Friday, September 30, 2016
Beautiful IBIZA Chill House Mix Del Mar - FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL NIGHT
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©ChillOutKingIbiza
Teen Model Factory of Russia - Our documentary for your night
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©Sish Advexon
"BOY" - The daily short film before sleeping - but also for thinking to an actual serious problem
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©Lucas Helt Product
Our traditional 3 traillers of the week! Number 1!
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©MovieclipsTrailers
Our traditional 3 traillers of the week! Number 2...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©MovieclipsTrailers
Our traditional 3 traillers of the week! Number 3...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©MovieclipsTrailers
France: A real treasure! Renault’s super-sleek Trezor GT wows Paris Moto...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
Russia: N. Korean citizen dies after huge blaze engulfs high-rise in Ufa
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RuptlyTV
’We’re in deep trouble’: Shrinking sea ice threatens ice seals & polar beer...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews America
Brutal tactics: Police shootings caught on camera spark outrage in 2016
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews America
Arabia Saudita advierte a EE.UU. de las "consecuencias" de la ley del 11-S
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews
‘They kill people in their homes’: Pakistani to sue CIA for drone strike...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews
From rescued kids to rescued cats: Chinese firefighters save kitten
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews
‘We were innocent bystanders’ – protester that was hit by police in El Canyon
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Meurtres néonazis en Allemagne : la principale accusée brise son silence
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Italie : deux Van Gogh volés retrouvés dans la villa d'un narco
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Turquie : purge dans les milieux judiciaire, médiatique et pénitentiaire
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Duterte "serait heureux de massacrer 3 millions de drogués" en référence a Hitler
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Trovati in un casolare della camorra due dipinti di Van Gogh rubati ad Amsterdam
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Turchia: decine di arresti tra dipendenti di tribunali e di penitenziari
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Paura Brexit al Salone dell'auto. Nissan: "Possibile addio al Regno Unito
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
A Mosca danneggiata una mostra fotografica sul conflitto in Dombass
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Fuga di hedge fund. Le indiscrezioni di Bloomberg affondano Deutsche Ban...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Spotify might be close to acquiring Soundcloud, FCC delays set-top box v...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©Cnet
Deutsche Bank shares sink to record low, and other MoneyWatch headlines
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©CBS News
Scientists celebrate successful end to Rosetta spacecraft's comet mission
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©CBN News
Crash Ending for Comet-Chaser Rosetta
Un progetto durato 12 anni per eseguire una cosa impossibile, ma andato perfettamente a fine con l' impatto finale della sonda Rosetta sul suole stellare. Un complimento particolare vada alla equipe degli scienziati italiani che sono componenti del gruppo di ricercatori. Bravi ragazzi! - M. Lermontov
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source: ©AP
HONOUR TO Rosetta toda, its last trip on comet - Soundtrack-Track 11-Perihelion
INC News, 30/9/2016 - source:©Dimitri Kommida
Дмитрий Медведев на заседании XIV Международного инвестиционного форума
INC News, 30/09/2016-source: ©RTNews
Более 100 человек получили ранения в результате крушения поезда в Нью-Дж...
INC News, 30/09/2016-source: ©RTNews
'Life at Vet U' Shows Vet Students Tackling Animal ER Challenges
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source:©abcNews
Тысячи рабочих Индонезии протестуют против налоговой амнистии
INC News, 30/09/2016-source: ©Khabar Television 24
Rilasciata a Tehran e già tornata a Montreal l'irano-canadese arrestata a Giugno scorso
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Germania, a processo la neonazista del gruppo che ha ucciso 10 persone p...
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Scontro Clinton-Trump su Cuba. Nel 1988 il tycoon ha tentato di violare l'enbargo?
