Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Escaped Prisoner Captured in D.C.

Ex-Firefighter Arrested After Holding Hostages

Полиция Стамбула применила против протестующих водометы

Germanwings, assicuratori accantonano 300 mln di dollari per i risarcime...

Il casco russo è meglio? - hi-tech

Turchia: blitz al tribunale. Morti i sequestratori, ferito il procuratore

Nigeria elects Buhari as its new president

Istanbul hostage crisis ends in deadly shootout

Rare phenomenon: Wave clouds ripple over Georgia

Schianto Airbus, trovato un video di passeggero dove si odono urla a bordo

Un video con gli ultimi secondi di volo dell’Airbus Germanwings, trovato in un telefonino raccolto fra i rottami, è stato visionato dalla rivista francese Paris Match, che lo descrive ai lettori. Scena da incubo «talmente caotica» - scrive il settimanale francese - per cui dal gridare indistinto si capisce che a bordo erano tutti consapevoli di «quello che sarebbe successo». Impressiona soprattutto l’audio, nel resoconto del giornale: a un certo punto - per «almeno per tre volte» - si sentono dei colpi metallici secchi che lasciano pensare che il comandante Sonderheimer stia tentando di aprire la porta della cabina utilizzando un attrezzo pesante. Un’altra botta ancora. «Poi più niente».
Intanto si apprende che nel 2009, prima di riprendere l’addestramento dopo diversi mesi di interruzione, Andreas Lubitz aveva scritto alla scuola piloti Lufthansa informandoli di «un grave episodio depressivo poi rientrato». Lo rende noto la stessa compagnia.
La Lufthansa specifica di aver consegnato agli inquirenti numerosi documenti interni, anche di natura medica, e tutti gli scambi di mail intercorsi tra il pilota e la scuola. Dopo l’interruzione, precisa Lufthansa, «al copilota è stata confermata la necessaria abilitazione medica al volo». 
Secondo quanto riferito da un portavoce di Lufthansa, Michael Lamberty, le compagnie assicuratrici della società hanno destinato per il momento 300 milioni di dollari a coprire i possibili costi legati allo schianto dell’Airbus, compresi i risarcimenti per i familiari delle vittime e le spese per le operazioni di soccorso.

