Sunday, November 8, 2015

ITALIA - Corteo antifascista a Bologna

Centinaia di poliziotti e carabinieri schierati a difesa della "zona rossa", Piazza Maggiore, oggi invasa dalla Lega Nord. Presidio in via Stalingrado, cariche delle forze dell'ordine, due attivisti fermat, un agente rimasto a terra. Gli elicotteri sorvolano la zona. Il leader del Carroccio: "Non chiediamo il permesso alle zecche"

Leftist demonstrators clashed with police in Bologna as they protested a meeting of the right-wing Northern League party leader with former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, held in the Italian city. The protesters used wooden sticks to attack the police, with the security forces using riot shields and batons to push back the angry crowd back. At least one officer was injured during the Sunday’s clashes, Reuters reported, citing the Italian media.
INC News, 08/11/2015 - via RT

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