Thursday, March 31, 2016
Italia: si dimette il ministro dello Sviluppo Federica Guidi
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Italy: Industry Minister Guidi quits over conflict of interest claims
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Belgian court says Salah Abdeslam should be extradited to France
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
'Only possible verdict,' says Šešelj of war crimes acquittal
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Turkey: Six dead as blast hits police vehicle in Diyarbakir
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Moment British man takes 'selfie' with EgyptAir plane hijacker
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Auto in tweeën bij ernstig ongeluk
Bij een ernstig ongeval op de Haadwei in het Friese Broeksterwoude is donderdagochtend een gewonde gevallen. De auto
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©DeTelegraaf
'Insanity:' 19-year-old charged for allegely going 250-km/hr crash
INC News, 31/03/2016 -
Turchia: esplode autobomba, strage di poliziotti a Diyarbakir
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Fbi sblocca un secondo telefono senza l'aiuto della casa costruttrice
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Infermiera arrestata in Italia. Avrebbe ucciso 13 pazienti con iniezioni...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source
L'Aja assolve Seselj che plaude così alla sentenza: "Giudici giusti e on...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Tribunale di Bruxelles approva la richiesta di estradizione in Francia d...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Acciaierie britanniche, 15 mila posti di lavoro a rischio. Scontro polit...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Turchia: esplosione in Kurdistan, sei morti e una ventina i feriti
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Sicurezza stradale, 26 vittime nel 2015. Allarme Bruxelles: fine trend p...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Argentina, ok del Senato all'accordo con i "fondi avvoltoio" Usa - economy
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Francia paralizzata per lo sciopero contro la riforma del mercato del la...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Fukushima: una nuova protezione radioattiva all'impianto nucleare
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Gli Stati Uniti incrementano la loro presenza militare in Europa. In fun...
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Turkey detains alleged killer of Russian pilot downed over Syria border
Turkish ultranationalist Alparslan Celik, who bragged about killing the pilot of a Russian Su-24 bomber downed by the Turkish Air Force on the Syrian border last November, has been arrested in his home country.
The reasons for the arrest of the radical weren’t disclosed.
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
EgyptAir Hijacker Takes Selfie with Passenger [CAUGHT ON TAPE}
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
Malaysia: Ex-Muslim Finally Allowed to Legally Be a Christian
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©CBN News
Raw: Thousands Visit Cherry Blossoms in Tokyo
Thousands of visitors have flocked to Ueno Park in Tokyo to
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©AP
Raw: Overpass Collapse in India
Multiple deaths and injuries are reported after a portion of an overpass under construction collapsed in a congested area in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata.
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©AP
Reports of explosion/bomb threat at Sweden's second-largest airport, Landvetter
A possible explosion at Sweden's Landvetter airport has been reported by the local Gotenborgs-Posten. Other reports suggest there’s a police bomb squad working in the area and two suspicious plastic bags have been found.
The airport, located outside Gothenburg, received a bomb threat in the morning. As a result, the police were placed in high visibility areas, police spokesperson Peter Adlersson told Expressen.
A few hours later, a couple of "suspicious" plastic bags were found in the domestic hall. The hall was subsequently cordoned off, Adlersson said.
According to Forex Live, it seems the reported blast was a controlled explosion of the two suspicious bags, conducted by the authorities.
INC News, 31/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Арестованному под Парижем Реде Крикету предъявлены обвинения в терроризме
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
По-настоящему весеннюю погоду прогнозируют синоптики в Казахстане
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ
Disaster film-style escape: Fishermen dash for safety as frozen lake cra...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Любовь к «зелёному» прошла: казахстанцы избавляются от доллара
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©KTKnews
Eurozona, S&P abbassa le previsioni di crescita e inflazione - economy
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Airbag difettosi, per Takata il conto potrebbe arrivare a 24 mld di doll...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Stati Uniti, Boeing annuncia oltre 4.500 esuberi entro metà anno - economy
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Bruxelles. Diversi mesi prima che l'aeroporto torni all'attività normale
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Les Blues in campo allo Stade de France 137 giorni dopo gli attentati
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Parigi, al via processo a pirati somali che uccisero proprietario di uno...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Egypt-Air. Passeggeri ed equipaggio rientrati al Cairo dopo dirottamento...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Ue-Turchia, Juncker condanna la reazione di Erdogan al video satirico te...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Ungheria, mondo della scuola in rivolta contro la riforma centralista
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Volo Egyptair: 8 giorni di carcere per Mostafa, per le autorità è "insta...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Tata Steel dice addio all'acciaio britannico: impianti in vendita - corp...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Russia, agricoltori di Krasnodar in rivolta: "Espropriano le nostre terre"
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Erdogan negli Usa per un vertice sulla sicurezza nucleare non avrà incon...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Tight security at Paris stadium for first international football match s...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brazil: President Dilma Rousseff's government loses support of largest c...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Sharp rise in new migrant arrivals to Greece despite EU-Turkey deal
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Growing trend: Drivers install dash cams as eyewitness tools
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©CTV News
Watch how Cortana, Bots and Bing are powering the latest version of Skype
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©Cnet
Investigation launched into plane crash that killed Jean Lapierre and si...
