Saturday, April 30, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (30.04.2016) 30 апреля 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Vesti

Наркотики на благо родины: спецслужбы США и Британии тайно испытывали ЛС...

Как свидетельствуют архивные видео, в середине ХХ века британские и американские спецслужбы тестировали действие ЛСД на собственных военнослужащих и даже гражданских лицах. Предполагалось, что впоследствии наркотик будет использоваться для выведения из строя противника.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©RTNews

Бросив скутер, китаец убежал от летящего на него грузовика

В Китае водитель скутера на перекрестке чудом избежал столкновения с грузовиком, бросив свое транспортное средство и убежав от летящей на него машины.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews

Более 30 львов были освобождены из цирков Перу

33 льва были освобождены защитниками животных из цирков Перу после принятия в стране запрета об использовании диких животных в развлекательных шоу. Теперь хищникам предстоит возвращение на родину — активисты намерены транспортировать их из Лимы в заповедник в Южной Африке.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©RT News


INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©MovieClips Trailers


INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©MovieClips Trailers


INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Moviclips Trailers

AMERICA - 'Human error': No criminal charges for US army personnel over Kunduz hos...

The Pentagon will not place criminal charges on the military personnel responsible for the airstrike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan last year. Sixteen servicemen have received disciplinary punishments for errors that led to the deaths of 42 people.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews

В Кении сожжены более ста тонн конфискованных слоновьих бивней

В субботу в Кении сожгли 105 тонн конфискованных у браконьеров слоновьих бивней, а также более тонны рогов носорога в знак протеста против хладнокровного уничтожения популяции этих животных на территории государства и других стран Африки. Уничтожение незаконной добычи прошло в Национальном парке Найроби. Каждый год от рук браконьеров погибает около 30 тысяч африканских слонов.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Швеция: король Карл XVI Густав отмечает юбилей

Поданные Швеции празднуют 70-летний юбилей короля 
Карла XVI Густава. Он взошел на престол в 1973 году в возрасте 27 лет. Девиз монарха, который не собирается уходить на покой: "За Швецию - во все времена!".
В честь юбиляра в Стокгольме выступил военный оркестр и прошел торжественный развод караула. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source:  ©Euronews

В парламент Ирака ворвались сторонники лидера шиитов

Сотни сторонников одного из радикальных лидеров мусульман-шиитов Муктады ас-Садра ворвались в субботу в иракский парламент, расположенный в охраняемой "зеленой зоне" Багдада. Тысячи остаются у входа. Манифестанты собрались у парламента после того, как депутаты провалили голосование по вопросу о новом кабинете. Протестующие скандировали "Трусы убегают!", наблюдая за тем, как парламентарии покидают здание.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Штутгарт: конгресс евроскептиков АдГ проходит на фоне протестов

"Нацисты - вон!" - скандировали участники акции протеста в Штутгарте, где проходит конгресс популистской партии АдГ - Альтернатива для Германии. Безопасность проведения съезда, на который собрались около 2500 членов партии, обеспечивают более тысячи сотрудников полиции. Однако беспорядков избежать не удалось. Во время манифестации произошли столкновения сторонников AдГ и демонстрантов, придерживающихся левых убеждений. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Бывший охранник Освенцима признался и извинился

Бывший охранник концлагеря Освенцим извинился перед своими жертвами. "Я стыжусь, что сознательно позволил случиться несправедливости и не сделал ничего, чтобы противостоять ей",- сказал 94-летний Рейнхольд Ханнинг нацистов на суде в немецком городе Детмольде. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Кения: в Найроби обрушилось шестиэтажное здание

В столице Кении Найроби, в районе Хурум обрушилось шестиэтажное здание. Трое детей и один взрослый получили ранения различной степени тяжести. Все они доставлены в национальную больницу Кениата. 
Команда спасателей кенийского Общества Красного Креста работает на месте происшествия. В результате обрушения здания 150 семей лишились крова. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Крушение вертолета в Норвегии. Все 13 человек признаны погибшими

Все 13 человек, находившихся на борту норвежского транспортного вертолета, признаны погибшими в результате крушения. Трагедия произошла у юго-западного побережья страны, на месте крушения обнаружены 11 тел погибших. Двое пассажиров не найдены, но власти считают их также погибшими. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Дональду Трампу пришлось "брать барьеры", чтобы выступить на митинге

Сотни протестующих в калифорнийском городе Берлингем прорвали заграждения, чтобы сорвать выступление главного претендента на выдвижение кандидатом на пост президента США от республиканцев Дональда Трампа. До Трампа они не добрались, но забросали яйцами полицию. Манифестанты блокировали подступы к отелю, из-за чего политику пришлось пробираться на место выступления с черного хода, преодолевая препятствия.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BRACCONAGGIO - In Kenya il più grande rogo di avorio della storia