INC News, 31/03/2015 - via Corriere


Paris Match and Bild obtained a video taken during the final seconds of the fated Germanwings flight 4U9525 and found among the wreckage by a source close to the investigation.  Its origin – a cell phone – was clear.  The scene was so chaotic that it was hard to identify people, but the sounds of the screaming passengers made it perfectly clear that they were aware of what was about to happen to them.  One can hear cries of “My God” in several languages.  Metallic banging can also be heard more than three times, perhaps of the pilot trying to open the cockpit door with a heavy object.  Towards the end, after a heavy shake, stronger than the others, the screaming intensifies.  Then nothing.  This version of the final moments of the Germanwings flight is confirmed by another element we recently obtained:  the information from the “Cockpit Voice Recorder,” one of the A320’s two black boxes.  This one recorded the sounds and conversations in the cockpit.  Its contents were described in detail by a special investigator.  Here is his account.
10:00 am The airplane takes off. 
10:10 The Captain says to Lubitz:  “I didn’t have time to use the bathroom before taking off.”  Lubitz: “Go whenever you’d like.”
 10:27 The plane has reached cruising altitude:  38000 feet (11.500 meters) The captain asks Lubitz to prepare the approach for landing and to verify that the plane can begin the landing process.  Lubitz obeys.  He repeats to the captain again:  “You can go.  You can go now.”
10:28 Noise can be heard coming from a seat:  the captain removes his seatbelt.  The door is opened.  The captain says to Lubitz: “You are in control now.” Lubitz answers with a seemingly light tone of voice: “I hope so.” 
10:30 Lubitz is alone in the cockpit.  He locks the armored door with the “Lock” button:  it is no longer possible to open the door from the outside. The one can hear the sounds of the automatic pilot being reprogrammed to accelerate the descent, pushing the plane from 38,000 feet (11.000 meters) to 100 feet (30 meters) in a matter of minutes. 
10:33 The landing begins: the plane drops 3000 feet (900 meters) per minute. Air traffic controllers detect the problem.  They try several times to contact the airplane by radio.  Lubitz does not respond. The captain’s voice can be heard as he tries to open the door: “It’s me!” The captain is facing a camera connected to the cockpit:  Lubitz sees him on screen but does not react.  The captain grabs an oxygen tank or fire extinguisher in order to break down the door.No response from Lubitz.  The captain yells: “For the love of God, open this door!”  
10:34 approximately A first alarm goes off, audible and visual:  “SINK RATE, PULL UP.” No reaction from Lubitz. Through the cockpit door, the first sounds of passengers running in the aisles can be heard.  
10:35 The captain asks for the crowbar hidden in the back of the plane. Louder bangs can be heard hitting the door, followed by metallic sounds. The captain tries to bend the door with the crowbar.  
10:37 and several seconds A second alarm is set off, audible and visual:  “TERRAIN, PULL UP.”  Still no reaction from Lubitz. The captain yells: “Open this f… door!”  
10:38 Despite the deafening noises, Lubitz’s breathing can cleary be heard through an oxygen mask he put on.  He is breathing normally. The plane is at 13000 feet (4000 meters).  
10:40 A violent sound can be heard outside.  At the same time, inside, screaming. The Airbus hits the mountain with its right wing. No other sound, save for the alarms and the screaming passengers.
 10:41 The airplane hits the Estrop mountain range at 5000 feet (1500 meters) at 800 km/h.


California medical facility evacuated after shots fired

A medical facility in Fresno, California was evacuated on Tuesday after officials received reports of shots being fired. Witnesses told reporters in Fresno on Tuesday morning that a man with possibly two guns had entered a building. Local reporters on the scene in downtown Fresno said law enforcement described the situation as “unstable” as of 12 noon local time on Tuesday.

TURKIA - FINE DELL'INCUBO DI OGGI - Istanbul, giudice sequestrato in tribunale Ferito durante blitz, due estremisti uccisi

Dopo sette ore di trattative fallite, le forze speciali irrompono nel tribunale di Istanbul per liberare l'ostaggio: esplosioni, fumo e colpi di arma da fuoco. Nelle mani dei 'brigatisti' era finito il giudice titolare dell'inchiesta sulla morte di un 15enne a Gezi Park: non è ancora stato trovato il poliziotto che gli sparò.

Leggi articolo completo QUI
INC News, 31/03/2015 - via Repubblica


Firefighters reported taken hostage in Pennsylvania firehouse

An armed man is apparently holding people hostage inside of a firehouse in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Local media reports that the hostage situation began unfolding just before 11 a.m. local time at the Cheltenham Fire Department in southeastern PA.

Police Search For Missing Boy In South London

Smash & grab: Burglars drive through shopping center, ram-raid jewelry s...

Freak snow storm swallows bridge in Siberia

Turkish prosecutor held at gunpoint

Eurozona, inflazione negativa a marzo. Ma per gli esperti il rimbalzo è ...

Moda e Internet, l'italiana Yoox si fonde con la francese Net-a-Porter -...

Denise Huskins: Was Alleged California Kidnapping a Hoax?

