Friday, January 31, 2014

Синдром Хикикомори - болезнь или просто эгоизм?!

Весьма интересная статья об этом необычном явлении была опубликована на сайте .  Хикикомори или Хикки, так в Японии называют депрессионное состояние людей, которые отказываются общаться с окружающими, и ведут затворнический образ жизни. В полной изоляции, наедине они могут проводить  время годами. В основном они просиживаются в интернете либо играют в компьютерные игры, выходя из комнаты только для того чтобы помыться и справить нужду. Хоть и звучит все это как-то нездорово, ученые не спешат назвать явление болезнью. По мнению российского ученого, это просто на просто эгоизм, с чем вполне можно согласиться. Так как большинство из так называемых Хики являются безработными, которые проживают за счет своих родителей либо пособий по безработице.

Almaty, 01/02/14 – INC News

Казахстанские врачи готовы делать серьезные операции

Отец Жанны Фриске опроверг информацию о том, что обращался казахстанским врачам за помощью. 

По словам Кенета Алибека председателя правления национального медицинского холдинга Казахстанские врачи были готовы сделать операцию и взяться за роль спасителя и благодетеля Жанны Фриске. Он утверждает, что это ни каким образом не связано с рекламой. Кому верить?

Алматы, 31/01/2014 - INCNews  

Again Radioactivity?

It was not enough the drama of Fukujima, now may be that it is real the escape of radioactivity from Sellafield nuclear plant, in GB. We are all inclusive, about the need for nuclear power, but we reiterate that we all want maximum safety before starting to manage to produce energy from the atom. Or all end up like Yasser Arafat, killed by a radioactive substance ....
Se in Kazakhstan ci si sta lamentando della sola temperatura scesa a -30 gradi, ma con il cielo terso quasi primaverile, in Italia le cose nonstanno proprio cosi': Ovunque pioggia torrenziale, che ha fatto gonfiare moltissimi fiumi, permettemdo cosi' una esondazione che ha messo in ginocchio diverse citta', quali Roma e Firenze, ma in generale tutto il Lazio e tutta la Toscana sono interessate da questa ondata di mal tempo che sta mettendo in ginocchi attivita' e persone.
Italy under water

ATYRAU, 31/01/2014 INC News

Again torture, now not in Guantanamo

Dmytro Bulatov is free, and after the first tests performed at the hospital, he said to have been kidnapped, tortured and crucified by people from a nearby village Kiev. The Representatives of the United Nations will meet to define findings on how the kidnapping and torture, which, according Bulatov was done by elements of the former Soviet Union.

Ukraine tortures

Atyrau, 31/01/2014 - INC News

Hindus celebrate "No Moon Day" - no comment!

Too Funny!!!

We invite to watch this clip, especially the second part, about Italian gests!!!!

Automatic bra?

Atyrau, 31/01/2014 - INC News

Is this the correct behavior of Italian Police?

During the show "Chi l'ha visto", a talk show about people missed, the journalist intercepted a conversation between two agents of Carabinieri, talking about the case of Provvidenza Grassi, a woman disappeared years ago. Convicted do not be heard by others, the two policemen made a conversation insulting the parents of the victim in a very rude manner.
What should be the reaction of the General of Army now? Have a look and listen...

Chi l'ha visto?

Atyrau, 31/01/2014 - INC News

Alla Camera il gesto volgare del deputato M5S - Video - Corriere TV

Alla Camera il gesto volgare del deputato M5S - Video - Corriere TV

Justice? Which one?

A leggere i giornali di oggi si e' solo sconcertati, circa la Giustizia Italiana. Ci si chiede in linea di principio come sia possibile che un processo, eseguito per un omicidio, possa avere risultati cosi' eclatanti, nei quali una Corte sconfessa l'altra e si continui a chiedere appello. Un delitto, una volta processato l'atto, deve essere sentenziato e penalizzato commisurando la pena al danno compiuto. Correttamente esiste l'appello, che deve determinare definitivamente se la sentenza di primo grado era veritiera o meno. Ora qui siamo all'appello dell'appello, con in piu' una conclusione ribaltata aumentando la pena di uno degli imputati, i cui legali impugneranno un nuovo appello. Qui si rischia che i due presunti colpevoli scontino di gia' una pena che forse non era oppure che debbano scontare una pena doppia, aspettando la conclusione di tutto. E' giusto che sia cosi'? Tutti le testate dei giornali ne parlano. E' questa la giustizia italiana?

Atyrau, 31/01/2014 - INC News




Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(Following Breaking News)

It was asked a French former ambassador to Ukraine (2005-2008), Jean-Paul Véziant, for comment.
Diplomacy trumps

Atyrau, 28/01/2014-INC News via Euronews

Breaking news!

