Thursday, December 31, 2015

Готовы ли алматинцы стать Дедом Морозом и Снегурочкой

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via TengriNews

Ready for New Year: Drone buzzes spectacular decorations in Moscow

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via RT News

HRW призывает Анкару расследовать случаи гибели мирных жителей

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

India, inquinamento record, a New Dehli si circolerà a targhe alterne

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

Rivendicato dall'Isil l'attentato in Dagestan

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

Turchia, scontri esercito-PKK: disagi e vittime tra la popolazione civile

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

Siria. Appoggiato da raid russi, esercito avanza verso Deraa

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

New Delhi moves to tackle choking pollution

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

New year, new border for Belgium and the Netherlands

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

The 'forced' marriage that highlights Russia’s repressive new law

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via Euronews

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Ontvoerd duo onbekend bij politie

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Cosby accuser: 'When I saw the mugshot, I started to...

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via CNN

New Year fireworks canceled in Brussels

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via CNN

Air Canada passengers describe ordeal

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via CBC News

'Affluenza' Mom Returns to U.S.

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via AP

Raw: Sydney Rings in 2016 - Happy New Year!!!

INC News, 31/12/2015 - via AP

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (30.12.2015) 30 декабря 2015 «1 канал»

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Vesti

Путин обсудил успехи региона с губернатором Белгородской области

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Russiya 24TV

Дефицит сжиженного газа в ЗКО создают сами водители

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Telekanal 24KZ

В алматинской школе говорят на английском как на родном (30.12.15)

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Telekanal Almaty

Zware ongelukken A2, A27 en A4: 'Auto's vlogen doo - RTL NIEUWS

INC News, 30/122015 - via RTL News

High Alert: Belgium to cancel festivities, EU tightens security

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

BBG vs RT: Media budget wars

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 30 december in één minuut

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via

Famous New Year’s Eve Ball Tested

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via AP

More than 100,000 displaced in record South America floods

INC News, 30/12/2015 -  via AL JAZEERA

Даже перед Новым годом казахстанцы не спешат за покупками

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via KTKnews

В Алматы устроили грандиозную спасательную операцию – вызволяли кошек

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via KTKnews

В европейских столицах в канун Нового года усилены меры безопасности

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Рубль установил антирекорд года

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Apple заплатит Италии штраф за уход от налогов в течение нескольких лет

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Security measures heightened as Europe's cities prepare to hold New Year...

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Bill Cosby incriminato per violenza sessuale

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

La zona di libero scambio fantasma tra Cina e Nord Corea

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

GB: un'altra ondata di maltempo. La tempesta Frank devasta come Eva

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Cosby drong pillen en drank op'

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf


Chicago announces 'fundamental' changes to police practices

Chicago police will undergo changes in officer training, affecting interaction with suspects and the use of all types of weapons - from pepper spay to guns. The change is done in the aftermath of mass protests sparked by a series of police killings.
Chicago mayor called it "one of the most meaningful policy changes in our history". The change was urged by a series of incidents in which officers killed people, which were deemed by the public as an excessive use of force and sparked numerous protests.

INC News, 30/122015 - via RT News


New Year’s Eve festivities & fireworks cancelled in Brussels over terror threat 

The authorities in Belgium’s capital have decided to cancel the city’s traditional New Year’s festivities because of the threat of terrorist attacks. The move comes after the arrest of two people suspected of planning an attack targeting the holiday.
In a Wednesday meeting, Brussels’s mayor Yvan Mayeur and Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon took a joint decision to cancel Thursday evening’s festivities.
"Together with the interior minister, we've decided to not have the celebrations on Thursday evening," Mayeur told the state broadcaster RTBF Wednesday night.
About 100,000 people attended the festivities and fireworks last year, according to authorities.
INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

Нам исполнился 1 год!

Нам 1 год!




30 декабря 2014 года, голландская коммерческая коллегия  дала нам разрешение выходить в мировую сеть как зарегистрированная компания, и на следующий день в 11.00 *INC* News Commentary официально вышла в сеть уже как вестник и комментатор самых важных новостей, которые были отобраны и позаимствованы у главных журналистских агентств мира. 

