Sunday, April 24, 2016

Программа Воскресное Время (24.04.2016) 24 апреля 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Vesti

Arctic Prospects: On board Russian research vessel heading to Polar Circ...

Welcome aboard the legendary "Academician Keldysh”, a research vessel that has played a big part in many scientific projects. Built in 1980, she has 17 laboratories and now, she also carries two self-propelled submersibles for submarine exploration. 
On this voyage, the scientists are conducting several important experiments concerning changes in the world’s oceans. The vessel navigates into the Arctic Circle, close to the Arctic shelf, a disputed territory with several nations staking their claims on it. 

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews

‘Mind your tweets’: Dutch journalist arrested in Turkey for criticizing ...

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 24 april in één minuut

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©

What's The Difference Between B, G And N Routers? - Newsy

Here's a question: What's the difference between B, G and N routers?
The biggest differences are speed and range. B, G and N refer to wireless standards, with B being the oldest and N being the newest.
B routers are the slowest, and they have the least range. And they don't make anymore. So don't worry too much about seeing one in a store.
For most consumers, the choice will be between wireless G and N.
G routers send data faster and reach further than B routers. As long as your internet service and all your devices support it, a G router could get you speeds up to 54 Mbps.
Jumping up to an N router usually costs more, but it will get you more speed and range. Plus, it'll get you a higher frequency.
G routers are stuck on 2.4 GHz, which means they're using the same frequency as many home appliances. N routers can use the 5 GHz band, so things like your microwave are less likely to interrupt the signal.
N routers are some of the fastest you'll encounter at an electronics store. They offer speeds up to 300 Mbps, again, as long as your internet and devices support it.
If you want more router tips, or to see past weeks' questions, visit the Ask Newsy topics page:
This video includes images from John Caserta / CC BY 3.0, Sri Kadimisetty / CC BY 3.0 and iconic / CC BY 3.0.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©NewsyTech

We're Killing Coral Reefs Faster Than Ever - Newsy

Reefs are disappearing.
Stag-horn coral is one of the dominant building blocks of coral reefs all over the world, but now they're in trouble.
A collection of new studies shows stag-horn coral is in major decline because they can't handle the warmer, more acidic ocean waters that result from human pollution.
The most visible effect is bleaching. When water conditions get too stressful, corals lose the algae that give them their color. If it keeps up for too long, the corals die.
Recent surveys suggest 93 percent of corals in Australia's Great Barrier Reef are bleaching to some degree.
Researchers warn stag-horn reefs near the mouth of the Amazon River are also at risk. Nearby oil drilling presents a "major environmental challenge."
But recovery is still possible. Scientists say tighter controls on runoff and dredging would give corals a better chance in today's warmer waters.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©NewsyScience

Would You Wear The Same Jacket For 30 Years For The Environment? - Newsy

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©newsyScience

NASA's ISS Feed Accidentally Vindicates Alien Conspiracy Theorists - Newsy

This is NASA's live-stream of the International Space Station. If you watch carefully, you can spot the moment the vast government conspiracy hiding the existence of aliens from us shatters into pieces.
This weird little shred of prismatic light doesn't vanish with the other reflections; instead, it seems to dance above the horizon for a few moments — until the NASA feed mysteriously cuts off. All we're left with is a blue screen and a lot of questions.
So what was that unusual shape? We're not saying it was aliens ... because it probably wasn't aliens. But quite a few other people think this might be the real McCoy.
The attention has prompted NASA to tell the public it didn't manually shut off the live-stream. A NASA rep told ValueWalk "the station regularly passes out of range of the Tracking and Relay Data Satellites." Of course, that's just what NASA would say, isn't it ...
We're inclined to believe NASA though; its live-streams are prone to both sudden blue screens and weird-looking lens flares. We have to assume the majority of these aren't aliens.
This is only the latest UFO to show up on the ISS live-stream, though past sightings have borne a strong resemblance to lens flares as well.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©NewsyScience

Президентские выборы в Австрии: большинство голосов у кандидата крайне п...