Nel Parco nazionale di Nairobi, in Kenya, il Presidente, Uhuru Kenyatta, appicca il più grande rogo di avorio della storia. Undici falò sono stati accesi contro il bracconaggio di elefanti e rinoceronti.
In tutto, circa 105 tonnellate di zanne e corni, il 5% dello stock mondiale di oro bianco, accumulato abbattendo quasi settemila pachidermi e centinaia di rinoceronti. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

IRAQ - I sostenitori di Moqtada al Sadr irrompono in parlamento

Tensione alle stelle a Baghdad, dove i sostenitori dell'imam sciita radicale, Moqtada al Sadr, hanno fatto irruzione nel parlamento iracheno. Dopo aver protestato per il secondo giorno consecutivo al limite della Zona verde della capitale, migliaia di manifestanti sono riusciti a sfondare le barriere e a irrompere nell'area dove hanno sede le principali istituzioni governative.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

SVEZIA - Festa per il compleanno del re Carlo

A Stoccolma la piazza gremita ha augurato "Buon compleanno" a re Carlo XVI Gustavo di Svezia che ha compiuto 70 anni.Le celebrazioni sono inziate con l'arrivo in calesse di Re Carlo accompagnato dalla regina Silvia. Presente anche la principessa Vittoria accompagnata dal marito, il principe consorte Daniel e dal fratello il principe Carl Philip.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GERMANIA - I populisti dell'AFD a congresso per scrivere il programma politico

Al grido di "Via i nazisti da qui", "Teniamo i rifugiati e liberiamoci dei nazisti" un centinaio di manifestanti di sinistra hanno hanno cercato di impedire l'ingresso ai militanti del partito populista dell'AFD, riunitosi a Stoccarda per l'annuale congresso. Oltre 400 gli arresti in seguito agli scontri tra le opposte fazioni. Oltre mille gli agenti in tenuta antisommossa sono stati impiegati per impedire il contatto con i militanti dell'AFD

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

KENYA - Estratto dalle macerie un sopravvissuto e si continua a cercare

Almeno 14 persone sono morte nelle inondazioni che hanno allagato la capitale del Kenya, almeno 7 nel crollo del palazzo di 6 piani avvenuto venerdì sera. Oltre centoventi i feriti. Lo spavento per l'accaduto è nelle parole dei testimoni: "I miei familiari mi hanno detto che la casa stava tremando e quando sono arrivato era già crollata"
Un sopravvissuto è stato ritrovato vivo dieci ore dopo il collasso dell'edificio avvenuto alle 21 e 30 ora locale nel quartiere di Haruma

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Norvegia: le immagini dello schianto dell'elicottero, nessun sopravvissuto

Un'esplosione e fumo molto denso: questo raccontano le prime immagini dell'elicottero Super Puma che si è schiantato sull'isola di Turoey, vicino a Bergen, nell'ovest della Norvegia. Non ci sono sopravvissuti. 13 le persone a bordo dell'elicottero partito dal giacimento di petrolio di Gullfaks, nel Mare del Nord, e diretto a Bergen. Gli altri passeggeri erano tutti norvegesi, tranne un britannico e un italiano. La Farnesina ha confermato la presenza del connazionale senza fornire ulteriori informazioni.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GERMANIA - Auschwitz: ex guardia del campo, "provo vergogna "

Reinhold Hanning, ex guardia delle SS del campo di sterminio di Auschwitz si è scusato per l'orrore cui ha contribuito più di 70 anni fa. "Provo vergogna per non aver fatto nulla per impedire quell'ingiustizia", ha dichiarato Hanning, 94 anni, sotto processo dall'11 febbraio a Detmold per complicità nella morte di almeno 170.000 persone nel corso di un anno e mezzo fra il '43 e il '44. 

