Saturday, February 28, 2015

ITALIA - Genova, picchiano un’amica 12enne e filmano tutto: due ragazze nei guai

Avevano picchiato un’amica di 12 anni riprendendo tutto con lo smartphone e per deriderla avevano spedito quel filmato ad alcuni amici via Whatsapp: per questo atto di bullismo, avvenuto nel ponente del capoluogo ligure, due ragazze di 16 e 17 anni sono state denunciate dalla polizia e indagate dal tribunale dei Minori.

Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov Shot Dead in Moscow

Opposition leader Nemtsov’s murder caught on CCTV camera

The murder of Boris Nemtsov that took place on a bridge in central Moscow overnight on Friday was caught on an all-weather camera belonging to TVC television. The low-resolution video hints that the killer may have been waiting for Nemtsov at the bridge.

The camera captured a wide shot of Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, near the Kremlin, where the crime took place. The quality of the footage is only good enough to distinguish the cars on the bridge and the figures of people moving along it.

Putin: Nemtsov killers will be found and punished

Putin: Nemtsov killers will be found and punished

'Russian? Get out of here!' Deportation, death & dangers of reporting fr...

Москва: к месту гибели Немцова приходят сотни людей

Убийство Бориса Немцова: следствие выдвигает версии

Putin launches investigation into Boris Nemtsov's murder

Japan: Was brutal murder of boy, 13, inspired by ISIL?

Mexico's most-wanted drug lord 'La Tuta' is arrested

Nemtsov: fiori e bigliettini nel luogo in cui è stato ucciso, la commozi...

Russia, omicidio Nemtsov: tentativo di destabilizzazione tra ipotesi inv...

Messico, arrestato boss dei narcos Gomez Martinez: tra i più ricercati d...

Italia, ambiguo Si della Camera al riconoscimento dello Stato di Palestina

ITALIA - Scontro tra un pullman di studenti liguri e un tir vicino a Cremona: 14 feriti, l’autista è il più grave

L’alba su Cairo Montenotte si leva alle 3,30 del mattino. E’ buio e la temperatura sotto allo zero quando il pullman che trasporta gli studenti dell’Istituto secondario superiore di Cairo, coinvolti solo 5 ore prima in un terribile incidente sull’autostrada A21, vicino a Cremona, si ferma in piazza XX Settembre. L’orologio del campanile scandisce la fine di un incubo. I ragazzi scendono in fretta dal bus, in silenzio, hanno ancora il terrore negli occhi. Gli studenti delle classi quinte del corso ragionieri e geometri stavano tornando dalla gita a Budapest. Per colpa dell’incidente hanno visto la morte in faccia, ma l’abbraccio con i genitori, che li aspettano nel parcheggio, è liberatorio. Scende qualche lacrime, la paura è ancora tangibile. 

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via La Stampa

AMERICA - Washington supplying Kiev with satellite intelligence of conflict in east

The US is supplying Kiev with spy satellite imagery of enemy positions in eastern Ukraine, but does so by deliberately reducing the quality, apparently so as not to anger Russia too much, according to The Wall Street Journal.
A debate has been on in the US for some time on whether the Obama administration should provide the Kiev government with actionable intelligence. As with providing “defensive” weapons, the disagreements are similar. However, imagery reduced in quality has apparently been green-lighted, but only arriving to the Ukrainians 24 hours late at the least. This step is apparently to ensure the US isn’t in any way thought of as a participant in the conflict, the newspaper said, referencing its own sources.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via RT

RUSSIA - Putin: Everything will be done to punish those behind ‘vile’ murder of Nemtsov

Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised that everything will be done to punish those responsible for the organization and execution of the murder of opposition politician, Boris Nemtsov.  Everything will be done for the organizers and executors of this vile and cynical murder to receive the punishment they deserve," the statement on the Russian President’s official website said. Boris Nemtsov, a veteran opposition figure in Russia, was gunned down in a drive-by attack in central Moscow overnight Friday.
The murder, which happened just away from the Kremlin, triggered worldwide condemnation and calls to bring the killers to justice. Previously, Putin expressed his condolences to Nemtsov’s mother and said that he shared her grief.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via RT

RUSSIA - MOSCOW: Investigative Committee opens criminal case over deputy Boris Nemtsov's murder

Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case into the murder of Yaroslavl regional legislature deputy Boris Nemtsov under articles 105 (murder) and 222 (illegal arms turnover) of the Russian Criminal Code.
According to preliminary data an unknown assailant made at least 7-8 shots at Nemtsov when the latter was walking along the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge in downtown Moscow.
Read article HERE
INC News, 28/02/2015 - via Tass News

Españoles hacen todo lo posible para detener el desalojo y demolición de...

