Saturday, January 31, 2015

Criminalità in aumento anche in Vaticano. Inchieste per droga e pedopornografia

Anche nel piccolo Stato pontificio, è stato fatto rilevare durante la cerimonia di inaugurazione dell'anno giudiziario che si è tenuta oggi, i reati sono stati in crescita. Nella sua relazione, Gian Piero Milano, che è il promotore di giustizia vaticano - cioè l'equivalente del procuratore nell'ordinamento italiano - ha definito il fenomeno "preoccupante". E in effetti, insieme ai borseggi ai danni di turisti che sono una delle voci più frequenti, nell'elenco del 2014 c'è davvero di tutto. Compresa la pedopornografia e il traffico internazionale di stupefacenti. 

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 31/01/2015 - via Repubblica

Site: "Is, diffuso video sulla decapitazione dell'ostaggio giapponese"

L'Isis ha diffuso il video della decapitazione dell'ostaggio giapponese, il reporter Kenji Goto. Lo riferisce Site, il sito di monitoraggio del jihadismo. Ad uccidere l'ostaggio giapponese è di nuovo John il jihadista, secondo le immagini trasmesse da Site. John, rivolto al governo giapponese, dice: "Voi, insieme ai vostri stupidi alleati non avete capito che siamo assetati del vostro sangue". 

leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 31/01/2015 - via Repubblica

Locust invasion in Madagascar - No comment

Sergio Mattarella : un Sicilien président de la République italienne

Interview : Mattarella ou l'espoir de "renforcer la lutte contre la mafia"

New Video Captures Rescue of Millionaire Investor by Coast Guard

Passenger With Measles Takes Amtrak Train to Penn Station

Interview: Italy's new president lost his brother to the Mafia

Греция надеется заключить новое соглашение с кредиторами

Новый президент Италии принесёт присягу во вторник

«Шведские папы»: автор фотопроекта решил убедить соотечественников прово...

В Мадриде проходит многотысячный марш левоальтернативной партии Podemos ...

Прямая трансляция. В столице Испании проходит массовое шествие под лозунгом 
«Марш перемен». Лидер левоальтернативного объединения Podemos Пабло 
Иглесиас намерен выступить с обращением к гражданам.

Конец Google Glass: Поисковой гигант признал провал проекта «умных» очков

Kazakh language to be converted to Latin alphabet – MCS RK

Program on transition of Kazakh language to Latin alphabet was adopted, Minister of Culture and Sports Arystanbek Mukhamediuly has said today at the CCS briefing."The Program on transition of Kazakh language to Latin alphabet has been already adopted, and it will operate under the schedule," Mukhamediuly stressed, reports.  The Minister clarified that the issue is related to the education sphere, and there is no need to accelerate this process, as there are no special conditions for this, Kazinform refers to the website of the Prime Minister. "At the moment, scientists work on the issue, and it is proposed to enter Latin alphabet on keyboard, that we have. However, national features of pronunciation of Kazakh language require additional decisions. It is not simple, we need to integrate to the international community through the less painful way," he highlighted.
INC News, 31/01/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

Kazakh-Spanish trains to become more comfortable

Tulpar-Talgo passenger cars will become more comfortable as they become large, Tengrinews reports citing the press service of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, Kazakhstan'a national railway company.
Astana-based Tulpar-Talgo plant owned by a joint Kazakhstan-Spanish company Tulpar-Talgo has mastered the final stage of production of rail passenger cars using the technology of the Spanish company Рatentes Talgo SLU.
“This year we plan to launch a project that is aimed at producing around 600 rail cars with a wide body that will create more comfort for passengers. The plant has been producing passenger cars with a body width of 2.95 m. Now the newly manufactured railroad cars will have the body width of 3.2 m. 21 trains (603 carriages) with wide body are expected to be assembled in 2016 to 2019,” the company’s statement said.
Apart from being comfortable, Tulpar-Talgo trains are much environmentally friendlier than the trains that have been used in the country since the Soviet era. They are heated by the power generated from its own power station wagon, which significantly reduces emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

INC News, 31/01/2015 - via TengriNews

KAZAKHSTAN - Astana Opera ballet company wins hearts of Italian audience

The Astana Opera ballet company has won hearts of the audience with the Gala Ballet at the Italy’s oldest theatre Carlo Felice, Tengrinews reports. 
The dancers presented fragments from the Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Giselle, the Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty. The Astana Opera ballet also brought the Kazakh dance routines to over two thousand visitors of the Carlo Felice. The ballet dancers were showered with applause.
Kazakhstani ballet dancers Madina Bassbayeva, Gaukhar Ussina, Aigerim Beketova and Anel Rustema touched hearts with their grace, complex movements and confidence. The public was impressed with a famous Ukrainian dance Gopak performed by Arman Urazov, Eldar Sarsenbayev, Serik Nakissbekov and Yerkin Rakhmatulin. The dancers even had to dance for encore. 
Fabiola Di Blasi who used to performed on the stage of Teatro alla Scala praised the performance of the Astana Opera. “The technical side of the performance was so strong. We are very impressed. The artists took us on a journey of re-living the performances with them. The dance company is so young, yet they have mastered everything almost to perfection. We are very grateful for their performance. We really want to visit the Astana Opera theatre,” Di Blasi said after the Gala Ballet.