ENGLAND - British women dissatisfied and uninterested in sex

Women in Britain are experiencing widespread disinterest in sex, with a nearly half of sexually active women reporting at least one problem in the past year, according to a University of Cambridge professor.  Some 40 percent of men, too, have experienced problems. But unlike women, they don’t attribute their bedroom issues to a lack of interest. While the population is perpetually confronted with lithe and athletic actors performing steamy and passionate sex scenes, the reality of Britain’s bedrooms presents a far bleaker picture.
Read this interesting article HERE
INC News, 31/03/2015 - via RT

SPAIN - Spanish hospital performs world's most complex ‘face transplant’

A Spanish hospital claims it has successfully performed the most complex ‘face transplant’ ever. The medics managed to reconstruct the lower part of the face of the man who was terribly afflicted by a disease. Physicians in Barcelona performed what they call a 'face transplant', although no information about a donor was made available.  The 27-hour-long surgery was performed at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital back in February, the hospital said in a statement. It was conducted by a huge team of 45, which included physicians, nurses, anesthesiologists and other health professionals. 
Read article HERE
INC News, 31/03/2015 - via RT/Reuters

Saudi Arabia "seeking clarification" about deadly explosion in Yemen camp

Censorship fighters under attack

Morocco responds to ISIS threat

Manhunt underway for armed prisoner

Turkey: Massive power cuts hit big cities - BBC News

ISTANBUL - Magistrato preso in ostaggio, avviate le trattative

La polizia ha avviato trattative con i presunti membri del gruppo Dhpk-C che tengono in ostaggio il magistrato Mehmet Selim Kiraz al sesto piano del palazzo di Giustizia di Istanbul, ha indicato il vice-procuratore capo della megalopoli del Bosforo Vedat Yigit citato da Hurriyet. 
Il magistrato in ostaggio è il responsabile dell'inchiesta sull'uccisione del quattordicenne Berkin Elvan durante le manifestazioni di Gezi Park. Colpi di arma da fuoco sono stati udito nell'edificio. La foto del magistrato con una pistola puntata contro il capo è stata diffusa su internet.

INC News, 31/03/2015 - via ANSA AP

ISTANBUL - upadated situation

Police have evacuated a courthouse in Turkey after a far-right group took an Istanbul prosecutor hostage and threatened to kill him.The Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) published a picture of the prosecutor with a gun to his head. The prosecutor is leading an investigation into the death last year of a teenager wounded during anti-government protests.  Fifteen-year-old Berkin Elvan died last March after nine months in a coma from a head wound sustained in anti-government protests.


An Istanbul prosecutor has been taken hostage by an armed leftist group called the DHKP/C. The official was handling the case of 15-year-old who died in a police gas attack. The attackers posted pictures on Twitter.
The prosecutor was leading the case of Berkin Elvan, 15, who died last March after being in a coma for nine months. He sustained his injuries during anti-government protests last year.

KAZAKHSTAN - Storm warning

Emergency department of Atyrau Oblast circulated information about storm warning on March 31. Dust storm, southeast wind with gushes up to 17-22 meters per second are expected. In Atyrau wind force is expected to be 15-20 m/s, reads the message.
Southwest wind started to increase on the night of March 28. According to emergency department press service, on March 29, in the village of Ganyushkino the wind ripped half of two-storeyed building roof of regional treasury department. No victims reported.

INC News, 31/03/2015 - via AKZHAIK

GERMANIA - Airbus Germanwings, Andreas Lubitz era a rischio suicidio

Andreas Lubitz, il copilota del volo Germanwings schiantatosi sulle Alpi francesi, prima di iniziare la carriera professionale di pilota era stato classificato come ''a rischio suicidio'' ed era per questo in terapia. Lo ha reso noto la procura di Duesseldorf. Il trattamento psicoterapeutico era stato comunque concluso prima dell'inizio del percorso che lo ha portato alla licenza di volo professionale, ha precisato ancora il portavoce parlando durante un incontro con la stampa convocato in procura nella città tedesca.