В первом туре президентских выборов в Австрии большинство голосов предположительно получает кандидат крайне правых Норберт Хофер. Второй тур выборов намечен на 22 мая 2016.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Китайский регулировщик предотвратил трагедию

Китайский регулировщик движения сумел вовремя заметить неладное на одном из оживлённых перекрёстков в городе Ханчжоу на востоке страны. Предотвратив неминуемую трагедию, он успел огородить опасный участок дороги, прежде чем произошло его обрушение

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Джордж Клуни и Шарль Азнавур почтили память жертв массового убийства армян

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Рим отметил 2769-летие

В Риме прошла красочная процессия в честь -й годовщины со дня основания «Вечного города». По улицам итальянской столицы прошествовали легионеры, жрицы, гладиаторы и сенаторы - более 2000 персонажей, на которых вышли полюбоваться многочисленные туристы и жители Рима.

INC News, 24/0/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Solar Impulse 2 приземлился в Калифорнии

Самолёт на солнечных батареях Solar Impulse 2 совершил перелёт через Тихий океан и успешно приземлился в американском штате Калифорния. Таким образом, завершён очередной этап кругосветного путешествия, начатого в Абу-Даби чуть более года назад.
Преодолев на предыдущем этапе более 8 000 километров, Solar Impulse 2 на восемь месяцев задержался на Гавайях для ремонта повреждённых в полёте батарей.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

В Лондоне и Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне отметили 400-летие со дня смерти Шекспира

400-летие со дня смерти Уильяма Шекспира отметили в субботу в Лондоне, где складывалась карьера величайшего английского поэта и драматурга, и в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне, где он родился и умер. В лондонском театре "Глобус" прошел показ фрагментов из всех пьес Шекспира на экранах, установленных вдоль Темзы между Вестминстером и Тауэрским мостом. В родном городе драматурга состоялось костюмированное шествие в память о драматурге. 

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Египет: вынесение приговора Мурси перенесли на 7 мая

Уголовный суд Египта перенес на 7 мая заседание, на котором должны огласить приговор бывшему президенту Мухаммеду Мурси и еще 10 высокопоставленным чиновникам по делу о шпионаже в пользу Катара. Слушания, на которые были доставлены все обвиняемые, продолжались всего несколько минут. Зачитав решение о переносе, суд удалился. Подсудимые - представители запрещенного в стране исламистского движения "Братья-мусульмане", обвиняются "в совершении преступлений с целью получения сведений, представляющих

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Бангладеш: "ИГ" взяла на себя ответственность за убийство преподавателя ...

Террористическая группировка "Исламское государство" взяла на себя ответсвенность за убийство в Бангладеш преподавателя английского языка. Неизвестные зарезали Резаула Карима Седдика прямо на улице города Раджшахи. Боевики группировки обвинили профессора в атеизме. Погибший стал четвертой жертвой среди преподавателей государственного университета.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

30-м лауреатом премии Сервантеса стал Фернандо дель Пасо

Лауреатом 30-й премии Мигеля де Сервантеса – самой престижной награды среди испаноязычных авторов, стал мексиканский писатель Фернандо дель Пасо. До того, как опубликовать в 1958 году первый сборник стихов «Повседневные сонеты», он занимался журналистикой, рисовал, работал в рекламных агентствах.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Ганновер встречает президента США акциями протеста против ТТИП

В преддверии визита Барака Обамы в Ганновер в этом немецком городе прошли многотысячные акции протеста против запланированного соглашения о зоне свободной торговли между США и ЕС. Демонстранты опасаются, что Трансатлантическое торговое и инвестиционноге партнерство (ТТИП) приведет к потере рабочих мест в Европе, заставит европейские государства снизить потребительские стандарты и сделает из Европы придаток США. 

INC New, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

КНДР провела запуск баллистической ракеты с подводной лодки

КНДР провела запуск баллистической ракеты с подводной лодки, 
сообщило агентство Ренхап. По данным Комитета начальников штабов Южной Кореи, запуск был осуществлен в Японском море. Пока не известно, стал ли он успешным. 

