Sunday, October 27, 2013


From sky news we read news that train companies are warning commuters of widespread cancellations and disruption ahead of the approaching storm.
For the comfort of everybody reads us from the UK, we publish here what could be the first instruction in case of Jude arrival: (from sky news)

Stay indoors if possible and take extra care if venturing out
Avoid seafronts, quaysides and jetteries
Stay up to date with weather forecast and warnings
Carry a fully charged mobile if outdoors
Establish evacuation plans
Place valuable items upstairs to limit flood damage
Ensure gutters are clear so water can drain away
Give high-sided vehicles, caravans, motorbikes and bicycles plenty of space
Delay travel by two or three hours on Monday morning
Check transport websites for the latest information

(Info retrieved from website sky news and their +Copyrightys )

Atyrau, 27-10-13, MikhailLermontov

ATTENTION - UK area and North other European Nations

Sky News breaked the video news informing that Mr. Cameron alerted Community about the approach of the storm, imminent, giving the proper instruction to the people.

Atyrau, 27-10-13Mikhail Lermontov

New Hurricane in arrival? St.Jude on England


Sky news published the elevated risk to have serious damages or destruction due to the arrival of the St Jude storm. Effectly the weather conditions in many lands of the world in these months noted many changing of the recurrence of weather conditions, more stable in the last years respect nowadays.
Probably it will not like this, and we hope that weather condition will be much better in the period where Jude will arrive (between Sunday and Monday). Anyway I always suggest -in case like this - do not be anxious or take dramatic action, but be more serious in what to do in case of hurricane and keep always in touch with weather situation or by phone or by tv or by computer.
In case of worst situation we keep info our community.

Atyrau, 27 October 2013, Mikhail Lermontov

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Non posso credere che nessuno sappia qualche cosa circa questa bambina, trovata tra i rom italiani giorni fa. Non mi e' facile credere che guardando una foto segnaletica, tutto rimane nel buio e la piccola splendida e dolce biondina spaventata sia frutto di un oblio...
Pertanto si e' deciso di dare aiuto alle Forse di Polizia pubblicando la foto segnaletica da loro prodotta, affinche' tutti si possa guardare il viso della bimba e dare alla polizia quelle informazioni che servono a riconoscere chi ella sia e da dove provenga.
Potete chiamare in anonimato, se volete, ma se sapete chiamate.

Atyrau, 22 October 2013-Mikhail Lermontov

I can not believe that no one knows anything about this girl, found in a camp of  Italian Rom days ago. Not easy for me to believe that looking at a mug shot, everything remains in the dark and the small beautiful and sweet little blonde scared is the result of an oblivion ...
Therefore it was decided to give assistance to the Police; maybe publishing the mug produced by them,  we can look at the face of the child very well and give to Police the information they need to recognize who she is and where she comes from.
You can call anonymously, if you want, but if you know something please call.

Atyrau, 22 October 2013-Mikhail Lermontov

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Animals become human?

We're almost getting used to for quite some time, to see behavior "human" by animals, and more and more animal-like behavior on the part of "human."
I'm sure many of us remember the case of the lioness at the zoo in Berlin, who stood next to his companion suffering from Parkinsonism until his death. Well, today the world press is dealing with a new case, always in the kingdom of felines: a male lion, treated by serious injury by a woman, thanked his savior, seeing her again, in a very unusual way ... Look the clip to believe. Now, do the right consideration: who is the real animal, if a father gets to the point of beating up his infant son in the hospital ? (news of Italian media of yesterday)

Atyrau, 17-10-2013, Mikhail Lermontov

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Сыграем в шахматы!

Меня застал шок, когда я увидела шахматную доску прямо на площади Махамбета в городе Атырау. Потому как в городе редко встречаешь блестящие идеи в области культуры. Я посчитала нужным остаться и понаблюдать за этим зрелищем и не ошиблась. Через пару минут подошли двое мужчин отиграть партию шашек. Вот тут я не смогла не включить свою камеру в своем универсальном мобильном устройстве Самсунг. Вообщем поглядите сами... У меня больше нет комментарий.
А вот администрацию города надо похвалить за такой умный жест для развития интеллекта местных жителей города Атырау. 