Good news from Kiev. The Prime Minister resigned.
Breaking News

Atyrau, 28/01/2014-INC News

Good news from Kiev

Finally, we have a good news from Ukraine. If really the offer has been accepted, probably we will be on the way to resolve a very big crisis status of a Country where the possibility of civilian internal war were real.

Atyrau, 28/01/2014-INC News

UK and National Health

We believed that in the UK the National Health System were the top, vice versa, it seems now a horror element of a film. How possible, we are asking in ourself, to inject "per error" glue in the brain??
Glue in the brain

Atyrau, 28/01/2014-INC News

France and job crisis

It is not Italy only, or Germany only where the crisis of industries is at the collapse, France as well now is in the top list where who is without a job is not anymore casual person...Have a look here and make conclusion: are we satisfied of each single government, about working possibility?
Job crisis in France

Atyrau, 28/01/2014 - INC News

Monday, January 27, 2014

In memory of those killed by a dictator considered only a schizophrenic

We need to observe only a moment of silence, in memory of those killed in Auschwitz. We hope you respect as well this day, when the troupes broken the doors of this lager discovering a reality impossible to forget.

Atyrau, 27/01/2014 - INC News

Do you have anything to declare?

In these pictures you can see what in reality in USA the Service of Baggages Control has sequestered during the luggage control in airport and especially in the handbags. If in one part we have to laugh, on the other we have to think about it: this means that Americans have no limit about the use of guns. Have a look these pictures, it is incredible that could be possible.
Nothing to declare?
Atyrau, 27/01/2014 - INC News

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Chi si fa avanti?

Quasi quasi mi faccio avanti io....100 milioni di euro non sono pochi per un tentativo del genere! Ma, ci chiediamo, se questo brav'uomo dispone di una cifra cosi' elevata per un capriccio, significa che di denaro ne ha oltre il verosimile. E se ogni tanto desse una mancia ai popoli che non hanno nulla, non sarebbe piu' edificante? O forse notizie del genere sarebbe bene non darle? Siamo comunque sconvolti dalla idea che si puo' arrivare a tanto.....

Siamo ai limiti...
Atyrau, 26/01/2014-INC News

Ukraine of the last hours.

The situation in Kiev is still deteriorating, and also if the president made a tentative of resolution offering PM's job to the leader of opposition, protesters continue in the action attacking the Police Palace, with the risk of massive offensive of the Army.
Tentative of mediation
Yanukovich offers opposition rejects

Atyrau, 26/01/2014-INC News

Saturday, January 25, 2014

West v East: Ukraine split in half amid violence engulfing capital

Violent video: Ukraine rioters brutally beat police, storm local admin b...

Два украинских милиционера отпущены демонстрантами

Crash d'un jet privé lors au décollage au Colorado

Again shooting in a USA shopping center

Continues the escalation of armed attacks in USA from civilian inside shopping center... Continue the loosing of humans by armed human hand.. And Obama does nothing to stop the selling or guns to civilians... What we are waiting?
Again USA shoots in the shopping center

Atyrau, 25/01/2014 - INC News

Ukraine ready to combat? Critical situation - Break news

What we have suspected it seems on the way to be realized as reality. The mass of people has occupied the Energy Ministery and the request of armed reaction is really near to explode in a massacre...
Ukraine in dangerous situation

Atyrau, 25/01/2014 - INC News

Breaking news: Chaos in Egypt

In several area's of the planet, it seems that a new revolution is on the way to explode with guns... Egypt, after the last attacks also today a bomb car is exploded, causing a lot blessures and died... We are on the way to do what? To create the presumptions of a new war?
Egypt into chaos

Atyrau, 25/01.2014 - INC News

Video: Anapolis, Brazil, incredible survival of child and woman in a car accident

No Comment: Best Animal Videos of 2013 (+playlist)

No Comment: Extreme Weather & Natural Disasters - Best of 2013 (+playlist)

President Obama interrupted by hecklers during speech in San Francisco -...

Who are they? Chinese? Kazakh? Japaneses?