KENYA - Crolla un palazzo a causa delle forti piogge. Morti e feriti

A Nairobi, in Kenya, si registrano almeno 3 morti e diversi feriti nel crollo di una palazzina, nel quartiere di Huruma, nella parte nord-orientale della capitale. 
Fra le vittime ci sarebbero dei bambini. Una cinquantina di persone sono state tratte in salvo, mentre ci sarebbero ancora dei dispersi sotto le macerie, non si sa ancora quanti. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CALIFORNIA - Trump accolto dalla proteste, "No al razzismo" grida la folla

"No Razzismo, No Trump": è uno degli slogan gridati da migliaia di manifestanti che si sono radunati a Burlingame, in California, all'ingresso dell'edificio dove si è svolta la convention dei repubblicani. Molti i momenti di tensione tanto che Donald Trump è stato costretto ad usare un'entrata posteriore, scortato dalle guardie del corpo.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

KENYA - Burns huge ivory stockpile calling for a ban on trade

A stockpile of more than 100 tonnes of ivory from some 8,000 animals was set alight near Nairobi on Saturday, to highlight the threat to endangered species.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

SWEDEN - Celebrates the 70th birthday of King Carl XVI Gustaf

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

IRAQ - Al Sadr supporters storm Green Zone and parliament

Hundreds of supporters of Shi'ite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr stormed Baghdad's Green Zone on Saturday and some entered the Iraqi parliament in protest at MPs' failure to convene for a vote on overhauling the government.
Loyalists to Sadr, whose fighters once controlled swathes of Iraq's capital, have been demonstrating for weeks at the gates of the heavily-fortified district housing government buildings and foreign embassies.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GERMANY - Hundreds arrested as anti-immigrant AfD congress starts

German police arrested some 400 protesters trying to block access to a conference being held by an anti-immigrant party on Saturday. Clashes broke out despite a tight security presence around the congress hall in Stuttgart. 
Feelings are running high over the meeting by the AfD or Alternative for Germany party.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

KENYA - Rescue teams keep searching after deadly Kenya collapse

With dozens feared trapped in the rubble, rescuers in Kenya are not about to give up.
They have pulled more than 120 survivors from a building that collapsed in the capital Nairobi, late on Friday. But the search is becoming increasingly desperate as the hours go by.
One man with no news of his sister and her family says he was called by them just before the tragedy.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

GERMANY - Former Auschwitz guard apologizes to Holocaust victims

A former Auschwitz guard on trial in Germany has apologized in court to victims. He told them he regretted being part of a criminal organization that had killed so many people. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

KENYA - Chaotic scenes in Kenyan capital

A six-storey building has collapsed in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. 
It happened at the Huruma residential estate on Friday.
The Kenyan Red Cross says rescuers are searching the scene.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CANADA - All eyes on Vancouver as a city works to regulate pot industry

Cities across Canada are watching Vancouver and its attempts to regulate a growing medical marijuana industry. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News

CANADA - Photo-radar warning lands Edmonton man $540 stunting ticket

A man who says he’s never had a photo radar ticket has been given an even bigger fine for stunting.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News

AMERICA - Judge Sentences Woman Who Cut Fetus from Womb

A judge on Friday sentenced a Colorado woman who cut a baby from a stranger's womb to 100 years in prison, including the maximum penalties for attempted murder and unlawful termination of a pregnancy.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©AP

USA - Teen's 'Fake' Gun Eyed in Md. Police Shooting

Baltimore's police commissioner says a 13-year-old boy who was shot twice by a detective, first ran from police, then turned toward them as he held a replica gun. The boy was hospitalized, but is expected to recover.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©AP

BRAZIL - Behind the Dilma Rousseff impeachment story - The Listening Post...

Audiences around the world have seen the images from the Brazilian streets - millions of demonstrators, for and against the president, in dozens of cities, in the biggest political protests in the country's history.
But is the story really about corruption, and the rampant money laundering of those involved in the Petrobras scandal, because if it is - then how is the main opposition party, many of whose own members have been implicated, in a position to impeach President Dilma Rousseff?
Or is this the story of a political power struggle? And how much of it is being driven by Brazilian media barons, who are conservative and whose ideological hostility to Rousseff's Workers' Party is no secret?

Brazil's most influential broadcast and print outlets - like Globo, Abril and Folha - are media powerhouses owned by a handful of the country's richest families.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

VENEZUELA - Closes schools in bid to mitigate power crisis

Schools in Venezuela have been ordered to suspend classes on Fridays as part of measures to save electricity.
President Nicolas Maduro has also imposed a two-day work week for public employees.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

USA - California protesters surround Donald Trump rally

US Republican presidential hopeful brought in through the backdoor as protesters throw raw eggs at police outside the hotel.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

MALAYSIA - Malaysian musicians celebrate Jazz Day

The UN is celebrating International Jazz Day on Saturday. Millions of fans across the world are marking the occasion. In places like Malaysia Jazz hasn’t found a strong following. But musicians there are celebrating the day in their own way. Sohail Rahman has more.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera

LATINO AMERICA - Latinos in US seek citizenship to vote against Trump

Donald Trump's candidacy isn't only inspiring protests on the street.
His comments against immigrants, particularly targeting Mexican nationals, has pushed many Latino residents to seek US citizenship - so that they can cast a vote in the presidential election later this year. 