INC News, 31/01/2015 - via Tengrinews

ITALIA - procura, in Liguria boom di adescamenti su WhatsApp

Ci risiamo. Non bastano cento occhi per proteggere i minori, ora ci si mette anche Whatsapp via Facebook, con cui adescare le ragazzine. Leggete cosa la Agenzia ANSA ha pubblicato oggi.

L'adescamento dei minori adesso avviene anche tramite l'applicazione di messaggistica, la popolare WhatsApp. E' quanto emerge dalla procura di Genova che in questi giorni ha ricevuto numerose denunce da parte di genitori di ragazzine contattate da finti coetanei che chiedono prestazioni sessuali o foto osè. Il modus operandi degli 'orchi' è sempre lo stesso: la minore, sono pochi i casi in cui la vittima è un maschio, viene prima contattata su Facebook, altri social o via email. I primi contatti sono 'normali', scambi di saluti, domande sugli interessi personali. Il pedofilo, quasi sempre, si finge un coetaneo. Dopo i primi scambi di lettere virtuali, l'orco chiede il numero di telefono per poter chiacchierare tramite l'app. A quel punto le richieste diventano esplicite: prima la richiesta di foto hard e poi di incontri, in cambio di regali come cellulari o altri oggetti. L'applicazione viene scelta dai pedofili perché difficile da intercettare da parte degli inquirenti.
INC News, 31/01/2015 - via ANSA AP

I ribelli a Debaltseve, sotto controllo una parte della ex roccaforte di...

Germania: appena 1500 persone a manifestazione anti-Islam. Settimane fa,...

Usa: John Kerry multato per non aver spalato la neve davanti casa

AMERICA - Seattle cop pepper-sprays school teacher, city sued for for $500k

RUSSIA - Massive blaze devastates Russian library housing unique documents, ancient texts

One of Russia's largest academic libraries, which contains millions of unique historic documents, has gone up in flames in Moscow. A part of the building’s roof collapsed before dozens of fire fighters managed to contain the blaze.
The fire erupted at around 10 pm local time (7 pm GMT) on the third floor of the Academic Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) in Moscow. According to the Emergency Situations Ministry, some 2,000 square meters were engulfed in flames, prompting the roof to cave in.

INC News, 31/01/2015 - via RussiaTime

AUSTRIA - Scene of chaos: Rally against far-right Academics’ Ball sparks clashes i...

Too Many Condos in New York City?

Emergency Landing Bride and Groom for Hot Air Balloon

Friday, January 30, 2015

Снос домов в Алматы продолжится - акимат

В Техасе полицейские застрелили 17-летнюю девушку

Камера видеонаблюдения в здании департамента полиции Техаса запечатлела,

как стражи порядка застрелили 17-летнюю девушку. Предположительно, она

угрожала полицейским ножом для разделки мяса. В настоящее время идет

расследование по факту чрезмерного применения силы полицейскими.

Журналист: Мы наблюдаем признаки настоящего раскола в ЕС

Жители сектора Газа разгневаны приостановкой программы ООН по восстановл...

В СКО уже готовятся к весенним наводнениям

На суицид казахстанских военных чаще всего толкают невыплаченные кредиты

Выжившая в авиакатастрофе сделает первые шаги

Испания обогнала соседей по темпам роста - economy

Банк России снизил ставку по кредитам, рубль ушел в пике - economy

Тела погибших в Испании французских военных доставлены на родину

США: темпы роста экономики замедлились - economy

"Тройка", go home: Афины не хотят работать с международными кредиторами ...

The bullet that can change direction mid-air

La Grèce rejette tout négociation future avec la troïka des créanciers

Srebrenica: TPI conferma ergastolo per due militari serbo-bosniaci

Russia, la banca centrale cambia direzione e abbassa i tassi - economy

Spagna, "Adiós" alla crisi. Crescita stimata dell'1,4% nel 2014 - economy

Teachers learn to shoot after Peshawar school attack

Video shows meeting that snared scientist

Surveillance video shows a former scientist, Pedro Leonardo Mascheroni, now 
sentenced to prison, in a meeting with an undercover FBI agent he believed to be 
a Venezuelan government official. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

#UseMeInstead: Clergy face off with Florida cops over use of mugshots of...

'Workers across EU should support Syriza & refuse to pay bankers' debts'

Swipe: Smelly Screens & Moving Seats At The UK's First 4DX Cinema

Well, if someone suffer of sea-sickness, vertigo or in the film happens a scene with

some smell particular...plastic bag is near?

Senate Approves XL Pipeline in Face of Veto Threat

Blogger Could Be Severely Debilitated after 1,000 Lashes

Russia Unexpectedly Cuts Key Rate, Ruble Weakens

AMERICA - Climber First to Scale Ice at Niagara Falls

Recently released footage shows professional climber Will Gadd becoming the first 
person ever to to ascend frozen sections of the world's largest flowing waterfall, 
Niagara Falls

PAKISTAN - 35 Dead After Pakistan Mosque Bombing

Officials say 35 people are dead and dozens wounded after a bomb blast ripped 
through a Shiite mosque in southern Pakistan as worshippers gathered for Friday prayers.