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Show finale della "rock star" Rosetta: utlima missione per la sonda dell'ESA
INC News, 30/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Per il vostro sereno dormire - Sax In the Garden - Quincy Jones
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Gabriella Latora collection
The film for the night: The Nostalgist: A Sci-fi Short Based on a Story From the Author of Robopocalypse
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Wired
Il documentario della notte - The Secret Places On Earth
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Discovery Channel
Actualización: Noticiero Univision #EdicionDigital 9/29/16
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Univision
Alicia Machado supera a Kim Kardashian como la más buscada en redes soci...
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Univision
На грани банкротства оказался крупнейший завод по производству медицинск...
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©InfoB31
Новые смартфоны LG Х-серии будут олицетворять супергероев Marvel
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©InfoB31
Загорелся мусор в подвале дома 23 по проезду Геологоразведчиков
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©TyumenTime
Tube Chat Badges Have Opposite Effect On London Underground Commuters
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©HuffPost
Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (29.09.2016) 29 сентября 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1
Incidente ferroviario in New Jersey: almeno una vittima confermata e un centinaio di feriti
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Parigi celebra i 100 anni di Etam, la donna non nasconde più la sua lingerie
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Spagna: partito socialista diviso, Sanchez rifiuta di dimettersi
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Il terribile pestaggio nella metropolitana di Roma nell'indifferenza più totale
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©La7
Olimpiadi, 'no' definitivo dal consiglio comunale di Roma.
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©
Commerzbank taglia un quinto dei dipendenti. Quasi 10.000 licenziamenti ...
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Riaperta la tipografia dove vennero uccisi i terroristi di Charlie hebdo
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Australia: black out ad Adelaide, sotto accusa le rinnovabili
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Shimon Peres: salma esposta alla Knesset, leader mondiali in arrivo
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
BlackBerry exits hardware game and some Samsung wash machines are exploding
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Cnet
Teen Shoots Father, Heads to School and Shoots Teacher, Students
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CBN News
Turban, Eh! Event educates students about Sikh faith after 'disturbing' racist poster
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©CBC News
Brexit: 'British people made bad decision on EU' Matteo Renzi
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Kremlin's Peskov on MH17 'contradictions'
We should believe in a very difficult resolution, for this terrible accident. We are in an age where all is possible to investigate and retrieve solution to the most difficult problems. But in this situation, we are afraid the the politic is more important than th technology. - M. Lermontov for INC News.
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Internet ‘child suicide groups’ targeted as ombudsman & investigator join forces
Russia’s ombudsman for children’s rights and the head of the Investigative Committee have joined forces in an effort to fight crimes against children, in particular suicide-promotion groups on the internet that target minors. According to a report released by the Investigative Committee’s website, the head of the agency, Aleksandr Bastrykin, noted during a meeting with children’s rights ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova that the dire situation with the suicide rate among children was being worsened by the effect of mass media and the internet.
“The mass media are covering every suicide in detail and the internet contains entire sites and groups on social networks with detailed descriptions of various ways of taking own life. So-called suicide clubs are being created in social networks,” Bastrykin said. Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova agreed that in order to solve the problem, all state public and social structures needed to work in cooperation.
Read full article, clicking HERE
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews
Da questa sera una novita' in INC News, prima e seconda pagina!
Abbiamo pensato che alla sera, dopo cena, prima di andare a dormire, potrebbe far piacere guardare un mini-film, un cortometraggio o ascoltare buona musica: giusto per rilassarsi e avviare il sonno in dolce maniera.
Allora, da questa sera, l' ultimo post sara' un corto metraggio sulla prima pagina, un mini-film o musica sulla seconda pagina.
Argomenti? Di tutto un po' e per la musica il meglio che troviamo per voi in YouTube per essere ascoltato nella sera, da soli o in compagnia.
Dateci un parere, poi, ok? Per migliorare il nostro lavoro e il servizio da darvi!
INC News, 29/09/2016 Lo Staff di INC News bv
Allora, da questa sera, l' ultimo post sara' un corto metraggio sulla prima pagina, un mini-film o musica sulla seconda pagina.