INC News, 30/048/2016 - source: ©AlJAzeera

EU-RUSSIAN - Путешествуя по ЕС, европейцы будут платить гораздо дешевле за роуминг


Начиная с субботы общеевропейские тарифы на роуминг значительно снижаются. В частности, наценка за мобильный интернет и телефонные звонки понижена на 75 процентов, а текстовые сообщения - на 66 процентов. В июне 2017 года роуминг для европейцев, путешествующих по ЕС, окончательно перестанет существовать.
Теперь наценка на оплату разговора по мобильной связи в другой стране Евросоюза не сможет превышать 5 сантимов за минуту, как и стоимость мегабайта информации. 

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

EU-SPANISH - Roaming en Europa: un 75% más barato en llamadas y datos y un 66% menos ...


Usar el movil desde fuera del país de origen es desde este sábado un 75% más barato para las llamadas y un 66% menos en los mensajes de texto.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

EU-FRENCH-Téléphonie : les frais d'itinérance dans l'UE baissent à compter d'aujou

Bonne nouvelle pour les citoyens européens ! Leur facture de téléphone va baisser lors d'un voyage dans un autre pays de l'UE. On appelle cela les frais d'itinérance ou "roaming" en anglais. À compter d'aujourd'hui, ils sont divisés par quatre environ pour les appels téléphoniques et l'utilisation d'Internet, par trois pour les SMS.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

EU-ENGLISH -Drastic cuts in EU mobile roaming charges come into effect

The shock of discovering a surprisingly inflated mobile phone bill after travelling abroad within the EU should be a thing of the past from now on.

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

EU-ITALIAN - Da oggi meno caro usare il cellulare in un altro Paese Ue


Finalmente la diatriba tra societá e consumatori volge al termine e si potrá dire davvero di essere in Europa, se si usa il cellulare da un Paese differente dal proprio ma facente parte del trattato di EU. Nel prossimo anno vedremo se davvero si stabilitá del tutto la tariffa unica.

(©Mikhail Lermontov per INC News)

INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews


At least 14 killed, 25 injured as car bomb targets Shiite pilgrims near Baghdad 

A car bomb has killed at least 14 people near the Iraqi capital security officials have said, according to AFP. The bomb targeted Shiite pilgrims who were heading towards a shrine in the north of Baghdad.
The car bomb was detonated on the side of the road in the Nahrawan area. The pilgrims were making for the Imam Musa Kadhim shrine. At least 25 people have been injured, medical officials said.
Kadhim was the seventh of 12 imams revered in Shiite Islam who died in 799 AD. The event is widely commemorated and Baghdad is often brought to a standstill for days.
INC News, 30/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews

Friday, April 29, 2016

Программа ВРЕМЯ в 21.00 (29.04.2016) 29 апреля 2016 «1 канал»

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Vesti

KAZAKHSTAN - Столичные полицейские нашли мать, которая выбросила младенца

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©KTKnews

KAZAKHSTAN - Бывшего пилота «Эйр Астаны», задержанного с наркотиками, осудили

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©KTKnews

KAZAKHSTAN - Ни пяди казахстанской земли - чиновники все растолкуют

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©KTKnews

KAZAKHSTAN - В актюбинском посёлке ищут убийцу семилетнего мальчика

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©KTK news

Тысячи португальских таксистов протестуют против Uber

Масштабная манифестация таксистов прошла в пятницу в Португалии. Более шести тысяч водителей такси блокировали улицы Лиссабона, Порту и Фару. Акция проводилась в знак протеста против работы интернет-сервиса по заказу такси Uber, который обвиняют в нечестной конкуренции, в частности, в использовании незаявленной рабочей силы, отсутствии лицензий у водителей и заниженных тарифах. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Руководству швейцарского банка Crédit Suisse досталось на общем собрании...

Руководству второго по величине швейцарского банка Crédit Suisse пришлось нелегко на общем собрании акционеров в эту пятницу. Действия председателя совета директоров Урса Ронера и генерального директора Тиджейна Тиама подверглись резкой критике, в частности, за решение сохранить бонусы топ-менеджерам при сокращении 6 тысяч рабочих мест.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Европейские тарифы на роуминг снизятся перед тем, как исчезнуть - economy

Общеевропейские тарифы на роуминг снижаются 30 апреля в последний раз перед тем, как исчезнуть в июне следующего года. Цель Брюсселя, пояснил профильный еврокомиссар Андрус Ансип, не только позволить европейцам экономить на этой статье расходов, но и снять последние барьеры при создании единого цифрового рынка.