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 31/03/2015 -via ANSA

AMERICA - ‘Emergency alert’ sparks panic among TV viewers nationwide

The residents of about a dozen US states received a scare when an ominous message rolled across their TV screens announcing an ‘emergency alert’ with the names of their states – without any explanation or further information.
A test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) began shortly before noon on Monday and was seen by millions of television viewers in Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington, DC, Infowars reported.
INC News, 31/03/2015 - via RT


Shots fired in Virginia hospital during prisoner escape

Gunshots have been heard in one of the largest hospitals in Northern Virginia, police authorities say, adding the situation reportedly involves a prisoner escape. The incident happened in Invoa Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, Fairfax County Police spokesperson Ellen Pittman told CBS news. She confirmed shots had been fired, but it was unclear who fired them or if anyone in the hospital was injured.

В Бангладеш убивают одного за другим блогеров-атеистов

Катастрофа МН-17: следствие ищет свидетелей, видевших "Бук

Bangladesh. Blogger "troppo laico" ucciso a Dacca, il secondo in un mese

MH17: inquirenti a caccia di testimoni per confermare ipotesi dell'abbat...

Bangladeshi blogger is hacked to death for speaking out against religiou...

MH17 crash: Video appeal launched for BUK rocket witnesses


Massive power cut has struck across Turkey

A massive power cut has struck across Turkey, triggered by transmission line problems. Flightradar reports 11 of Turkey's 16 FR24 air traffic control (ATC) receivers are down and flights in and out of Istanbul are being affected.

Updating follows once received from web

Chopper Crash Kills 2 During Forest Service Burn

Raw: Iran Nuclear Talks Held on Deadline Day

Movie 04 30 03 15 рус

Many dead in 'air strike on north Yemen refugee camp'

Shooting at NSA Headquarters: One Man Killed by Gunfire


Missing UC Berkeley student found dead in Los Angeles

(Reuters) - A University of California, Berkeley student who had been missing since leaving a fraternity party at another campus at the weekend has been found dead, a Los Angeles police spokesman said on Monday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Heavy blasts outside Yemen’s capital, attack on Scud missile storage feared

Pillars of fire are rising over the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, according to dramatic images

 flooding social media, amid reports that a Scud missile facility on Faj Attan Hill, just

 outside the city, has fallen under a new attack.

8 Dead After Church Van Crashes in Florida

Putin, Obama & Merkel among victims of G20 leaders’ data breach in Austr...

At least twelve killed in multiple car accident in Turkey

Amanda Knox' ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito says 'life can begin again'

Жаналықтар / 30 наурыз 20:30 / анонс

В Караганде минус 20, но талые воды продолжают топить села

В Мангистау хозяйничает небывалая песчаная буря

Бывшую гражданскую жену Немцова допросили по делу об его убийстве

Шесть грабителей в масках всего за минуту похитили банкомат с 9 млн рублей

Per gli antichi Egizi, birra sulle spiagge di Tel-Aviv

GermanWings: si continua a cercare la seconda scatola nera

Francia: ampia vittoria del centro-destra alle amministrative

Giappone: protesta a Nago contro la costruzione della nuova base Usa

Nuova "Via della Seta", mercati cinesi ai massimi da sette anni - economy

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO has designs on the 2016 US presidential race

Forensic scientists find 78 different DNA strands so far at Germanwings ...

Lufthansa fears second Germanwings black box may never be found

Japanese row heightens over US military base move

Japon : affrontements autour du démantèlement de la base aérienne de Fut...

Zone euro : le climat économique s'améliore - economy

Police investigating incident at NSA

Boko Haram Kills Dozens of Nigerian Voters

Germany Grants Copilot's Family Time to Grieve

Germanwings:‬ Andreas Lubitz 'had treatment for suicidal tendencies' - B...