Сегодня исполнился ровно год с того момента, и мы хотели бы выразить свою благодарность нашим посетителям и читателям. Мы достигли хорошего результата, на котором мы не останавливаемся. На данный момент у нас 600,000 посетителей из 15 стран мира (на трех страницах, которые составляют данный сайт – одна из которых собрала 350 просмотров), которые прочитали более 30,000 разных новостей, на разные темы.  

INC News на этом не останавливается: 2016 году вы увидите расширенный сайт со многими новшествами и количествами страниц. Мы заново начнем комментировать новости на 4 языках и на постоянной основе. Будут очень много вещей, но как говорится, они будут отражать потребности тех, кто следит за нами и поддерживает нас, в этом мире, где новости и журналистика обретает новый и более современный аспект.

Будьте с нами на связи, скоро мы появимся даже в приложениях, и вам будет намного легче читать, смотреть и слушать, что ежедневно происходит в мире. 

Пользуясь возможностью, мы хотим выразить наши теплейшие и добрейшие пожелания в связи с окончанием 2015  и началом самого счастливого 2016 года!

The Staff of *INC* News Commentary BV, Netherlands

Mikhail Lermontov
Bolat Kartbayev
Mira Kartbayeva

Harrowing stories of sex slavery during WW2

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via CNN

Missouri governor 'very concerned' about next 3...

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via CNN

Feds investigate terror threat to three U.S. cities

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via CNN

What insects can teach us about surviving the bitter Canadian winter

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via CBC News

Наводнение в Великобритании (360 видео)

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via BBC News

Hoverboard priest condemned by church - BBC News

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via BBC News

What’s it like to have your house flooded? BBC News

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via BBC News

Raw: Texas Officials Tour Tornado Damage

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via AP

Bill Cosby Charged in 2004 Sex Assault Case

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via AP

Carrie Fisher Speaks Out Against Body-Shamers

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via ABC News

'Glee' Star Arrested in Child Pornography Case

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via ABC News

Our Anniversary, shared with all of you!

December 30, 2014: the Dutch Commercial Chamber gave the green light to join online as a registered company, and the next day, at 11 am, *INC* News Commentary officially entered in the network as a reporter and commentator on the most important news of the day, collected and shared with the main Journalistic Agencies in the world.

Today, exactly one year later, we can say that, thanks to our visitors and readers, we have achieved a good result, though not the final one, with 600,000 visitors from 15 countries (in the three pages which make up the site - the only first page reached 350 thousand), who read more than 30,000 news from everywhere and about every topic.

INC News does not stop there: 2016 will see the site expand with more novelty and the
number of pages, and begin our ongoing commentary on the news in the initial 4 languages. There will be many new things, but as always they say, will reflect the demands of those who follow us and support us, in a world where the news from journalism is taking on a new and more modern dimension.

Stay tuned, soon we are coming out even in the app, and all will be much easier to read or see or hear what happens in the world every day.

We take this opportunity to express all our warmest good wishes for the end of 2015 and the beginning of a very happy 2016!

The Staff of  *INC* News Commentary BV, Netherlands

Mikhail Lermontov
Mira Martbayeva
Bolat Kartbayev

Anniversario nostro, condiviso con voi tutti!

30 Dicembre 2014, la Camera di Commercio Olandese dava il benestare ad entrare online come compania registrata e il giorno dopo, alle 11 del mattino, *INC* News Commentary entrava ufficialmente in rete come ripetitore e commentatore delle più importanti notizie del giorno, raccolte e condivise con le principali Agenzie Giornalistiche del mondo.

Oggi, esattamente un anno dopo, possiamo dire che, grazie ai nostri visitatori e lettori, abbiamo raggiunto un buon traguardo, sebbene non quello finale, con 600 mila visitatori provenienti da 15 Paesi (nelle tre pagine che compogono il sito - la sola prima pagina ben 350 mila), che hanno letto oltre 30 mila notizie di ogni dove e di ogni argomento.

INC News non si ferma qui: il 2016 vedrà il sito espandersi con ulteriori novità e numero di pagine, e inizierà il nostro costante commentario alle notizie in iniziali 4 lingue. Ci saranno molte cose nuove ma, come sempre si suole dire, rispecchieranno le richieste di coloro che ci seguono e ci supportano, in un mondo in cui la notizia giornalistica sta assumendo una nuova e più moderna dimensione.