Doctors Work to Contain Measles Outbreak Before Super Bowl

Belgium's Reynders on terrorism, Ukraine and Greece

Srebrenica massacre perpetrators lose appeals at UN war crimes tribunal

ISIL militants attack Kurdish forces near Kirkuk

Città del Messico: corsa contro il tempo dei soccorsi per salvare altre ...

Iran: Afshin, il ballerino che sfidò il regime - cinema

Carta di assicurazione sanitaria europea - utalk

Google's Loon Project Seeks French Help

Thieves Storm Calgary Casino, Steal Empty ATM

A Pair of Canadian thieves in Calgary, Alberta broke into a casino Wednesday and
 headed straight for the ATM inside. Little did they know, the machine was empty.

Raw: Police Storm Studio Held Up by Armed Man

Battle for hearts and minds: Denmark's drive to deradicalise homegrown j...

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) - a user's guide - utalk

Baghdad double bombing kills 12

44 police commandos killed in anti-terror op mourned in Philippines

Mexico: Babies found alive in rubble after deadly hospital blast

Italian lawmakers fail to elect new president in first round

Fate of Egyptian Christians kidnapped in Libya unknown

Ukrainian artillery fire thwarts rebel plan to surround government troop...

EU interior ministers back airline data sharing

NEDERLANDS - Oud-klasgenoot: indringer NOS was een loner

Langzaamaan druppelt er meer informatie binnen over de 19-jarige man die vanavond gewapend met een pistool en een brief het NOS-gebouw in Hilversum binnendrong.

Ron Fresen, politiek verslaggever van het NOS Journaal, meldde vanavond dat de dader 'een man uit de omgeving Den Haag is'. Hij zou momenteel student zijn in Delft en niet in het vizier van veiligheidsdiensten zijn geweest. Het AD sprak vanavond een oud-klasgenoot van de dader. ,,Ik herkende hem op een filmpje dat ik doorgestuurd kreeg van vriendinnen van de middelbare school. Toen ging ik kijken op Facebook en zag ik de reacties op zijn profiel. Toen wisten we het zeker. Je verwacht zoiets niet, omdat je ook nooit denkt dat zoiets kan gebeuren. Ik ben er heel erg van geschrokken." 
Op sociale media wordt de suggestie gedaan dat de man onlangs zijn ouders zou zijn verloren. Tegenover AD bevestigde de oud-klasgenoot dat de ouders nog in leven zijn.

INC News, 30/01/2015 - via AD

NOS redactie ontruimd - Origineel - HQ video en geluid

Het NOS-gebouw is ontruimd omdat er een gewapende man op de redactievloer is

 binnengedrongen. De man eiste een aantal minuten zendtijd op tv.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Эксперт: Система SWIFT устарела, в ближайшее время она уступит место нов...

Главарь ячейки ИГ признался в получении средств, которые проходили через...

На востоке Украины продолжаются активные боевые действия

Мальчики-магниты и девочки-монетки заполонили больницы

Аэропорты страны испытывают серьезные финансовые проблемы

Попасная: корреспондент euronews побывал в городе после обстрелов

"Чёрному списку" россиян в ЕС добавили полгода

Domestic violence PSA will leave you speechless

Messico: esplosione di gas in ospedale, almeno sette morti

Shell, calano gli utili. Taglio di 15 mld di dollari negli investimenti ...

Gazprom, crollano gli utili dei primi nove mesi del 2014 - economy

Jordan demands proof ISIL-held pilot is alive

Meanwhile in Russia: woman destroys ex-husband’s car with axe

EU extends sanctions against Russia

Greece on collision course with its EU partners

Jordan Demands Proof Captured Pilot Still Alive

ATM Robberies on the Rise

KAZAKHSTA attracted over USD 200 billion of direct investments over 23 years

Kazakhstan attracted over 200 billion US dollars of foreign direct investments over the recent three years, Deputy Chairman of the Board of "National Agency for Export and Investments "KAZNEXINVEST" JSC Kairat Karmanov informed.
"Those measures that were taken by the state over the recent five years during the first phase of the industrialization led to the unprecedented growth of foreign direct investments in the processing sector. Before 2009, only 27% of all foreign direct investments had been attracted to the processing sector. And now over the last five years we have about 73% of investments attracted to this sector. In total, Kazakhstan has attracted over 200 billion US dollars in the last 23 years," K. Karmanov specified, reports.
He also noted that Kazakhstan began its industrialization campaign with the focus on development of the processing sector and attraction of investments. Besides, the government works hard every year in order to improve Kazakhstan's positions in the world rankings in terms of doing business and investment attraction. "Kazakhstan is ranked 77th in the Doing Business-2015 rating and is placed ahead of many developed countries including China. We also occupy the 17th position in the world in terms of taxation. Speaking of competitiveness, Kazakhstan is ranked 50th in the world," K. Karmanov added.