#NOal3mas2: Estudiantes atacan con huevos la bolsa de valores de Barcelona

¿Quiénes son los presidentes latinoamericanos más espiados por la CIA?

Flares & chaos: Intense clashes erupt at rival rallies in Rome

Казахстанские водители страдают из-за оплошностей в документах

Журналистам показали новые водительские права

Were missing Canadian teens radicalized by a professor?

La escena del crimen minutos despues del asesinato de Borís Nemtsov

Asesinado en el centro de Moscú el conocido político ruso Borís Nemtsov

Russie : l'opposant Boris Nemtsov a été assassiné

Mosca, ucciso in un agguato Boris Nemtsov, uno dei leader anti-Putin

Fierce anti-Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow

Russian Opposition Leader Gunned Down in Moscow

Raw: Prominent Russian Opposition Figure Killed

Follow to watch live video from RT in Moscow situation now, after the killing of oppositor to Putin

Friday, February 27, 2015

BREAKING NEWS FROM RUSSIA - Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov killed in the center of Moscow - BREAKING NEWS

Famous Russian politician Boris Nemtsov has been shot dead in the center of Moscow, according to Tass news agency.
"Boris Nemtsov was shot four times in the center of Moscow at Vasilyevsky spusk. Investigation team is working at the scene," Tass reports siting police sources.
INC News, 27/02/2015 - via RT

Terminator Genisys - Torna Arnold Schwarzy

British PM defends intelligence services over "Jihadi John"

A sign of the times: why some schools are erasing cursive writing - lear...

Atheist US blogger killed in machete attack in Bangladesh

Star Trek film and TV series actor passes away

Eddie, la trasformazione dopo l'Oscar: Redmayne diventa una splendida transgender

Lo abbiamo visto sul palco dell''ultima edizione degli Academy Awards innalzare la statuetta dell'Oscar come miglior attore protagonista per la sua interpretazione di Stephen Hawking nel film 'La teoria del tutto'. Ed ecco la prima immagine con il look completamente diverso: Eddie Redmayne diventa Lili Elebe, transgender pioniera, uno dei primi uomini a sottoporsi al cambio di sesso nel film 'The danish girl' diretto da Tom Hooper. Il film è tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di David Ebershoff che racconta del rapporto tra Elebe e la moglie che diventa un'artista famosa per le tele che ritraggono il marito vestito da donna. E' molti anni che si rincorre questo progetto che inizialmente doveva essere interpretato da Nicole Kidman. Cambio di scelta radicale quindi scritturando un uomo. Nel cast c'è anche Amber Heard, neo sposa di Johnny Depp.

INC News, 27/02/2015 - via Repubblica

Leonard Nimoy: Star Trek's Mr Spock Dies

Leonard Nimoy, who played Mr Spock in science fiction series Star Trek, has died. He was 83. The actor, who won worldwide fame as the ever-logical, half-Vulcan first officer of the Starship Enterprise, passed away on Friday morning at his home in Los Angeles. His unflappable character's split-fingered salute and blessing, "Live long and prosper", was imitated by generations of devoted fans. Nimoy's death was confirmed to the New York Times by his wife, Susan Bay Nimoy.
Read article HERE
INC News, 27/02/2015 - via Skynews

Iraq, convogli dell'Is in arrivo: il terrore dei civili iracheni in un video amatoriale

Exclusive from Sky News: First Photo Of 'Jihadi John' As Adult Revealed

The first known photograph has emerged of Mohammed Emwazi - the Islamic State militant known as "Jihadi John" - as an adult. Showing him with a goatee beard and wearing a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball cap, the image is revealed in student records from his time at the University of Westminster. It comes after the 26-year-old who became the masked face of the notorious terror organisation was identified as the figure seen in several videos of hostages being beheaded.
Read article HERE
INC News, 27/02/2015 - via SkyNews

Acquaintances of 'Jihadi John' Say He Was 'Kind, Gentle'

Missouri Investigates 9 Dead, Murder-suicide

"No al web a due velocità". Decisione storica negli Usa

Il gufo misterioso che terrorizza la cittadina olandese

La Russia annuncia un deficit di bilancio al 3,8% del Pil per il 2015 - ...