Так, оплата разговора по мобильной связи в другой стране ЕС не сможет отныне превышать 5 сантимов евро за минуту, как и стоимость мегабайта информации. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Эндрю Каннингэм "Цель - убрать легальные наркотики с полок"

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Сирийские беженцы в Турции получают предоплаченные карты на еду

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

У побережья Норвегии разбился вертолет

Транспортный вертолет упал недалеко от города Бергена на юго-западном побережье Норвегии. На его борту находились по меньшей мере 15 человек. Вертолет принадлежал одной из нефтедобывающих компаний, работающих на норвежском континентальном шельфе. Свидетели говорят, что слышали взрыв. Над местом крушения поднимается столб дыма. Туда направлены спасательные катера и вертолеты. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Метамфетамин наводняет Германию

Петровице, Чехия. Небольшой городок у границы с Германией. 
Патрик (мы изменили его имя по соображениям безопасности) - полицейский под прикрытием. Каждый день он отслеживает торговцев метамфетамином, крайне опасным наркотиком, вызывающим острую зависимость, который еще называют "кокаином для бедных". "Постарайтесь спрятать камеру, - говорит Патрик. - Это типичная лавка, в которой вьетнамцы торгуют метамфетамином". 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Карл Айкан избавляется от акций Apple - economy

Американский инвестор Карл Айкан заявил о продаже всего принадлежавшего ему пакета акций Apple. Причина - опасения того, что замедление экономики Китая негативно отразится на финансовых показателях компании, чьи квартальные результаты - впервые с 2003 года - снизились.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Показатель прибыли Amazon бьет рекорды благодаря облачному подразделению...

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

США: Трамп разозлил латиноамериканцев в Коста-Месе

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

Франция: протестные акции и аресты

Свыше 120 задержанных и десятки пострадавших, из которых 24 - сотрудники полиции. Таковы итоги прошедших во Франции за последние сутки протестов против законопроекта по либерализации трудового кодекса. Он предполагает упрощение процедуры как найма, на работу, так и увольнения, что не устраивает профсоюзы и рядовых французов. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

SEX AND LAW - Legal analysts blame Oklahoma law for sodomy ruling

CNN legal analysts Julie Rendelman and Paul Callan say the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals' sodomy ruling is correct, the state law that was prosecuted is wrong.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CNN

CALIFORNIA - Protesters await Donald Trump's arrival

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CNN

ECONOMIA - L'ira degli azionisti sui vertici di Credit Suisse

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

PORTOGALLO -I tassisti portoghesi contro Uber. In migliaia bloccano il traffico

La protesta dei tassisti contro Uber arriva anche in Portogallo. A Lisbona migliaia di vetture pubbliche hanno bloccato le principali arterie. Le accuse contro la società statunitense sono sempre le stesse: concorrenza sleale e dumping sociale. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

DROGHE - L'esperto: difficile contrastare internet, ma Europa avanti

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECONOMIA - Telefonare dall'estero è meno caro. Roaming internazionale (quasi) addio

Un passo in più verso l'abbattimento delle frontiere anche al telefono. Scattano da questo sabato le "ulteriori riduzioni" alle tariffe del roaming internazionale all'interno dei paesi dell'Unione Europea, che saranno in vigore fino alla loro totale soppressione, alla metà di giugno 2017. 

ECONOMIA - Bene l'economia dei 19. L'Eurozona vola, trascinata da Francia e Spagna ...

Trascinata dalle buone prestazioni di Francia e Spagna, l'economia dell'Eurozona accelera più del previsto: nel primo trimestre, un incremento dello 0,6% riporta il PIL dei 19 a livelli precedenti alla crisi e fa registrare un +1,6% su base annua.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

TURCHIA - Carte di credito e-Food per i rifugiati

La guerra in Siria è entrata nel sesto anno lasciando sul campo centinaia di migliaia di morti. Ha causato la più grande crisi umanitaria dalla Seconda Guerra mondiale. 6 milioni e mezzo di persone sono state sfollate e quasi 5 milioni sono rifugiati nei paesi vicini. La Turchia ha il più alto numero di rifugiati al mondo, oltre 3 milioni. 
2 milioni e settecento mila sono siriani.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

REPUB.CECA - Nel tunnel del Crystal Meth: da droga da sballo a cocaina degli operai

Petrovice, Repubblica Ceca. Un piccolo villaggio a ridosso della frontiera con la Germania. Patrick, che chiameremo così per garantirne l'anonimato, è un agente infiltrato nel traffico del "Crystal Meth" . Per i suoi effetti euforizzanti nota anche come "cocaina dei poveri" è tecnicamente metanfetamina in cristalli: una droga che crea dipendenza quasi immediata e dagli effetti devastanti. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECONOMIA - Amazon brilla e riempie le tasche del suo CEO

Nel primo trimestre Amazon brilla e trascina il suo fondatore Jeff Bezos nella scalata fra i Paperoni del Pianeta. Il colosso delle vendite online sfiora il raddoppio degli utili per azione all'equivalente di 450 milioni di euro e, con un balzo del 28,2% che mancava dal 2012, porta il suo giro d'affari a oltre 25,5 miliardi di euro.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECONOMIA - La Cina fa paura e Icahn si sfila da Apple. Duro il contraccolpo in borsa.

