Kazakhstan's largest oil producer, fell by 1.5 percent year-on-year in the January-September period to 19.8 million tonnes (158 million barrels), the company said on Thursday. TCO, which develops the mammoth Tengiz onshore oilfield in western Kazakhstan, boosted its output to a record 27.1 million tonnes last year from 24.2 million in 2012.
The company gave no reason for the output decline in the first nine months of this year. Senior Kazakh energy officials said last month that TCO was undergoing planned repair and maintenance work which was due to end this month. TCO's output is crucial for keeping Kazakhstan's oil production at 81.8 million tonnes this year and next. Output at the huge Kashagan oilfield in the Caspian Sea, which was halted due to gas leaks shortly after its launch in September 2013, is unlikely to restart before the second half of 2016. Last month Kazakhstan gave the go-ahead to an expansion project to boost TCO's output to 38 million tonnes by 2019.
Chevron holds 50 percent of TCO, while Exxon Mobil owns 25 percent, Kazakh state oil company KazMunaiGas 20 percent and Lukarco, controlled by Russia's Lukoil, the remaining 5 percent.
INC News, 21/11/2014 - via Ak Zhaik

Peter Baruch confessed two Ukrainian officials joined him in sex-tours in West Kazakhstan

The Ukrainian officials Oleg Lyashko and Sergey Levochkin were involved in the British Peter Baruch’s case, who was condemned in the West Kazakhstan for corruption of minors, refers to
According to mass media, special investigators from the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan are on their way to Ukraine. They are engaged in investigation of the criminal charge brought against Lyashko and Levochkin. The Ukrainian deputies are suspected of committing sexual crimes concerning minors. Incidents took place in Kazakhstan in 2011-2013, writes the media.
According to the mass media, British citizen Peter Baruch - the consultant of one of the oil and gas companies met Levochkin (as co-owner of RosUkrEnergo) at the business meeting. According to P. Baruch, who is sentenced for 8 years of imprisonment, he was accompanied in his sex-tours around the cities of the West Kazakhstan region by the official Levochkin and the People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleg Lyashko.
INC News, 21/11/2014-Via Ak Zhaik

Man Spotted Trying To Dump Body In River

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was seen trying to dump a body in the River Thames. Officers received a call just before 3am about a man who was believed to be trying to put a body into the river at Deptford Wharf.
A man, who is in his 50s, was later stopped in a car on Evelyn Street, which is around half a mile from the water. In the vehicle police said they found the body of a man in his 20s who had suffered head injuries. The driver has been arrested on suspicion of murder and taken into custody at a south London police station.
see art. in:Body in the river
INC News, 21/11/2014

Zimbabwe stampede after Kwekwe church service

Eleven people have been killed in a stampede after a religious service in a stadium in Zimbabwe, police say. Four people died in the stadium in the central town of Kwekwe, while seven others were declared dead on arrival in hospital, they say. The stampede occurred as thousands of worshippers rushed to leave after the service by popular Pentecostal preacher Walter Magaya. He claims to be able to heal people by performing miracles. Some witnesses accused the police of blocking most of the stadium exits and then firing tear gas as people battled to get through the only one left open.
The police have denied firing tear gas.
Mr Magaya, head of the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries, told a local newspaper that when he learnt of the deaths, it was "the saddest moment of my life".
See art. in Zimbabwe
INC News, 21/11/2014-via BBC

Russian Orthodox Priests Admits Comet Could've Created Life on Earth

Boldly bridging the gap between faith and science, a Russian Orthodox Church spokesman has voiced backing for the panspermia theory of life origin, which holds that life was transported here from elsewhere in the universe. 
"God could have created the world through various means," Moscow Patriarchate representative Vsevolod Chaplin was cited as saying Thursday by the TASS news agency.
"This includes the primary material contained in the bowels of a comet," Vsevolod Chaplin added.
He was commenting on the findings of the first comet landing in history, pulled off last week by the European Space Agency (ESA), which landed the Philae spacecraft on the 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet.Philae has found organic molecules — the basic building bricks of life — on the comet, the German Aerospace Agency was cited as saying by the Wall Street Journal.This has given a new boost to the "panspermic" theory of life origins, which posits that life is distributed from world to world by comets and meteorites carrying dormant microorganisms that awaken when landing on planets with favorable conditions — such as Earth.
INC News, 21/11/2014

China: 2 dead and 20 injured in massive highway pile-up

EUROPE - Citizen gain – which EU states are granting the most new passports?