What you need to know about opening a bank account abroad - utalk

Mexico volcano eruption causes further flight cancellations

Hong Kong woman jailed for six years for abusing Indonesian maid

Brazil truckers continue their strike

Russia's Gazprom excludes rebel-held areas from Ukraine's gas contract

Legal marijuana reaches US state of Maryland

Argentine judge dismisses allegations against president

Dutch town cowers in terror over Eagle owl attacks

Life or death for Jodi Arias?

Sewage contaminates Rio's Olympic waterways

Caught on camera: Florida police get physical

Yoga guru facing rape allegations

Sleet, Snow - Old Man Winter Keeps on Coming

Net Neutrality: Steve Wozniak Calls FCC Decision a Victory for Consumers

FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rule

'Next Top Model' Contestant, 2 Others Killed

State Pitches 'Baby Boxes' for Abandoned Babies

Chaos in Libya damaging Tunisian business

Judge rejects cover-up case against Argentine president

Aaron Hernandez Murder Trial: Explosive New Evidence

Insta-ly Famous: Models Discovered Through Instagram

Details of ‘Jihadi John’s’ Pre-ISIS Life Emerge

United Airlines Issues Stern Warning to Pilots

Thursday, February 26, 2015

ISIS uccide 15 dei cristiani presi in ostaggio

L'Isis ha ucciso i primi cristiani rapiti in Siria, nel governatorato di Hassake, al confine Nord-orientale con l'Iraq. L'archimandrita Emanuel Youkhana, che lunedì scorso riferì del rapimento, dà notizia ad Aiuto alla Chiesa che soffre dell'uccisione di 15 persone fra gli ostaggi: "Molti di loro - afferma Youkhana - stavano difendendo i loro villaggi e le loro famiglie". Nel villaggio di Tel Hormidz una donna è stata decapitata, mentre due uomini sono stati uccisi con colpi di arma da fuoco. Per ora non ci sono informazioni circa le esecuzioni subite dalle altre dodici vittime. L'archimandrita Youkhana, inoltre, informa che il numero dei rapiti è salito a circa 350.

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 26/02/2015 - via ANSA AP

AMERICA - FCC adopts net neutrality rules endorsed by open internet advocates

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted to approve new rules endorsed by advocates of net neutrality and President Barack Obama that will prohibit internet service providers from discriminating against content producers.
As expected, the FCC voted 3-2 during a Thursday morning hearing in Washington, DC, moving to adopt a proposal authored by the commission’s chairman, former cable industry lobbyist Tom Wheeler.
INC News, 26/02/2015 - via RT

La distruzione di opere d'arte in Syria ad opera Jihdista - No comment...

Низкие цены на нефть подкосили экономику процветающей Норвегии

Британский эксперт считает, что Boeing 777 угнали по распоряжению Владим...

Басурин: Миссия ОБСЕ полностью взяла под контроль отвод тяжелого вооруже...

Палач на видео ИГ опознан как Британец Мохаммед Эмвази

Фото с сайта The Guardian
Британец был идентифицирован как боевик с ножом, который появляется на видео Исламского Государства (ИГ) и берет ответственность за обезглавливания американских, британских и других заложников, передает The Guardian.
The Guardian подтвердил, что боевик это - 26-летний выпускник университета, Мохаммед Эмвази (Mohammad Emwazi) из западного Лондона. Группа заложников прозвала его «Джоном Джихади», который является членом одной из ячеек ИГ под названием “the Beatles”.
Имя впервые опубликовал  «Вашингтон пост», в четверг.
Эмвази родился в Кувейте, в Великобританию он прибыл еще в юном возрасте, когда ему было 6 лет.  Он вырос в западном Лондоне, и его знали как вежливого, энергичного молодого человека.
Люди, знавшие его говорят , что у него была склонность одевать стильную одежду, но при этом он строго придерживался религии.