University of Minnesota Student Goes Missing

Man Charged With Spring Break Party Shooting

Thousands protest new anti-gay law in Indiana state

Air Canada Plane Crash-Lands, Investigation Underway

Firefighter's Dangerous Fall Into Fire Caught on Video

Ақтауда шаңды дауыл салдарынан екі әуе рейсі кешікті


GERMANY - Germanwings co-pilot treated for suicidal tendencies years ago

Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of the Germanwings plane that crashed in the French Alps with 150 people on board last week, had undergone treatment for suicidal tendencies in the past, prosecutors said.
"Several years ago before obtaining his pilot's license the co-pilot was in a long period of psycho-therapeutic treatment with noticeable suicidal tendencies," the prosecutors' office in Duesseldorf, where the pilot lived and where the flight from Barcelona was heading, said in the statement. No signs of suicidal behavior nor aggressive tendencies towards others had been shown by Lubitz during his visits to doctors after the treatment, the prosecutors' office added.
INC News, 30/03/2015 - via RT


Vehicle rams gate at NSA headquarters, shots fired

Two people are said to be injured after a vehicle rams into the gate at Fort Mead, where headquarters for National Security Agency are located. Shots were fired following the incident. Authorities say an officer who was involved at either the crash or the shooting is one of the people injured.
Chopper footage at ABC7 shows a large presence of police cars. Emergency workers were carrying a person in uniform to one of the ambulances.

ITALIA - Delitto Meredith, Sollecito: «Non chiamatemi più assassino»

KAZAKHTAN - Man who "robbed" himself

Last week 35-y.o. citizen of Atyrau who lives in the 5th micro region of Privokzalny (rail way station) city district filed a petition with the Department of Internal Affairs that he was robbed by unknown persons.
According to the Head of Press service of Internal Affairs Department Gulnazira Mukhtarova, the applicant reported that he was robbed at night time when he was leaving a café. He was attacked by three unknown person in the street, was beaten and the robbers stole 150 thousand tenge from him. The whole day police officers conducted operative actions. And in the evening the applicant admitted that he spent all money on drinking and in order to avoid a scandal in the family, he scratched his face and filed a case with the police department. A criminal case has been initiated on this matter. According to Article 419, part 2 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan ("Deliberately false report about crime commission") such behavior envisages punishment from a fine up to three years of imprisonment. Investigation has been closed, criminal case has been handed over to the court in a simplified order.
INC News, 30/03/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

KAZAKHSTAN - Police target prostitutes in raid

During "STOP Traffic" police operative-preventive raid in Atyrau that took place on March 26-28, 19 prostitutes have been kept in a file.
According to Gulnazira Mukhtarova, the head of press service of regional Internal Affairs Department, all detained women were the visitors from the southern regions of the country.
On March 26, police officers detained 44-y.o. woman from Atyrau residing on Makhambet Street, who provided her apartment to girls who were engaged in prostitution. Concerning her an administrative report has been filed as per Art. 450 of the RoK Administrative Code ("Granting premises for prostitution or pimping").
On March 28, employees of Organized Crime Control Department caught red-handed 26-y.o. citizen of Uzbekistan- an employee of one of saunas in the city who invited girls to bath house as per clients’ requests and took for his services 2 thousand tenge. Criminal case has been initiated against him.
INC News, 30/03/2015 - via AK ZHAIK


Turkish Airlines flight to Sao Paulo issues emergency warning

A Turkish Airlines jet flying from Istanbul to Sao Paulo, Brazil has declared a state of emergency, a spokeswoman of the airlines said, adding that the plane had to divert to Casablanca, Morocco.
Soon updating

GERMANY - 70 women, including 9 schoolgirls, left Germany to join ISIS

More than 70 German women, nine of whom are schoolgirls, have left their home country for Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State, the president of the German Domestic Intelligence Service (BFV) said. According to Hans-Georg Maassen, 40 percent of those women are under the age of 25, Zeit Online reportedWhile the recruitment of young girls and women by the Islamic State is not a rare phenomenon, Maassen warned that jihadists have lately focused on luring females to join the 'caliphate' via social networks. Jihadists blog on the internet and are active on forums, where they look for women showing an interest in jihad, BFV’s president said. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants then contact the girls and women to inspire them to marry jihadists.
INC News, 30/03/2015 - via RT

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Swipe | The Team Investigates 'Brain Hacking'