Argomenti? Di tutto un po' e per la musica il meglio che troviamo per voi in YouTube per essere ascoltato nella sera, da soli o in compagnia.
Dateci un parere, poi, ok? Per migliorare il nostro lavoro e il servizio da darvi!
INC News, 29/09/2016 Lo Staff di INC News bv
White Helmets found another baby girl alive in Aleppo dostroyed
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: abcNews via TwitterVideo shows Syrian girl rescued from rubble after airstrike on Aleppo neighborhood that killed at least 23 people.
— ABC News (@ABC) September 29, 2016
Rosetta is on the way to finish its trip in the space, tomorrow
INC News, 29/08/2016 - source: © Reuter via twitterLIVE: What's going to happen to @ESA_Rosetta ? @mggtTaylor is #FacebookLive with us to explain:
— Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) September 29, 2016
Amazon's new, improved Fire HD 8 tablet is a bona fide bargain at $90
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©Cnet
USA: Clinton promette college gratuiti, Trump vuole NATO forte
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Accordo Opec sul taglio di produzione: il prezzo del petrolio aumenta del 6%
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Volo MH17, Mosca rigetta accuse e parla di motivazioni politiche dell'inchiesta
INC News, 29/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
США призвали назвать конкретных виновных в катастрофе малайзийского "бои...
INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©euronews
Страны ОПЕК договорились ограничить добычу нефти, но пока неформально
INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©euronews
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Программа Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (28.09.2016) 28 сентября 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1
Le indagini sul disastro del Boeing 777: tra verità, depistaggi e dolore
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Volo Malaysia Airlines, Russia contro l'inchiesta:"politicamente motivata"
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Smantellata cellula di reclutatori Isil: 5 arresti in Spagna, Belgio e Germania
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Turchia: 32 mila arresti dopo il fallito golpe "a breve decisione Usa su Gulen
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Bruxelles promette il reinsediamento di 30.000 rifugiati entro la fine del 2017
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Shimon Peres: funerali venerdì, presenti i grandi del mondo
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Из 200 миллиардов пенсионных востребованной оказалась лишь половина
INC News, 29/09/2016-source: ©KTK
Следователи снова обвинили Россию в атаке на Боинг MH17 над Донбассом,...
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RenTV
Керри угрожает приостановкой взаимодействия США с Россией по Сирии
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RenTV
Calls for investigation over Somali journalist's murder
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©AFP news agency
S. African students vow to continue protests until demands met
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©AFP news agency
Black Man Shot and Killed By Police in California, Sparking Protests
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
EfSyn: A Greek media success story - The Listening Post (Feature)
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Родственники жертв крушения Boeing на Украине: Мы хотим знать, кто виноват
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews
Российские военные доставили гуманитарную помощь жителям Алеппо
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews
Нидерланды игнорируют исследования концерна «Алмаз-Антей» по крушению МН17
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©RTNews
Painted Pianos Pop Up Across Boston
Finally, non only Tango can be performed by dancers on the road! Welcome also to classical dance!!
Initiative really very positive! - Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source: ©AP
Перуанские индейцы заживо сожгли женщину по подозрению в колдовстве
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©Russia 24
Египет: число погибших из-за кораблекрушения мигрантов превысило 200 чел...
INC News, 28/09/2016-source: ©euronews
AP: Police Officers Abuse Confidential Databases
We always say "we can talk about private things but we must keep silence about others" . We could accept that security people make sourveillance about our life, but up to a limit, and never abuse of it.