Continuate a seguirci, presto usciremo anche in app e per tutti sarà molto più semplice leggere o vedere o sentire cosa capita nel mondo ogni giorno.

Cogliamo l'occasione per porgere a tutti il nostro più caloroso augurio di buona fine 2015 e di un felicissimo inizio 2016!

Lo staff *INC*News Commentary BV, Netherlands
Mikhail Lermontov
Mira Kartbayeva
Bolat Kartbayev

Калифорния: "вечные" смертники

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Дербент: один человек погиб при обстреле крепости Нарын-Кала

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Испания: старики-разбойники, или тюрьма в голубятне

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

КНДР: погиб чиновник, державший связь с Сеулом

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Arrestato per pedopornografia Mark Salling, attore di "Glee"

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Spagna. Tenevano in schiavitù il fratello per incassare la pensione

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

Nord Corea. Morto in incidente alto responsabile regime Kim Jong-Un

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Euronews

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Getuige A2: hij remde maar niet

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via de Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Publiek beschoten bij klompenrace

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Horrorverslag: het was net Twister

INC News, 30/12/2015 -  via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Dronkenlap haalt uit naar politie

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Raw: Floods Threaten Hundreds of Midwest Homes

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via AP

Pilot Not Authorized To Fly Crashed Alaska Plane

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via AP

Missouri Flood Disaster | ABC News

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via ABC News

Fibre di amianto nel "vecchio" Das, il gioco dei bambini di 40 anni fa

Fino al 1965 veniva prodotto in polvere, poi fino al 1975 in pasta, nel 1993 la fabbrica fiorentina ha chiuso. Lo studio di Ispo e Università di Firenze è stato pubblicato sulla rivista "Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health". Il prodotto che viene venduto ora con lo stesso nome è sicuro e "conforme alle normative vigenti", lo precisa F.i.l.a. l'azienda che lo produce.

Vi invitiamo a leggere questo articolo, perché moltissimi italiani in etá passata hanno giocato con questo articolo e potrebbero essere interessati alla situazione presentata scientificamente. Basta cliccare QUI

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Repubblica

More Flooding Expected As Storm Frank Hits UK

Storm Frank is sweeping through the British mainland - with residents in southwest Scotland and Cumbria bracing themselves for fresh flooding, weeks after Storm Desmond. Flooding in Dumfries and Galloway is expected to be "worse than it has ever been", Sky's Gerard Tubb reported. The River Nith was "rising quite fast" as the rain continued to fall, he said, with a storm surge forecast for around 3pm on the Galloway coast.
Please have a look inside the article clicking HERE
INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Sky News

"Niente sesso con le schiave sessuali se...": l'atroce fatwa dello Stato Islamico reinterpreta la Sharia

Invitiamo i nostri lettori a leggere l'articolo pubblicato da Repubblica, proveniente dalla Reuters a riguardo del trattamento delle schiave sessuali del Califfato. Un esempio di cio' che sta accadendo e continuera' ad essere fatto se nessuno li fermera'.

È una sorta di "Convenzione di Ginevra" dello Stato Islamico, anche se i precetti che contiene sono quanto di più lontano dall'umanità prescritta dalla legge internazionale sui prigionieri di guerra. La Reuters ha reso nota - sulla base di documenti venuti in possesso delle forze Usa - una fatwa dello Stato Islamico con le regole per trattare "le donne e i bambini degli infedeli" catturate dai combattenti del sedicente Califfato. O meglio: sono le regole da applicare per le schiave sessuali dei miliziani.

Leggere intero articolo cliccando QUI

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via Repubblica

Turisti attaccati nel Dagestan, un morto e 10 feriti

Un gruppo di turisti è stato colpito da una pioggia di proiettili mentre visitava la fortezza di Naryn-Kala, nel Dagestan, sito protetto Unesco. Una persona è morta e altre 10 sono rimaste ferite. Gli assalitori sono poi fuggiti. Lo riporta la Tass. Al momento non è nota la nazionalità delle vittime.