Canada: A320 Air Canada finisce fuori posta a Halifax, solo contusi

Raw: Thousands March in Tunis Against Extremism

Florida Spring Break Party Ends With 7 Shot

Air Canada Flight Crash Lands, Skids Off Runway

Западные СМИ: Россия предлагает построить крупнейшую в мире автомагистраль

ITALIA - Dopo 5 anni di latitanza arrestata la broker Bruna Giri

L’ex procuratrice finanziaria Bruna Giri è stata espulsa questa mattina in Italia dalla Repubblica Dominicana, dopo essere stata arrestata nei giorni scorsi a Santo Domingo dall’Interpol di Roma: è ritenuta una dei protagonisti di una truffa da 35 milioni di euro messa a segno nella Capitale ai danni di alcuni clienti dell’alta borghesia romana cui venivano promessi investimenti con interessi da capogiro. L’inchiesta denominata «Missing money» portò all’arresto di una quindicina di persone fra consulenti, curatori fallimentari e avvocati. L’accusa per loro è di peculato, falso ideologico e riciclaggio.

INC News, 29/03/2015 - via Corriere


Arab leaders agree joint military force

Arab leaders have agreed to form a joint military force at a Sharm el-Sheikh summit, hosting Egyptian President Abdel Sisi has announced. The meeting was dominated by the situation in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia leads a bombing campaign against rebels.

​4 gas thieves killed, over 30 injured in Mexico as crashed tanker explodes

A heist to siphon off spilled gasoline from a crashed tanker in Mexico ended in tragedy with four dead and 34 people injured as the truck exploded. The victims, including two children, ignored warnings and refused to back away. An overturned tank filled with 60,000 liters (15,850 gallons) of fuel crashed on a road in southern Mexico between Villahermosa and Coatzacoalcos, Mexican officials said Saturday. Residents flocked to the crash site, attempting to collect the spilled gasoline. Local authorities issued an explosion warning, urging people to stay away from the crash site – but to no avail.
INC News, 29/03/2015 - via RT

ITALIA - Si ferma per prestare soccorso, muore investito sull’A4

Tragedia questa notte poco prima delle due sull’autostrada Torino e Milano, direzione Torino nel tratto compreso nel comune di Settimo. Un uomo, Francesco Trovato di 46 anni, è morto travolto da un auto in corso mentre era sceso dalla macchina per prestare soccorsi ai feriti di un incidente. 
La vittima è di Torino. era sceso dalla Golf dopo aver assistito quasi in diretta a un incidente tra due auto che lo precedevano. Una lancia Musa non ha fatto in tempo a frenare e pare lo abbia travolto nella carreggiata. 

INC News, 29/03/2015 - via La Stampa

TUNISIA - Woman Wounded In Tunisia Museum Attack Dies

France's President Francois Hollande has announced that a French tourist injured in the assault on Tunisia's national museum has died, bringing the total number of victims of the Islamic State attack to 22. "The President of the Republic expresses his deep sadness following the death in Tunis of Mrs Huguette Dupeu who was seriously injured" in the attack, which also claimed the lives of three other French nationals, the presidency said in a statement.
Read article HERE
INC News, 29/03/2015 - via Sky News

TUNISIA - La marcia dei leader contro il terrore, Tunisi blindata

Tunisi si prepara, tra massicce misure di sicurezza, alla marcia internazionale contro il terrorismo, mentre si allunga la scia di sangue lasciata dai terroristi nell'attentato al museo del Bardo. Una delle turiste francesi rimaste ferite quel 18 marzo è morta ieri facendo salire il bilancio a 22 morti, più i due attentatori.