Источник: The Guardian

ФОТО: Индийский поезд

Фото/Monev Sharma/Индийские пассажиры стоят и весят на поезде при отправке со станции, на окраине Нью-Дели.

ITALIA - “Io, infermiere vi racconto l’eutanasia silenziosa nei nostri ospedali”

Come possiamo definirla? "Eutanasia silenziosa". Per noi è un fatto di tutti i giorni. Lo affrontiamo con grande difficoltà, ma sicuri di fare sempre la cosa più giusta", dice Michele (lo chiameremo così). Una laurea, la specializzazione, il master, la carriera infermieristica, oggi è caposala all'ospedale Careggi di Firenze. Ha voglia di raccontare quello di cui, chissà se per pudore o se per una congiura del silenzio, nessuno parla mai. E di farlo evitando la politica, "ma con il buonsenso di chi sta in prima linea". Premessa: Michele non è ateo, anzi, è un cattolico praticante, va a messa due volte alla settimana. Sorride di questa apparente contraddizione, "ma qui Dio non c'entra nulla. Sono un professionista, ho studiato. Se teniamo in vita artificialmente un paziente, siamo noi che ci stiamo sostituendo a Dio...". 

Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 26/02/2015 - via Repubblica

СК РФ возбудил дело по факту задержания российских журналистов на Украине

ITALIA - Entro due anni il primo trapianto completo di corpo

Il primo trapianto completo di corpo al mondo - in cui la testa di una persona verrebbe trapiantata sul corpo di un donatore - potrebbe avvenire nel giro di soli due anni, secondo un controverso chirurgo italiano, Sergio Canavero, direttore del Gruppo avanzato di neuromodulazione di Torino. Secondo l'esperto, la tecnica potrebbe salvare la vita di persone colpite dal cancro o da malattie nervose e muscolari che ne hanno bloccato la mobilità. Secondo la rivista 'New Scientist', Canavero farà l'annuncio alla Conferenza annuale dell'American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons in programma ad Annapolis (Maryland, Usa) a giugno.

Continua a leggere QUI
INC News, 26/02/2015 - via Repubblica

Head Transplant: Science Fiction Or Reality?

ОБСЕ: Минские договоренности — не список покупок, они обязательны к испо...

Kazakh Senate passes 'gay propaganda' bill

Measure is approved 'for the protection of children from harmful information'. The Senate of Kazakhstan has passed a bill banning 'propaganda of a non-traditional sexual orientation.'The upper house of the Kazakh parliament 19 February approved the measure 'for the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.' Aldan Smayil, a member of the Majilis (the lower chamber of the Kazakh parliament), proposed prohibiting 'gay propaganda' in August 2013.
'The draft provides a ban on information products depicting cruelty and violence, provoking children to life-threatening acts, including suicide, containing scenes of pornographic, sexual and erotic nature, promoting non-traditional sexual orientation,' he told the Senate last week, reports.The clause banning 'gay propaganda' was a late addition and is similar in language to laws enacted in Russia and under consideration in Kyrgyzstan. 
US human rights watchdog Freedom House condemned the law.
'This law will take a bad freedom of expression situation in Kazakhstan and make it worse,' said Susan Corke, director of Eurasia programs. 'Despite the government’s claim, banning “propaganda of a non-traditional sexual orientation” has nothing to do with the safety of children. It is simply a disguise for discrimination and intolerance that will allow government censors to punish speech they don’t like. The bill should be rejected.'
A companion bill to introduce penalties for disseminating 'gay propaganda' to children under 18 was also approved. Gay sex is not illegal in Kazakhstan but the law met little resistance in the central Asian country.
INC News, 26/02/2015 - via AK ZHAIK

World’s 1st baby woolly rhino discovered in Siberia

A baby woolly rhinoceros, dubbed “Sasha,” has been recently unearthed in Russian region of Yakutia, becoming a sensation for paleontologists.The remains of the extinct creature – a particularly rare and historic find due to its age – were handed over to the Academy of Sciences in Yakutsk, the capital of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, on Wednesday. The baby woolly rhino was found last September by Aleksandr Banderov, a hunter and businessman, and his friend, on the right bank of a stream flowing into the Semyulyakh River.
INC News, 26/02/2015 - via RT