Atyrau, 25/01/2014 - INC News

Chinese paper sculptures stretch imaginations in New York - no comment

Graphic footage: Panic at the San Fermin Festival - no comment


Drone footage: Divided Kiev

Imagines captured by a clone in Kiev

Aatyrau, 25/01/2014 - INC News (from RTL Russua)

Streets barricades in Kiev

Impossible to stop the activists in revolution to have Ukraine in Europe, and more the time proceeds more the situation can be crashed onto a terminal attack from Police against civilians already in a situation very dangerous.
Ukraine today

Atyrau, 25/01/2014 - INC News

Laude to Reuter photographer

The photo of the moment in web

Atyrau, 25/01/2014 - INC News

Friday, January 24, 2014

News from Ak Zhaik about Ukraine situation

Ukraine Premier Rejects Opposition Ultimatum

January 23, 17:39
Mykola AzarovMykola AzarovUkraine’s prime minister has dismissed an ultimatum from opposition leaders threatening to go on the offensive Thursday unless their demands are met by the government, reports.
With the standoff between anti-government demonstrators and police degenerating into violent clashes in recent days, opposition leaders have made new and bolder demands for the ouster of the government and renewed calls for immediate elections.
In an interview with the BBC in Switzerland late Wednesday, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov struck a defiant note, suggesting that the government was unlikely to change the firm stance it has adopted to date.
“The authorities are in a constructive dialogue with the opposition… but they do not accept the conditions of an ultimatum,” Azarov said in the interview, extracts of which were published on the Cabinet’s website.
At least three protesters are believed to have been killed in violence in Kiev that broke out on Sunday after about a hundred thousand people flooded the city in protest at hastily passed legislation curtailing the freedom to demonstrate.
The three main leaders of the opposition movement met with President Viktor Yanukovych on Wednesday for three hours of negotiations that apparently produced no results.
The situation in KievThe situation in KievAddressing tens of thousands of supporters on Kiev’s central Independence Square later on Wednesday evening, Udar party chief and opposition figurehead Vitaly Klitschko, who was present at the meeting with Yanukovych, issued an ultimatum.
“If the president doesn’t compromise, then tomorrow, when there will be more of us, we will go on the offensive,” Klitschko said to cheers from the crowd. “If it’s necessary to face bullets, I will face the bullets.”
The confrontation in Kiev continued on Wednesday night, although reportedly without the levels of sustained violence seen in previous days.
Footage from Kiev on Thursday morning showed a large pall of black smoke hanging over the city from bonfires made from tires that were lit by demonstrators. The Interior Ministry said Thursday that the fire had spread to one of the houses on Hrushevskyy Street, where clashes have been concentrated.
Ukrainian riot police have deployed plastic bullets, stun grenades and baton charges against protesters in recent days, while activists have thrown Molotov cocktails, rocks and fireworks at police lines.
Protests have been raging in Ukraine since November, when the government decided in late November to pull out of an association agreement with the EU, opting instead for closer ties with Russia.

Atyrau, 24/01/2014- INC News from Ak Zhaik

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Road accident in Atyrau (from Ak Zhaik)

On Atyrau Hyundai SUV run into the private house

January 21, 11:54
Zeena Urynbassarova
On Atyrau Hyundai SUV run into the private house, ash. kz reports.
The incident happened about 1am at night when the family of four people residing in the house, made of sun-dried bricks, went to sleep. They were woken up by the loud bang: the Hyundai SUV broke the house wall and drove into one of house rooms.
The SUV driver disappeared from the road accident scene. According to the master of the house, the driver was very drunk. The police placed a search.
As the result of this night incident all Kadyrov family members received different injuries and they all are hospitalized.
“This is nightmare… first he run into the house, and then he fled. My brother is in the neurosurgery ward with head concussion. Both his children got injured. One of his children had fractures on his legs and doctors put them in plaster. His pregnant wife can't get out of bed”, - said Goulmira Kadyrova, the relative of the victims.

from Ak Zhaik

China sees record crude oil imports from Kazakhstan

January 23, 14:13
China saw a rise in crude oil imports from Kazakhstan last year via a transnational pipeline to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, reports.
Oil imports hit a record high of 11.85 million tonnes in 2013 through the China-Kazakhstan Pipeline, up 14.09 percent year on year, according to the regional government.
The growing imports underscore the key role of the pipeline in China's overland energy import networks, said Dilber, an official with the Xinjiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
The pipeline runs 1,200 kilometers from the city of Atasu in Kazakhstan to the PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, one of China's major petrochemical producers, after entering northwest China at Alataw Pass.
So far, China has imported 63.62 million tonnes of crude oil through the pipeline, mainly for state-owned enterprises in Xinjiang and Beijing, since it became operational in 2006.
To increase oil imports, China simplified inspection procedures, including opening a 24-hour examination service, said Dilber.
Atyrau, 23/01/2014 - INC News for Ak Zhaik

Kiev: serious situation on the beginning

After a meeting of yesterday between Opposition and Ukraine President, he risk of  a massacre of civilian is more near. 24 hours time to decide on what to do, and then only destiny can know what could be possible.