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©CBC News
Mother of Italian student killed in Egypt dismisses official account
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©AlJAzeera
NC ‘Anti-LGBT’ Law | Protesters Flood North Carolina Streets
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
Teen Trump Protester Pepper-Sprayed at Rally [CAUGHT ON TAPE]
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
Jill Kelley on Her Role in the Scandal that Took Down Petraeus
INC News, 30/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Каннский кинофестиваль в третий раз откроет фильм Вуди Аллена
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Опубликовано видео с прохождением досмотра в аэропроту предполагаемым уг...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Еврозона: рост кредитования бизнеса и населения ускоряется - economy
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
"Роснефть" "справилась с нестабильностью цен" и теперь увеличивает инвес...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Pubblicate le immagini del dirottatore all'aeroporto di Alessandria d'Eg...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Yahoo a potenziali acquirenti: offerte preliminari entro l'11 aprile - e...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Una settimana fa gli attacchi, chiuso sine die l'aeroporto di Zaventem
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Dirottatore libera gli ostaggi e si arrende. Si conclude a Cipro il diro...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Samsung Pay sbarca in Cina. La sfida a Apple e ai rivali locali - economy
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Maserati, tappetino difettoso. Sosta forzata ai box per migliaia di vett...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Anbang rilancia: 14 mld di dollari per gli hotel Starwood - economy
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Russia, Rosneft lancia un piano di investimenti da mille miliardi di rub...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Usa. Trasgender, governatore Georgia blocca legge discriminatoria
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
France football team to play at national stadium for first time since Pa...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Brussels "still in shock" one week after suicide bomb attacks
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
World's first flexible smartphone being developed in Ontario
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©CTV News
EgyptAir Hijacker Wearing 'Suicide Vest' Goes Through Airport Security [...
Suspected EgyptAir hijacker Seif Eldin Mustafa is seen going through security at Borg El Arab Airport in Alexandria, Egypt, before boarding the flight. The man had a “suicide vest” that contained no explosives -- just mobile phone cases made to look like a suicide belt, according to the Cyprus Foreign Ministry.
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
Fidel Castro Blasts 'Brother Obama': We Don't Need Anything from 'The Em...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©CBN News
Захват А320: кадры освобождения заложников
По сообщению авиакомпании EgyptAir, большинство пассажиров захваченного самолета A320, приземлившегося в аэропорту кипрской Ларнаки, освобождены. На борту лайнера остаются четверо пассажиров-иностранцев и экипаж.
Ранее сообщалось, что из захваченного лайнера, в котором в общей сложности находились 81 пассажир и 7 членов экипажа, выпустили детей и женщин.
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©BBC News
EgyptAir hijack: Cyprus President laughs off hijacking - BBC News
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has said that the hijacking of an EgyptAir plane that landed at Larnaca airport was not linked to terrorism. Unconfirmed reports have suggested the lone hijacker wanted to talk to his estranged wife in Cyprus.
But others say he
When asked to confirm whether the incident was over a woman, Mr Anastasiades laughed and said: "Always there is a woman involved."
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Долой монополии!
На 16 миллионов тенге оштрафовали аэропорт Астаны за монополизацию услуг такси
Любое использование материалов допускается только при наличии гиперссылки на Tengrinews.k
Аэропорт Астаны оштрафовали за ограничение допуска служб такси к его привокзальной площади, передает корреспондент со ссылкой на пресс-службу Комитета по регулированию естественных монополий и защите конкуренции МНЭ РК.
Департамент Комитета провел расследование нарушений антимонопольного законодательства в отношении АО "Международный аэропорт Астаны". "Был установлен факт нарушения антимонопольного законодательства в следующих действиях: ограничение доступа к привокзальной площади аэропорта для услуг оказания деятельности такси, в частности, к первой линии, применение разных условий к потребителям путем предоставления отдельным потребителям площади в зонах прилета для размещения диспетчерской службы такси, отдельного въезда, размещения информации на сайте аэропорта", - говорится в информации.
О том, что аэропорт Астаны таким образом нарушает антимонопольное законодательство, сообщалось ранее.
