Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Non posso credere che nessuno sappia qualche cosa circa questa bambina, trovata tra i rom italiani giorni fa. Non mi e' facile credere che guardando una foto segnaletica, tutto rimane nel buio e la piccola splendida e dolce biondina spaventata sia frutto di un oblio...
Pertanto si e' deciso di dare aiuto alle Forse di Polizia pubblicando la foto segnaletica da loro prodotta, affinche' tutti si possa guardare il viso della bimba e dare alla polizia quelle informazioni che servono a riconoscere chi ella sia e da dove provenga.
Potete chiamare in anonimato, se volete, ma se sapete chiamate.

Atyrau, 22 October 2013-Mikhail Lermontov

I can not believe that no one knows anything about this girl, found in a camp of  Italian Rom days ago. Not easy for me to believe that looking at a mug shot, everything remains in the dark and the small beautiful and sweet little blonde scared is the result of an oblivion ...
Therefore it was decided to give assistance to the Police; maybe publishing the mug produced by them,  we can look at the face of the child very well and give to Police the information they need to recognize who she is and where she comes from.
You can call anonymously, if you want, but if you know something please call.

Atyrau, 22 October 2013-Mikhail Lermontov

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