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INC News, 29/03/2015 via ANSA

CCTV: Knife-wielding robber gets tasered by police

ITALY - Tear gas & batons: 8 arrested, 2 injured in Turin clashes

Lights out! Moscow, St. Petersburg go dark for Earth Hour

Masked protesters attack police station, detain 4 cops, burn cars in Mexico

ISIS "agressively" recruiting from Minnesota

Raw: Lights Out in New York for Earth Hour

CANADA - Air Canada flight crashes on runway in Halifax

Air Canada flight 624 has crashed on a runway at Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Canada, the airline has confirmed. The plane reportedly hit power lines and sustained extensive damage upon crash-landing. All passengers have deplaned, going to terminal. More updates to come.

INC News, 29/03/2015 - via RT

The nurses keeping Kabul's wounded alive

Saturday, March 28, 2015

NIGERIA - Boko Haram blamed for decapitations

Suspected Boko Haram gunmen decapitated 23 people in a raid on Buratai village in northeast Nigeria's Borno state, residents and a politician said Saturday. Scores of attackers invaded the village at 11 p.m. Friday when residents were mostly asleep and set homes on fire, hacking residents who tried to flee.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/03/2015 - via CNN

FLORIDA - Scoperta super-termite

Una "super-termite" è stata scoperta in Florida. Si tratta di un 'ibrido' nato dall'accoppiamento delle due specie più distruttive al mondo: la 'termite sotterranea asiatica' e quella di 'Formosa', responsabili di gran parte dei 40 miliardi di dollari di danni causati ogni anno dalle termiti. E' la particolare scoperta di un gruppo di entomologi dell'Università della Florida che emerge da una ricerca pubblicata dalla rivista PLoS One. 

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INC News, 28/03/2015 - via ANSA AP

Italians express mixed opinions of Amanda Knox's acquittal

At least 21 hurt when train hits car in Los Angeles

Russia: Nemtsov memorial 'removed'

China fights for relic containing mummified monk

India: Diarrhoea killing poorest children - BBC News

Raw: New Eruptions at Colima Volcano in Mexico

Electronic accreditation frustrates Nigeria voters

Hostage Takers Changed Shoppers' Lives 'In An Instant'

2015 Nurburgring Fatal Crash after Nissan Crashes into Spectator Area

RUSSIA - Who destroyed flowers and cards where Nemtsov has been killed during the night?

Today, March 28, at night some unknown guys in civilian clothes came to the scene of the murder politician Boris Nemtsov, who in the past month has become a national memorial, and just a few minutes taken away all the flowers, candles and posters. They were not exactly wipers. But within an hour after the event, people started to come with new colors. Continued to recover and memorial day.
Also, representatives of the opposition plan to collect signatures to establish a memorial plaque on the bridge, where they killed Nemtsov.
That is why it was necessary at night, still a month after the death of Nemtsov, come and defiantly remove all the flowers? Breaking does not build! Well wait to up to 40 days, and after normal working all be removed. Without such secrecy and haste, which spawned only more resentment.

INC News, 28/03/2015 - via City color.ru

GINEVRA - Un frammento metallico blocca la ripartenza del super-acceleratore Lhc

Slitta la riaccensione dell'acceleratore più grande del mondo: il Large Hadron Collider (Lhc) del Cern di Ginevra avrebbe dovuto riprendere a funzionare proprio in questi giorni dopo la pausa tecnica di due anni ma, a quanto si apprende, un frammento di metallo, residuo della produzione dei magneti, ha creato un contatto fra la struttura e le barre superconduttrici che portano la corrente ai magneti. Oggi si prevede un primo tentativo per risolvere il problema.

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INC News 28/03/2015 - via ANSA AP

Maggie Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Bresl...

ITALIA - E' morto il Re degli orafi - Gianmaria Buccellato era malato da tempo

Lutto nel mondo dell’alta gioielleria. È morto dopo una lunga malattia Gianmaria Buccellati, tra i più grandi eredi della tradizione orafa italiana che ha contribuito a portare in tutto il mondo. A darne notizia è la Reggia di Venaria, che dieci giorni fa ha inaugurato una mostra dedicata ai suoi gioielli
INC News, 28/03/2015 - via La Stampa

Tear gas, flash bangs: Montreal cops disperse hundreds of protesters

Nigeria polls open

Pope Francis meets homeless on private visit to Sistine Chapel

One-Year Crew Docks to ISS

Welcome to the Space Station - Crew change in the space

Night flight over Italy and Egypt - from ESA

Hongrie : le gouvernement Orban réfute les accusations de délit d'initié

Dépression, arrêt maladie, les révélations se multiplient sur Andreas Lu...