Secondo gli inquirenti, circa 20 persone si erano riunite sulla piattaforma di osservazione della fortezza quando, ieri sera alle 23.30, "persone ignote hanno esploso diversi colpi d'arma da fuoco dalla vicina pineta". Al termine dell'attacco, 11 persone sono state portate all'ospedale con vari gradi d'urgenza, e una di loro è deceduta. La polizia ha subito aperto un'indagine. La polizia ha rinvenuto sul luogo dell'attacco 67 cartucce di diversi calibri. Il responsabile della regione - riporta RT - ritiene che l'attacco sia stato effettuato da "militanti di un gruppo armato che si vendicano sui locali perché festeggiano il Capodanno".

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via ANSA

Arriva Frank, la pempesta che potrebbe mettere in ginocchio molte aree della Gran Bretagna

E' arrivata dall'Atlantico la tempesta Frank che sta facendo sentire con forti venti e piogge torrenziali tutta la sua violenza in Gran Bretagna e Irlanda. Fra le zone più colpite il nord della Scozia, dove si contano 5500 famiglie al buio, ma la corrente elettrica è interrotta anche in molte zone dell'Irlanda del Nord, Galles e dell'Inghilterra occidentale. Ma sono i fiumi che si ingrossano e il timore di nuove alluvioni a preoccupare di più. Il distretto più a rischio in Scozia è quello di Dumfries and Galloway dove la situazione si aggrava di ora in ora. Mentre nel nord Inghilterra è crollato un vecchio ponte di pietra a Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, e i militari britannici hanno dovuto evacuare alcune abitazioni. 

La situazione in Inghilterra potrebbe precipitare se "Frank" dovessere aumentare di potenza, e potrebbe interessare anche altre zone limitrofe alla Scozia e Irlnda del Nord. Il clima sembra impazzito, con Istanbul che chiede ai cittadini di restare a casa per l'abbondante nevicata e con talune aree dell'America ove la neve non si vedeva da 50 o 100 anni.
Europa non da meno, con Milano chiusa al traffico per smog e altre aree del continente dove la temperatura fa gia' germogliare gli alberi.

Commento di Mikhail Lermontov per INC News, 30/12/2015 - via ANSA - SKY

Due arresti a Ankara, pianificavano attacco Capodanno

ANSA ha ricevuto dalla Agenzia Sky informazioni che il periodo di Natale-Capodanno sarebbe stato di sangue, se non ci fossero stati arristi avvenuti ad Ankara e ancor prima a Brusselles ieri. 
La polizia turca ha arrestato due persone ad Ankara sospettate di aver pianificato un attacco suicida a Capodanno. Lo riferisce Sky News spiegando che secondo un funzionario i presunti kamikaze erano legati all'Isis. I due sospetti arrestati, entrambi turchi, sono stati fermati - spiega l'agenzia Anadolu - in un raid in un'abitazione nella capitale turca.
L'agenzia, citando un funzionario dell'ufficio del capo del pubblico ministero, spiega che nell'operazione la polizia ha sequestrato cinture esplosive. I potenziali kamikaze - secondo le stesse fonti - pianificavano attacchi in due diversi posti ad Ankara durante i festeggiamenti per il Capodanno.
INC News, 30/12/2015 - via ANSA

Turkey supports ISIS, wants to revive Ottoman Empire

Syria’s envoy to the UN has accused Turkey of supporting terrorist groups and covering for their invasion into Syria. Urging the UN to end Ankara’s “violations and crimes,” Bashar al-Ja’afari also warned that Erdogan’s goal is to “revive” the Ottoman Empire.
“Since 2011, an unprecedented terrorist war has been waged against the Syrian Arab Republic by armed terrorist groups, the members of which come from more than 100 countries,” Ja'afari, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, wrote in his letter to the world body, TASS reported. “Those groups are being provided with funding, weapons, material and logistical support by states and regimes of the region and beyond.”