INC News, 29/01/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

KAZAKHSTAN - UN Official Urges Independent Investigation Of Zhanaozen

The UN special rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association says an independent international investigation into the deadly 2011 events in the Kazakh city of Zhanaozen is needed. Maina Kiai said at a public hearing in Astana on January 27 that such investigations are needed to restore people's trust in the central government, reports.
Kiai came to Kazakhstan last week and met in Zhanaozen with residents, rights activists, union members, and local officials. Kazakh police shot dead at least 16 people during a crackdown on an oil worker protest in Zhanaozen in December 2011.
International and domestic rights organizations condemned the action against the protesters, who were demanding the payment of overdue salaries. Dozens of activists, several police, and local officials were sentenced to prison terms after the deadly crackdown. But Kazakh civil rights activists say none of those who gave the command to shoot were arrested. 
INC News, 29/01/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

AMERICA - Mother of 17yo Denver girl slain by police demands independent autopsy

The mother of Jessica Hernandez, an unarmed teenager who was fatally shot Monday by Denver police, has called for an independent autopsy to be carried out on her daughter’s body to counter any potential bias that may come from the official investigation. Laura Sonya Rosales Hernandez’s daughter Jessie, 17, was fired upon by two Denver officers who believed she was driving a stolen vehicle through an alley in the city’s Park Hill neighborhood.
“I want another autopsy on my daughter so we can know how much damage they did,” Hernandez said, the Associated Press reported.
see article HERE
INC News, 29/01/2015 - via RussiaTime

EUROPE - EU foreign ministers extend sanctions against Russian officials, E. Ukraine rebels

EU foreign ministers have decided to extend targeted sanctions against Russian officials and the militias in eastern Ukraine until September, according to Federica Mogherini, the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs. The first batch of sanctions, which was adopted last year and targeted specific individuals accused of fostering conflict in eastern Ukraine, was set to expire in March. The sanctions included travel bans and economic restrictions. The EU Council has also requested that the European Commission expand the blacklist of individuals it blames for the escalation of the Ukraine conflict, Mogherini said after a meeting in Brussels on Thursday.
see article HERE
INC News, 29/01/2015 - via RussiaTime

3 American contractors killed in suspected insider attack near Kabul airport

Three United States military contractors were reportedly killed in Afghanistan late Thursday, local time, after gunfire erupted at Kabul International Airport’s military facility. US Army Col. Brian Tribus, a spokesman for the NATO-led Resolute Support mission, told reporters that the three contractors were shot and killed in the incident along with an Afghan national, according to Stars and Stripes. Reuters reports that the three were American. An Afghan soldier fired the shots, an official with the country’s air force told Reuters on condition of anonymity, leaving the newswire to preliminary classified the incident as an insider attack. Is it not immediately known if the gunman is among the dead.
INC News, 29/01/2015 - via RussiaTime

McDonald's, cambio al vertice. Via Thompson, arriva Easterbrook - economy

Alla ricerca del lato oscuro dell'universo - space

Argentina: oggi sepoltura del magistrato Nisman, chiese pistola a collab...

C'era il copilota ai comandi del volo AirAsia scomparso il mese scorso n...

Facebook, utili e ricavi in crescita grazie al traino della pubblicità

Co-pilot flying plane prior to crash

Mobile heat tech the Google maps of energy savings

Family of Jordanian pilot urges IS prisoner swap for his release

Drone vid: Dead Soviet military village hidden in German forest

An abandoned Soviet military base called Vogelsang stands 65 km (40 miles) north 

of Berlin and remains hidden in the forest since Moscow's troops withdrew in 1994, 

Wednesday. The Soviet village covered once around 2,000-hectare and was inhabited

 by more than 15,000 soldiers and their families.

E Ukraine civilians surviving under fire

Britain Hit By Second Earthquake In A Week

These Five Numbers Explain Why McDonald's Needed a Change

Measles Scare Sends 66 Calif. Students Home

Fugitive Treasure Hunter Caught in Florida

Jordan Ready to Swap Inmate for Pilot

Group Encourages Black Moms to Breastfeed

Squatters Slow Detroit's Blight Busting Efforts

Co-pilot was at helm of crashed AirAsia flight

Details emerge of hostage deaths in Sydney cafe siege

Greek PM: We will no longer submit to the EU

Ukraine violence takes rising civilian toll

ITALIA - Trovata morta Giuditta Perna

Sembra proprio che il Destino e la Vita giochino tra loro alla roulette russa, con la vita delle donne. Da poche ore si é appreso dell'arresto del marito di Elena Ceste, ed ecco un nuovo giallo comparire nella stessa giornata, come se la vita delle donne fosse una scacchiera ove si trovano le pedine. Giuditta Perna, di 27 anni, scomparsa da casa mercoledi della passata settimana, é stata trovata cadavere sul greto del fiume Otranto. La Polizia e i Carabinieri sono sul luogo per gli accertamenti.