Avvelenata dal rallentamento dell'economia cinese, la mela morsicata non interessa più Carl Icahn. In un'intervista alla tv americana CNBC, il miliardario statunitense ha annunciato di essersi liberato di tutte le sue azioni di Apple, un pacchetto da 45,8 milioni di quote, realizzando un guadagno pari a un 1,8 miliardi di euro. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

PRESIDENZIALI USA - 20 arresti in California per disordini durante comizi

Una ventina di persone sono state arrestate ieri a Costa Mesa, nel sud della California, per i disordini provocati a margine delle proteste contro Donald Trump. Gruppi di manifestanti hanno vandalizzato un'auto della polizia e bloccato la circolazione nei pressi del centro congressi in cui il candidato alle primarie repubblicane teneva il suo comizio.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

FLORIDA - Cop arrested, fired for repeatedly hitting a handcuffed woman

A Florida police officer has been charged with battery and was fired from his position after a video emerged of him repeatedly striking a woman as she stood handcuffed. The footage released by Jacksonville Sheriff's Office shows the officer repeatedly strike the woman in the upper body after she attempts to kick him while his colleagues stand by and watch the violence unfold. 
After the cop has struck her, another police officer approaches the pair and the woman slumps to the ground beside a trash can. Other officers recorded in the video show no visible reaction to the incident.
The CCTV video was captured in the secure entranceway to the Duval County Jail as police waited to process the woman's details, who had been arrested earlier Wednesday evening.
How possible the American Police Officers are so violent? Staying outside of their problem and looking what a videocam shows about performances in these last 3-5 years, we remain astonished in looking not at all justified their behavior. Ok, if a real violent reaction from a criminal start, probably we can justify, but looking this clip, not!
(©Mikhail Lermontov, for INC News)
INC News, 26/04/2016 - source: ©RTnews

FRANCIA - Notte di violenze a margine delle proteste sociali: centinaia d...

Una cinquantina di persone sono state fermate per i disordini provocati nella notte in Place de la Republique, a Parigi: ultimi strascichi di una giornata segnata dalle violenze a margine delle manifestazioni contro la Riforma del Lavoro che sarà dibattuta in settimana dal Parlamento francese.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIO - Pillole di iodio a tutti per proteggere da fughe radioattive

Pillole di iodio in Belgio al fine di ridurre al minimo i possibili effetti derivanti da incidenti nucleari. Le pasticche servono a proteggere la tiroide in caso di fughe radioattive. Una misura precauzionale già in vigore che il ministro della Sanità belga Maggie De Block ha deciso ora di estendere di fatto agli 11 milioni di abitanti.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

NORD COREA - Condannato a 10 anni perché spiava per gli USA

Un cittadino sudcoreano naturalizzato negli Stati Uniti è stato condannato da un tribunale della Corea del Nord a dieci anni di lavori forzati per spionaggio e attività sovversive. 
Un caso tutt'altro che isolato nel Paese, dove gli stranieri, specie se statunitensi, rischiano di essere utilizzati dal regime come merce di scambio per ottenere un qualche riconoscimento diplomatico.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECUADOR - Un aereo con a bordo 93 persone esce fuori pista, nessuna vittima

In Ecuador un aereo con a bordo 93 persone è uscito fuori pista in fase di atterraggio all'aeroporto di Cuenca, 450 chilometri a sud di Quito. Due persone sono rimaste lievemente ferite.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

NORVEGIA - Trovati 11 cadaveri dopo schianto elicottero, a bordo anche un italiano

Trovati 11 cadaveri dopo che un elicottero con 13 persone è precipitato al largo della Norvegia. Si cercano due dispersi. Fra i passeggeri un italiano, come ha confermato la Farnesina, 11 norvegesi e un britannico. 
Il velivolo, costruito da Airbus Helicopters e utilizzato per conto della compagnia petrolifera statale Statoil, è precipitato vicino all'isola di Turøy, al largo di Bergen, mentre rientrava dalla piattaforma B di Gullfaks, uno dei maggiori giacimenti offshore norvegesi.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