Sex export: British prostitutes traveling to strict Dubai for big money

Hundreds homeless after heavy flooding in Bolivia

Water leaks into astronaut's helmet

Австрия запретила зарубежное финансирование своих мусульман

В Датском королевстве арестованы торговцы людьми

ЕС ищет замену российскому газу

Франция начала год со снижения безработицы - economy

Is this 280 pound catfish real? Fisherman provides proof

Mystery drone sightings spark security concerns

Traffico esseri umani: decine d'arresti in Danimarca

Da Maidan alla Crimea al Donbass: tutto previsto da un piano del Cremlino?

Afghanistan, valanghe uccidono più di 100 persone

Acapulco, un morto e diversi feriti alla manifestazione degli insegnanti

Taglio di gas di Kiev nell'Ucraina dell'Est, Putin: ''Puzza un po' di ge...

'Why Is the West Silent?' ISIS Captives Cry for Help

Impossible to Resist: Addictive Food Report

Islamic State: 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi

Winter Storm Means Dangerous Driving in South

Vandalized Cable Knocks Northern Arizona Offline

Michigan Couple Celebrates Identical Triplets

Raw: Drug Tunnel Discovered on US, Mexico Border

Madonna Takes Tumble On Stage

Three Men Arrested for Alleged Terror Plots, Including President Obama A...

Man catapulted from car across busy highway, USA

A police dashcam captured the moment a man was thrown from his car across the 

interstate 90 highway in Ohio, USA. The 26-year-old driver, Edward Wallace, escaped

from the I-90 crash with only minor injuries.

Afghanistan: Kabul suicide car bomb targets foreign forces, at least 2 dead

Spain: Podemos criticises Rajoy's 'useless' government in alternative st...

Danish human trafficking operation nets 92

Austria Islam law revised amid international criticism

Kremlin saw plan to split Ukraine before Yanukovich fled - newspaper

Inno alla vita - Oggi diamo il nostro buongiorno con un clip che vuole essere un inno alla vita

Tutte le coppie del mondo dovrebbero fare come questa. E' infatti cosi' il miglior modo di venire al mondo e godere dell'arrivo di una nuova creatura!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Com’è il tramonto su Marte? Ecco le immagini della Nasa

C’è chi sogna di guardare un tramonto su Marte e forse un giorno ci riuscirà, per tutti gli altri la Nasa - grazie alle immagini catturate dalla sonda Opportunity - offre la possibilità di vedere lo spettacolo direttamente dalla Terra. Le immagini provenienti dal Pianeta Rosso sono state pubblicate sul social network Vine dall’agenzia spaziale statunitense ma sono state scattate nel 2010. Ma perché il tramonto su Marte è blu? A quanto pare l’atmosfera del pianeta - ricco di polveri rosse - filtra la luce impedendo così la dispersione dei raggi solari di quel colore.

ITALIA - Trapianto di bacino, è il primo al mondo

Un paziente oncologico di 18 anni, affetto da osteosarcoma del bacino inoperabile, è stato sottoposto al trapianto dell'emibacino. Per la prima volta al mondo, all'ospedale Cto di Torino, gli è stato impiantato un emibacino in titanio costruito in America con rivestimenti in tantalio, materiale che si integra con le ossa umane, con misure perfette prese da un calco ricavato dalla Tac del paziente.
    L'intervento è durato quasi 12 ore ed è tecnicamente riuscito.

