Saturday, July 30, 2016


Gender equality

I dedicate my today’s Editorial for a very disputable subject as gender equality.
Today, people have abused their rights in everything. Copyrights, consumer rights, children’s rights, property rights and even women’s rights. And I am not exaggerating at all.
For instance, the political arena is full of women: Hillary Clinton – nominee of the Democratic Party for the president of the USA, Angela Merkel – chancellor of Germany, Jean-Marie Le Pen – president of NF (National Front) Conservative Party of France, Tereza May – Prime Minister and Leader of the UK’s Conservative Party, Condolezza Rice – political scientist and diplomat of the USA, Dilma Roussef – president of Brazil, Gabriela Michetti – vice president of Argentina and yet more to list…
We might not be able to witness their brilliant accuracy and unforgettable talent in a political career, although they are holding up their positions.
Gender equality matters here and some of them even have surplus rights. Do they abuse them?
I think, the answer is clear. People get extremely excited about the opportunity granted  by law institutions for being equal which soon elaborates into rights abuse. This makes me upset and regret that human being has no sense of limits and  boundaries. Yesterday we posted news about Gender Equality originated from Euronews Portuguese where was covered the issue of sexual harassment in the street. Portugal public service initiated the changes to local laws about sexual harassment to liquidate any sexual assault or abuse to teenage girls. Also here I recommend to be very accurate and avoid misunderstanding. Because saying compliment can be perverted into sex invite which is absurd. We are living in a free society and men are as equal as women. We shall not accuse men for saying sweet words about particular parts of female body – this is a bizarre. Where is the sense of life then?

I reckon on the subject  of girls’ education and upbringing here. If the teenage girl has  been seriously brought up, then there is no real threat, she responds in an appropriate manner and escapes from harassment. 
My opinion to keep up everything in balance is to have less than in excess. 

Produced by Mira Kartbayeva for INC News, 30/07/2016

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