We invite you to read the interesting article clicking HERE

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

Kenya to set world record $27bn mobile money transfer in 2015

Kenya’s mobile money transactions hit $23 billion in the 10-months to October which is $4 billion more than in the same period last year, according to data from the country’s Central Bank. The East African country leads the world in mobile money use, and could make a new record this year. Kenya’s 10-month transactions equal the country’s entire transfers for 2014.
The use of the service this year could surpass the $27 billion mark, an unnamed information technology expert told the Xinhua news agency.
"If subscribers transact an average of $2.2 billion a month, then it means in November and December they will move at least $4.4 billion. If you add it to $23 billion it comes to $27.4 billion, which is a new record," said the expert.
Kenya’s average monthly transactions stood at $2.2 billion this year compared with $1.9 billion in 2014. October saw the most transferred when $2.51 billion was sent via mobile phones. It’s the highest ever transaction made in the history of mobile money services.
Kenyans use mobile financial services to buy goods, pay bills, pay fares, send and receive money. It’s the easiest way to make payments as most of the people don’t have bank accounts.

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

1 killed, 10 injured in attack on tourists at ancient fortress in Russia's Dagestan

A group of tourists on a visit to the Naryn-Kala fortress in Derbent, a city in Russia's North Caucasus republic of Dagestan, were shot Tuesday night by unknown gunmen. The attack left one person dead and 10 injured. The attack occurred when twenty tourists were on a panoramic terrace of the ancient fortress.
Media cited local police as saying that the gunmen aimed at the tourists’ flashing cameras to make sure they hit people. Eleven people were wounded and taken to the hospital, where one of them died.
Read article HERE

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

4.9 quake hits near Victoria, Canada; shaking felt in Seattle

A 4.9 magnitude earthquake has struck near Victoria, British Columbia, in Canada, the US Geological Survey said. Tremors have been reportedly felt as far away as Seattle. The epicenter was 19km northeast of Victoria and struck just before midnight. A tsunami warning has not been issued.
No injuries have been reported, while the seismic activity was reportedly 42km deep, according to CBC. Nearby Vancouver has shut down its SkyTrain Expo, M-line, due to the quake. The authorities say it will only reopen once the situation is considered safe, Trans Link BC is reporting on its Twitter feed. The Vancouver Mayor’s office says there have been no reports of any major damage in the city, with no power outages either.
An auditor general’s report in 2014 mentioned that British Columbia is not prepared for a major earthquake. Experts say that a quake with a magnitude of 7.3 could prove catastrophic, resulting in as many as 10,000 deaths, while some buildings would collapse, the Vancouver Observer reports.
The last major earthquake to hit the area was on Vancouver Island in 1946.

INC News, 30/12/2015 - via RT News

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (29.12.2015) 29 декабря 2015 «1 канал»

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Vesti

100-метровая горка открылась на Площади Революции

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24TV

Нижний Новгород пережил транспортный коллапс

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24TV

В Павлодаре автомобиль снес остановку

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via TengriNews

В Уральске упавшее дерево пролежало на авто три дня

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Tengri News

Verliefd en gekidnapt: pas op voor nepdating in Af - RTL NIEUWS

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RTL News

Voor 900 euro de lucht in - RTL NIEUWS

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RTL News

Eerste gipsvlucht aangekomen: 'ik heb gewoon pech - RTL NIEUWS

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RTL News

‘End Curfews’: Police clash with protesters in Turkey

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RT News

Nemtsov murder: 5 charged, probe into ‘mastermind' ongoing

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RT News

‘100% falsified’: US athletes to sue Al-Jazeera over doping accusations

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RT News

Het nieuws van dinsdag 29 december in één minuut

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via

Новогодняя мечта кокшетауских токарей и сварщиков – просто покушать

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via KTKnews

В Павлодаре разыскивают живодера, который в упор расстреливает собак

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via KTKnews

‘Mundo musulmán necesita una coalición contra sectarismo y extremismo’

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Hispan TV

Northern Spain wildfires "under control" but alerts remain in place

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

"Unprecedented" snowfall in eastern Russia

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

China: 11 rescued from mine collapse, 18 trapped

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Record pollution forces Milan to take cars off roads

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Two arrested over Brussels New Year plot

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

USA: White policemen to face no charges over fatal shooting of black boy...

INC News/12/2015 -via Euronews

Petrolio: crollo dei prezzi mette in difficoltà Arabia Saudita

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Russia, 20 centimetri di neve in Kamčatka

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Cina, 17 uomini intrappolati in miniera dopo un crollo

-INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Bom-bakfiets? Doe normaal!'