Leggi articolo QUI

INC News, 25/02/2015 - via ANSA 

Italian actress Ornella Muti faces 8 months jail or 30,000 euro fine for skipping play to dine with Putin

An Italian court has sentenced famous Italian actress Ornella Muti to eight months in prison or a fine of 30,000 euros for skipping a play and faking a medical certificate to have dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin, local media reported.
The court in the northern Italian city of Pordenone found Muti guilty of aggravated fraud for faking a medical certificate to skip a play in the Verdi Theater in Pordenone on December 10, 2010.Muti asked the theater to change the date of the play in which she was performing, saying that she was ill. She provided a doctor’s note that stipulated five days of sick leave after having received 25, 000 euros in advance for the performance.
However, on the day of the play she attended a charity dinner with then-Prime Minister Putin and American actor Kevin Costner in Russia’s St. Petersburg, il reported. Muti’s presence at the dinner was recorded on video.
Following the event, the Verdi Theater sued the actress. The court brought heavier charges against the actress than expected – the local prosecutor’s office was calling for a sentence of six and a half months, but Muti ended up being handed an eight-month sentence.
INC News, 25/02/2015 - via RT

На Ямале нашли новые гигантские кратеры

Siberian 'disaster' plot: 20 mini-craters near giant Yamal gas hole

Aerodrums turn thin air into a virtual drum kit

Боровое заливает нечистотами

В «Казахстан темир жолы» не собираются сокращать персонал

Gemalto conferma: "probabile attacco ai nostri codici"

Во Франции открыта весенняя охота на беспилотники

Gemalto не считает, что Вашингтон и Лондон могли получить ключи шифрования

Твой аватар всегда с тобою! - hi-tech

В Мексике, полицейские жестоко подавили протест учителей

Появилась серия фотографий, свидетельствующих жестокое подавление протестующих учителей мексиканскими полицейскими, в городе Акапулько, пишет The Independent.
Отношения между педагогами в стране и правительством накалились после похищения и подозрения в резне 43 студентов-педагогов, которые пропали в сентябре.
Власти уже заявили, что определенно, пропавшие студенты были убиты наемными убийцами наркокартелей, однако родители и различные объединения говорят, что это лишь попытка закрыть дело преждевременно.
Между серией демонстраций, требующих государство продолжить расследование и принять действия против преступников  очевидной резни, учителя  объединения  «CETEG», в аэропорту Акапулько «Хуан Альварез» устроили марш протеста касательно оплаты труда.   
Ранее сообщалось, что предположительно 94,000 сотрудников CETEG и других общественных служб в Мексике не получали свои заработные платы, и около 2 000  были вынуждены потребовать разрешения вопроса об оплате.  
Демонстрации были жестоко подавлены, что вызвало возмущение в социальной прессе. Сфотографированы окровавленные лица учителей, многим из которых требовалось госпитализация.  
Согласно местным СМИ, полиция задержала несколько членов объединения за попытку  перекрыть въезд в аэропорт. Согласно данным, число задержанных около 100 человек.
Протестующие вышедшие против системы оплаты труда, также призывали к правосудию по отношению 43 пропавших студентов, сообщило агентство

Источник: The Independent

Фото загружены с сайта The Independent

Aral Sea: Man-made environmental disaster - BBC News

Brain-controlled drone shown off - BBC News

World's leading Simcard maker confirms British and US spooks "probably" ...

Sleepy, drunk driver has rude awakening in middle of busy road, China

South slammed by brutal winter weather

Webb: To honor my friend, fix V.A. system in Texas

Metrolink Train Accident: Details Emerge About Truck on Tracks

Your Phone Is `The Magic Wand’: Jillian Manus

Why There Are No Winners in the Global Currency War

Mystery drones over Paris for second night raises concerns

Police officer arrested after killing of 14-year-old boy during clashes

Caught on dash cam: Police race choking baby to hospital

Кэмерон намерен отправить военных инструкторов на Украину

China: Drunk driver arrested after multiple crashes caught on CCTV - no ...

Фото: Венесуэльское шествие

Фото/George Castellanos/Группа студентов стоит напротив полицейских, во время протеста против правительства Президента Венесуэлы Николаса Мадуры в Сан-Кристобале, Венесуэла. 

На Ямале нашли новые гигантские кратеры

Raw: Deputy Disciplined for Dragging Woman

Truck's Driver Arrested for Commuter Train Crash

Ambulances in Colo. Equipped for Bike Lovers

Raw: Dashcam Vid Shows NJ House Explosion

Argentine spy at centre of Nisman case accused of smuggling

Una mappa in 3D. Studiare il cervello del feto per prevenire l'autismo -...