NORWAY - At least 11 passengers killed in Norwegian helicopter crash

Rescuers in Norway say at least 11 people were killed when a helicopter carrying passengers from an oil rig crashed on a small island in the North Sea on Friday 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

DRUGS WAR - Expert says Europe needs better teamwork to fight drugs war

INC News, 29/04/2016  - source:©Euronews

TURKEY - e-Food cards for refugees

How can refugees' basic needs to be secured? Food, for example. Our new program Aid Zone goes to the country with the highest number of refugees in the world, Turkey. We travel to Gaziantep, about 100 kilometers from Aleppo. The burden of neighborhood.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CZECH REPUBLIC - Rising Crystal meth industry, winning the drug war

Petrovice is in the Czech Republic. The small town is close to the German border.
Patrick, whose name we changed for security reasons is an undercover policeman. Every day he tracks down Crystal meth traffickers. It is a highly addictive and dangerous drug often referred to as the "cocaine of the poor".

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

IRAQ - Footage from ISIL GoPro shows the reality of combat in Iraq

Footage found on a GoPro camera mounted to the helmet of a dead Islamic State (IS) fighter revealed an intense first person perspective of an Islamic State fighter during a chaotic and seemingly unorganized battle with Kurdish forces in northern Iraq. Kurdish Peshmerga forces released the footage and said the camera was found after a battle with IS militants, which they identified the fighters as.
The video revealed a side to Islamic State that is rarely seen in official propaganda videos released by the group. The fighters bicker among each other, shouting as panic sets in as they are critical of each others fighting techniques.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

USA - Angry protest outside Trump rally in California

There was a turbulent reception for Donald Trump in Southern California on Thursday with some 20 demonstrators arrested outside a campaign rally by the Republican frontrunner for the US presidential election.
The demonstrators smashed the window of a police squad car, marched in protest and blocked traffic as police in riot gear tried to disperse the crowd in Costa Mesa.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

FIFA - 'A new game, a final': UEFA's Platini makes last appeal against six-year...

Suspended UEFA president Michel Platini arrived early on Friday morning for what was arguably the match of his life, at least off the pitch: an appeal against a six-year ban from football over an allegedly irregular payment.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CHINA - Moment huge landslide crashes down onto road below

A severe landslide has damaged large parts of a major highway in southwest China on Wednesday (27 April). The landslide is said to have been caused by continuous torrential rain. 
The potential landslide was brought to local police officer's attention when a patrol unit noticed that the cliff along the changing-Shiqian highway was beginning to collapse.They quickly sealed off the area and directed vehicles onto alternative roads.
Not long after the area was sealed off, thousands of meters of earth collapsed onto the road forming a severe landslide.
Fortunately, no casualties were reported and the local government is currently repairing the road with hopes to resume normal traffic flow as soon as possible.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

FRANCE - Unrest and arrests in Paris over labour reforms

A violent day came to a violent end in Paris on Thursday as police clashed with activists occupying a prominent square to protest at labour reforms and other social issues.
Security forces moved in to disperse activists from the 'Nuit Debout' or 'Up All Night' movement from the Place de la Republique. Demonstrators have staged sit-ins in the square every evening for weeks. But with their rallies only authorized by midnight, hundreds refused to leave.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

ECUADOR - Plane skids off runway during landing

A plane carrying 93 passengers skidded off the runway after landing during heavy rain in southern Ecuador on Thursday. It happened at Cuenca airport where the jet had arrived from the capital Quito. Two people were taken to hospital with minor injuries. 

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

CUBA - British foreign secretary visits Cuba

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

BELGIUM - Gives everyone radiation protection pills

Belgium is to "supply iodine pills for all its 11 million inhabitants to help protect against radioactivity in the event of a nuclear accident. 

Read entire article clicking HERE

ALEPPO - Six days of air strikes kill an estimated 200 people

The United Nations has described the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo as 'catastrophic'. 
A human rights group estimates that six days of air strikes and rebel shelling in the city have killed around 200 people, around two-thirds of them on the opposition side. The city is split between government and opposing forces. 
On Wednesday air strikes destroyed a hospital and killed dozens of people in rebel-held areas of Aleppo.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

USA - Brother of San Bernardino killer arrested on marriage fraud charges

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©Euronews

NETHERLANDS - Twee doden door spookrijder A79

Een spookrijder heeft vrijdag op de A79 van Maastricht naar Heerlen een dodelijk ongeluk veroorzaakt. Volgens de politie zijn er bij het ongeval twee mensen om het leven gekomen. Drie personen zijn zwaargewond naar het ziekenhuis gebracht.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

NETHERLANDS - Trump-haters mollen politiewagen

De politie in Costa Mesa, Californië moet een nieuwe auto kopen. Gisteren liep een demonstratie tegen Donald Trump uit de hand. Tegenstanders van de presidentskandidaat koelden hun woede op een patrouillewagen.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf

CANADA - Desperate mom 'won't stop' until abducted kids returned from Iran

Alison Azer on the effort to get her 4 children back to Canada after they were allegedly abducted by her ex and taken to Iraq and now Iran.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News

CANADA - Message in a bottle: Mysterious tribute at a N.S. beach

Find out how a daughter paid tribute to her father with a unique twist on a message in a bottle.