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Anti-tankgranaat in kinderkamer'

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Koppige zeehond botst met politie

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'IS-propaganda gevonden bij inval'

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Warmste december ooit, nu komt kou

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Russell Crowe blasts airline over hoverboard ban

INC News, 29/12/2015 -via CNN

S. American flood control officials face tough decision

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via CNN

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert Going to Prison

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via CBN News

East Coast Braces for Winter Storm 'Goliath'

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via CBN News

High Waters Flood Missouri Town

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via AP News

Brie Larson's 'Room' for Intimacy

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via AP News

Iraqi forces retake the centre of Ramadi from ISIL

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

More Concerns Over Hoverboards

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via ABC News

Teen Rescued From Freezing Utah Wilderness

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via ABC News

CNN Anchor Poppy Harlow Faints During Live Broadcast | ABC News

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via ABC News

Winter Storm Warnings in 20 States

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via ABC News

Turning heads: Child’s flexible neck leaves internet in a spin - True or not true?

A child with Exorcist like powers has the internet in a spin after a video emerged showing him turning his body through 180 degrees while his head stays facing the same direction.
The short video surfaced on YouTube on Saturday and has racked up over 1.5 million views since then with many questioning the plausibility and safety of the stunt.
The child can be seen with his head facing towards the camera while he turns his body and hugs his father. He then repeats the move at a slower pace. How he discovered he had such a talent remains a mystery.
The move, which many would find impossible to recreate without causing themselves serious injury, has left some people questioning the authenticity of the video, branding it as a fake. Other YouTube users have commented on the possibility of the video being edited.

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RT News


ISIS leader linked to Paris attack killed by US in Syria 

Islamic State leaders with direct links to the Paris terrorist attacks have been killed by US air and drone strikes in Syria and Iraq, a spokesman for the US-led coalition said.
One of the killed was Charaffe al Mouadan, a Syrian-based IS leader with a direct link to Paris attack organizer Abdelhamid Abaaoud. Another was Abdul Qader Hakim, who facilitated Islamic State's external operations and had links to the Paris attack network, said US Army Colonel Steve Warren, spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve in Kabul. Hakim was killed on December 26 in Mosul.

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via RT News

Turchia, Erdoğan difende le operazioni contro il PKK. E attacca Demirtas

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Messico, nuova eruzione del vulcano Colima

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Emergenza smog, secondo giorno di blocco del traffico a Milano e parzial...

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Ankara tende nuovamente la mano a Mosca

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Francia: consultabili migliaia di documenti del regime di Vichy

INC News, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

В США оправданы полицейские, застрелившие подростка

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Главные события 2015 года от Ruptly

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via RT

Пятерым фигурантам дела об убийстве Бориса Немцова предъявлено окончател...

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via RT

В Турции заблокированы аккаунты художника, рисовавшего карикатуры на Эрд...

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via RT

Бельгия: задержаны подозреваемые в подготовке теракта

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Беспилотник заснял новогоднюю Москву

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via RT

Мучные бои в Испании во время фестиваля «Эльс Энфаринатс»

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via RT

Премьер Ирака обещает за год учнитожить ИГИЛ

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Давотоглу надеется на новую дружбу с Россией

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24

Умер основатель Motorhead Лемми

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Euronews

Информация о 191 миллионе американцев утекла в открытый доступ

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24

29.12.15 Серия взрывов прогремела в Стамбуле.

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via NewRussia ToDay

Казахстан: курс доллара по итогам утренней сессии


По итогам утренней сессии на Казахстанской фондовой бирже средневзвешенный курс доллара составил 337,66 тенге.

INCnews, 29/12/2015

29.12.15 Полевые командиры ИГИЛ массово бегут в Ливан из Сирии.