Possible deterioration of situation in Kiev

Atyrau, 23/01/2014 - INC News

Sweden: naked protesters attempt to enter Nobel Ceremony - no comment (+...

Day 106: the Olympic Torch Relay reaches Novocherkassk City - no comment

Ice skating on frozen Yellow River in China - no comment

news at the moment...


Atyrau, 23/01/2014 - INC News

A monster inside the family

If France has launched this message means that we are reaching the limits of endurance, with the crime of rape in the family. For centuries, the father-master commits sexual abuse of children, and the Law (Law?, And what would it be?) does not condemn this crime in an appropriate manner, involving all countries of the world. The plague is likely to become a cancer on our society, if you do not put an end to the havoc that the male is working against Mother Nature in all its aspects. Let's stop these men from creating destruction wherever they are ...
Abuse in the family
Atyrau,23/01/2014-INC News


No words...
Kiev yesterday

Atyrau, 23/01/2014-INC News

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The situation in Kiev is every day worst and it really possible that a civilian war can explode, after the killing of three demonstrators by Police. Russia asks to Europe do not intervene, but Europe and USA are looking seriously the situation. Nowadays  all primer ministers of the UN and UE are constantly worried that Police can use guns against civilians.
Ukraine near the crash?
Atyrau, 22/01/2014 - INC News

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Syria: tortures?

Here we go again, with Syria: First was the problem of chemical weapons, now out of the secret photos showing civilians tortured by the Syrian army. Perhaps a strong and decisive hand should be used in these places of the world, where there calm and serenity is only the cry of children injured or raped women.
Syria: tortures?
Atyrau, 21/01/2014 - INC News

Is this the behavior of Expats or is a separated unique case?

Expat accused of corruption of minors in Uralsk

January 17, 20:11
The press service of Internal Affairs Department of West Kazakhstan Oblast reported the details of detention of the citizen of Great Britain who recorded naked girls on video, reports.
On January 14 the police control desk (phone number“102”) received a call from a citizen of the city of Uralsk where the troubled mother informed that she was concerned about text messages of sexual nature that her daughter, the 6th form schoolgirl (11-y.o.), was exchanging over the phone.
The rapid responce police squad of Uralsk during verification of the information, detained a 38-year-old expat in a hotel room,  who was the employee of one of oil and gas companies in the region, who arrive to the city on January 4. The expat is the employee of“ZhaikMunay” company.
When expat noticed through the window that police squad was entering the hotel, he tried to destroy computers and other recording facilities. He put water on his laptop and tried to burn it in microwave oven. He also tried to burn flash cards, computer hard disks and video camera.
But on partially restored electronic media the police discovered files of pornographic photo sessions with participation of young girls, including minors- the pupils of secondary schools from Uralsk and Atyrau (from where the suspect arrived). He made photo sessions in hotel rooms where he stayed.
The Department of Internal Affairs of Uralsk initiated a criminal case according to Art. 273-1 of RoK Criminal Code – “Production and circulation of materials with pornographic images of minors, or their attraction and involvement for participation in entertainment events of pornographic nature”.
Based on the results of interrogations of minor participants of these photo sessions and their statements about harassments of the expat, the police is going to initiate a criminal case as per Art. 124 of RoK Criminal Code – “Corruption of minors”. The complex of judicial examinations has been appointed and the process is ongoing. On the basis of investigation materials and judicial examinations the level of his restriction will be selected.
All investigative actions with participation of minors are carried out only in the presence of their parents and lawful representatives, psychologists and staff from educational bodies.

Atyrau, 21/01/2014=INC News (from Ak Zhaik)

News for all expatriates in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan reduced quota for attraction of foreign labor

January 20, 17:36
Tamara Duisenova, RoK Minister of Labour and Socil ProtectionTamara Duisenova, RoK Minister of Labor and Social ProtectionThe Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the population of Kazakhstan reduced the amount of quota for attraction of foreign labor by 0.5%, i.e. down to 0.7%, reports, citing the message published on the Ministry's website. In 2013 this indicator was 1.2%.
“Hereby, I order to distribute the quota established by the resolution of the RoK Government of December 31, 2013 # 1508 “On establishment of a quota for attraction of foreign labor for exercise of profession on RoK territory in 2014” at a rate of 0.7 percent to economically active population of the republic, between regions, the cities of Astana and Almaty according to the annex to the current order”, - reads the message in the order dated January 13 of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the population of Rock Tamara Duisenova.