Ungheria: Orban travolto dal fallimento dell'agenzia ''Questor''

Omicidio Meredith, Knox e Sollecito in lacrime dopo assoluzione. Legali ...

Nigeria braces for post-election violence and bloodshed

Hungary: Orbán's government denies insider trading

Aviation experts field questions via #GermanWingsQs

Inside Google’s New CFO’s $70M Pay Package

Raw: Amanda Knox Grateful for Saga's End

Nigeria election candidate: Muhammadu Buhari

Analysts predict Brazil recession as investors look elsewhere

Germanwings Co-Pilot Allegedly Hid Illness from Airline

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Friday, March 27, 2015

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A phone call placed at around 12:30 p.m. ET prompted officials to empty out the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City as a precaution, and law enforcement officials were still investigating at the scene 80 minutes later, according to local reports.

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Molte persone non si ricordano che oggi, 27 Marzo, a 48 ore di distanza dal disastro sulle Alpi francesi, ricorre il giorno del disastro aereo all'aeroporto di Tenerife, proprio il 27 Marzo 1977. E quest'anno, il 6 luglio, saranno 27 anni che ci separano dal disastro nell'OffShore di Aberdeen, dove morirono in quelle drammatiche ore 167 persone a bordo della piattaforma Piper Alpha.
Noi di INC vorremmo ricordare entrambi i due disastri, perchè da essi tutte le regolamentazioni in materia di trasporto e attività aerea e marittima cambiarono radicalmente.
Many people do not remember that today, March 27, at 48 hours away from the disaster of the French Alps, marks the day of the plane crash at the airport of Tenerife, its March 27, 1977. And this year, on July 6, will 27 years that separate us from disaster offshore Aberdeen, where they died in those dramatic hours 167 people aboard the Piper Alpha platform.
INC We would like to remind both the two disasters, because they all regulations governing the transport and business aviation and maritime changed radically.

A-The Tenerife airport disaster was a fatal runway collision between two Boeing 747s on Sunday, March 27, 1977 at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife North Airport) on the Spanish island of Tenerife, one of theCanary Islands. The crash killed 583 people, making it the deadliest accident in aviation history. As a result of the complex interaction of organizational influences, environmental preconditions, and unsafe acts leading up to this aircraft mishap, the disaster at Tenerife has served as a textbook example for reviewing the processes and frameworks used in aviation mishap investigations and accident prevention.
A bomb explosion at Gran Canaria Airport, and the threat of a second bomb, caused many aircraft to be diverted to Los Rodeos Airport. Among them were KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736 – the two aircraft involved in the accident. At Los Rodeos Airport, air traffic controllers were forced to park many of the airplanes on the taxiway, thereby blocking it. Further complicating the situation, while authorities waited to reopen Gran Canaria, a dense fog developed at Tenerife, greatly reducing visibility.
B- Piper Alpha was a North Sea oil production platform operated by Occidental Petroleum (Caledonia) Ltd. The platform began production in 1976, first as an oil platform and then later converted to gas production. An explosion and the resulting oil and gas fires destroyed it on 6 July 1988, killing 167 men, with only 61 survivors. The death toll included two crewmen of a rescue vessel. The total insured loss was about £1.7 billion (US$3.4 billion). At the time of the disaster, the platform accounted for approximately ten percent of North Sea oil and gas production, and was the accident was the worst offshore oil disaster in terms of lives lost and industry impact.

In honor of all people no more with us, 
in all disasters lost
INC News, 27/03/2015