Nearly a quarter of new passports handed out in the EU were granted in the United Kingdom, according to new figures. London handed out citizenships to 193,900 people – representing 24 percent of all new passports approved across the EU’s 28-country area in 2012. ​In all, 818,000 citizenships were granted across the union, with Morroccans and Turks the chief beneficiaries.​

The data,  released by the European Commission’s statistics office Eurostat, also reveals significant changes in Ireland, Hungary and Sweden  
(SEE ART. IN:Passports)
INC News, 21/11/2014

Londra, crolla un balcone e muoiono due operai

USA - Inseguito, Suv si schianta contro edificio che crolla

L’evidenziatore per le vene a infrarossi

Scianza virale - Ragazza narcolettica cade e si addormenta davanti alla telecamera

Un giorno di traffico aereo sopra la Gran Bretagna

Il presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano questo pomeriggio ha fatto una visita privata a Papa Francesco in Vaticano. L’incontro, che non era stato annunciato nelle reciproche agende ufficiali, è durato quasi un’ora e mezza.

La berlina scura del Capo dello Stato italiano, una lancia Thesis scortata dalla polizia, si è infilata nel varco del Perugino pochi minuti prima delle 17. Napolitano sedeva da solo sui sedili posteriori. Si tratta dell’ingresso nello Stato della Città del Vaticano più vicino a Casa Santa Marta, il residence dove risiede Jorge Mario Bergoglio. L’auto di Napolitano è uscita attorno alle 18.20 alla volta del Quirinale.

INC News, 21/11/2014 - via La Stampa

GERMANIA - “Il sesso? Meglio al buio” Spot del ministero tedesco

ITALIA - Storace: “Sono unico italiano condannato”

Sgomberi a Milano, guerriglia tra i cassonetti

Pediatri corrotti, spingevano per latte in polvere. Arresti e perquisizioni

Un giro di mazzette per centinaia di migliaia di euro utilizzati per pagare i "regali" ai medici (smartphone, computer, condizionatori, televisori) e viaggi in rinomate mete turistiche (Sharm el Sheik, India, Stati Uniti, Parigi, Londra, Istanbul e Crociere nel Mediterraneo e nord Europa). E' quanto scoperto dai carabinieri del Nas di Livorno nell'inchiesta che ha condotto all'arresto di una dozzina di pediatri, di 5 informatori scientifici e di un dirigente d'azienda con l'accusa di corruzione. Secondo le accuse i "regali" servivano perchè i medici inducessero le mamme ad usare latte in polvere anzichè quello maternoTra i 12 pediatri raggiunti da ordinanza cautelare ai domiciliari ci sono anche due primari. Per loro, secondo gli investigatori del Nas di Livorno, sarebbe stato più facile convincere le neomamme ad utilizzare latte artificiale anzichè quello materno. Coinvolti nell'inchiesta anche medici pediatri di base, convenzionati con le rispettive Asl. Eseguite in totale 18 ordinanze di custodia cautelare agli arresti domiciliari per corruzione e 26 decreti di perquisizioni in Toscana, Lombardia, Marche e Liguria.
INC News, 21/11/2014 - via ANSA AP

Pronta la Soyuz per il lancio della prima astronauta italiana

La navetta e il razzo russi Soyuz che porteranno nello spazio la prima donna astronauta italiana hanno raggiunto la piattaforma di lancio nella base russa di Baikonur, nel Kzakhstan. Da qui Samantha Cristoforetti partirà alle 22.01 italiane di domenica 23 novembre insieme al russo Anton Shkaplerov e all'americano Terry W. Virts.

INC News, 21/11/2014

"Rosetta's waltz" by Vangelis - Celebration of success of ESA project

ITALIA - Samantha Cristoforetti: Final preparations in Kazakhstan

ITALIA - Samantha Cristofoletti pronta al lancio - Futura mission: Launch preparation 3

ITALIA - Importante decisione - Agenzia europea farmaci,sì pillola giorno dopo senza ricetta

L'Agenzia europea dei farmaci (Ema) si è pronunciata favorevolmente sulla possibilità di rendere disponibile il contraccettivo di emergenza a base di ulipristal - meglio noto come la pillola efficace fino a 5 giorni dopo - senza il bisogno della ricetta medica. Il farmaco sarebbe così disponibile direttamente in farmacia senza obbligo di prescrizione da parte del medico e la decisione dovrebbe essere applicata in tutti gli stati membri europei nel 2015. L'annuncio è pubblicato sul sito dell'Ema.