@ Copyright 2013-Mira Kartbayeva. All rights reserved. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

.WANTED! Madelaine cold case, and not only her..

The case of Madelaine has been opened again, and now Scotland Yard has an identification of the possible murder. I consider the case of Madeleine only one of the hundred international cases of mysterious disappearances of babies, in particular the 2 twins kidnapped by their father in Italy, and the case of Rosita Celentano, practically dissolved in the air the same day of her disappearance more than 20 years ago. Many others are still cases without resolution, like Orlandi's case in Vatican, and I find correct to give a help to the Interpol or Scotland Yard or Carabinieri publishing also in our commentary news, the picture of the guy they are searching.
So, please: if someone of you remember something about this person, call the police station of your town and explain your opinion. We all have the power to help the Official Institutions of Police to stop the activity of a criminal person which can continue to live around us without problems.

Atyrau, 14-10-2013, Mikhail Lermontov

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cheating death

Some people play dead to stay alive while others dare to come face to face and play with death.
26 years old Elaine Dang, an American expat in Nairobi (Kenya), told her astonishing story of surviving during the terror attack at Nairobi's Westgate mall. She pretended to be dead among a pile of shot bodies to save her life.
If you read the story you can closely imagine what had happened in that 4 day siege. Hostages desperately struggle for their lives using extremely all kinds of methods even such as acting. It is known that in a high extreme situation, when something threatening your life and when panic possess your mind, you loose a wit and it becomes harder to make any appropriate decision.
Thus while someone tries to manage his wit to find a way out of such a dreadful situation there are people who consciously steps closer towards death. One such man a wingsuit flyer Victor Kovats has been found fatally crushed after his practice jump into a valley in China. Rescuers say that apparently the reason of crush could be a failure of parachute deploy.

Kovats was also an experienced skydiver and base jumper. These kinds of sport are well known as the most dangerous and extremely risky, besides they are prohibited in many countries because of the fatal consequences that unfortunately sometimes happen. Every jumper realizes that each jump could be their last. Despite these barriers they have numerous lovers and fans all over the world and maybe the matter of danger vise versa escalate their passion to their lovely activity.
We don’t know what jumpers feel when they soar in the air above the beautiful nature as we have never experienced it. But it is obvious that Victor Kovats had a great flow of adrenaline and certainly got the feelings of joy, freedom and maybe victory. Unfortunately this time the moment of pleasure lasted just right until he pulled the ring of parachute, after that he just wanted to live. How much jumpers want to live? It depends on the parachute.

Astana, 12/10/13, Bolat Kartbayev      

Friday, October 11, 2013

Nobel prize throughout life price

An incredible courage and strength has been demonstrated by 16 old Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai undoubtedly a winner for a Nobel prize. She's been hardly recovered from the recent attack on the Taliban terrorists, who has found the power in her brave and ambitious heart to speak up for the women's right of dignity and quality of life; for children's right of education. She said: ''I am the one of the million injured children'' by the streams of terrorism and human's ignorance. And she does not see the shooting her offenders as a payment back – incredible mercy!
It is absolutely true about violence over women in India, Pakistan and other Asian countries. Thousands of women are committed to domestic violence each day. Fairly Malala addressed her speech to women as if recalling them to fight for the rights of dignity and good life. Who else except Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg won the battle for equal opportunities and women's suffrage. Valentina Tereshkova and  Marie Curie proved to all the world that women can achieve outstanding goals and stand together with the men at the same pedestal in science, fly to the space. Malala is a beautiful example of brave and kind hearted woman.  At the age of egoism and cynicism this young brave lady has spoken in such a wise manner and so desperately stands for the rights of victims.  And she fairly deserves honour and respect. Well done, MalalaYousafzai!!!