Atyrau,21/01/2014-INC News (from Ak Zhaik)

Euro-Jihad? Radicalised EU citizens raise terror spectre on home front


Протестующие в Киеве устанавливают катапульту

Какой будет Россия в 2025? Дискуссия в "Пятом этаже"

Olympic Torch in Volgograd

The Olympic torch is arrived in Volgograd, in a atmosphere not really calm, due to a tentative, from Islamist militants, to stop the games, as imposed to Putin in a message to him addressed.
Sochy: arrival of Olympic torch

Atyrau,21/01/2014-INC News

Again on Hollande case

We can believe that marketing is marketing, and also that journalism is the real face of the daily life, but in our opinion now it seems to us exaggerated the level of curiosity...probably better to define it as morbosity?
Pictures from gossip magazines

Atyrau, 21/01/2014-INC News

Is it ready to begin a civilian war in Kiev?

If the situation still like this, could be easy transform a simple demonstration in a civilian war...
new pictures from Kiev

Atyrau, 21/01/2014-INC News

Monday, January 20, 2014

Фигурное катание - зачет


Все три медали по парному катанию по-праву ушли  в россиискую капилку в зачете на 
5-м чемпионате Европы в Будапеште перед Сочинской олимпиадой.  Причем призеры золотой медали Татьяна Волосажар и Максим Траньков установили рекорд в короткой программе во всей истории чемпионат и соревнований. Первое место среди мужчин одиночного катания завоевал испанец  Хавьер Фернандес с огромным преимуществом в очках – 175.55 от россиянина Сергея Воронова  призера серебреной медали  в размере 167.04 баллов. Первое место по танцам на льду бесспорно завоевали итальнские фигуристы Анна Каппеллини и Луко Ланотте. Долгожданная победа итальянцев после 13 лет поражений в истории фигурного катания. Ажиотаж среди взрослых участников вызвала самая юная фигуристка России Юлия Липницкая, ей 15 лет. Она стала чемпионкой в соревнованиях по одиночному катанию среди женщин опередив свою соотечественницу Аделину Сотникову. Итальянка Каролина Костнер – чемпионка мира в прошлом году ухватилась за 3 место в нынешнем году.
Судя по резултатам и колличеству очков призеров чемпионата Европы  нас ожидает очень сильное и грандиозное зрелище на Олимпиаде в Сочи. Пожелаем же успехов и стальных нервов нашему фигуристу Денису Тен, ставший гордостью и надеждой Казахстана, а также призером серебренной медали на всемирном чемпионате в Канаде.
Казахстанцы, не забудьте скрестить пальцы во время выступления Дениса известного еще в народе как Женис Тен. Женис по казахски означает победа. Нарекли и обрели, пусть его новое имя принесет ему удачу на олимпиаде в Сочи.

Again earthquake in Italy

Again the Peninsula shacked its lands few hours ago, in the middle of the country, with magnitude 4.2. It is not the first time Italy has earthquakes, last one was on 29/12/2013. People run away home and all emergency troops have been alerted for possible injuries from Matera up to Naples. The news has been delivered by the media now.

Atyrau, 20/01/2014- INC News

Claudio Abbado: a life in orchestra and in music

At the age of 80, Claudio Abbado left his orchestra and Teatro La Scala, due to a long a painful sickness. With Claudio we lost one of the most important Opera and Symphony Orchestra director of our age, and artistic director of the Berliner Philarmonic Orchestra and Stadsopera in Wien.
Atyrau, 20/01/2014 - INC News

Celebration of Epiphany in Russia - no comment

Violent protests in Kiev: Rioters beat up police officers

Dear Oscar...

We are at the usual, just a few days ago ended the Golden Globe and now, after the nominations, unleashed criticism: everything already planned or choices were made under a purely commercial and not artistic act? The films produced were really on the list with so many nominations or nominations have been produced by themselves? For decades, the problem of the choices to get to the podium Oscar has always been at the center of media attention.

Atyrau, 20/01.2014 - INC News

Italy under snow

If in Kazakhstan we have not yet seen the real snowfall as in the past -and this is strange-in Europe, especially in Italy the weather conditions are on the way to deteriorate the balancing of a season that it is not as usual, and a lot of places complain floods, landslides, snowfall exceptional with consequent serious damages for populations.
Atyrau,20/01/2014-INC News

Ukraine: non-stop of violence in Kiev

We argue that people have the right to choose how to live, if people means the majority of more than 51% of the population that decides the way forward. It is not humanly conceivable that a government becomes repressive when the decision to move on in order to progress. Ukraine has always been considered European, and Maastricht has never expressed doubts about the admission of it in the European Union. So why get to the civil war?
Atyrau, 20/01/2014 - INC News