Любое использование материалов допускается только при наличии гиперссылки на
Disabled refugee inventor builds electric bike - BBC News
Three years ago Safwan Harb fled the violence in Syria with two family members. They all have disabilities and have struggled to get around on the unpaved roads of Jordan's Zaatari refugee camp. But Mr Harb came up with a solution - an electric bicycle made from spare parts he found. It can be used by people with disabilities to have more independence. About 80,000 people are estimated to live in the Zaatari refugee camp.
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Trump campaign manager arrested for assaulting Breitbart reporter
Donald Trump’s campaign manager has been arrested and charged with battery for intentionally hurting a journalist at a Florida political event. Corey Lewandowski grabbed the arm of Michelle Fields, a former Breitbart reporter, police records show. The altercation at a Trump rally in Jupiter, Florida, on March 8 left Fields with a bruised arm after Lewandowski grabbed her.
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Raw: Foot of Snow Hits Western Nevada
An early spring storm dumped up to a foot of heavy snow on western Nevada on Monday. The mountains of northeast Nevada could get 20 inches of blowing snow.
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©AP
The history of Hijacked EgyptAir Plane Lands in Cyprus in 3 clips from ABC News
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
American Airlines Pilot Who Authorities Say Failed Breathalyzer Test Fac...
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
Situation of EgyptAir in Larnaca Airport cleared.
All hostages free, hijacker arrested.
11:46 GMT
The hijacker has emerged from the aircraft with his hands held up, Cyprus TV reports. According to the Foreign Ministry’s Twitter account, the stand-off is over and the man has been arrested.
- Its over. The
#hijacker arrested.#LarnacaAirport # Egyptair1,322 retweets436 likes
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©CyprusMFA - RT News
Aereo Egypt Air dirottato su Cipro: attentatore a bordo con 4 stranieri ed equipaggio
Un Airbus dell'Egypt Air con 81 persone a bordo è stato dirottato da Alessandria d'Egitto verso Cipro. L'Airbus 320 dell'Egypt Air è atterrato nella capitale cipriota Larnaka e secondo le prime informazioni il pilota sarebbe stato minacciato da almeno un uomo a bordo del volo m8181. L'attentatore ha annunciato di avere indosso una cintura esplosiva. Non risultano per ora richieste specifiche, solo che le auto della polizia si allontanino dall'aeromobile ora sulla pista. Dal velivolo stanno scendendo alcune persone, la compagnia aerea ha annunciato su Twitter che sono in corso negoziati. Secondo un tweet di Egyptair a bordo sono rimasti solo i membri dell'equipaggio e quattro stranieri. L'Egyptair sta per rilasciare un comunicato ufficiale.
Hijacked Egyptian airliner with 81 onboard lands at Larnaka Airport, Cyprus
Egyptair flight MS181 en route from Alexandria to Cairo has been hijacked and has landed in Cyprus, Cypriot officials have confirmed. It was also confirmed that the pilot of the plane was threatened by a passenger with a suicide belt.
INC News, 29/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews-Web-ANSA
Monday, March 28, 2016
Действия пилотов при отказе шасси показали на тренажере инструкторы
Действия пилотов при отказе шасси показали на тренажере в Академии гражданской авиации в Алматы. Пилот-инструктор Ильяс Исаков на авиасимуляторе Airbus A320 сымитировал ситуацию невыпуска передней стойки шасси самолета. Он снизил скорость и выпустил шасси, однако на приборе вместо трех зеленых треугольников загорелось всего два
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©TengriNews
Inconsistent drug ban lists make athletes fall into trap - Russian Sport...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Kim Jong-un provides 'field guidance' at North Korea military drills
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Найдите 10 отличий: Турция сквозь призму российских и американских СМИ
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Вовсе не террорист: СМИ узнали, кем был сфотографировавшийся с Меркель б...
Внимание интернет-пользователей привлекла фотография канцлера ФРГ Ангелы Меркель с беженцем, сделанная в сентябре 2015 года. Она вызвала бурное обсуждение в сети, потому что многие приняли автора селфи, улыбающегося рядом с лидером ФРГ, за исполнителя брюссельских терактов 22 марта. Позднее выяснилось, что 19-летний сириец Анас Модамани очень расстроился из-за того, что его перепутали с террористом.
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Эксперт: Обязанность любой авиакомпании — не допускать переутомления пил...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Пакистан: смертник, взорвавшийся в Лахоре, преподавал в семинарии
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
К делу о парижских терактах: Реда Крикет останется под стражей
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Стиль жизни: японцы предпочитают классику и ценят шутки - focus
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
"Брату Обаме": Фидель Кастро усомнился в искренности главы Белого дома
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Shooting locks down US Capitol
The US Capitol complex and White House were locked down after reports of an active shooter on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress and the tourists visiting the building have been told to shelter in place.
