Thursday, February 5, 2015

RUSSIA - 'Are You Mad?' Putin Orders Government to Restore Train Services

Una insolita reazione del Presidente Russo Vladimir Putin.
President Vladimir Putin castigated the Russian government Wednesday as he intervened in a struggle between state-owned Russian Railways and regional authorities by ordering scrapped suburban train routes to be reinstated.
The cancellation of hundreds of loss-making local passenger trains in over 20 Russian regions in recent months has sparked rare local protests, backed by an outpouring of support on social networks.
"What, have you all gone mad?" Putin told a government officials. "This is not a serious approach to the matter in hand."
The battle between regional leaders — who preside over heavily indebted budgets — and Russian Railways is a sign of intensifying competition for state handouts amid the current economic recession, even as its fallout raises concerns over possible social instability.
Read article HERE
INC News, 05/02/2015  via Moscow Time

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