Atyrau, 11/10/2013-Mira Kartbayeva

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ұлыбританияның Хамберсайд әуежайында, біз тек Голливуд киноларында тамашалайтын жағдай орын алды:

Ауырып қалған ұшқыштың орнына ұшақты жолаушы қондырған...
Ұшқыш әуеде аяқастынан ауырып қалып, шағын ұшақты әрі қарай жүргізе алмайтынын біліп, апат сигналын беруге мәжбүр болды. Әуежай өкілінің айтуынша, ұшақ тізгінін  қолына алған жолаушымен сөйлесуге дереу екі ұшақ нұсқаушысы шақырылды. Жолаушының ұшу тәжірибесі өте аз болған және бұрын-соңды ұшақты қондырып көрген емес. Осыған қарамастан, ол ұшақты әуежайға сәтті қондыра білген. Бортта бір жолаушы мен ұшқыш екеуі ғана болған.  Sky News
Бұндай жағдай көбіне «экшн» жанырындағы киноларда көп кездеседі, тіпті біреулерінде үлкен, ауыр және адамға лық толы жолаушы ұшағын әйел адамдар қондырып жатады. Алайда, өмірде бұндай ерлікті қайталау оңайға түспейді. Ұшақты қондыру - ұшыруға  қарағанда әлдеқайда қиын екенін білетін боларсыңдар?!. Оған мен әуе компаниясында жұмыс істеп жүріп, ұшқыштар кабинасында ұшудың бір сәті түсіп қалған кезде көзім жетті.
Алматы-Ақтөбе рейсі, қателеспесем Airbus 320 борты. Ұшар алдында борт командирі мені техника қәіпсіздік ережесімен таныстырып, төтенше жағдайда қандай шара қолдану керктігі жөнінде аз ғана нұсқау жүргізіп өтті. Ең басты ереже – кабинада үн шығармау! Аз уақыттан кейін біз жерден көтеріліп бұлт арасынан бір-ақ шықтық. Ұшу барысында командир және көмекші ұшқыш алдарында қаптап тұрған түрлі экран-датчиктерге қарап, тұтқа-түймелерді басып, бұрап қояды. Ұшақ сілкініп, тербетіліп қалған кезде жаныңды қоярға жер таба алмай, ішіңнен бар білетін иман-кәлимаңды айта бастайсың. Міне, осындай сәттерде жаңағы кинолар да есіңе түседі. «Алда-жалда мына екеуіне бірдеңе болып қалып, ұшақ жүргізу жүгі менің мойныма артылатын болса қайтем?», деген ойлар да кетеді. «Қой, қайдағы жоқ киноларды қарап алып, сандырақтап тұрғаным несі?! Бұл тек кинода ғана болатын жағдай», деп өзімді-өзім жұбатып қоямын. Екі ұшқыш ширақ қимылдай бастады. Не болды екен деп сыртқа көз тастап едім, төмендей бара жатканымызды байқадым. Әуе кемесі төмендеген сайын тепе-теңдікті ұстау қиындай түседі.Ұшақ шайқалған күйі әуежайдың ұшып-қону жолының қақ төбесінен табылды. Ең қиыны да, қорқыныштысы да  осы – қондыру үдерісі. Бұл жауапкершілікті командир толықтай өз мойнына алады. Алдымен, ол тепе-теңдік орнатып, ұшақтың екі қанатын теңдей етіп горизонтальды қалыпқа келтірді, оны олар арнайы датчиктен қарап отырады екен. Артынан ол бірқалыпты ұшақты отырғыза бастады, шасси дөңгелектерінің шиқылдаған дыбысы ішке естілді. Командир ұшақты өте жақсы қондырып, бізді Ақтөбе қаласына аман-есен жеткізді.
Міне осындай қиындықтарды ескере отырып, ұшақты қондыра білген жолаушыға тәнті боласың. Алайда, Sky News сайтына сенсек, жолаушының аз да болса ұшу тәжірибесі болған және олар осы  сапарға оқу-тәжірибелік мақсатпен шыққан. Дегенмен, адам сенімді ақтап, өзнің және ұшқыштың өмірін сақтап қалды. Осы ерлігі үшін әуежай, өрт сөндіру және жедел-жәрдем қызметкерлері ду қол шапалақтап ризашылығын білдірген екен.

Астана,  09/10/13, Болат Қартбаев      

Poor Alitalia...

Scrolling the international tabloids for  the news of today, especially those about economics, I noted one thought dedicated to Alitalia situation.
Honestly, I grieve to this situation that we hoped resolved last year. Instead we are again, and if it were not for ENI to give bunker, would we be without the national flag carrier. But until when ENI can refuel Company aircrafts? Italy now has borrowed up to the neck, and if they do not find a solution as soon as possible to close all the holes from where exit billion euro's, it could really be Italy the second Greece in Europe. But, I wonder in my heart, all these numerical values ​​of money gone, that for some time are composed of 12 digits, such as roads have taken and why no one has ever thought to stop this Italian euthanasia? Why it seems that all Nations need the end of this Mother Country?