Austria: primi pazienti con arti bionici. La fantascienza diventa realtà

Lithuania to bring back military conscription to counter Russian threat

'American Sniper' killer sentenced to life without parole

Nigeria : Nouveaux attentats à un mois de la présidentielle

Grèce : le feu vert de l'Eurogroupe fait bondir la bourse d'Athènes

La France recherche Isabelle Prime, enlevée au Yémen

Yemen: ancora nessuna rivendicazione per la francese rapita

French government demand "speedy release" of woman kidnapped in Yemen

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Syria girls 'smuggled' into Syria days ago - BBC News

About 2,000 People Rally to Oppose Right-to-Work

Police: Truck Driver Turned Onto Tracks

Surprising Ways Inmates Have Snuck Contraband into Prison

Drone mystery in Paris sparks security scare

Eight dead in Czech Republic shooting

Великобритания направит военных специалистов на Украину

Великобритания направит на Украину военнослужащих для обучения местных военных и предоставит разведывательные данные тактического характера.
Об этом заявил британский премьер Дэвид Кэмерон, выступая в парламенте, передает ИТАР-ТАСС. 

Пресс-подход Сергея Лаврова по итогам встречи «Нормандской четверки» в П...

Один человек погиб, 30 ранены в результате столкновения поезда с автомоб...

«Мучная война»

Фото: AFP/ Louisa Gouliamaki/ Люди, празднующие день «чистого понедельника» либо «пепельного понедельника» бросаются мукой в Галиксиди, Греция. 


SoCal train derailment leaves dozens injured

At least 30 people were reportedly injured early Tuesday when a commuter train derailed in the Southern California city of Oxnard. Details are still developing.
According to the Los Angeles Times, a spokesperson for Metrolink — the LA area’s passenger rail system — said that the incident occurred just before 6 a.m. local time on Tuesday morning when a commuter train collided with a tractor trailer.

Google censura foto e video porno su Blogger

Google censura i contenuti porno nella sua piattaforma Blogger: le nuove regole contro i contenuti 'solo per adulti' andranno a regime dal prossimo 23 marzo. I siti che non si adegueranno non saranno cancellati ma saranno nascosti, cioè visibili all'esterno solo dall'autore e dagli amministratori del blog. La mossa arriva a pochi giorni dall'allarme del Daily Mail sull'ammontare di foto a luci rosse che passa su Twitter, 500mila al giorno. Blogger è una piattaforma gestita dal colosso californiano dal 2003, di facile utilizzo anche a webmaster alle prime armi: permette di postare, oltre al testo, anche immagini e video. E' la seconda iniziativa contro i contenuti porno su Blogger che Google intraprende: già nel 2013 aveva messo al bando quei siti ospitati dalla piattaforma che monetizzavano foto e video per adulti.
Leggi articolo QUI
INC News, 24/02/2015

Man gets bionic eye, sees wife for first time in decade

Ice storm targets southern U.S.

Mohammed Fahmy Accuses Al Jazeera Of "Epic Negligence"

20% of Germans advocate revolution - 'globalisation is fueling dissent'

Norway TurmOIL: 10k face sack, price drop hitting hard

ISIS opens English-language schools for foreign fighters' kids in Syria

BREAKING NEWS CZECH REP - BREAKING NEWS CZECH REP -Up to 8 people killed in pub shooting

As many as eight people have been killed in a restaurant shooting in the town of Uhersky Brod in the southwest of the Czech Republic, local media report.

Mattarella va a Firenze in treno e poi prende la tramvia per andare alla...

"Газпром": нет предоплаты, нет газа

Президент Индонезии отказал в помиловании наркокурьерам

Анкара перекладывает на Лондон ответственность за сбежавших школьниц — н...

Президент Путин не верит в возможность войны с Украиной

США: пожар на шоссе обошёлся без жертв

Scandalo in Israele. Per il Mossad, Netanhyahu mentì all'Onu sull'Iran

Le favelas di Rio in rivolta contro la violenza

Francia: sequestrati i documenti a sei persone pronte a partire per la j...

Putin: "Non vedo il rischio di guerra tra russia ed Ucraina".