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Austria, presidenziali: in testa l'estrema destra

Austria: la prima proiezione delle elezioni presidenziali vede trionfare con il 36,7% Norbert Hofer, il candidato del Partito della Libertà, esponente della destra xenofoba e antieuropea.
Il favorito sembrava Alexander Van der Bellen, un economista di 72 anni che tra il 1997 e il 2008 ha guidato il partito ecologista e progressista dei Verdi. 
In crisi partiti tradizionali: eliminati dal ballottaggio i candidati dei due grandi partiti storici, popolari e socialisti.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Cina: una strada collassa durante il traffico cittadino e apre una voragine

Nell'est della Cina una strada collassa aprendo nell'asfalto una voragine profonda più di due metri. Le immagini sono state riprese dalle telecamere di sorveglianza poste all'incrocio: passano solo pochi secondi dal momento in cui le forze dell'ordine decidono di deviare il traffico cittadino a quando si verifica crollo.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Paesi Bassi in fiore con la celebre parata di carri di Noordwijk

Nei Paesi Bassi si è svolta la famosa sfilata dei carri floreali. Alla 69esima edizione della parata hanno preso parte 17 carri e 30 automobili ricoperti di fiori. Percorsi come da tradizione i 42 chilometri che separano Noordwijk da Haarlem, alle porte di Amsterdam.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Grande festa a Roma che spegne 2769 candeline

Grande festaRoma che festeggia 2769 anni. Un tuffo nella storia con sfilate in costume in occasione della quattordicesima edizione del “Natale di Roma”. Dal Circo Massimo al Colosseo hanno sfilato migliaia di centurioni, gladiatori e vestali nel corso dell’evento organizzato dal Gruppo Storico Romano.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Nepal, un anno dopo il terremoto: proteste contro il governo, scontri co...

Preghiere e rabbia in Nepal nel primo anniversario del terremoto che il 25 aprile del 2015 ha fatto 9mila vittime. Il Paese si ritrova ancora devastato con la ricostruzione ferma a causa di una crisi istituzionale. Il dolore ha lasciato spazio alla protesta contro il governo "corrotto" che non rimette in piedi il Paese nonostante oltre 3 miliardi e mezzo di euro siano stati stanziati a giugno scorso dalla comunità internazionale.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Missione compiuta per Solar Impulse 2: l'aereo ha attraversato l'Oceano ...

L'aereo Solar Impulse 2 ha attraversato con successo l'Oceano Pacifico ed è atterrato nella baia di San Francisco, nell'ex aeroporto militare che oggi è il più importante centro di ricerca della Nasa.
Il velivolo, che monta oltre 17mila celle fotovoltaiche sulle ali, era decollato giovedì scorso dall'aeroporto hawaiano di Kalaeola e ha volato per circa 70 ore. 

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Egitto, rinviata al 7 maggio la sentenza nel processo per spionaggio a c...

a corte di assise del Cairo ha rinviato al 7 maggio la lettura della sentenza nel processo per spionaggio a carico di Mohamed Morsi. L'ex presidente dell'Egitto e dirigente della Fratellanza musulmana, deposto nel 2013 dai miliari, ha già subito tre condanne: tra queste, una all'ergastolo e un'altra alla pena capitale.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

400 anni Shakespeare: Stratford-upon-Avon celebra con parata in costume

Attori, musicisti e personaggi in costume hanno trasformato la cittadina inglese di Stratford-upon-Avon in un teatro a cielo aperto, in onore del suo figlio più illustre: William Shakespeare. Per commemorare il 400esimo anniversario della morte del drammaturgo, molti hanno sfilato nei panni dei personaggi resi celebri dalle sue opere.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Austria: far-right Norbert Hofer leads after first round of presidential...

Far-right FPO candidate Norbert Hofer is in the lead following the "first round of Austria's presidential 

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Rome celebrates its 2,769th birthday

Rome has reached the grand old age of 2,769.To celebrate the foundation of the Italian capital, a parade was held to portray key moments from its history. The Roman historical group organized the display, in which more than 2,000 people dressed as gladiators, soldiers, senators, dancers and priestesses participated.
INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

China: quick-thinking cop averts potential tragedy as sinkhole appears i...