Atyrau, 09-10-2013, Mikhail Lermontov

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Enjoy your meal in Atyrau, acceptance or reality? (editorial)

It has recently renewed its local "Rucola", an Italian restaurant managed by Russian-Kazakh. But as Rucola in the last three years have borne many of them, following the false line of Italian cuisine or European in general. I say false line because in reality the defined Italian cuisine differs a little from the original, but this is absolutely tolerable. Perhaps it is less tolerable that the menu contains the description of the dishes with incorrect definitions in written form: just copy what is written in the web to avoid seeing in the "Pasta all'acarbonata", "Fussili wing Bellflower",  “Macaroni Pasta a la matriziana ", and so on. It must be said, however, that in Kazakhstan and in Russia in general, none of expatriates have ever explained to them that Pasta is the generic definition of the food and macaroni is just one of 45 types of pasta, which should be treated in its own right and cooked in a different way.
In three years, I said, were born many restaurants that have attracted my attention to "cook as a hobby”, attraction entirely positive for the desire that you are having in the city' to want to change, want to open new activities, to live better citizen and to follow in their free time, offering diversification in public catering, and many of the new premises are very stylish, comfortable, worthy to be there a few hours in the company of friends or relatives. Some, then, have a kitchen very new and very thorough in the presentation.
After visiting these places often think I can take responsibility 'to give a ranking (mind you, mine and others) of the places where I have eaten lunch or dinner or something over the counter. Here is my review of them, editing everyday the review of a couple of them.

Violet - Local simple, modern furnishings, with no great pretensions, but has different private rooms and banquet, which makes it quite competitive this restaurant, where every evening from 22, there is always music, a bit repetitive in its genre but well played by a band not Kazakh or European. The dishes are standard, along the lines of the traditional European restaurants to international cuisine, very good and well presented soups and very tender and well served meat. If it is not very accurate bar service,  valid instead the dining staff, attentive and friendly. You can enjoy good European or South American wine to a very competitive price. It is a really very good restaurant for business lunch: fast, economical and agreeable. At the side of the restaurant it is located a cafeteria where is possible to eat sandwiches or a piece of cake with tea or coffee, as the break of the day in replacing the classical lunch. It is suggested for everyday life. Rating: + + + +
Sancak - Classic Turkish restaurant, located in a preferential location absolutely, being right in the middle of its street, along with other two locals . Offices and banks have traditionally made use of their nice kitchen of the 'Aegean and its decor is anything but kitsch. There are many places to sit and really very fast girls at the tables, they have to do real marathons during lunch (the restaurant is often the most time and attendance, at noon.) Almost all dishes of Turkish origin or the Aegean, you can afford to grease a pound a delicious oriental dinner, served with taste, then if something goes small disservice by staff, you can turn a blind eye. The flow rates are perhaps excessive, such as quantity, but is part of the tradition, especially in Antalya and Instambul. The bread, then, is renowned throughout the world for its fragrance and flavor freshly cooked. Great coffee (turkish) and nice local managers, customers always around so you do not have unpleasant surprises. Price matching what you order and how to vote: + + + +

Atyrau, 4-10-2013, Mikhail Lermontov (continue)

O Lampedusa O Morte! (bilingual news)

Aprire il giornale e dover leggere che ancora e di più che mai sono morti altri 30 poveri innocenti emigrati nel tentativo di arrivare nella Terra Divina chiamata Italia, fa solo stare male. Senza contare che ne hanno contati altri 300 dispersi in mare. Prima ci si chiedeva come o perchè questi disperati vendessero anche il corpo pur di arrivare a vivere in Italia. Ora ci si chiede se siamo arrivati a permettere di buttare a mare esseri umani inservibili, dopo averli depredati di tutto, compreso la loro dignità umana. Si trovano mille scusanti per rispondere no a questo sterminio silente, che io chiamerei una nuova Shoa. Bisognerebbe permettere loro di poter vivere nella loro terra degnamente, si tratta solo di mandare in quei luoghi del denaro che non si vuole trovare. Ma per andare con le prostitute tutti si trova il denaro, anzi, si fanno pure debiti. Il giro delle squillo nella sola Europa rende alla malavita 132 miliardi di euro l'anno. Ebbene, se questo denaro lo si versasse nelle casse dello Stato e si aiutasse chi ne ha bisogno davvero, l'anno successivo si potrebbe scopare in tutta tranquillità, avendo anche fatto del bene al mondo. Ma questa è un'altra storia, non è vero?.