INC News, 21/11/2014 - via ANSA AP

More arrests as protesters await Ferguson grand jury decision

Second case of bird flu confirmed in The Netherlands

Kyiv prepares for Maidan anniversary as Joe Biden flies in

London bird’s-eye view: Imperial Eagle carries camera

Ukraine: Drone reveals extent of Donetsk conflict damage

Fresh protests in Naples over Renzi's job reforms

Estonian cinema in the spotlight at film festivals worldwide - cinema

Airbag maker apologizes for deaths

Strollers recalled after fingertip amputations

Buffalo Snow Expected to Stop Friday

WEBCAST: Robot Bartenders At The "Bionic Bar"

Inside Look at Most Expensive Home in America

Thousands of Personal Webcams Hacked, Images Published Online

Un blocco di ghiaccio durissimo con molecole organiche. Questa la Cometa stadiata da Rosetta

Altro che palla di neve sporca. Il nucleo della cometa 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sarebbe coperto da un guscio di ghiaccio durissimo. E' quanto emerge dalle prime analisi dei dati inviati da Philae poco prima di "assopirsi" sabato scorso. Prima di esaurire l'energia della batteria, il piccolo lander della missione Rosetta era infatti riuscito a compiere diversi esperimenti e inviarne i risultati a Terra, dove gli scienziati hanno iniziato subito ad analizzarli. Ora, in attesa delle analisi complete e della pubblicazione ufficiale dei risultati, il team di Rosetta ha iniziato a divulgare alcune informazioni preliminari. Prima fra tutte, il lander sarebbe finito sopra un blocco di ghiaccio così duro da rompere persino MUPUS, il "martello" progettato per bucare la superficie. Ma non è tutto. Gli strumenti di Philae hanno anche "annusato" la cometa, rivelando tracce di molecole organiche, che sono quelle contenenti carbonio e che si trovano anche negli esseri viventi. Risultati straordinari per il piccolo lander, che già in questa fase ha iniziato a rivoluzionare la nostra visione delle comete.

INC News, 21/11/2014-via Repubblica

Rania di Giordania attacca l'Is: "Distorce l'immagine del mondo arabo e tradisce l'Islam"

Un attacco allo Stato islamico che sta cercando di "dirottare" il mondo arabo e di "trascinarci indietro nel Medioevo" attraverso "l'uso spregiudicato dei social media". A tuonare contro l'Is è Rania, regina di Giordania e moglie del re Abdullah II, che nel corso delMedia Summit di Abu Dhabi - negli Emirati Arabi Uniti (Uae) - ha parlato dei video dell'orrore diffusi dagli estremisti del jihad e delle immagini in cui vengono mostrate al mondo le decapitazioni dei prigionieri. A riferirlo è il Daily Mail.

vedi in: Rania di Giordania
INC News, 21/11/2014-via Repubblica

Mum Kissed Kids Goodbye After Drowning Them

A mother told her three children "I love you", then drowned them in the bath, kissed them and put them in her bed before taking her own life by jumping from a car park. Distressed Fiona Anderson, 23, had feared her children - Levina, three, Addy, two, and 11-month-old Kyden - would be taken into care. Miss Anderson, who was eight months pregnant, had written the names of each child on her body, along with the name "Eve". She had intended to name her unborn daughter Everly Rihanna, an inquest heard.
see in: Fiona Anderson
INC News, 21/11/2014

Terror Charges: Three Men 'Planned Beheading'

Three men arrested three days before Remembrance Sunday had planned to behead a member of public in the UK, a court has been told. Nadir Ali Sayed, 21, from Hounslow, 19-year-old Yousaf Shah Syed, from High Wycombe, and Haseeb Hamayoon, aged 27, from Hayes, West London, appeared before Westminster magistrates on Thursday afternoon. They are each "charged with the intention of committing acts of terrorism, or engaged in conduction or preparation of terrorism, contrary to section 5 of the terrorism act". They were remanded in custody in a 25-minute hearing to appear next at the Old Bailey on 4 December. None of them made an application for bail. A fourth man, arrested in Uxbridge, was released on 15 November with no further action.
see in:Terror in England

INC News, 20/11/2014