INC News, 29/01/2015 - copyright©INCNews

INGHILTERRA - Illusionismo e magie per il lancio della Fiat 500X

Un evento di magia davanti a mille invitati, a Londra, ha chiuso il tour europeo “The Power of X”. Sul palco, assieme alla nuova 500X che lo scorso weekend ha esordito negli showroom italiani, l’illusionista Dynamo, con cui il marchio Fiat ha collaborato nella fase di prelancio del crossover. Ospitato presso la Copper Box Arena, situata nel Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, lo spettacolo è frutto di tre anni di lavoro da parte di Dynamo. L’illusione ha raggiunto il suo punto più alto quando Dynamo ha generato un modello tridimensionale della Fiat 500X e lo ha «animato» davanti al pubblico. (via La Stampa)


ITALIA - Caso di Elena Ceste: arrestato il marito per omicidio volontario

Da un anno questo (ma anche altri delitti) omicidio appassiona la pubblica opinione e sembra essere arrivato alla svolta finale. Depositata la perizia autoptica, il PM ha formulato la richiesta di arresto per il marito di Elena Ceste (Michele Buoninconti) con l'accusa di omicidio volontario ed occultamento di cadavere. A breve un altro delitto sará al bivio, quello di Roberta Ragusa, il cui corpo non é mai stato ritrovato.

I carabinieri di Asti hanno arrestato il marito di Elena Ceste, Michele Buoninconti, per omicidio volontario e occultamento di cadavere. I carabinieri hanno precisato che Buoninconti è stato arrestato per omicidio volontario premeditato su ordine del gip di Asti Giacomo Marson, che ha accolto la richiesta del pm Laura Deodato. Ieri era stata depositata in Procura la perizia autoptica eseguita sul corpo della donna. Nella stesso tempo era stato effettuato, su iniziativa dei legali, un sopralluogo sul luogo in cui venne ritrovato il corpo della donna. Elena Ceste, 37 anni, scomparve da casa nel gennaio del 2014. Il suo corpo venne ritrovato 9 mesi, il 18 ottobre scorso, poco distante dalla sua abitazione. 

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 29/01/2015 - via ANSA AP

Malaysia Airlines MH370 Declared an 'Accident', Search for Survivors Ends (NBC News)

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been officially declared an "accident" and the search for survivors has been called off, authorities said Thursday. A statement released by Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation said that all 239 people aboard the Boeing 777, which vanished on March 8, 2014, were now presumed dead. "It is therefore, with the heaviest heart and deepest sorrow that, on behalf of the government of Malaysia, we officially declare Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 an accident," said Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director general of Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation. "All 239 of the passengers and crew on board MH370 are presumed to have lost their lives." The underwater search for wreckage in the Southern Indian Ocean will continue. Rahman acknowledged that the announcement would "be very difficult for the families and loved ones," but said it would enable the families to begin the process of claiming compensation.

ITALIA - Varese, il blitz dei vandali sul treno Milano-Laveno

In poco più di tre minuti hanno devastato due carrozze, strappando e sventrando decine di sedili e lanciandoli in mezzo ai corridoi. Il tutto filmato e pubblicato su YouTube in un video che mostra l’atteggiamento sprezzante dei protagonisti: il gruppo di vandali che ha preso di mira un treno in servizio sulla tratta Milano-Laveno, colpendo tra Varese e il capolinea intorno alle 18 di martedì 27 gennaio. All’urlo di “Facciamo il degenero” e “spacchiamo giù tutto”, i ragazzi si sono accaniti sugli arredi del treno e, secondo quanto raccontato in seguito da alcuni testimoni, sono scesi dopo aver tirato il freno d’emergenza, sfuggendo così all’intervento del personale di Trenord, che ha subito allertato le forze dell’ordine

KAZAKHSTAN - ограбление магазина в Атырау

KAZAKHSTAN - Beryozovka Residents demand a share from the penalty imposed on KPO

Residents of Beryozovka village are sure that their children suffered from hydrogen sulfide poisoning. They demand monetary compensation- a share to be paid to them from the  10-billion fine imposed by prosecutor's office on KPO B.V. The villagers met with journalists on January 27 at the “Abyroi” public organization office, reports referring to “Uralskaya Nedelya”.
“We are utterly revolted with the results of the investigation. This is a pure cynicism on the part of the authorities who explain mass poisoning of children in the village with simulation and background diseases. Our children have different background diseases, and they cannot have identical symptoms that occur simultaneously at the same time and in the same place. It is obvious that our children suffered from long impact of hydrogen sulfide. Our authorities deny the link between mass poisoning and the field operations, but at the same time they impose 10 billion tenge fine on KPO. Where is the logic? Therefore we demand the payment of compensation and immediate resettlement of village residents  to the ecologically safe place”  say Antonina Prokhorova, one of the activists in the village. Another  activist Kazbek Irmikbaev says that on February 1 6 children from Beryozovka will travel to Almaty for medical treatment at the expense of the state, but that is not enough. 
To recall, on January 20 the Beryozovka village residents met with the Governor and the delegation from the government headed by the vice-Minister of Energy U. Karabalin where they accused the doctors and government officials of telling lies. The village people were revolted by the conclusion of the working commission that stated they have not revealed any serious environmental violations by the Karachaganak field. Twelve children on January 22 felt sudden deterioration of health while they were at school. Some children were hospitalized.
INC News, 29/01/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

ITALIA - Fabrizio Corona, la Cassazione boccia lo sconto di pena: "Condanna da ricalcolare"

Nessuno sconto di pena per Fabrizio Corona. Che ora, dopo che il suo cumulo di condanne definitive era sceso a nove anni, si ritrova a dover affrontare, dopo due anni già passati in carcere e altri mesi di carcerazione preventiva già scontati, quasi 11 anni di reclusione. Lo ha deciso la Cassazion, che ha accolto il ricorso della Procura di Milano annullando la riduzione che era stata concessa dal gip all'ex 're dei paparazzi'. Ora la palla tornerà a un gip del tribunale milanese che sulla base del provvedimento della Cassazione dovrà ricalcolare esattamente il cumulo delle pene. Che stando a quanto riferito dal legale di Corona, l'avvocato Ivano Chiesa, dovrebbe attestarsi attorno ai "13 anni".