Petition Drive Seeks to Shut Down Racy 'Sex Box'

This Is a Desperate Final Move by Greece: Silipo

The oil price drop - in 90 seconds - BBC News

Manatees Rescued From Florida Storm Drain

Smoke Fills NJ Neighborhood After Tanker Fire

Earnest: 'No Credible Threat' to Mall of America

Spy Cables: Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran nuclear programme

Egypt sentences leading activist to five years in jail

Conjoined Twins Undergo Complicated Separation Surgery

Gazprom claims Ukraine could run out of gas in two days

Greece delivers economic reform plans as part of bailout extension

Indonesia rejects appeals for mercy for Australian death row inmates

Pavement sinkhole swallows couple, S.Korea

Putin: War with Ukraine "unlikely"

Rio slum dwellers protest over police violence

France confiscates passports of 6 'Syria-bound' citizens

'Everyone has a role to play' in countering radicalisation, says Cameron

Who is Greek Finance Minister Vanis Varoufakis?

USA: Almost 9,000 gallons of petrol go up in smoke

Monday, February 23, 2015

ITALIA - Fisco, firmato l'accordo Italia-Svizzera Renzi: "Tornano miliardi di euro" - La Svizzera non sará piú un paradiso fiscale

Sarà più facile avvalersi della voluntary disclosure beneficiando di condizioni migliori: lo Stato spera di incassare almeno 6,5 miliardi facendo rientrare 30 miliardi di euro. Renzi esulta su Twitter. Padoan: "Pieno successo". Vieri Ceriani: "Strumenti di contrasto dell'evasione fiscale impensabili fino a qualche anno fa"

INC News, 23/02/2015 - via Repubblica

Политолог: Рост числа мигрантов из Косова – следствие лицемерной позиции...

В Афинах болельщики «Панатинаикоса» выбежали на поле и попытались напаст...

Прямая трансляция праздничного салюта в честь Дня защитника Отечества

Глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров выступил на открытых дебатах в Совете Безопас...

Астанинцы чуть не снесли двери и турникет в акимате

Экофест в Алматы

Полки "Сделано в Казахстане" появились в супермаркете Алматы

Voragine a Napoli, una conduttura rotta crea il caos

Mars One: 10 yrs to go, shortlist narrowed to 100

Islamic State parades captives in cages - video

Terror Group Al-Shabab Calls for Attacks at Malls | NBC Nightly News

BASE jumpers fly down mountainside at speeds of over 170km/hr, France

Curtain comes down on Rio Carnival

Tommy Hilfiger explores future of fashion

Hyper-Sexualized Culture Fueling Human Trafficking

Gov't Advisory Panel Proposes New Dietary Rules

Проект "Босс": Как мексиканец покорил Силиконовую долину - BBC Russian

'Syria' girls: What is like with Islamic State? BBC News

Massive Blast Rocks Quiet Kentucky Neighborhood

Raw: Bangladesh Ferry Disaster Death Toll at 70

3 Dead, Sheriff Shot Northest of Atlanta

The Spy Cables: A glimpse into the murky world of espionage

Abu Dhabi hosting massive defence exhibition

Birdman, Julianne Moore and Eddie Redmayne savour Oscar success


2015 Oscar Winners
  • Best Picture – Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
  • Best Actress – Julianne Moore, Still Alice
  • Best Actor – Eddie Redmayne, The Theory of Everything
  • Directing – Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Birdman
  • Best Supporting Actress – Patricia Arquette, Boyhood
  • Best Supporting Actor – J.K. Simmons, Whiplash
  • Animated Feature Film – Big Hero 6
  • Documentary Feature – Citizenfour
  • Foreign Language Film – Ida (Poland)
  • Adapted Screenplay – Graham Moore, The Imitation Game
  • Original Screenplay – Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Jr. & Armando Bo, Birdman
  • Original Score – Alexandre Desplat, The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Original Song – “Glory” from Selma
  • Film Editing – Whiplash
  • Production Design – The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Sound Editing – American Sniper
  • Sound Mixing – Whiplash
  • Visual Effects – Interstellar
  • Cinematography – Emmanuel Lubezki, Birdman
  • Costume Design – Milena Canonero, The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Makeup and Hairstyling – Frances Hannon and Mark Coulier, The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Animated Short Film – Feast
  • Live Action Short Film – The Phone Call
  • Documentary Short Subject – Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1