Actually anyone can feel the sensation to be free from spying of what he makes, thinks, writes, says, and this means the freedom and the privacy has been deleted in name of which national security? Are we humans or cyborgs ready to be reprogrammed by a group of "criminal scintists" in "name of science", that science they invented to cover their malpractice? - Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©AP
Messico, 3 genitori biologici: è nato il primo bambino con 2 madri
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Giustizia tedesca vieta a Facebook la raccolta dati da WhatsApp
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Israele: il figlio di Peres, "ci obbliga a lavorare per la pace"
INC News, 28/09/2016 - source:©euronews
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (27.09.2016) 27 сентября 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1
EUleaks, un nuovo portale per far luce sull'evasione fiscale
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Deutsche Bank: un buco nero che rischia di trascinare la Merkel al suo interno
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Giornata mondiale del turismo 2016: il caso Ungheria - economy
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Dresda, bombe contro due simboli: dialogo con l'Islam e riunificazione tedesca
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Distrusse i mausolei di Timbuctù. La Corte dell'Aja condanna jihadista
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Vertice di Bratislava: Londra boccia l'idea di un esercito europeo
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Houston: lo sparatore era un avvocato in divisa militare con simboli nazisti
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Tragedia del Madrid Arena: Cuatro años de prisión para Miguel Ángel Flores
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©ElPais
WTO says global trade is gearing down, and other MoneyWatch headlines
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©CBS News
'DWTS': Six Couples in Jeopardy After Face-Off Night in Week 3
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©abcNews
‘Scattering dust’: Right-wing French politician under fire over Calais refugee comments
French MP Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, of the Front National (FN), has compared the bulldozing of the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp to a “scattering of dust,” as thousands of refugees are set to be redistributed across the country’s welcome centers.
Maréchal-Le Pen, granddaughter of infamous French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, was interviewed on France’s BFMTV news channel Tuesday morning about the dismantling of the Calais camp. Her words caused an immediate reaction from her host, veteran broadcaster Jean-Jacques Bourdin, who told Maréchal-Le Pen she could not simply laugh it off.
Read full article, clicking HERE
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: RTNews
Mourners in Washington 'Shine Light Into the Darkness' after Mall Shooting
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©CBNNews
Moscow to scrap Microsoft Outlook on Putin's call to use domestic software
Authorities in the Russian capital plan to substitute US computer software with locally produced alternatives. As a first step, about 6,000 Moscow officials will start using a corporate e-mail system called MyOffice Mail instead of Microsoft Outlook.
An idea to get rid of foreign software from computers used by Russian authorities was backed by President Vladimir Putin due to his security concerns after the relationship between Moscow and the West deteriorated over Ukrainian crisis.
Read full article clicking HERE
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©RTNews
AP Fact Check of First Presidential Debate
Per coloro che credono non importante sapere cosa possa accadeere in questi dibattiti, ricordiamo che dovra' sedersi su quella sedia una persona in grado di gestire la nazione piu' importante del pianeta, una persona che dovra' prendere decisioni sia interne che esterne di estrema importanza. Allo stesso pari di Putin per la Russia. Logico quindi che tutti ci si debba interessare almeno il minimo per capire cosa potrebbe accadere se uno dei due va al comando della stanza dei bottoni.
M.Lermontov per INC News
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©AP
Siria, nuovi raid russi e governativi su Aleppo, almeno 10 morti
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Usa 2016, Hillary vince primo dibattito contro Trump per i media americani
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Turchia: Ue presenta piano di carte di credito prepagate per i rifugiati
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Russia-Ucraina: pronta una nuova base militare di Mosca vicino al Donbass
INC News, 27/09/2016 - source: ©euronews
Monday, September 26, 2016
Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (26.09.2016) 26 сентября 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©Vesti-Russia Kanal 1
‘Con pacto de paz, Colombia se integrará como nación democrática’
INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©HispanTV
Irán advierte: Occidente aún no ha cumplido el acuerdo nuclear
INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©HispanTV
ELISABETTA FRANCHI Full Show Spring Summer 2017 Milan by Fashion Channel
INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©Fashion Channel
Roma, genitori picchiano la fidanzata della figlia perché lesbica
INC News, 26/09/2016 - source: ©
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