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 29/01/2015- via Repubblica

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Energy drink risks for kids

Fake bomb threats on planes see dramatic increase

Morgan Spurlock investigates unexplained bee deaths

Russia, piano anti-crisi da 35 mdl di dollari. Priorità: le banche - eco...

50 anni fa moriva Winston Churchill - le mag

La Spagna chiede un'inchiesta sulla morte del Casco Blu ucciso da fuoco ...

Operazione "storica" contro la'Ndrangheta in Emilia. Oltre 160 arresti

Video shows immediate aftermath of Hezbollah attack

Amplifying tiny movements to visualize the invisible

Brazil riot police deploy tear gas, clash with protesters in subway station

Medvedev signs mega multibillion dollar anti-crisis plan for Russia

Special Report: Who Killed Russian Spy Alexander Litvinenko?

Jordan to Swap Terrorist for ISIS Hostages

Looking for Love? The Marriage Perk at Alibaba

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kala kelbeti ystyk su 27 01 15

12yo Russian girl commits suicide after argument over porn use with parents

La notizia riportata da differenti media, circa il suicidio di una adolescente a Pietroburgo, lascia perplessi molto chi di problemi sociali si occupa da anni. Dove e come un genitore puó o deve intervenire affinché sia salvaguardata la integritá della sessualitá e privacy dei propri figli? Nell'articolo si suppone una istigazione al suicidio per il diverbio con il padre avuto dopo che esso aveva scoperto la figlia a seguire siti porno in web. Una riflessione su questo caso non sarebbe una cattiva idea.

The news reported by various media, about the suicide of a teenager in Petersburg, very perplexing who takes care of social problems for years. Where and how a parent can or should intervene so as to safeguard the integrity and privacy of the sexuality of their children? The article assumes an incitement to suicide for the altercation with her father had after he had discovered his daughter to follow in web porn sites. A reflection of this case would not be a bad idea.

Шокирующая история произошла в Санкт-Петербурге: шестиклассница покончила с собой из-за запрета на просмотр порно. Родители девочки узнали о том, что она посещает сайты с изображениями и видео откровенного содержания, после чего разыгрался скандал.
После непростого разговора с отцом и матерью 12-летняя Даша Л. шагнула из окна своей квартиры на 14 этаже, пишет LifeNews. По словам источника издания в правоохранительных органах Северной столицы, уже после трагедии родители решили заглянуть в телефон дочери, где также обнаружилось множество смс от друзей девочки, содержание которых было весьма непристойным.
Семья полная, благополучная, никогда в поле зрения полиции или органов опеки не попадала. «Сейчас по факту суицида проводится проверка, — заявил источник издания. — Не исключено, что будет возбуждено дело по статье „Доведение до самоубийства“».
INC News, 28/01/2015 - via

Qatar wins £2.6bn bid to buy London’s Canary Wharf

Qatar reportedly won a bid to buy London's Canary Wharf for £2.6 billion ($4 billion) on Wednesday after its majority owner, Songbird Estates, recommended smaller shareholders accept the 350p per share offer. “It is now the board's understanding that each of the major shareholders intends to accept the offer,”Songbird said in a statement.
The board of Songbird, which controls 69 percent of Canary Wharf Group, appeared to concede defeat, although it added that “the offer does not reflect the full value of the business, its unique operating platform and its prospects.” Sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), together with US group Brookfield Property Partners, had in December proposed an improved “final offer” for Songbird.
See article HERE
INC News, 28/01/2015 - via RussianTime

Birds dying mysteriously in San Francisco

3 adorable red pandas frolic during NY snow storm

PM Alexis Tsipras tells first cabinet meeting: 'Greece will not default'

Apple's record profit: five numbers you need to know

Povertà, Ad Atene prima riunione del nuovo governo greco. Tsipras promet...

Le chiusure dei mercati europei: 27.01.2015 - markets

Apple: trimestrale da record, venduti quasi 75 milioni di iPhone

Roma Fiumicino, parlano i poliziotti: “Non abbiamo strumenti per combatt...

Handcuffed Woman Steals Police Car

Here's Why Those Slushy Sidewalk Puddles Are Crazy Deep

A Dramatic Reading of the Meteorological Mea Culpa

Google High-Speed Service Coming to 4 Cities

Raw: Flooding in Nantucket After Powerful Storm

Economic Impact of Storm Expected to Be Small

Brazen Jewelry Heist In Texas

Winter Storm Slams the Northeast

Drinking & Droning: White House Breach Due to Pilot Drinking?