No one is allowed to enter or exit any of the buildings in the congressional complex. Anyone outside is being advised to“seek cover immediately,” local media report.
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Il Giappone attira le aziende del lusso e del lifestyle - focus
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Uk, il maltempo crea disagi. Voli cancellati e case senza corrente
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Da Palmira a Mosul, Isil e al Nusra in ritirata in Iraq e Siria
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
E' ancora caccia al "terzo uomo" degli attentati di Bruxelles
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Fidel Castro sur les Etats-Unis : "Nous n'avons pas besoin que l'empire ...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Attentat de Lahore : le pape appelle le Pakistan à protéger la minorité ...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Palmyra: A look inside recaptured ancient city in Syria - BBC News
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©BBC News
Raw: High Winds Batter Britain, Knock Out Power
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©AP
Canadian scientists seek natural cure for superbug infections
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Командир экипажа самолета Bek Air: Я хотел жить, я хотел нормально произ...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©TengriNews
Ученые ЕС сконструировали робота-компаньона для детских онкобольниц - fu...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Ирак: Муктада ас-Садр начал sit-in в "зеленой зоне" Багдада
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Италия передаст Бельгии изготовителя фальшивых документов для террористов
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Iraq: Muqtada al Sadr è entrato nella Zona verde di Baghdad
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Pakistan. Sale a 69 morti il bilancio dell'attentato di Pasqua a Lahore
INC News, 28/03/2016 / source ©Euronews
Brussels bombings: Belgian police question nine after raids
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Sending Japanese soldiers to fight overseas 'undermines constitution'
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©AlJazeera
Robert De Niro Pulls Anti-Vaccine Documentary from the Tribeca Film Fest...
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©AbcNews
60 Flydubai, Emirates pilots tell RT of fatigue, intimidation, misuse of authority
After a Flydubai whistleblower contacted RT, some 60 people claiming to work or have worked for that airline and Emirates contacted us with allegations of pilot fatigue and airline intimidation.
They said complaints led nowhere as the aviation authority took no action, as it is controlled by the same people as the airline. RT has published accounts of only those people whose IDs have been verified.
We invite our readers to have a look and read the article produced as exclusive by RT News clicking HERE
INC News, 28/03/2016 - ©RTnews
They said complaints led nowhere as the aviation authority took no action, as it is controlled by the same people as the airline. RT has published accounts of only those people whose IDs have been verified.
We invite our readers to have a look and read the article produced as exclusive by RT News clicking HERE
KAZAKHSTAN - Ace pilots belly land passenger jet in Kazakhstan, all 116 passengers safe
Kazakh pilots safely landed a passenger plane without the use of its front wheels after a malfunction in the aircraft’s front landing gear on Sunday. Video of the miraculous landing immediately emerged online.
The incident took place when the Fokker 100 aircraft operated by Kazakh airline ‘Bek Air’, which had departed from Kyzylorda, was landing at Astana International Airport on Sunday morning. The pilots realized the front wheels were malfunctioning when the plane was already in descent.
“So far we know that the landing gear was not coming out,” airline board chairman Nurlan Zhumasultanov, told Russian news agency RIA.
“The plane’s commander took an expert decision to land without the front landing gear. The plane landed on girt pads and leg doors. The aircraft received minimal damage, it can be restored,” Zhumasultanov added.
After receiving news of the malfunction, the airport crew covered the runway with foam to minimize friction. The plane touched down some 45 minutes later than scheduled, after making several loops around the airfield.
All 116 passengers and five crew members on board the Bek Air plane landed safely, with no injuries reported.
A criminal investigation has been launched under a law called “Violation of safety rules and operation of air transport”. The cause of the mishap will be investigated by a special commission of the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan, which manages air traffic and safety.
Commander Dmitry Rodin and co-pilot Vadim Smerechansky, who landed the Bek Air plane without casualties, will receive state awards, Minister for Investment and Development Aset Isekeshev announced on Facebook.
Morning flights at Astana International Airport were delayed due to the incident, but the airport is now operating as usual.
INC News, 28/03/2016 - source: ©RTnews
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Программа Воскресное Время (27.03.2016) 27 марта 2016 «1 канал»
INC News, 27/03/2016 - source: ©Vesti
Домбровых дел мастера из Уральска раскрыли секреты изготовления инструмента
INC News, 27/03/2016 - source: ©Telekanal 24KZ
Papa Francesco: "Il terrorismo è una forma cieca ed efferata di violenza"
INC News, 27/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Belgio, nuovi blitz nell'inchiesta sugli attentati: filo rosso con strag...
INC News, 27/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
Tensione a Bruxelles: polizia disperde centinaia di ultrà di estrema destra
INC News, 27/03/2016 - source: ©Euronews
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