To Open the newspaper and having to read that again and more than ever died 30 other innocent people emigrated in an attempt to get to the Divine Land called Italy, just makes you feel bad. Not to mention that they have counted another 300 people lost at sea. In the beginning we wondered how or why these desperate people would sell even the body in order to get to live in Italy. Now we wonder if we got to afford to jettison humans useless, after being robbed of everything, including their human dignity. There are a thousand excuses to say  ”no”  to this silent  extermination, which I would call a new Shoah. We should allow them to live with dignity in their own land, it is just to send the money in those places , money that we do not want to find. But to go with prostitutes all the money is easily present, in fact, we do as well debts for this. The market of call-girls in Europe alone makes the underworld 132 billion euro a year. Well, if this money  we put  into the coffers of the state and would help those who need it really, the next year you could fuck in peace, having also done some good in the world. But that's another story, is not it?.

Atyrau, 4 Ottobre 2013, Mikhail Lermontov

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fashion 2014 in Milan

I observed through "Fashion TV"  fashion shows that were held in Milan, now decreed the world's fashion capital. I also took a look at the new "sacred monsters" of the Fashion creation, new "griffe" and new ideas of young people, to whom goes all my respect. But I have noticed a lack of imagination of good taste in clothes for men and women, it seemed that models wearied as walk-on in a movie and not wearing clothes for normal life. The "pret-a-porter was innovative but not so elegant, from my sensation; we will see in the "haute couture" what the new stylists decided for us. And in reality we have to follow them, they are the new painters of our modern epoca and if we want to be "a la page" we have to wear something that probably we do not want but we wish.
Sure, I can accept the plunging necklines and skirts thong, but maybe the designers have forgotten that the majority of women who then would want to wear these clothes, do not have in the reality measures so perfect, often the breasts are a 90 D cup! Can you imagine a woman size XXL wearing a skirt thong? Beautiful colors and fabulous tissues, of course, as remarkable effort in the creation of exclusive models, but let me tell you ... Coco Chanel or Dior or Valentino ..... ah, what kind of fantasy and magic colors in invention of clothes!

(original comment)
Atyrau, 02-10-2013
Mikhail Lermontov

Pasta e Basta

13 hours yesterday. I put myself at the table and sink a fork in very jummy bucatini pasta with salmon, reading the news of the day. I thought that the news on the
marriage of two Barilla macaroni aired on television recently, it was a news item in its own right. But no. I read today in Reuter that Guido Barilla had to apologize to the audience-thinking about publishing of the subversive clip, on the homosexual couple's marriage and  represented by two macaroni and for what he said in an interview about his thinking on homosexuality  What a shame to read the bitter words of Guido. But what kind of excuse should they make as a family that has generated the dough in the world, and which has always supported philanthropically in all respects jobs and well-managed social situation somewhat uncomfortable as the Italian one, where child abuse and femicide are still despicable acts in first place in the ranking? What one should be ashamed even today, when to make advertising a piece of clothing you use the naked body of a woman who submits to the desires of a male "manager" (but is really known the definition of managers)? We are ashamed to say, to admit that families are no longer the same as in the past, we are ashamed of sexual freedom, we are ashamed to let people know that we are different ... Oh, my God, but still there are people like that, today, in the era of three thousand years, after 50 years of struggle for the total liberation of all? So why the struggle for liberation has been made ​​and accepted, even though we are ashamed to say that our son / daughter is gay? At the Barilla family goes all my support and solidarity: on their part was not committed any crime or against the company, nor even against the family. It always hurts the reality, it is true, but it's really welcome an industrial society that knows how to tell the truth in an elegant and painless.

From Atyrau, Mikhail Lermontov 02/10/2013