ISIS Hostage Pleads for Prisoner Swap in New Video

New Yorkers Take on the Blizzard That Wasn’t

Al Jazeera World - Ultras promo

Mexico investigators say missing students killed

Airlines stop flights to Baghdad after shooting

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Death toll rises in Spain NATO fighter jet crash

More Guns Found in Carry-On Bags at US Airports

Владимир Путин: Преступления, подобные Холокосту, не должны повториться

Президент РФ Владимир Путин принял участие в мероприятии памяти 

жертв холокоста в Еврейском музее и центре толерантности в Москве. 

Глава государства присутствовал на церемонии зажжения свечей. По 

словам президента, по миру по-прежнему бродят человеконенавистнические

 идеи. «Преступления, подобные Холокосту, не должны повториться. 

Это наш общий долг и без преувеличения - самая важная и актуальная 

задача для всего мирового сообщества», - заявил Путин.

МИД РФ считает арест сотрудника ВЭБ частью антироссийской политики США

Facebook и Instagram в течение 40 минут были недоступны для пользователей

Мне представляется что без Facebook, мы не можем выжить ...

Франция: полиция разоблачила ячейку джихадистов

Узники Освенцима: "Не хотим, чтобы наше прошлое стало будущим наших детей"

"Мусорный" рейтинг России и перспективы дефолта - economy

Беспорядки в Приштине: десятки получили ранения

Скандально известная Каролина Кан проведет за решеткой 20 лет

Водитель автобуса, смявшего 11 авто, говорит о неисправности тормозов

Казахстанские бизнесмены хотят ограничить ввоз дешевых товаров

На севере страны то и дело заметает дороги

Освенцим 70 лет спустя: съемка с воздуха - BBC Russian



В пределе возможного, каждому следует относиться как это,
предотвратить многие другие негативные аспекты гигиены в полости рта.

Argentina, dopo il giallo della morte del magistrato Nisman la president...

Nazareno, fotografa trascinata da poliziotto. Poi le chiede scusa

Hostages held after Libyan hotel blast kills three

Facebook, Instagram dispute hacker DDOS claim after global outage

Russia Threatend with More Sanctions over Ukraine

Memo to Washington: Iran Missiles Can Reach US

CBN News Today: January 27, 2015

Blizzard Time Lapse: The Snow Storm That Wasn't

Jan. 27 -- It was the storm that never materialized. Two feet of snow was predicted in New York City but only 7.8 inches fell in Central Park as of Tuesday morning. Watch a time lapse of the snow falling, but not accumulating, in New York from vantage points on the Bloomberg headquarters in midtown.

False alarm: Blizzard 2015 time lapse

Mass. Gov: Snow Totals Lighter Than Expected

Raw: Plenty to Plow in Andover, Mass.

Raw: Water Main Break Causes Sinkhole in MD

Church of England appoints first female bishop

2015 Blizzard Shuts Down Major Cities in Northeast

Luxor Film Festival honours Arab and French cinema - cinema

New Greek government unveiled with radical economists in top posts

Argentine President Fernandez plans to dissolve spy agency

Ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko 'killed at third attempt'

Fidel Castro breaks silence on Cuba-US talks to resume relations

Kurdish forces 'drive ISIL out of Kobani' in Syria

Auschwitz liberation 70 years on, mourning of millions

Blizzard 2015: Snow Storm Grounds Thousands of Flights

Blizzard 2015: State of Emergency in Boston and Beyond

Public Inquiry Into Killing of Ex-KGB Spy Litvinenko Opens in Britain

A long-awaited public inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko begins in London on Tuesday, nine years after the former KGB spy died after drinking tea poisoned with a rare radioactive isotope in the British capital. From his deathbed, Kremlin-critic Litvinenko, who had been granted British citizenship, accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering his murder, and British authorities say there is evidence to charge two ex-KGB agents with murder.
Russia has always denied any involvement in his death, although Robert Owen, the judge who will act as the inquiry chairman, has said there was "prima facie" evidence of Russian culpability.
Owen has also said the 2006 death had been described as "a miniature nuclear attack on the streets of London" and "state-sponsored assassination by radioactive poisoning." The controversy generated by the killing chilled Anglo-Russian relations to a post-Cold War low.
As ties improved, Britain rejected holding an inquiry in 2013, admitting the relationship with Russia was a factor although not a decisive one. However, with relations subsequently soured by the Ukraine crisis, the British government changed its mind and gave the go-ahead for the inquiry last July.
Litvinenko's wife Marina said she believed the official inquisition would finally shed light on how her husband died, as well as on his work for the British foreign spy agency MI6.
INC News, 27/01/2015 - via MoscowTime