The observational skills and quick-wits of a policeman in the Chinese city of Hangzhou have potentially saved dozens of lives. He put cones out immediately after spotting a crack on the ground at a busy crossroads.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Netherlands flower parade in full bloom

The Netherlands' 69th flower parade is in full bloom. Some 400,000 flowers were displayed on colorful floats driving the 42-kilometer route from Noordvijk to Haarlem. 

INC News, 24/04/2016 -source:©Euronews

Austria: An outsider for president?

Sunday is election day in Austria and for the first time a candidate from outside one of the two main parties, that have dominated post-war politics in the country, could end up with the job.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Obama: Merkel on the 'right side of history'

President Barack Obama praised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her work with refugees in Europe, saying she's on the right side of history.
INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©CNN

Obama: N. Korea Needs to End Provocative Actions

President Barack Obama says the United States isn't taking seriously North Korea's latest statements about being ready to halt its nuclear tests if the U.S. would suspend its annual military exercises with South Korea.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©AP

Rumba musician Papa Wemba dies aged 66

One of Africa's most popular musicians, Papa Wemba, has died at the age of 66. The Congolese artist collapsed on stage while performing at a music festival in Ivory Coast.Gerald Tan looks back at the life of the musician who brought African rumba to a global audience.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©AlJAzeera

Trans-globe solar flight lands in California

The sun has been shining from one of the greatest ever feats in aviation history. A solar-powered plane has completed a three-day, non-stop flight over the Pacific Ocean. Al Jazeera's correspondent Rob Reynolds reports from Mountain View, California.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source:©AlJazeera

Britain's modern slavery: Al Jazeera uncovers evidence

British Government estimates say that there are around 13,000 people in modern day slavery in the UK. That's according to the antislavery movement. Al Jazeera investigators have uncovered evidence of widespread slavery in the UK - where car wash workers say they're being exploited and underpaid. Our researchers found cleaners, hard at work, for next to nothing at car dealerships. Al Jazeera's findings suggest abuse on a massive scale as David Harrison reports.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

TURKEY - Merkel visits Turkish-Syrian border to bolster refugee deal

Turkish and European leaders have met on the Syrian border in an attempt to highlight the flow of refugees into Europe is slowing. Under a controversial deal refugees arriving in Greece can be deported to Turkey if they are not able to claim asylum in Europe. But critics say the plan is illegal and have raised concerns over the treatment of refugees once they are returned to Turkey.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©AbcNews

ENGLAND - Britain's Modern Slave Trade - Sex Workers investigation

Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit goes undercover to reveal the true scale of modern slavery in suburban Britain. We expose the slave masters and the people smugglers and talk to victims about their ordeals.

Have a look in our second page the full documentary posted few minutes ago.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

AMERICA - Ohio Community on Alert As Search For Gunman in Execution-Style Killings

Continua la caccia all'uomo che ha commesso 8 omicidi in Ohio due giorni fa.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: AbcNews

TURKEY - Dutch columnist detained in Turkey ‘over Erdogan tweet’

The Turkish police have detained a Dutch columnist over a critical tweet she posted about Turkish President Recep Erdogan, her newspaper said. The woman intends to go back to the Netherlands after being released. Ebru Umar is a Dutch columnist of Turkish origin, who writes for several newspapers, including Metro. On Saturday, the Turkish police detained her at the resort of Kusadasi and seized her laptop, the newspaper reported.
Umar said she was questioned about critical tweets about the Turkish president. She expects to be released soon and leave for the Netherlands, Metro reported. Dutch and Turkish officials couldn't immediately be reached for comment, the newspaper said.
It comes amid public outcry in the Netherlands over a letter sent by a Turkish consular to its citizens asking to report insults to the Turkish leader they encounter.
The Turkish authorities have launched some 2,000 lawsuits against people accused of insulting Erdogan. Umar is a regular guest on Dutch TV panels on Muslim-related issues. She has a reputation for being highly critical of Islam and was reportedly targeted with retaliation in Amsterdam.

INC News, 24/04/2016 - source: ©RT news