Davvero originaleda fare anche altre volte in altre occasioni. Ma quante mai bottiglie si sono buttate in mare, sperando in un miracolo? In questo caso il miracolo e' arrivato. (INC News)

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News

CANADA - Stinging loss: $200K worth of bees stolen from the beekeeper

More than five million bees were stolen from an apiary near Victoriaville this week. 
Davvero oggi come oggi si ruba di tutto, ma rubare delle api, non é comune. (INC News)

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CTV News

NEW TECHNOLOGY - Hong Kong's death defying bamboo scaffolding

Pur comprendendo che sicurmente il costo sia inferiore e che il peso della struttura sia molto minore di quella tradzionale, sarebbe da vedere come la pensano le strutture di controllo sul lavoro, con tutte le nuove leggi varate per la salute e la sicurezza.
(© Mikhail Lermontov, per INC News)

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CNN

CANADA - Strong reaction to expulsion of student who forgot knife in knapsack

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News

CANADA - Parents upset with Air Canada policy

Read the entire article clicking HERE

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©CBC News

NORWAY - helicopter crashed: 13 people missing

A helicopter carrying at least 13 people has crashed in Norway near the city of Bergen. Local police say the aircraft which was carrying oil workers, crashed onto a small rocky island. No survivors have yet been found. We spoke to Kyrre Styve from the Vestnytt newspaper who is near the scene.

INC News, 29/048/2016 - source: ©BBC News

NORTH KOREA - US Citizen Gets 10 Years in N. Korea Prison

North Korea's top court on Friday sentenced a Korean-American man, who has been held since last October, to 10 years of hard labor for carrying out what it described as espionage and subversion activities.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©AP

AMERICA - Trump Calif. Rally Draws Supporters, Protesters

Thousands of Donald Trump fans and protesters gathered outside the Pacific Amphitheater some two hours before the doors opened for his campaign speech in Costa Mesa, California.

INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©AP


Helicopter with at least 14 on board 

crashes off Norway coast - TV

A helicopter has crashed off the west coast of Norway near Bergen. A number of people are visible in the sea, while the helicopter is stranded on a small island, witnesses told the TV2 news channel, as cited by Reuters.
Norwegian police say at least 14 people were on board the helicopter when it came down. The area has frequent helicopter traffic servicing offshore oil platforms in the North Sea off the Norwegian coast.
The helicopter came down near Bergen, the second-largest city in Norway.
INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©RT News

RUSSIA - The OmbudsCop: Controversial Ex-General Appointed to Defend Russia's Human Rights

Until a week ago, Russia's battered human rights community would have been hard-pressed to describe Tatyana Moskalkova as one of their own. Now, they are coming to terms with the reality that the 60-year-old former police general — with backcombed, peroxide hair and bright-pink acrylic nails — is their official spokesperson.
By the time Moskalkova was confirmed human rights ombudswoman by parliament on April 22, the monikers "OmbudsCop" and "ombudsman in epaulets" had already caught on. But, for many critics, it's her controversial career as a lawmaker that is more worrying.
In 2012, Moskalkova proposed criminalizing "affronts to morality" following the stunt of punk group Pussy Riot in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral. And last year, she submitted a proposal to return the Interior Ministry's former name to Cheka, the security apparatus infamous for mass summary executions during the Russian Civil War and the Red Terror. There was more to it than just a name: Moskalkova wanted the agency to have the required power to "establish order, preserve the country and bring calm and security."
For Sergei Kovalyov, a famous Soviet dissident who was Russia's first human rights ombudsman in 1993, the appointment of a representative of the siloviki — the security and military strongmen not known for pussyfooting around individual rights — is a story come full circle since President Vladimir Putin came to power.
"We now live in a country where an ex-KGB colonel is president and a former major general is our human rights defender," Kovalyov told The Moscow Times. "This is not a crisis, it's a catastrophe."
Read the complete article clicking HERE
INC News, 29/04/2016 - source: ©MoscowTime