Holocaust Survivor Continues to Struggle in Russia

In March 1944, when the first Soviet liberator set foot on the grounds of Pechora — a Nazi death camp in Ukraine known commonly as the “dead loop” — 6-year-old survivor Aron Zusman locked eyes with the newcomer’s German shepherd. Zusman was sent to the camp at the age of four. Over the course of more than two years, Nazi guards had made a habit of sicking their own fearsome German shepherds on the young Jewish boy.
“One time, one of the Germans’ dogs locked her jaw around my neck. I was looking up at her, fearing that my mother’s heart would break,” Zusman told The Moscow Times in a phone interview on Monday. “Inexplicably, the dog then opened her jaws wide, letting me go. The Germans beat her horribly after that.” After all that he had been through, the sight of another German shepherd should have filled little Zusman with horror. It didn’t.
He looked up at the approaching Soviet soldier, and back down at the dog. He knew there was something different about this one. Zusman ran to the canine’s side, showering him with kisses and affection.
On Tuesday the international community honors International Holocaust Day. The holiday was established by the United Nations ten years ago, on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the Nazi’s biggest death camp. This year’s commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation has so far been mired in political controversy, owing largely to diplomatic tension that appears to have inspired President Vladimir Putin to sit out this year’s memorial at the site of Auschwitz in Poland.
But Zusman’s story is a testament to the fact that personal conviction and courage in the face of insurmountable odds shine brighter than political tedium.
Read article HERE
INC News, 27/01/2015 - Via MoscowTime

Spy Saga: 3 Russians charged with spying, one arrested in New York

Auschwitz liberation a Soviet pause in sweep to crush Hitler

Holocaust survivors tell the world what happened in Auschwitz

High alert in northeastern US as millions await crippling blizzard

Muslim concerns grow over spread of PEGIDA movement in Germany

Dresden welcomes all to anti-PEGIDA rock concerts

Second symbolic gesture and first official visit for Tsipras

Prosecutors demand 26 years in jail for Concordia's 'Captain Coward'

AMERICA - Airports Begin to Close as Historic Northeast Blizzard Nears


AMERICA - Bufera su New York, De Blasio: in arrivo la peggiore tempesta di neve della storia

I meteorologi prevedono una coltre di 90cm sulla costa nord-orientale del Paese. Più di 4.000 voli sono stati cancellati a causa di 'Juno'. Il sindaco della Grande Mela chiude scuole e uffici ed esorta i cittadini a rimanere in casa: "Preparatevi a qualcosa che non avete mai visto prima". Cuomo annuncia chiusura metro e stop al traffico privato. Si temono vasti blackout. La Grande mela sarà sotto la neve, una situazione più grave di quella che nell'11 e il 12 febbraio 2006 la paralizzò sotto 68 centimetri di coltre nevosa. L'associazione dei taxi Greater New York ha offerto un servizio gratuito di trasporto per quanti dovranno andare al lavoro, i disabili e gli anziani che dovessero restare bloccati. Ma a quelli che dovessero approfittare della tempesta per gonfiare le tariffe saranno comminate sanzioni severissime, fino alla perdita della licenza. Il Nasdaq e il New York Stock Exchange (Nyse) prevedono di operare regolarmente nonostante la tempesta, così come alcuni teatri di Broadway che si sono almeno offerti di pagare l'hotel agli attori che non riuscissero a tornare a casa. Il Palazzo di Vetro delle Nazioni Unite invece ha chiuso alle 14.30 di oggi pomeriggio e non riaprirà prima di domani sera. I supermercati sono stati svuotati, le persone hanno fatto scorta di beni di prima necessità.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News. 27/01/2015 -via Repubblica



Monday, January 26, 2015

ITALIA - Corona 'sta male', Tribunale dispone la perizia psichiatrica

Il Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Milano ha disposto una perizia psichiatrica su Fabrizio Corona per accertare le sue condizioni di salute in particolare alla luce della consulenza tecnica depositata dalla difesa nella quale viene spiegato che l'ex 're dei paparazzi' soffre di depressione, ansia, attacchi di panico e psicosi. 
"Sto male, ho seri problemi psicologici e vi chiedo di darmi un'opportunità". Così Fabrizio Corona, stando a quanto riferito dal suo legale, l'avvocato Ivano Chiesa, si era rivolto ai giudici della Sorveglianza di Milano nell'udienza durante la quale la difesa aveva discusso l'istanza di detenzione domiciliare per ragioni di salute. Il sostituto pg Giulio Benedetti ha dato parere contrario alla richiesta e i giudici dovrebbero decidere nel giro di una settimana o dieci giorni.
Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 26/01/2015 - via ANSA AP

Thousands of flights canceled ahead of storm

La Grecia non fa paura. Mercati europei positivi dopo la vittoria di Syriza

Milano, sesso nell'abbazia di Chiaravalle. Inchiesta per presunte molest...

Major Winter Storm Could Cause Travel Nightmare

ENGLAND - Consacrata la prima donna vescovo, ma nella cattedrale un religioso urla «No, non è Bibbia»

Addio a Demis Roussos, aveva 68 anni

Per Standard & Poor's il debito della Russia è "spazzatura"

Standard & Poor's taglia a 'spazzatura' (junk) il rating della Russia. L'agenzia ha abbassato il giudizio sul debito russo a BB+ da BBB-, con outlook negativo. Significa che il Paese non è più affidabile dal punto di vista finanziario e sottoscrivere i suoi titoli di Stato è estremamente rischioso. Per di più le prospettve restano negative. La Russia è il primo dei cosiddetti paesi Bric (Brasile, Russia, India e Cina) a perdere lo status di investment grade.

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 26/01/2015 - via Repubblica