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via NewRussia ToDay

Север Великобритании оказался под водой

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24

Эрдоган выступил с обвинениями в адрес России и Сирии

INCnews, 29/12/2015 - via Russia 24

Monday, December 28, 2015

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 2100 (28.12.2015) 28 декабря 2015 «1 канал»

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Vesti

Куда идут деньги "Платона": пара примеров от "Вестей"

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Russiya 24TV

Защитить или нажиться: в Болгарии запатентовали имя Ванги

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Russiya 24TV

Het belangrijkste nieuws van 28 december in één minuut

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via

Crowdfund je gipskamer - RTL NIEUWS

INC News, 28/12/2015 -via RTL News

Ravage in Drachten nog groter - RTL NIEUWS

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via RTL News

Spanish forest fires rage in Asturias region

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Chinese official 'commits suicide' after Shenzhen landslide

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Italy steps up fight against pollution

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Russia enforces stricter currency exchange rules

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

'Iraqi flag raised in Ramadi' as army seizes key government complex from...

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

2 Killed in Chicago Police Shooting

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via ABC News

Maine Couple Found Dead on Christmas Morning

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via ABC News

Trasferiti a Palermo 931 migranti

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Maltempo Usa: quando la carta geografica sembra rovesciata

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Immigrazione, Finlandia chiude confine alle biciclette

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Cina: suicida a Shenzen amministratore locale. Giorni fa era venuta giù ...

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Italia, emergenza smog: attesa manovra nazionale coordinata

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

L'esercito iracheno annuncia: "Ripreso il controllo di Ramadi"

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Siria: accordo Onu per evacuare i feriti da 3 città

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Russia, massima trasparenza sul cambio

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

L'intifada dei coltelli provoca ancora morti palestinesi in medioriente

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Nuovo record dalla California all'Australia in solitaria

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Ramadi, Isis in fuga: Bagdad esulta

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Mijn hele leven ligt daar'

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - 'Bloed en blauwe plekken in nek'

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - In 2016 naar de stembus?

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - Dit wordt het weer met oud en nieuw

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

The fast news of De Telegraaf - ‘Tranen van geluk door onze hulp’

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via De Telegraaf

Poll: Increasing number of Americans say terrorists are w...

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CNN

WDBJ shooting survivor: I lay still and he shot me

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CNN

Tornado lifted man's truck 20 feet

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CNN

Four soldiers killed in Missouri flooding

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CNN

Preparing to swim across the Atlantic

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CNN

More than 40 killed in U.S. storms

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CBC News

Why do we skate counter-clockwise?

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via CBC News

Iraq declares Ramadi liberated from Islamic State - BBC News

INC News,28/12/2015 - via BBC News

Face of US heroin epidemic - BBC News

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via BBC News

Using a South Korean film to dodge China's censors- BBC News

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via BBC News

Raw: UK Military Helps Combat Severe Flooding

British Prime Minister David Cameron has sent hundreds more troops into northern England to help residents and emergency workers fight back rising river waters after weeks of heavy rain.

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via AP News

Deadly Storms Strike from Texas to Missouri

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via AP News

Taliban bomber stages attack close to Kabul airport

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Meet the Aurelio: The first Filipino made sports car

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Deadly Tornadoes in Texas | ABC News

INC News, 28/12/2015 - via ABC News

Иракские военные проводят зачистку Рамади

INCnews, 28/12/2015 - via Euronews

Полиция Корсики мобилизована для охраны мусульманских районов от погромов

INCnews, 28/12/2015 - via RT

Ирак: армия Ирака освободила город Рамади от террористов ДАИШ

Photo: @AP Photo

Иракская армия заявила о полном освобождении города Рамади от террористов «Исламского Государства». Об этом сообщает Suptnik.

Войска Ирака подняли государственный флаг над правительственной территорией в городе Рамади.
«Город Рамади освобожден, иракская армия подняла флаг над правительственной территорией в Анбаре. С помощью Аллаха мы освободим остальные захваченные города», говорится в сообщении.

На прошлой неделе армия Ирака начала широкомасштабную операцию по освобождению центра города Рамади от экстремистов ДАИШ. Согласно данным иракских спецслужб, от 250 до 300 радикальных исламистов держали центральный район города под контролем.
INCnews, 28/12/2015 - via Sputnik

Казахстан: доллар продолжает расти по итогам дневной сесси Kase


333,03 тенге за доллар - с таким результатом завершились дневные торги на Казахстанской фондовой бирже. Об этом сообщает телеканал 24KZ.

INCnews, 28/12/2015 – via